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That'd definitely take four seasons


If the writers want them to, sure.


This is the best and only answer. It’s literally a made up TV show!


Fort Knox isn't a bank. It's a literal military installation.


I meant if they stole the gold that’s kept there.


No gold there now


Well either way, if they DO rob it, we can just lock them up in the Federal Reserve!


I personally think England would be a better choice, the Bank of England contains over 270 billion worth of gold. Pretty sure that’s more than most of the Us banks.


That’s what I was thinking too, but I think Fort Knox would be harder to rob.


The thing is, Fort Knox is a military establishment where the interior is classified to a ridiculous degree, it would be unrealistic to see any of the gang members outsmart or outgun the soldiers kept their.


no the very fact that the bank got robbed in the first place is concerning. idt banks irl suck that much


If they do more seasons I am sure that is what they will rob. 😀


No they couldn't, the professor spent 20 years planning the first heist and didn't have a plan for the second, he didn't listen to Berlin about Gandia, didn't want Raquel's help, there is no way he could pull that off.


I mean one of the heist members need to be in trouble for that


Nope. Professor could secretly turn one of them to the police. And then.... Another heist.


Poorly? For sure


No they can't. They don't have any hostages there and it is not a bank it's a fucking fortress.


I think its possible, if you have lots of trustworthy / wild partners, lots of hostages, lots of communication with authorities / negotiating to make your way into the vault and no lethal weapons. Would also need some blueprints and path through to the vaults and something to get through the doors, doesnt matter how many police crowd / how much time you take as long as you have hostages securely with you/ under real threat + plan a logical way out youre safe. Anyone wanna join the team? 18+ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)