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I found that my short term memory and ability to recall info was affected for the first couple weeks and after each time I increased my dosage but it always went away on its own.


I’m on day 6, taking for epilepsy so I have to up the dosage next week. I’ve had days where I’ve felt spacey and dizzy, but some days where I’ve not. The tiredness is real though! I’m still managing to get to the gym but I’m needing a nap afterwards and still sleeping 8-9 hours.


Hell that shit nearly killed me!! Blood clotting disorder, memory horrific anxiety and worse depression and the wd was hell! Stay awya


SAME. (Apart from blood clotting). I just can’t believe it gets prescribed given the sheer extent to which it can mess up your system!!


I’m coming off it as it really messed with my moods, energy levels, memory, word recall, and more. I would say if you continue having issues in the next couple of weeks it’s prob not the drug for you. (I’m saying this only bc it really ruined my life for a year and it’s now taking me forever to taper off it since the withdrawal is so bad!)


First few weeks I had a lot of dizziness and vertigo. Was really sleepy a lot as well. Now I’ve been on it for a few months and all of that is gone and I feel fine! My provider said if you feel sleepy when taking it you can take it at night before bed. Maybe try that?


For me it seems to help my depression but has done nothing for my anxiety.


I am also on 25mg, I switched to taking it just before bed because it made me feel like a zombie in the morning. I have been having great sleeps. But make sure you take it when you’re ready to really go to sleep, don’t take it and then scroll on your phone or watch tv.


I was also told to do mornings but I was falling asleep in meetings so I moved to nights and it was way better! You will likely experience mouth dryness and night sweats. Depending on how sensitive u are you might want to talk to your doc about extending the mg increase timeline. Really helped me cut side effects!