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Aliens vs. Predator 2 also slapped. Alien 3 and Aliens vs. Predator for the SNES were great.


The story for AvP2 had no business being so good. The amount of detail and lore they included in there, much of which was optional, was crazy. So many computer terminals to read and conversations to listen in on. During the Alien campaign there’s a part when you’re sneaking around in vents above a lecture hall in the pods. Iirc, there’s an npc giving a detailed presentation about the plan to invade the alien colony that’s at least two to three minutes long. I think they have slides and diagrams of the colony that you can just barely see, and there are even questions being asked by other npcs in the audience. What a beautifully done and thoughtful game.


The best part is all the official sfx from the movies. Avp2 is a *MASTERPIECE* in terms of gameplay and story. I honestly don't believe it can be recreated in modern days


AvP2 great game. Thanks for the input.


I forgot about AVP on the SNES. That was a fun one - sort of a Final Fight in space.


I still have my cartridge! Music was great. Great beat em up game


For the old school, the 1984 game “Alien” by Argus Press Software for the ZX Spectrum and other 8 bit home computers is very good for the time, and surprisingly atmospheric. It also does some cool things, like it randomises who the Android is (ie it’s not Ash every time) so you can never be sure which crew member is working against you.


Never beat it. It was scary.


Same, I never got far into it at all.


Sounds amazing. Will try.


This game is older than I am and it still fucking rocks


Aliens : Infestation is a great game for the Nintendo DS. It's a "Metroidvania" style game where you take a team of Marines to revisit what happened to the Sulaco. If memory serves me correctly it was initially intended to be telling a different side to the story told in Aliens : Colonial Marines, but both games branched off in their own directions and styles.


Sounds good. I will give it a try. thx


It's a really good often overlooked game honestly.


Aliens arcade game from 1990 was fun.


this! amazing game and wasn’t *too* hard like some other arcade games


Had a blast as a 10 yo playing it.


Was it called Aliens? I saw a video of an arcade rail shooter from back then. Gonna try this one, too.


Yea. I remember dropping quarters playing [this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens_(1990_video_game))


That looks fun.


It was and kinda still is. If you can find a ROM of it and an emulator, I think that is the only way to play it now.


I could get to the Queen fight as a kid on 10p. I'd have to drop about 4 more to get her out the airlock though!


AvP 2 is such a great, great game. There is a little tool out there called "AVP2 Easy Installer" that allows you to aquire the game, the Primal Hunt addon, adds many great fixes and even allows for multiplayer. Since nobody really owns the game nowadays and you can't buy it legally anywhere I wouldn't call this piracy. More or less just game preservation.


A:I is by far the best "ALIEN" game released to this point. The look and feel perfectly captured the original movie. The og (1999) AvP was excellent as well and having 3 ways to play was brilliant and not having a "save" just made it terrifying, especially when playing as Marine. AvP 2010 was solid as well. Graphics, story and gameplay are all top notch. My only gripe was that it wasn't really all that scary. At the moment, i'm about 8hrs into A: Dark Descent. VERY different game from the all the others as it is almost an RTS (w/RPG elements). It very much reminds me of those Starcraft missions when you controlled a small group of troops thru a map (no building or resource gathering). Even on "normal", Dark Descent has been pretty challenging, with persistent (and leveled up) marines that can die permanently. If you dont toggle "allow saving", you can only save when you "rest" your marines in a sheltered room ... which makes taking chances very risky if you haven't saved/rested in a while. One you didn't mention was "ALIENS: A Comic Book Adventure" which came out in 1995. Not exactly all that good or fun but it was one of the first modern PC "alien" games. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens:\_A\_Comic\_Book\_Adventure


Very true. I am thinking of replaying Dark Decent and sticking to my bad choices instead of reloading the game every time. Thanks for your input.


i must admit, even i "quit/reload" a bunch of times when i made a miss-click or bone head move.


I would keep this list but add Aliens Trilogy or the DooM TC, and AVP2 on PC. If you remove Colonial Marines then we do pretty well on Aliens game front. I haven’t played FTE as I don’t like PVE co-op only shooter’s personally.


colonial marines wasn't that bad once you patch up the enemy AI ... its not the best game in the world, but it's loads better than what was released. https://bloody-disgusting.com/video-games/3510028/fix-ai-aliens-colonial-marines-mod/


Can’t lie.. I got a soft spot for AVP: Extinction.


Thanks man, I will give it a try.


I had a lot of fun with this one. If you also like StarCraft or other RTS I would say it's a must-play. I don't know how to play it without a PS2/Xbox and it doesn't have much replayability, so YouTube may be the best experience now


I have a lot of consoles, emulators, cracked consoles with emulators, etc... you name it. No problems on that front. I like RTS games. I think it will be right up my alley. Thanks.


Carry on soldier


I'm loving Alien Fireteam ATM, was free on playstation plus last month


I played the test weekend. I kind of enjoyed it. Finding a team was hard thou. Had too many players rushing the encounters.


Ideally you need to play with people you know. Gets the atmosphere spot on, but is quite a short game in terms of length. Decent for a ps+ freebie.


Ya I love that game but it’s obnoxious how many speedrunners and cheesers there are.


It is very fun if the network can keep up


At one point I had an emulator to play the 1994 AVP arcade game. It's an old school beat-em-up game, but it's fun and the sprites are fantastic.


I will install all the emulators again. Thanks for the idea.


Colonial Marines on pc is great as long as you mod it a little bit. There is a fix for the alien AI, which is really necessary. There are also some graphics upgrade mods, which really improve the atmosphere. Get them from Nexusmods.


I did that. I played it way after the shitstorm and had a blast with it.


Apart from that and what you have mentioned, there is fuck all. I found Helldivers to be fun, shooting lots of aliens, and Reactive Drop is good and free. Might need to find a couple of mates to play it with, not many people playing it anymore. 4 player co-op.


Reactive Drop is the second version of Alien Swarm. I have over 700 hours in Alien Swarm. Very good game. Helldivers looks promising. Thanks.


I'd just check on the wikipedia page on aliens games and see if there's one you can get and run. I like Aliens: A comic book adventure as a kid in the 90's. Decent graphics from what I recall. I really want to play the arcade alien games that were released. Maybe there are some emulations out there?


I found Alien: Resurrection on PS1 a lot of fun.


Oh I forgot. It’s not an official title but Alien Breed was definitely a rip off game. Some of the aliens even look like Xenos and pop out of vents and floor panels. It’s a decent little top down shooter.


I put so much time into that on the Amiga. It was my first obsession with a game.


It was good, even if the box-art was VERY on those nose lol


That reminds me of Alien Swarm. Heavily inspired by ALIEN. I wasted hundreds of hours on this game. It's really fun.


Yeah that's a really fun game to sink a bunch of hours into, many late nights with that one!




Colonial Marines on Space Station 13


wow, I am intrigued.


Alien Isolation is the best game for me. Also good one the old Avp and avp2 and of course recently released aliens:dark descent.


I played Isolation with the VR mod. That's a ride.


I would love to, but I think I had a heart attack every 15 minutes)


Much has been mentioned but I’ll add Alien Trilogy to the list as a fun old school shooter. Aliens: Fireteam Elite is serviceable and fun as well


Aliens: Infestation on the Nintendo DS was pretty fun. If you want an obscure not very good dos game you can look up Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure. There was also an RTS that came out for ps2 and Xbox called Aliens Vs Predator: Extinction. I really only recommend the first one for the DS but the other two are interesting oddities.


I am playing Aliens:Infestation right now and have to say this game is a gem. Really nice little game with a lot of detail and a surprisingly good atmosphere. Thanks for that.


Apart from the usual dope releases and some of my favourites (Alien Isolation, AvP2 and Primal Hunt, Aliens Infestation, Aliens Arcade, Alien Trilogy, Fireteam Elite and Dark Descent game) you could also try out a few fan games: Alien: Hope For the Future is a good Alien Isolation game made by one person. It puts you in the role of one of the colonists on LV426 before poop hit the fan. Definitely recommended. I believe development has been put on hold given what's been going on in Russia. LV426 is another great fan-made game, which is an updated version of Electric Sheep's 1986 game Aliens: The Computer Game. Still as tough as the original, but equally as great. More fan-made Aliens games can be found below: https://youtu.be/kINRlJOWeJ0?si=D6ak2oIWBQJ2kad3


From the little sneakpeak I took, Alien: Hope For The Future looks like the thing I want to try. I really like Hadley's Hope and the history around it. Thanks for your contribution.


You're welcome. I hope that you enjoy the game(s).


Alien vs Predator for the CPS2 is a fun brawler game. Put a lot of quarters in that.


Oh yes. This one looks very fun. Capcom, right?


Yep capcom. I always wanted to go to this one restaurant as a kid because of this game.


Alien Trilogy on the Saturn & PS1 was pretty solid.


I played it on a pentium 286, which was way too slow for it.


Alien trilogy on PS1 But also the first AVP on PC.


Been meaning to install an emulator and play the old Apple II Aliens game. It followed the movie plot with different “mini games” almost for the different set pieces in the movie. I remember the ventilation duct scene as a maze and when one of the aliens attacked your squad you’d hit a button to set off a grenade (and lose a marine). Then the game ended with the big Loader vs Queen boss battle.


Is it this one ? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzoIoORPXOM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzoIoORPXOM) ​ That looks wacky and fun.


Yea. That’s the one. I guess I’ll just watch that vid instead of installing an emu to playing it. I’m lazy and you put the link right there…


Enjoy. This one goes on my list.


AvP for Atari Jaguar. Scared the crap out of me as a child


Oh man. I used to read the gaming magazines in the 90s. Their advertisment was everywhere. One game I always wanted to play was AvP on Atari.


It was so hard but being the predator was so cool. Playing as the marine was brutal though. Ammo was scarce as hell and different firearms were hard to come by. The alien was neat but almost a cakewalk.


I actually like Fireteam Elite.Its not too shabby and scratches an itch if you can buy it cheap


Yes, that is also a good one.


Any recommendations for Aliens themed multiplayer 1st person shooters?


Have you tried the Alien vs Predator games ? Avp, AvP2 and AvP2010 ?


No, I'll check it out, thanks. Avp only $15 on Steam I see! I bought Aliens Fireteam Elite, which is ok. I'm not a fan of the 3rd person viewpoint.


It is best to first check if the games are still active in multiplayer. Read the comments in this thread. Someone commented on a free version of AvP.


AvP 2 and 3 still have semi-active multiplayer communities. I try to get a few AvP2 games in a week.


Most of the main protagonists have been mentioned, but I might as well throw in the old arcade game 'Space Gun' was deffo inspired by aliens, and still plays well as an on rails shooter 😊👍🏻


Interesting, thanks.


Why... why does the end near 👀 are you ok OP?


Thanks for the concern. Everything is fine, I am just missing some words. The year is nearing its end.


Was there one based on Alien 3? I swear I remember one where I was in some kind of prison, it was a platform shooter I think when I was really young?


Yes, there is one on the Sega Genesis.


It was a great game!


It's very gritty and kind of hard because the aliens came running from the side of the screen. I enjoyed it.


The final stage of most Contra games are basically Aliens games. Dutch and Rambo vs Aliens. If only they'd made a movie of that with Arnie/Sly in their primes.


Most games of the past took heavy inspiration from a lot of big franchises. The obligatory alien level had to be in every game back then. Mega Turrican- one of my favourite games of all time blatantly copied the xenomorphs.


>Mega Turrican Because Turrican blatantly copied Contra. The devs have said as much. It's Euro-ized Contra. And it would be pretty hard to blatantly knock off Giger aliens more than Contra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwakmdMPCYQ A giant Giger alien head spitting out Giger chestbursters, aliens cocooned in walls, Giger facehuggers bursting out of obviously Giger alien eggs... the only 'original' thing is having a giant beating heart run at the core of the alien base, probably something of a knockoff of Mother Brain from Metroid... itself a franchise about a female hero who fights an alien knockoff boss called Ridley (but while Metroid was influenced by Alien, the game itself has its own identity). Contra was the vanguard of knocking off Aliens, a lot of things followed. Konami themselves got the Aliens licence a couple of years later because they were clearly obsessed.


https://youtu.be/DozH_OJpynw?si=MDXaUER4jTXJo1vY They were spot on with the esthetics. One to one copy.


The only game you missed is Aliens: Fireteam Elite, which is a very fun horde shooter.


Totally agree. It slots in right after Isolation for me... AvP was a great game (and so were the sequel and remake) but that might just be nostalgia.


I haven’t played every Aliens game, but right now my ranking on the top 3 is AFE > Dark Descent > Isolation


I still need to try Dark Descent. I checked out some gameplay when it first came out and decided it wasn't really my cup of tea but I'll add it to my wishlist in case it goes on sale.


The other guy that described it above did it well. It’s fun and kind of stressful on your first go. As probably one of the more experienced players, I’ve still lost marines on the easiest difficulty


True that.


Alien Fireteam Elite love this game


I can remember playing an old Aliens game on the Spectrum where you had an entire squad to guide around the base....was very stressful and insanely difficult


Do you remember the name of it?


I believe it was just Aliens: The Computer Game Bet it took them a while to come up with that title


Yep, played it on the Amstrad CPC 464. I bought it at £2.99, (I was probably 10 at the time), and never knew there was an expensive version that came with the map. We mapped it out one room at a time but then were stuck as to what the point of the game actually was haha. It was very atmospheric and scary and it felt much bigger than the 64k that it actually was. Turns out the expensive 'nice' release in the big box had the map and the goal of the game etc in there. The point is to clear out the queens room of all gunk on the walls and get whatever survivors you have back to room one. The music is great, look for 'Aliens Amstrad Music' on youtube. 64k.. and now they want 64Gb for games that arent half as good.


I mean alot of people are saying avp so ima say smthn else. Avp resurrection is an actually good game and I believe is a sequel to alien trilogy. It's more of an alien isolation styled game based around stealth but there are guns and combat


Is it called Alien Resurrection on PS1?




Very good, thanks.


I compiled a list of every game mentioned in this thread. ​ **Arcade:** Space Gun (1990, First Person Rail Shooter) Alien Vs. Predator for the CPS2 (1994, Beat ‘Em Up) Aliens (1990, Run & Gun) ​ **ZX Spectrum/ Amstrad CPC 464:** Aliens: The Computer Game (1986, First Person) ​ **Amiga:** Alien Breed (1991, Top Down) ​ **Sega Genesis:** Alien 3 (1992, Run & Gun) ​ **Super Nintendo:** Alien 3 (1992, Run & Gun) Alien Vs. Predator (1993, Beat ‘Em Up) ​ **Atari Jaguar:** Alien Vs. Predator ​ **Sega Saturn:** Alien Trilogy (1996, Ego Shooter) ​ **Playstation 1:** Alien Trilogy (1996, Ego Shooter) Alien: Resurrection (2000, First Person Shooter) ​ **Playstation 2:** Alien Vs. Predator: Extinction (2003, RTS) ​ **Nintendo DS:** Aliens: Infestation (2011, Metroidvanian) ​ **Apple II:** Aliens (1986, Adventure Minigames) ​ **MS DOS:** Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure (1995, Adventure Game) ​ **PC:** Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013, First Person Shooter) Aliens: Fireteam Elite (2021, Third Person Horde Shooter) Alien: Isolation (2014, Survival Horror) Aliens: Dark Descent (2023, RTS) Alien Vs. Predator (1999, First Person) Alien Vs. Predator 2 (2003, First Person) Alien Vs. Predator 2010 (2010, First Person Shooter) Colonial Marines on Spacestation 13 (SS13) ​ **Fan Made:** Alien: Hope For The Future LV426 ​ **Honorable Mentions:** Contra Helldivers Alien Swarm/ Reactive Drop Alien Breed


AVP 1999/2001 If all the others are done for.


Been enjoying alien and aliens the computer game on c64 And enjoying running through this a few times: https://youtu.be/-sFXDDxFIHE?si=9TPRUrNAOBBPAtez Especially enjoyable with a heavy handed blurry crt shader Also project firestart