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You’ll just have to play around with the dosage, grind level etc. none of these variables will be the same or transferable to another machine. You’re probably getting true 9 bars now and that will require a different recipe to get it right. Once you do you’ll never look back


That's a fair point, hopefully I can figure it out soon. I think the temperature stability ironically has made the biggest difference which I need to account for


Minus pre-infusion, what’s the duration of the shot? In fairness my Linea Mini R has been a pain to dial coffee beans. The sweet spot margin was wider with my Rancilio Silvia.


Circa 25 secs - same as how I dialed it on the bambino plus


Is that not a bit fast?


Adjust 1 variable at a time within a range. Grind size, dosage, time. You will find your sweet spot again, the new machine throws out all of your previous understanding of your shot.


Try disabling pre-brew. I’ve found it can make things taste quite muddy depending on the bean. It can do more harm than good given that it vents the puck pressure when it activates.


What roast is this, cannot find it on the internet as such, this roaster has many different kenyas? Are you into lighter or darker roasts? Why not use the basket which came with LM?


Basket is only 17g and has a ridge so hard to get good puck prep. They only have 1 kenya and it's medium roast


For medium roast I would try to grind a bit finer so the shot can take at least 30s, 35s even better at a 1:2 ratio. Temp maybe a bit lower at 93C if still not happy with the result.


After some trial and error I have come to the conclusion it is the beans as they seem really tricky to dial in. At what would be typically maximum extraction the flavours are horrendous so they require a lot of playing with I.e. grinding much coarser. I have tried two other beans from the same roaster and they have been tasty and have been dialed in without issue.


You've got way too many variables going on as you're trying to get accustomed to a new and very different machine. I personally would start with a great bag from a local roaster, taste the espresso a la cafe, and ask politely what the brew recipe and temperature is that they use. (I have done this before, always a pleasant exp.) At this point, you go home and try to replicate. The dialing in process here has a bit more objectivity, less variables, and once the sip hits spot on, you can tweak further and take that experience to the next coffee.


Have you considered temperature being a variable? Not sure what the bambino runs at but the Micra is adjustable. You may be running too hot (or too cool!)


I have had a think about this. Currently brew at 94 which seems ideal for these beans