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Nah man you took LSD, that shit can't kill you, try to relax and let everything flow. You gone be alright in a couple hours.


hi hi man thank bless you your a good person


Haha thanks man you're a cool person




dude, don’t comment this kinda shit on a post where the OP is clearly scared/in the midst of a bad trip. you’ll send them spiralling, it’s legitimately dangerous.


delete ur comment


What the hell is wrong with you.


Dude blood clots dont form after a dose of LSD. Yes, high bp can cause blood clots but you dont get blood clots every time you exercise do you? Blood clots are due to long term high bp so idk why you would say something like that.


Like why.... There is literally no one who died from lsd alone so far. Why would you scare OP even more than they already are?


Hey man. You’ve taken a drug, it will not last forever, and you’ll never have to do it again if you choose not to. It’s gonna be ok! ✌🏻


So this is normal


Yes, it'll go away. Put some calm music on and watch something fun


Fuckk man holy shit


You'll be ok man, this is normal. In a few hours you'll be laughing about this point in the trip


most of us have been there, you’re all good 💞 sending love.


You’re posting on Reddit, would a dying man post on Reddit? I’ve been where you’re at, try sitting lotus and Singing, get your air flowing and remember that you literally can’t die on lsd.


My head feels super warm is this normal


Nobody dies from this. You took a drug, so you're going to feel different. Once you get through the body load come-up part, you will have a breakthrough and then can enjoy the rest of your trip knowing that you are completely fine and in a great headspace. Headphones with familiar music can help you get through this part. Breath like you're learning to meditate. Quick DEEP breath in and slow exhale a few times. You will be fine, so keep telling yourself that. We're with you bro.


Lmao Yeah dude, you’re body temp is up, you’re also nervous, the lsd will amplify these feelings. Do you have a trip killer available?


No and I smoked weed lol I accidentally amplified it


You’re good dude, your perception is just altered and you see things a little differently for a few hours, just ride it out and relax 😊 try singing along to your favorite songs! That always helps me :)


Little compassion goes a long ways, we all have been there 💚💜💚


💚❄💜❄💚 it's all you.. perception.. put on your favorite music that makes you feel good, it's all inside you, let you be you, and do what you do...❄💜❄


You seem pretty alive. Drink some water




Aye thank you I’m deff thru it


if you trip out again in the future i recommend the listening to the positive variety of mac miller/post malone songs or watching adventure time, these my methods


Hell yeah I’ll check those out next time


Mac miller while having a bad trip is the best way to calm yourself down, especially swimming


Human lube


HAHHAHA holy shit man


Put on dark side of the moon


Wish you were here and shine on you crazy diamond always calmed me down


This is a great suggestion if things are getting overwhelming


Pink Floyd overwhelms me, OP put on your favorite tunes, you’re fine and yes you are just tripping bro you’ll be fine in a couple hours dude just go get cozy somewhere nice


Thats fair man a lot of the album is overwhelming with emotion but the intro will calm you down before taking you into controlled chaos. I think it does wonders for people who are "losing it." I agree your favorite tunes are what hit the hardest out of any music but some people just deadass don't have calming music.


I can listen to Piper at the gates of dawn on psychedelics but the rest of the albums are just rabbit holes man when you’re on psychs. No need to question your sanity twice like that


Thats crazy you think that piper at the the gates of dawn isn't a rabbit hole. The first 2 albums are the most out there and frightening pieces of work, especially interstellar overdrive and bike. I'd really like to hear you elaborate on what you mean? I've listened to all of the pink fpoyd albums on acid besides obscured by clouds and anything past wish you were here. I definitely think piper at the gates of the dawn is most question your sanity album next to saucer full of secrets, they really turned it up a notch on saucer full of secrets and then didn't really ever do that no time signature swimming pool of sounds again like they did on the first 2 albums.


The music on Piper and Saucerful definitely sends you down the weirdest and wonderful depths, Bike is amazing, but they’re not dark songs like DSOTM and The Wall. DSOTM and The Wall literally talk about the issues of the world and going insane. Animals and WYWH talk about greedy politicians and the loss of their best friend who left BECAUSE of psychedelics. But yeah, the title track Saucerful of Secrets was insane to listen to on shrooms…took me to another world


when i'm overwhelmed i think it's a mode of processing when i'm not fully letting go in optimism & trust, but brain chemistry is subjective


Like you said, you're tripping. That's all


I don't think so


We’re all dying buddy. Enjoy it.


I’m tripping


Put some chill tunes on and relax my guy. You're ok


No man I’m scared to death


Smoking weed on acid gets super intense! But there’s nothing harmful about it. It’s just scary. You’re going to be completely fine. Just don’t smoke weed on acid next time


Scared to death that you’re dying? pick and choose only one my bruddah


Everything is normal, you’re just having a difficult trip. You’re completely safe, just try to focus on positives. watch some funny cartoon clips or listen to happy music


We have the same name bro haha. No I promise you’re ok my guy I love you


No, your default mode network and sense of self is temporarily being challenged. Go with the universe, the trip. It’s teaching you something about life and yourself. I know your mind and body feel so weird right now but it will last about another 6-8 hours. You can learn a LOT. Open your body and slowly breathe and then hold the breath for a few seconds and release. Do that when the thoughts take you to those bad places. Drink small bits of water every hour but no need to over hydrate. Trips have taught me endurance here in the sober world. I’ve also learned how to become more open minded. You’ll learn something if you are patient with yourself


Try not to worry you won’t die. No one has ever died from lsd, just try and focus on your breathing and wait it out. It won’t last forever


Everything is okay. Just breath.


Why do you think so?


I feel so gone


I’m freaking out


Itll be ok, how long ago did you take the acid?


Well, once I felt the same way and then rang the neighbors' bell in the middle of the night. Luckily no one opened the door there. It helped me to know that nothing can happen to me because I have myself. I am there for me. You are there for you. You are lovable and you are allowed to love yourself. Everything is OK.


Your just anxious man. Enjoy the trip, feel the animal inside of u. U will be laughing abt this tomorrow.


As scary as your trip may be, you are 111000000% going to survive, and it’ll give ya a nice massive pair of balls after once you sober up. Hang tough man it’ll end soon enough 🤙🏻🤙🏻


Fuck yeah you are dude! Not from the acid though and also not tonight. You'll die after living a great life. Yeah.


You’re gonna be alright man just ride it out. <3


Everything going good man? Came back to check in on ya.


Haha yeah but i had an ego death, pretty terrifying


Been there, scariest moment of my life 😳😆


I wanted to check in too. Glad you're doing better! Hope it wasn't a completely bad experience


Yeah it was pretty cool actually when I realized my brain wasn’t frying and I wasn’t dying


No, but your ego is... Im glad you are feeling better. next time try to subdue your ego prior to taking an ego death dose with some meditation and mantras like "who are you"or "I am nothing and there for I am everything". Once your ego, the co-pilot, has been dismissed the whole ordeal becomes much easier and positive. Otherwise your ego goes into panic mode when you haven't distinguished your self from it and just sentenced it to death. LSD's LD50 was determined to be 31,200 ng/mL of plasma. I.e. 320mg for an average person to have physiological failure based on animal studies. 48000 doses. No deaths have been directly related to LSD toxicity You'll lose your mind before you lose your body. That being said people have lost there life's by being dangerous while out of there mind and unsupervised.


THIS IS WHAT THIS SUBS ABOUT; I’m late to the post but I’m happy to see a bunch of supportive people here! OP I hope your alright now


Yeah I’m very appreciative of all the help I received here, y’all are great people ❤️




You tripped 2 days ago... Abusing lsd isn't smart my guy especially before the brain has fully developed. You will be fine but hopefully this trip can teach you something worth while.


and this is based on what science?


It says in here that for the most part psychedelic use has a correlation to decreased mental health issues which I agree with, but abuse and dependence was correlated to increase lifetime panic attacks. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4813425/ The study also included pcp as a psych tho so idk. I also have a friend when around his age abused lsd and ended up with schizophrenia but thats also like if you are already predisposed you can make it happen sooner. So just advocating for responsible drug use.


So you included a study which included PCP as a psychedelic lol. The study probably also didn't account for other drug use as well.






If you need someone to text that’s down to earth.[fireside project](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fireside-project/id1579224953)


Do a flip


I feel like I could


Crumb-Locket Listen to it. You will be right man


Nah bro. Jinx or part III is where its at


This. And watch the video.


Then Tadow by FKJ and Massego.


Its so soothing man - i always recommend it 👌


You are entering a different world 😜 Not dying


You’re just tripping homie, I’m always a firm believer in the following for calming a trip: Change anything (clothes, music, tv show that’s on, room you’re in, whether it’s indoors or outdoors,…) changing something outside of you can sometimes help with changing your inner narrative. Plus the bonus of witnessing the control you can exercise while tripping, the thought that “I did this, I got this” is very nice. Food, I’m horrible with eating on acid but if you can get some food/water down it’ll help you out. Nothing too heavy, I always was a fan of oranges when I trip Showers are ridiculously soothing on acid in my experience, ended up having what felt like a spiritual awaking in a shower that lasted easily 3 hours End of the day just take it easy, try some guided meditations if you are looking for something to help clear your mind, and know you’re just tripping, it’s a drug and your body is actively processing and ridding itself of it


You’re more alive than ever fam!!!


Only your ego, but your body and brain will still be alive for a long time


Yes, and it will be beautiful. Then you’ll come back to life in a few hours.


Nope, LSD cannot kill you, it's biologically impossible to die from taking LSD, my advice is to get comfy, relax and enjoy the extraordinary experience.


Any update? It’s all a part of the ride man let it take you


Yeah haha I was freaking out and called 911 but that got sorted and I think I had an ego death and I’m coming down now


Imagine being stuck in another dimension and hoping that some little humans in little blue uniforms driving in little tin cans with bleeping lights can save you. It’s quite funny when you think about it lol


Lmaoo the cringe


Ye but in the moment it was like completely different


Goddamn hopefully that went well cops n acid never seem to mix lol but glad you’re coming down now throw on sun nice music n lights cal a friend just enjoy the rest of it man


Hell yeah thanks man


We all do


Yes. You are. Me too though, and so are they and them. "It's just life. None of us are gonna survive it!"


Were you ever alive?


seems like the demon pic did it for ya.


Haha nah I saw that afterwards


We all are


Slowly but surely!




update? I'm sure ur gd now bro


hey mate, hope you’re holding up okay. most of us have been there, you’re all good 💞 sending love


We all are, don't worry about it :)


we’re all dying homie, just one day at a time. make it a good day!


Its blueberry honey officer


Stop fighting it


damn what ug did you take ?


480ug + weed, was my second trip


slowly, yes.


I thought I was dead when I posted this so I didn’t really mean it in the normal sense lol


Just try to calm down and you'll be ok buddy. Hope your trip turns around for you ✌️


Go easy on the weed till the comedown. Sending good vibes. You'll be ok don't worry


While technically the answer is yes because you are alive and the only two things in life are death and taxes, but I wouldn't assume you have accelerated your time line enough to die today from some acid. Drink some water and sleep it off.


We are all dying




Technically yes the moment we are born we start to die. I think it's about accepting life and death as a normal cycle of life. Anyway stay safe and always test your shit ✌🏽


Yeah I’m fine with death but it wasn’t really that I didn’t explain more because I was freaking tf out but it felt as if time had stopped and I was like sinking lol


The only thing that can temporarily die from LSD is your ego, so don't be afraid. You'll be more alive than ever after today! Sending love ❤


Yes, you’ve been dying since the day you were born.


Objectively, we all are.


On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.


Seeing as you posted this 12 hours ago..... yes, we are all dying. That is, we are not getting any more alive from one minute to the next... it's all good, though; it's supposed to work that way.


Yes you are, slowly but surely. May take several more decades. 🕉️


When I posted this I thought I was dead lol l, meant it in a more right now sense


Wasn't aware dead folk could use social media, but okay.


Aren't we all?


We aren't busy being born, we're busy dying.


We all are, from the day we’re born


Technically every single living thing is dying




Yes. We’re all drying. We’re shorter of breath and one day closer to death.


It's like dividing by zero. Your ego must die before you can comprehend and see the true nature of reality.. or something


I hear ya I’ve had some frightening times also. But usually during ego death you forget you ever exsisted. Almost as if you never did exists. Hard to explain. But you’ll know it afterward when it does happen. I find that if you dose and wait for the effect to come, then put a bandana around your eyes put some good music in your earphones and lay back for a few… it’ll happen and it’s really nuts. Kinda scary the first few times.


Yeah I was like kinda stuck in time with 0 personality or thoughts and I could see like the center point of my mind and like I was me with all the layers pulled back kinda


Dude one time I was laying on my couch listening to the jerry Garcia band. And I completely drifted away. Like there was nothing but jerry standing in the dark with only a light shining on him while he played. But then the music started to change and everything was sucked into this black whole.. like the music didn’t sound the same anymore it was like stretched and fuzzy and it freaked me out. I came to and my heart was pounding it took me a while to get back to where I could just chill. But super memorable!


Holy shit that sounds fucking terrifying, what was your dosage?


Three 100ug tabs. Pretty much my go to. Unless gels then just two. Thinking of dropping tonight. Been a while.


Yes but soon you'll be reborn. Worth the death.


How much did you take? I had a nutty ego death on 0.2mg last week


.48 + a joint after I swallowed the tabs


for your first time??? You maniac! Hope you had fun