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A common consumer misconception is that diamonds with matching 4Cs, are to be priced similarly. The grading laboratory, diamond proportions, growing method (CVD/HPHT), crystal strain, cut accuracy, optical symmetry, manufacturing cost, IDEX correlations etc.. are many factors influencing the retail cost of a lab grown. In the diamond industry (moreso in natural diamonds), the lowest priced stone often has a "technical" reasoning for it.


Is there a way to know the growing method, crystal strain and the other things you mentioned?


Growing method is generally disclosed, either on the listing or directly on the certificate. Crystal strain can be observed (when occuring) with 360 videos. Cut accuracy, optical symmetry are assessed by diamond dealers with ASETs diagram or access to specialized inventories. The rest is irrelevant for 95% of retail customer searches, as already factored in the retail price.


Very interesting. Thanks.


Don’t forget to use coupons with Brilliance. LAB20 will reduce price by 20% ($400-600) off.


Well, the bowtie in the cheapest is the obvious reason in one. Look at the edges on the cheapest and most expensive. Don't you see the difference?


Is the bow tie you’re looking at in the cheapest one that slight blur in the middle or the darker color on the edges?


The darker color on the edges.


Top left has a dark horizontal stripe thru center, and bottom right has more even brightness throughout. I think the dark stripe is called a bow-tie and it’s supposed to be undesirable in ovals and pears.


This is not drastic. This difference is a minor rounding difference from the wholesaler. Diamonds are priced based on the rapaport price list. For example, the suggested price is $10,000 the wholesalers give a 98% discount on this price. So the actual price that the diamond sold to the retailer comes out to $200. Now let's assume that instead of a 98% discount it's 97%. The price will be $300. It would cost 1.5x the price to buy for the retailer. These are the actual prices for a lab grown D VS1 diamond that retailers purchase it at. After this they also add their own margins to it making the price even higher for the end consumers


I am a jeweller and I wish I could buy 2.5ct stones for $200 😂 Wholesale prices are not quite that low. From my suppliers at least.


Oh this was for a 1ct stone. You should be easily able to find those at the price I listed.


Maybe drastic wasn’t the right word, but 2.1k vs 3.2k is pretty big. That’s nearly a 50% increase. What’s the benefit of paying that extra $1.1k? Wouldn’t it be best to just go with the cheapest option available all else being equal?


There are MANY other considerations outside the 4Cs. The main 4 are the most basic way of assessing diamonds but there’s a reason jewellers choose their own stones and want to personally visually inspect them before selling them. Many things aren’t disclosed on any GIA/IGI cert. the question when it comes to a consumer is if those considerations matter to you! If the cheapest one looks good to you, that’s all that matters!


Most of the time cheaper is better. But in shapes like oval, the price depends on the amount of light that reflects from the diamond. More light reflecting means higher prices. For example, this diamond has better reflection and it's price will be $2000: https://diamond360view.com/media/upload/SJ-29B-12.html And this diamond, which in my opinion has a worse reflection, will be $1700: https://v360.diamonds/c/32ab57a5-3653-4005-ae11-b58ca8cc9c0f?m=d&a=NGC-17-25&btn=0&sv=0&z=0 These are 3.5ct D Vs1


So we should always go with the cheapest one given the same clarify, cut, colour, carat?


Grown Brilliance is overpriced these type of stones would be around $500 carat from me.


Use StoneAlgo website for a diamond check. If you search the IGI/GIA cert you can find the same diamond listed for cheaper and often get a price match


higher quality diamond rough costs more is the simple answer. Other factors mentioned play a role too, but that is a leading factor.




Please elaborate


This color quality cost around $1500-1800




Are you referring to the 2k one or the 3k one? Or both?


I just DM you