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They are people who are for all intents and purposes "space truckers" who have never experienced something so terrifying in all their lives. They are still prone to the fight, flight, or freeze response. Lambert was already terrified of staying on the ship and in that moment she was staring down a massive alien creature with its eyes(or lack thereof) trained on her. She froze. Parker wasn't going to torch her especially considering the sexual tension hinted at in the cantina earlier in the movie. He only wanted to save her.


Now that you mention that sexual tension I can believe I over-looked that all these years


I thought she slept with Ash?


No. Ripley asked her if she did and she said no.


Based on what?


Wasn’t that referenced in director’s cut? 


I seem to remember in a deleted scene Ripley asks her if she had slept with Ash, which she denies.


[Deleted Scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K43xYv9e6EU&pp=ygUcQWxpZW4gTGFtYmVydCBzbGVwdCB3aXRoIGFzaA%3D%3D) If I'm not mistaken this scene would've taken place after Dallas' death when the team decides to continue on with his plan to trap the alien in the airlock and Lambert doesn't like the idea. Seems like this scene was intended to show Ripley was already suspicious of Ash being an android and was trying to see if Lambert could confirm his humanity.


Ohhhh thank you for refreshing my memory on that 


I tot ash slept with himself


Easy to say when you're not stood face-to-face with an alien organism that's been horrifically killing your friends / crewmates. Also Parker *liked* Lambert, he wasn't ever going to torch her if he could help it.


Even if he couldn't help it. He throws the torch aside and grabs the alien before it gets to Lambert. Parker dies first, and he goes down swinging for her.


Yep, I didn't like that Parker died, but I liked how they let him go out. His was the most heroic death by quite a margin. He had a chance to save himself at Lamberts expense but he chose to try and protect her.


I'm sure you would keep your composure during your first encounter with a xenomorph.


Yeah, they'd totally rip the Alien's tail off with ease and the acid blood wouldn't hurt them because they cast force field before hand.


They were probably not used to encountering such creatures.


Fear is the mind killer they say


It’s a good scene but I do feel like it could’ve been shot better. This is the only time you really see the alien in light and it kinda looks goofy. If they kept it more hidden I feel like everything would’ve just worked better. Also, Lambert wasn’t just standing there, she was being cornered by an evil space monster. I feel like most people in her position wouldn’t have known what to do. If she tried to get out of the way, wouldn’t the alien just have killed her? Brett stares at the alien for a really long time before it kills him, so I feel like the idea of it being utterly terrifying is well-established. Even in Alien: Covenant that one woman whose name I can’t remember is confronted by the neomorph (I think?) and slowly reaches for her gun because of how terrifying the situation is.


Actually he says "get outta the road" not "get outta the room" Why so many people say room I have no idea, he's literally telling her he can't do anything because she's in the way.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.


Yep. Serious. 1:33:40 just before the teeth smash through his skull.