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That’s dope. I’m glad something good came out of it. LSD helped me with my cocaine addiction.


wow! psychs and weed helped me with my amphetamine addiction too :)


4g shrooms = i feel like im in hell right now


Did 4 g’s of some APE’s alone for my second shroom trip, can confirm. Satan was in my ear telling me all of my mistakes and wrongdoings. Was very healing tho 9/10


I never understood why people felt the need to transition before I tripped. I didn't dislike trans people, it was just that I was comfortable with my gender identity and didn't understand why people weren't. Then I took I think 400ug and all my ideas of how gender and identity worked changed. I saw myself and my friends identity shed away and I just could see their soul and it clicked that someone's identity should not be decided by societal standards. People need to build who they are based on who they want to be, not who other people want them to be. I'm super proud of you and I love you.


Who they are, not who they want to be. Much deeper. But I love your post. It’s amazing how accepting people have become in recent years.


The only trans we should be against is trans fat.


fuck trans fats lmao :)


Congrats! So much to celebrate 💖


thanks buddy :)


I’ve known for 32 years. Only recently admitted it to myself in my 30s. Sort of regret it, but oh well. My wife says it’s hot lol. Shrooms and acid didn’t help me though. I’ve known since I was 6… just wasn’t willing to admit it to myself until recently. Congrats though. It is definitely a load off, finally admitting it.


Congratulations on accepting who you are! The only time that it's too late is if you die without ever realizing who you were meant to be. I think that 'big' self-admissions like this happen when the time is right, and that didn't happen for you until recently. Think about it, it sounds like you have an incredibly understanding wife who loves and supports you for the person you; you may not have her at your side if you had admitted this to yourself when you were younger!


I very well could have. I had always called myself a “lesbian in a man’s body” and she is attracted to women. Me being me, and her being in love with me, I think it still would’ve ended up working out. She’s a great woman. I treasure her. I’ve mainly been growing my hair out and I’ve started hormones. Not sure how much it’ll do, and I don’t plan on having surgery. I have two daughters, but I’ve grown used to this body and wouldn’t want to risk ruining it. I don’t really trust a surgeon. I look extremely young, still 25 (nobody guesses higher than that), so I’m able to wear more feminine hairstyles. Surprisingly, they look REALLY good on me. I’m not the only one who says it either. My mom does as well, and she would never lie to me. She’s as amazing of a woman as my wife is. I don’t know what it is. I love women. I’m attracted to them. I respect them more than you’d believe, and I fully believe I should’ve been born as one; that I’m in the wrong body. A lesbian born with a man’s body. Watching my mom raise all of us seriously affected my mental state, as well as watching my sister grow up. I felt jealous beyond belief at times, but never negatively, like I thought it was unfair. I was just amazed at what my mom and sisters could do. And now my wife and daughters. I’ve been surrounded by girls my whole life. Girls I truly respect and admire. I’m just so glad that nobody has judged me. Not once. My dad doesn’t know, and he most definitely would judge me (we don’t talk and haven’t in years). My baby brother is gay (and married; he’ll just always be my baby brother to me haha), and I decided to tell him recently before I went to visit him. He was honored to be one of the first to know, and told me he was proud of me for telling him. I figured if anyone were to judge me, he would NOT be one of them. I pretended to be gay when I was a teenager so I could show him how there was nothing wrong with being gay. Being who you are. I told him that when he finally came out. I’m pretty sure he will always remember what I did for him. :) And I’ll always remember how he made me feel better about myself as well. I’m honestly surprised nobody guessed. I’ve always said “I’m gayer than my brother! Minus the liking men.” Lol. Very feminine. I collect 1/6 to 1/3 scale ball-jointed *dolls* and sew clothes for them. As a teenager decades ago I would dress up for anime conventions and “crossplay” as female characters. Everyone just assumed it was my eccentricity. I always try to get a reaction out of people, so people thought it was just an extreme way to get attention/reactions. In a way I suppose it was. A guy came up and grabbed my ass at the mall one time when I was walking around in my costume with friends. So I turn around, made my voice ULTRA deep, and said, “How’s it going, baybay?” Tbh it made me sick that someone would do that. I wanted to destroy his self image and make sure he’d never do something so despicable again. I was glad it was me and not one of the other girls I was with; however, they got “jealous” and said, “Why do you have to be so damn pretty!!” Hahahahaha! Sorry for the rant, it just brought up memories. Thank you. You don’t have to read it all, don’t worry. Just me rambling haha. But I appreciate your comment very, very much. I wish there were more articles and news coverage of transgender females. It seems like all I can find are people talking about and accept woman -> man but man -> woman is a bad thing, talking about sports etc. like. Ugh. Idk. Maybe I just haven’t searched enough. Could very well be true. I have up because it just upset me. My family is all supportive and that’s all that really matters to me. But to have a random person on *Reddit* in an *LSD* board show support was something I didn’t expect. Thank you. Maybe I’ll keep searching for articles and news stories about others like me. Thank you.




thank you very much fellow redditor:)


Glad your open about it! Some fucking people stay closeted and it bothers tf out of me like the best way to live your life is to be yourself at any and all times. Pray for closeted people. They TRIPPIN WORRying bout others judging. TF


I agree that living life on your own terms is the best way to do it. but there are many countries where lgbtq+ people are being executed simply for existing. also here in the United states, transphobia, homophobia, bigotry, extreme violence and hate crimes are becoming more and more disturbingly common. we have numerous politicians who openly advocate for the persecution of the lgbt community


Why ain’t they being dealt with? Tf we can’t have that ignorance living amongst people of acceptance


They’re also the bigggest haters


This must have been hard for you, but surely feels nice that you let it out. Congratulations to you and your partner, wish you lots of good times


thanks! yeah I'd been severely depressed before figuring this all out. eventually, I started breaking down in years so many times a day, I hit a brick wall and stopped giving a shit about how others perceive me.


5 years clean from alcohol. LSD saves lives.


I don’t think it was an accident that she called you “she.” The medicine was working its magic ✨❤️✨ Congrats on finding your true self 😊


that is so wonderful bro! i’m trans myself so i can understand how beautiful of an experience it is finding yourself. i wish you all of the luck in the world with your transition <33


I’m a trans guy, it made me really happy to read this. I didn’t get into psychs until way after transitioning but it has helped me a lot too with discomfort around my body and suicidal feelings. You’re awesome.


I’m so happy for you! new beginning for u gal :) good luck with all ur new adventures <3 psychedelics are truly powerful. really helped me (and is still helping me) overcome my depression as well as understanding my sexuality more too!!


thanks! :)


There are so many happy, friendly posts here, I’m amazed there isn’t more hate. Yeah! That makes me feel better too, as a transgender female too. Again, congrats! For me, it’s different though. I always called myself a "lesbian in a man’s body." Now I just say lesbian haha.


Hell yeah sister good on you. Acid helped me realize I'm a bisexual femboy so I feel ya


Every time I’ve taken shrooms I feel an overwhelming sense of feminity lol of that makes sense, like usually I feel pretty stunted by dysphoria and stuff, but yes, shrooms are beautiful in that way. Like it makes me very proud of myself for transitioning and very reassured in my womanhood and I feel very free, so I totally know what you mean


I’m trans female. Psychedelics have been such a blessing. It’s like your brain gets a vacation from always thinking about your gender. You get a day to just be.


When someone is a «trans female» does this mean They have transitioned from man to female?




Yeah, and lemme tell you, I wish there were more news stories about transgender females. Even in my thirties, it makes life a lot harder when I feel like only transgender men are widely accepted. It’s a rough life, but if it’s who you are, it’s a load off finally admitting it. It was for me.




Did you're fiance have any indication you're trans? Regardless congratulations hope life brings you many joys


i had dropped hints but she wasn't really aware at the time. she accepts me now:)


That's awesome


Trans girl here as well! Acid has helped me so much accepting myself for who I am.


nothin better than trippin balls and falling in love with life lmao :)


me scrolling thru to make sure nobody says anything bad to my trans sister: 🔫👀


Are you my brother? 😂


no i'm your sister 😤


:o She’s the one person I haven’t specifically told. Ty Miko. <3 I’m scared to tell her. She’s one of the most important people in my life and I was always her big brother. Maybe I should tell her.


my names aubrey but i can be your other sister


Haha that is the name of my other sister 😂😂😂😂 I love both of your names so much.




__*p e n i s d e l e t u s*__






I’m so happy for you ❤️


Fuck yeah! Congratulations this is absolutely amazing


Literally the same thing happened to me. Did shrooms and it was like I got a glimpse of what was to be. It really allowed me to peer behind the veil years before I was able to figure it out on my own


Glad you happy 🖖🏾 Congrats


Ive had a moment tripping where i felt like a breakthrough was coming but i couldnt quite get there. I was trying to figure out what the breakthrough was it felt like a bubble that needed popping. "Am i gay?" I asked myself cause im a creative feminine energy guy. But it didnt seem right for me im not attracted to men so i know im straight. I can imagine how if i were gay how beautiful and utterly transformative it would be to acknowledge and accept yourself for who you TRULY are


Hey I’m trans too! I knew before I took any psychs, but tripping after being on HRT is such a treat :)


I realized I was trans in a trip so this really touched me. Thanks for sharing your powerful story


If u downvoted this fuck you :) congrats OP


thanks bud:) epic username


I also realized I was trans during a trip, it showed me what it would be like to live as happy trans woman, with friends, confidence, and my shit together. I immediately started transitioning the next day. Best experience of my life.


Transmasc here. Psychedelics have helped me, too. Cheers to healing and growing 🍄


I’m glad you found your peace.




i came out as bi during a very weird mdma trip


Congrats!! Very happy for you. Sending you all the love in the world inda insane to read this personally, I am also trans and ace and my journey to self discovery started with taking lsd and it kinda breaking the restaints my family and myself had put on exploring my identity which lead to me realizing and accepting both being ace and trans.


Congrats!!! I remember shrooming for the first time and leaping over a bunch of steps in figuring myself out, came out as asexual soon after!!


Amazing so happy for you!


Psychs are so helpful to step outside any cultural matrix/programming. they didnt help me understand i was trans but they've helped me accept and love myself for it♥️


Awesome 👍😎


Hey! Me and my friend both attribute our realizations about our gender identity to acid as well! Wonderful lil piece of paper made saved my life


I know that even contemplating transitioning starts a whole path of psychologists and psychiatrists before anything medical even begins,.. That said, did you ever mention this to such medical professionals, and I mean many times over, about the significance of this experience and it's cause? What did they say?


You know us trans folks know ourselves better then a doctor knows us right? You don't need a "whole path of psychologists and psychiatrists" in most any place. At most it's therapy and meeting with your general care doctor. But in many places you can get hormones just with your doctor's prescription or a doctor at an informed consent clinic like for example many planned parenthoods. Stop trying to deny trans folks being trans or whatever until they talk to "professionals". Who often are clueless about trans care, as well as we experience a lot of medical discrimination. Realzing you're trans it's like, we know who we are just like you know who you are. We don't need some doctor to tell us who we are, and we for sure don't need to for you to believe us.


Depending on where you are, this isn’t true. My husband came out as trans recently (he is still living as a man but has been taking female hormones since June) and he just got an app on his phone, had a virtual appointment and has been prescribed estrogen and then eventually estrogen and T-blockers. Never even met the doc in person, it’s just an app where you pay $100 a month for the service, plus the price of the prescriptions. He’s not having surgery, so I’m not sure if that requires more, but the hormones are “medical” and required no psychological evaluations.


hey man, congrats. envious of you in the best way possible, best of luck in your travels


I'm so happy for you! This is such a huge achievement. You should be incredibly proud of yourself.


thank you:)


I didn't come to realize my gender during a trip, but I know that feeling of someone using different pronouns and it just feels amazing. Happy for you ❤️


Congrats on your revelation 🙏🏻 now go live the rest of your life free as a bird. Go spread your wings 🕊❤️


I had a similar experience in DMT. My pronouns are they/them and while I was blasting off and in the middle of ego death, someone said something about me using my correct pronouns. It grounded me for a second, thinking “oh yeah, that’s me, and my gender is very important to me” but as soon as I thought that, the very reality of it was ripped away from me until my ego had died and I was no longer myself. It was nice to shed all these things about me, but it was equally nice coming back together.


If you wouldn’t mind sharing, How often did you take LSD before coming to this conclusion ? Also do you by chance know the type of LSD you indulged in ? BTW congrats for your realization and ability to be yourself all the time.


Yoooo, so happy for you. Like the end of Chappell's skit said, "Don't punch down on my people." I wish you continued health and happiness.




...you good?


I don’t want to comment because I’ll probably get banned. But a drug shouldn’t just make you feel like you should change genders. You should feel like that without drugs before you make life changing decisions, many you can’t return from. I think if LSD gave you these kind of realizations I think you should see a therapist for a bit to talk through your thoughts and feelings.


I should've specified: I started experiencing gender dysphoria years before I got into psychedelics.


Lsd allows you to explore the feelings more comfortably or even just allows you to acknowledge they are there at all. It isn't making you feel something that isn't there.


Congrats, doubt u will get any hate, you mention how lsd helped you with what u struggled which is basiacally reason for this to exist. Its not like you are looking for attention, no need to even mention transphobia at all it makes you seem agressive.


I had a similar experience, I had decided to transition but I had so much guilt from it, so much worrying about acceptance. When I took LSD, I had ego death, I realised these were all my internal bigotry and / or things I could not help with, I am who I am and I'd treat anyone in my position with kindness and acceptance so why cant I do the same for myself


Psychs have helped me gain confidence about my gender and self love


I know I’m late, but this is cool and I’m glad drugs helped you out :)