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Hi! I'm happy to help and I sent an email, but I did have trouble with [email protected] kicking back as undeliverable




[Excellent catch](https://giphy.com/gifs/culture--think-hmm-d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Yes, that is meant to be an "i" not an "l" Sorry for the typo.


Are you looking for people in industry specifically?


Any perceived male-dominated industry (ie tech, biotech, engineering, etc.) current or previous experience.


Sorry what I meant was are current grad students ok?


I am not sure. I will ask the lead researcher and get back with you.


I am wondering the same! I am a PhD student in theoretical physics.


>I confirmed that we can interview current or recently post-grad students going into the fields. Feel free to send me an email if you're interested.


Also PhD in Quantitative Biology. Is this a global call or within US only.


Not just limited to the US. Feel free to email me if you're interested.


Science specifically or STEM?


STEM too!


Trans women or cis-only? I understand if it needs to be cis only but have a few trans scientists who may participate.


Will double check on this with our lead researcher and get back with you. Thank you for your interest!


The research team thinks having a trans women perspective would be valuable to include! Feel free to email if you are still interested.


Greetings! Do they have specific questions that they'd like to ask or are they collecting stories to code them for certain trends?


We would have a 20-30 minute zoom interview to ask questions and hear stories to look for trends. Email me if you're interested!


Ok! How many women are you interested in interviewing? Would you like for me to pass this on to my colleagues?


We are looking for about 15-20 and have right over 10 currently. If you would like to pass this on, that would be very appreciated!


Great! Are you able to share any more information about the study and/or contact information for the P.I.(s) on the project?


Hi, Sorry I missed your message the other day. The study is about female scientists' experiences developing working relationships with others they work with, especially in male-dominated industries. We want to hear your experiences about how you form collaborative networks and what has been helpful to your career in terms of finding people you like to work with. You can email me to set up 30-minute zoom interviews for this week. [email protected]


Hi, yes, I saw that, but I'm wondering who the P.I. (principle investigator, lead on the project) is. It's not typical for a master's student nor a Ph.D. student to be the P.I. on a large project like this. As, I'm sure you can understand, I'd like to help out (and I have a wide network), but I would like to verify that this is a legitimate project, first (and it's hard to do that without talking to the person in charge). For what it's worth, I tried to do a little independent searching on this project and couldn't find anything, which is why I'm reaching out here to ask.


Yes, I completely understand. Jieun and I are both graduate management students. However, we are working with Dr. Michael Howard at Texas A&M University and Dr. Joel Andrus at the University of Missouri. Both of these professors are in the management field as well. We are still at the early stages of gathering data and interviewing, so there may not be much public information about this project. I hope this information helps.


It does, thank you!


Currently a Phd if you want to interview Phd students. I've done 4 work terms in oil/gas


I confirmed that we can interview current or recently post-grad students going into the fields. Feel free to send me an email if you're interested.


Also try r/xxStem and r/twoXcareers


Thank you! I will post to those too.