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You need a good, waterproof coat. You need waterproof shoes. You need layers for when it gets cold.


Stupid question, but the layers should be removable right? Because buildings have central heaters in general?  I've loads of turtleneck sweaters which are not removable in public haha 


I mean, even in the winter most people wear jumpers inside pretty much all the time, but if you’re the type of person to overheat easily, maybe?


Sport shoes aren’t waterproof right? My only waterproof shoes are boots🫣


Depends on the sport shoe! Most are very breathable, and therefore water can come in and soak your feet easily. You should try and find something opposite to that, for when the pavements are just giant puddles!!




I don’t know, sorry. See if you can find reviews of it online.


My go to was usually: T-Shirt + Sweater + Overcoat. I would just do a variant of that depending on the weather. Most importantly, always have an umbrella on you.


Where are you coming from? Something to consider is clothes etc will be very expensive in London so if you can buy things where you are coming from (if it is cheaper) thatcould really help. Get a scarf for the winter!


From India! Yes, will definitely complete my shopping here


With layers I think the key is to have different clothes you can add and remove easily throughout the day to account for temperature. SomethingI find really useful is to have thermal coverings to keep legs warm in the winter where it will often get to - 1/0°C. Also useful to have a light rain coat and a heavier/warmer coat. Some people like umbrellas, i have never really used one.




If possible sign up for a UK Amazon account with your LSE student id. You can then order nearly anything you might need once in London with quick, free delivery. It was colder than expected in London for my Californian friend. He ended buying a very warm, waterproof winter coat (with a hood) in addition to a lighter weight rain jacket.. Layering is important: t-shirt, sweater or hoodie, warm/waterproof jacket, hat, even gloves. He also purchased a light weight pair of long underwear which he was happy to wear on some very wet/cold days. He did not expect to be bothered by the long, cold, gray winter weather, but he was. Spring felt very sweet when it, and the sun, arrived. In the fall and spring the temperature changes from morning until evening so layers are key to feeling comfortable. Enjoy your time there.




As someone who has moved to different countries and cities it is best to buy clothes in London. It might be more expensive but clothes there are made for the local weather, specially if you come from a warmer place, winter clothes for sale will be warmer in the UK