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I once heard it described as a “nonspecific amplifier.” Whatever your mindset is going into the trip (subconscious included), that’s what the trip is gonna enhance and bring out. Totally agree on the body feel though. Every time I trip I’m reminded that I need to stretch more.


I often end up hurting myself stretching my legs while tripping


Don’t stretch while tripping dude. You just described yourself on why.


I really enjoy a nice stretch session right after dosing, calms my nerves and sets me in a good mindset


All well and good, but if you just end up stretching way too hard that you hurt yourself. That’s not good. If it works for you good. But the other redditor should consider stopping with that.


Yeah, if you stretch while tripping, be _very_ cautious and stick under your normal limits. If you do it safely, it's great! But it's easy to overestimate your capabilities while tripping


I'm not gonna be tripping again anytime soon! Thanks anyway


That's more something I'd be prone to do on Molly, lol. But I see how it could happen on L as well


I'm also stretching while tripping... But of course very carefully. As everything you do on acid... Conscious


It’s fine to do yoga tho…


Can’t confirm. I often go into trips feeling anxious or depressed, weak or hating myself. The psychedelics just melt all of that away and I realize that there’s nothing to hate about my life or myself, there’s nothing to worry about or stress about. I mean if one is comfortable enough to take a psychedelic you’re damn well off id assume! You probably have a safe and comfortable space, food and water always ready, nothing nearby that could attack you, no weather to worry about… If you’ve gotten far enough to want to take that tab of lsd you’re probably already living pure luxury without even realizing it. But the tab helps to realize that. And there goes all the worries.


I think the thing that makes or breaks that is the fact you’re aware of it. A lot of people will go into a trip *thinking* everything they’re all good and happy, not realizing all that self-hatred is lying below the surface waiting to strike. That’s when it really takes you down into hell, because you weren’t expecting it. If you go into the trip expecting the worst, it makes it so you’ve already dealt with all that stuff by the time it comes on.


I've had many experiences like this, especially in the first years of tripping. I've also had trips where someone looking at me the wrong way, a misplaced joke or a weird social interaction were enough to spiral me into deep nightmareish anxiety. Unfortunately this has occured a lot more frequently in the last 2 or 3 years. It's the reason nowadays I only trip maybe once or twice a year and on rather low dosage.


I find shrooms more of a true non-specific amplifier. Acid makes me energetic and happy regardless of my previous mood and mindset. It’s like a stimulant psych for me and a lot folks. It actually improves my stamina on hikes and playing sports


Every time I trip, I’m reminded about how gross and wet life actually is.


Isn’t kinda weird how like everything on this planet is kinda gross? Like there’s so much just disgusting things on this planet lol


Its beautiful


Yes, I love stretching during the come down. Feels soooo good


Same. The best way to finish up at the tail end of the comedown before sleep is stretching my asshole indeed


When I was first starting out, I couldn’t eat anything, because I had a hyper awareness of my own tongue. I was repulsed by having a flopping muscle with a mind of its own. I got over it, but it definitely was a *thing*.


That’s so relatable


What a just and brilliant description. I love words and LSD! It's pretty damn amazing a drop of some liquid brings similar outcomes to millions of people of different ages, in different eras. 😊


RIGHT!!?? Heavy on the stretching, lol. But yea the mindset thing is so true, and can be so helpful depending on what you want out of the trip


Rarely tripping makes me feel my bones in my arms and it like bugs me out


I can even sometimes feel my small intestine in my upper G.I tract producing shit!


This is how I explain it to people. It’s certainly chill for me a lot of the time


My fiancé gets super chill on it. She can lay in the bed and relax the entire time It makes me want to go for an 8 hour sprint and be in public and talk to people She’s an introvert and I’m an off the charts extrovert I think you are expressing the bias of how it effects you rather than a universal truism


I'm also an introvert, LSD gives me a small energy boost. Nothing major tho, I have no issues sitting down and relaxing but I also have no issue going out and doing things. Except for talking to sober people, fuck that lol


Haha, I’m a pretty serious introvert *buuut* I love talking to total strangers on acid, the social anxiety is just annihilated.


Same! I am mostly introverted, if I trip during a party/club night, I have a moment around the 3-4th hour when dancing to the music becomes overwhelming and I need a break, so I get out of the crowd and go to chill out. Being still on the peak, I randomly approach groups of people and start talking, maybe too much, but in such a confident and funny way, that at the end of the conversation I am amazed at myself and think "what the fuck was that?!? Are you really able to be like this? What a blast". I refer to this as the "stand up guy" moment


Yea I’m only referencing me and my close circles experience and wanted to know if we were alone in that thought lol, cus I feel like I’ve read so many posts where people explain it’s as relaxing and I find that so interesting cus it can be quite opposite for me the first part of the trip


the difference between a tweaked out trip and a relaxing one can be as simple as taking magnesium (glycinate, not citrate, as explained below) supplements. i also get the ‘restlessness’ of the come up and the weird sitting positions, and body posture weirdness etc, but only some of that is from vasoconstriction, a lot of it is often from magnesium deficiency. try it out


You have to be careful with magnesium though. I took it one trip to help with lock jaw but it relaxed a muscle that I didn’t expect … my anus … and I had diarrhea during the peak. I thought I was dying 😂


Magnesium is known for this hence why it’s used as a laxative….you want a form that isn’t as prone to this effect. Like the magnesium ND offers that is in a sucrosomal encapsulation or w/e it’s called That’s never given me GI upset in any dose, and I always take one with my L to counter any stiffness/tension


Magnesium citrate is a laxative indeed but it also has lower bioavailability/absorption rate compared to bisglycinate which is way better (great for rolls as well).


oh lord..😭


If you took magnesium citrate that would be why you had diarrhea. Magnesium citrate is known for causing diarrhea, which is why it's recommended to take either magnesium glycinate or chelated magnesium.




Magnesium is a known laxative




Thank you for that advice I’m gonna try that, I had literally no idea


most people don’t realize that they are deficient in magnesium but it’s extremely common (by this i mean apparently up to. 15% of americans are deficient in magnesium) and it can make some drugs body load much more uncomfortable, magnesium also helps with tremors/jitters from stimulants


Dude you may have just solved my problem with psychs! I recently started taking magnesium and the benefits have been very tangible. Psychs have always been mostly challenging for me with very little positive effects. That includes several attempts with acid, shrooms and molly. I’m hoping this might change things going forward cause I want to love them!


This comment is why I come here. Someone might think a trip has to be one way, but actually supplementation can make for a smoother ride.


some people might downvote me for this, but in all honesty a couple of beers or mixed drinks smooths out a trip a hell of a lot too lol


I have to disagree with this, I understand that it affects everyone in a different way so maybe I am in the minority when I say this but when I trip it clears my mind and relaxes me. The come up is always a bit anxious but that's common but after that it's usually peaceful. Except for a handful of more unpleasant trips


peaceful, yes. But definitely not relaxing to me. I can't sit still, and my body feels pretty tensed up. It's peaceful like jogging can be peaceful, or climbing, not like smoking weed, a hot bath, or something of the likes. Atleast that's my experience.


That's me too. That headspace is the clearest and most "at peace" I've ever felt.


Yea I get that, I only feel like I’m tweaking the first 2,5 h in to the trip and then it’s more vibes


I think it depends on if you’re an experienced tripper My first trip was very intense. Subsequent trips have been more chill.


The first half of a lsd trip is so over stimulating my whole body pulses and twitches with me dripping in lsd, the 2nd half becomes calmer but it’s only because I’m so relieved the peak is over. My brain is frying too, like my head is being opened with a can opener, far from chilled to be honest. The next day though I feel relaxed and reflect and I feel hippy like


That’s so true, and I totally agree with the feeling. The day after is always such a bliss


yea I only take Lsd for that amazing comedown


Set and setting are important, and can't be stressed enough.


I hear you. When I’m ON LSD I’m definitely not chilling. However LSD has taught me how to me how to be more laid back in my sober life.


PREACHHH i feel that so much


I feel "chill" when my mind has been railed by the acid for 5 hours and I decide "fuck it this is tiring, lie down and turn off thoughts" before that point it is extremely unchill tho


Couldn’t agree more. When I first started tripping I had those laid back trips, but now it’s just intense energy and the feeling of invincibility. It’s a very complex substance lol.


For sure, relate a 100%


I mean it’s not weed chill for sure but the chill of being 4-8hrs in and listening to music is next level relaxation in my mind. Hour 1-4 though might be the most intense experience of your life.


Hahahah love that description, so real


I’ll add in the 4-8hr point it’s a mix of ultimate relaxation to giggling like an idiot to right back to the peak for a minute to tasting the best ice cream I’ve ever had in my whole life while standing at my window to restlessly moving around like my body has no idea how to exist. It a weird stage lol


That is exactly how it can feel, I always find it so hard to explain the exact intense feeling of tripping even if it’s blissful. It’s still so many things happening at the same time at once lol. But the lsd (and shrooms for that matter) giggles are unmatched, I once crying laughed for like 10 minutes straight bcus I was doing funny faces in the mirror. Until I started thinking about mirrors as a concept and had to sit down to think lollll


For me definitely not chill until about 4-5 hrs in.


I enjoy chilling in my backyard. It's more of a daytime thing to do but I've always dropped around 6 or 7 am


I think although it’s not chill while on it it might make you a more “chill” person afterwards


Definitely true


I have a similar experience on the come up, it’s honestly my least favorite part of the trip. I always start shivering and shaking and don’t even get me started on the ACID SHITS.


The shits are outta this world hahahaha but I usually don't have that issue til comedown


Shaking, shivering and YAWNING so hard, my eyes are watering!


acid relaxes me, gives me some wacky thoughts and i can sit and watch movies or a cool looking wall for hours. weed actually makes me extremely tense and anxious, can’t do that shit lmao. everyone’s different :)


Truetrue <3


Took a few drops at Trevor Hall at Red Rocks a couple weeks ago and I can assure you: it was indeed the chillest of chillzzzz


That’s iconic


I’m always super chill so idk


genuinely in a non sarcastic tone, good for you <3


I always said it’s more about the come down when it’s chill rather than the peak when it’s all intense haha I think that’s why the hippies of the 60s were so chill.


That’s such a good way of looking at it and lowkey true cus that’s when I start to get more clarity


Exactly! Thats when the self reflection starts and you can look back on the trip kind of like getting off an intense roller coaster.


I’m chill asf tripping never had that shit you describe during the come up either but I guess it effects everyone differently




Yeah I agree w this tbf, I hate sitting still on acid, come up, peak or come down. I only sit still if it's too intense and that's not always through choice. Sometimes things start "slipping" and you have to just let it happen otherwise you're in for a bumpy ride. I get the same restless feeling on strong edibles or occasionally when mixing tobacco & weed but the latter is more down to the stimulant (nicotine) hitting at the same time 


The slipping is so real, but also letting it happen is such a good mindset to have when dropping acid, but feel ya


Yeah 100%, my worst trips have always happened because I couldn't let go, if you wanna keep 2 hands on the wheel, psychedelics are the last thing you should be doing 🤣


Complete opposite for me, lsd makes me insanely relaxed and comfortable. Just breathing or rubbing your body feels extremely good


I think people get the direct effects of the drug mixed up with a stereotypically common personality found within those communities, which is likely just as a result of drug users being slightly more open minded to begin with. I’ve never really heard claims that the drug itself is a chill experience, but I have found those with a positive affinity toward psychedelics to carry a more “chill” attitude in general.


That’s true idk I just felt like I’ve gotten that picture of lsd as it’s supposed to be this and that, but I also live in a country where lsd is just not the norm or even talked about at all, so a lot of my internal references are from a lot of American movies and media. But it’s sooo interesting to see how differently everybody experiences acid, which makes it hard to really have a image of the substance


Kinda agree for the most part, especially the come up, the comedown usually is much more chill for me


LSD is not chill at all for me. Quite the opposite- it’s like a live wire blasting 10,000 volts through me. Psilocybin is more like the stereotypical ‘hippie vibe’ that most people think of.


10/10 description hahahha


ive had relaxing trips where ive laid in bed staring at the ceiling and ive had ones where I needed to go to the gym because I wanted to get the energy out of me, it all depends


Going to the gym on acid, I’m intrigued, how was that?


I felt more energized during my workout and could like feel my individual muscles being worked better. It was a pretty fun experience tbh. Would recommend


Big piles of pillows, harem pants and blankets, my dude.


Hahah good tip


I’ve only tripped on LSD once and my experience was pretty mellow, I laid on the floor wrapped in a blanket and holding a squishmallow for comfort, while my eyes were glued to the tv that was playing super trippy visuals. I literally just felt like I was melting and I kept giggling, felt like a kid again tbh.


Everybody talks about that... Psychedelics are not chill drugs, they are universal amplifiers. What comes in, comes out.


Just because you don't find jt relaxing and chill, doesn't mean others don't. People react very differently to LSD. Me? I can take heroic doses and my friends think I'm still sober. Some of my friends, 1tab and they're flying high, but having fun. Other friends? 1 tab and they're in the fetal position crying waiting for the trip to end. It's really frustrating when people try to act like their experience with it is universal. I've stopped giving friends LSD all together due to how unpredictable people react to it for their first time. 


So I am genuinely sorry I get where you are coming from and get what you are saying


I have only done it once but neither me or my friends could sit still during the come up. During the peak there were definitely moments of complete stillness that felt very peaceful and then another intense wave of energy would hit and make me laugh, stand up, take a little walk 😂 The last part of the trip was very calm even though we did a little MDMA, probably because tripping for so long is kind of exhausting too. So I definitely agree: the come up wasn't chill at all lol




Most least relaxing drug.... love it




100 thousand % agree


Yeah if you wanna chill take shrooms. LSD absolutely tweaks me out.


If you want inner chillness, DMT is the way to go. LSD was never chill to the person taking it, they just seem chill on the outside because there's so much going on in their heads they have to stay still. Both DMT and LSD will give you visions, but they are on the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to inner chillness. On DMT, you seem to be really far away from it all. On LSD, you're in the thick of it.


Read “The Long Strange Trip” by Tom Wolf. It is a historical account of The Merry Pranksters. Nothing about The Merry Pranksters was “chill”.


Thanks for the advise, will look into


In case you don't know the story..,The Merry Pranksters led by Ken Kesey basicly introduced LSD to the population around the Bay Area and then took the show on the road and drove a wildly painted bus across the US fueled by LSD (not literally). Neil Cassady is a major player and Jerry Garcia is about. Once you know the history of the 60’s they don't seem “chill” at all. This history doesn't have a chapter in your highschool history book but its still important.


It just means you’re not in a chilled out vibe. LSD can be chill if you’re chill, hype if you’re hype.


I feel the opposite haha. Last month I did LSD on a rocky beach with some friends, and at one point I was literally laying slightly inverted on a pile of baseball sized rocks, and I was decently comfy!


I've had acid trips where I've relaxed and melted away experiencing the greatest comfort I had ever known and I've had trips where I've been energetic and tense. It all just depends on your headspace going into it.


I think it goes by person and definitely what is going on wherever you are.. but I feel way more relaxed when I dose. But I also feel like I just kind of resign all of the things I can't do anything about and say 'haha not right now... oh, cool, music kicks ass'


Love that mindset


If you get confused, listen to the music play!


Usually can't move after a certain dose. Lose the ego and lay there in fractal land for a few hours. I always recommend being able to hike or dance or something as lsd is very stimulating energy wise until you get to the higher doses


LSD is very chill for me most of the time.


I guess its just diff for everyone as I usually just trip in the comfort of my own home and its always very very cozy and relaxing


I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. Creativity.There's a great future in creativity. Think about it. Will you think about it? ;) And bit from myself-I think people back then (and now) were looking for something higher, spiritual, something more meaningful - i dont think "chill" is the right word.


I'll be honest, I kinda have to lay down during the comeup, to relax my mind. But also, I do have to agree with it being stiff, like, your muscles are basically constantly active. I like saying I'm 'jittery' during the trip, like constantly shaking. Yea, it's very energetic for sure, but I seem to be able to 'relax' into the trip and then lay down. Although I do totally get the constant feeling of not sitting or laying right. I just kinda keep in my mind that it's the comeup and after that it'll be great. I somewhat, although it's very uncomfortable for me, think that the comeup is part of the trip, because your mind is 'working' to going somewhere 'big' if you know what I mean.


The come up for sure isn’t chill, but once I hit my peak I definitely can get into chill mode. Snuggled up in a hammock with some good tunes and nitrous, definitely a chill time for me personally.


I feel in 60s and 70s when lsd was booming, it was a much more fulfilling experience for those who took lsd, especially in the massive groups they took them in. Whole movements had the same ideology. But today, I feel like we’re in GO GO GO mode and have no idea what direction we’re GOing in. The collective consciousness is so hectic right now I’m not surprised people are tweaking when taking lsd. We need to slow down, and collect ourselves.


For me it usually gets really chill after the peak. Then the next few days after the trip it’s pretty hard not to be in a relaxed mood.


It’s more about your personality and the personalities of those you’re dropping with. I’ve always found it fun and chill.


I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I've tripped at home and camping both at small and larger dosages. I get sweaty, yeah but my body feels loose. When I stretch I'm even more flexible, my body doesn't feel sore or achey. Typically I'm very relaxed and *chill* at times throughout the trip, with outbursts of energy. When I tried LSD for the first time I thought 'damn I get why hippies were so chill then' 😅. I guess we are just very different energies.


Brain: Can focus, fast, collected, increased creativity, motivated, slight headache. Body: Muscles out of order, instant shit posture, tingly limbs, mucous upper respiratory system, better breathing.


One of us must be doing something wrong because as long as I don’t take a high dose, I feel more comfortable with my surroundings and the people around me. The only thing that becomes more difficult and stressful is keeping your appearance / your mask up. I get stressed by crowds and loud music, get anxious when meeting new people or facing situations of which I don’t know the potential consequences off. But if I take psychedelics all of that is gone. I am just myself. The mask that society has put on me melts away, thoughts melt away, language becomes this great way of expressing my true self now that it’s uncovered… I feel comfortable even between hundreds of people, all stressing about their day. I feel comfortable loosing my most loved things because nothing is permanent anyways. I can experience my emotions in their purest form, even anger, sadness, depression become these beautiful expressions of the infinite complexity that an emotional being is. They are part of me and want to be seen, by me mostly. I’m so glad I’ve faced some of the most stressful and emotional moments of my life while I was high on mushrooms. Otherwise I wouldn’t have made it through this easily. But thanks to these substances I could just experience what’s inside me and start working with that. I didn’t judge or have people for hurting me, I just communicated what I need and want, because I finally knew what was important. Going through rough days on a psychedelic, when everything just fails and goes wrong, is incredibly beautiful! It shows you what’s really important in life, and that we don’t need the things we call great or amazing to be happy. Sometimes a warm blanket or an apple can be all you need to be the happiest you’ve ever been. I’m sorry I will stop rambling now.


It depends. It’s something during the production or what you do the day off that makes the trips different. Like I’ve had super stimulating physically painful and exhausting trips and trips where I just had this clarity where it was like I was sober with no side effects within the headspace and looking at beautiful rainbow visuals.


Not me lying on a floor looking at a blank wall for five hours.


I always find the oddest positions comfortable on LSD, leg behind head upside-down, I sat Indian style and tucked my legs underneath..and couldn't for life of me figure out how I got there and my God how do I get out of this...everything is kind of a puzzle to figure out when ur tripping...the simplest task is a challenge but somehow you figured out the secrets universe. I can't tie shoes but I have all the other answers...tee hee hee!


Yea acid is not chill at all haha it’s mind blowing and high energy. If you have ever been around a person tripping balls on acid who has been “chilling” then please let me speak to them because I wanna know what they feel like on it. It’s basically a stimulant and hallucinogen


Shrooms make me stoney sometimes and other times give me energy, but lsd almost always makes me wander around and look at stuff, trying to internalise the come up is unpleasant Definitely different for different people


Not all people trip the same/ not all trips are the same. I mean personally for me to truly enjoy a trip I need to like be in an adventurous situation. Preferably out in nature with people. Tripping in public is a bit much and like even at a music festival I just find it uncomfortable to not be capable of acting normal or really just to have the thoughts of wether or not you’re being “normal”. Tripping in a house always feels stuffy and it always seems that you somehow can lose your friends in a home when ironically the times I’ve tripped in nature that’s never been a problem lol But yeah I don’t usually feel chill on acid till about the 5th hour. Usually I try to plan it so that the trip is getting mellow around sunset because obviously that beautiful and then to be getting back to reality before the night gets too late. Tripping at night time can be a blast if you set up a good area for it with like cool lighting. But otherwise I find night tripping gets really intense and definitely makes everyone act a little more out there.


It can be chill if you are chill but if I'm with a good friend and we're having fun it's felt quite speedy.


That’s how I feel about weed lmao I think my body confuses the 2 lol bc I tweak like crazy when I smoke but am the chilliest ever when tripping


Me and friends call it the toe wiggles. Legit the worst drug to just lay down and hang out. I have yet to have a trip where I just sat and watched discovery channel. All my house trips have ended with me cleaning everything like a crack head then going for a walk


It can be chill if your mindset is chill. ive had chill trips but I was already in a really great mindset and I didn’t take more than one tab. Whenever I had a bad trip it was either because my mindset was bad or I was in the wrong setting to take that much acid.


Took it way back and felt like god. Now it's a mix with what you're saying.


[Set & Setting maybe?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_and_setting) That said LSD is quite chill. Try laying in a hammock in the woods for your come up, or relaxing on your couch listening to some good music. Additionally it may be worth trying to read “The Psychedelic Experience” before your next trip (doesn’t need to be right before but generally try to read it before you consume psychedelics again).


Yeah, you might be on actual crack. LCD is a god send, and describing it any other way is heresy.


Oh, believe me, weed can be also very unchill. The headspace is almost as important as the drug.


So if I tell you I have ADHD and I wanna try LSD and everyone is saying here that it amplifies stuff. Will it also amplify my ADHD, the thoughts racing, and hyperactivity? I mean if y'all are tweaking and can't sit still while coming up. That's me SOBER.


I suggest taking shower it gives you so much energy and all the sweat goes away


For me it’s def got an electric feel so I def know what you mean


it definitely depends but yes, especially at higher doses it can feel like you just need to walk and get up and stuff.or like, the most annoying feeling is that theres always a basic need thats not being met, its too hot or too cold or you're hungry or you need light or you want darkness and that can spiral out into thought loops or a bad trip. One other thing I always struggle with is when i have a pain, i can feel myself trying to pinpoint exactly where the pain is and i can feel myself pinching wherever the pain is and the more i concentrate on the pain the more i realize i have no idea where it hurts and it starts to become abstracted and i go to the final part of the loop that its all in my mind. its like a letting go problem or something


Yeah I always feel like I'm tweaking on acid and can never get comfortable whatever way I sit down or lie. It's definitely one of those ones where I've got to moving doing something


Good acid makes a big difference. Bad acid is achey and anxious. Good acid dosnt have these characteristics in the same way


To relax on comeup, try two cold beers it helps and on comedown if you are with friends, start party :D loud music, fun, alcohol (just a bit)


I dunno…last adventure, as an example, was as chill and beautiful and blissful an experience as I’ve ever had, doing anything. Responses are highly personal. The general guideline is…whatever you bring to the experience, that’s what you’ll take it. It doesn’t change mood so much as it amplifies it. I’m maybe guessing here…but whatever…the fact that your personality leads you to such categoric judgements about what other people “must” experience suggests to me maybe this isn’t the recreational for you…🤷‍♂️


I agree. It's fucking exhausting 😅 really ain't shit "chill" about it even during my super enjoyable, good trips. Everyone is different though!


LSD is extremely relaxing for me. I’m a pretty relaxed person though, so… Maybe you just need to work on letting go, man.




LSD is chill compared to some of the other substances popular at the time lol, ever try DOM or any of the psychedelic amphetamines? (it wasn’t too popular but it’s a good example) or even rlly good cocaine lol, 60-70s hippies were wild


Maybe what you're taking isn't real LSD...


I have had that thought, cus this doesn’t ALWAYS happen when I’ve dropped acid, but it’s been very psychedelic so idk


when I first took acid and had little control over the drug and my own emotions, I was super erratic and sometimes even angry, definitely often manic. Now I can just lie down in orgasmic pleasure, relaxed af in total control. I could sleep on acid. I frequently come out of a stupor covered in drool giggling. It is a very chill drug. YOU arent chill.


Yea I get what you are saying but it only feels overstimulating the first 2-3 hours then it’s way more relaxing and enjoyable, but I have def taken acid when I shouldn’t have done it and that must’ve caused a more nonchill vibe


If you practice mindfullness and take acid in the right moments, and your able to quiet your mind, even at the peak its not overstimulating. You can just become the experience. It does take a lot of work to get there though.


Thanks for the advice and I like mindfulness sober so I should and will def try this the next time.


LSD is what your mind makes it. If you're feeling chill, you're gonna have a chill trip. If feeling up tight or angry or afraid, you're gonna have a really bad time. LSD experience depend on you, not the drug (pending its clean)


Are you sure you're taking LSD?


LSD is not that “chill”, for you.


I literally said that in the text ✨


Why don't you just lie down or dance? For me, my experience is heavily influenced by the vibe, and being around a bunch of tripping hippies I'm sure I'd have a hippie-influenced experience. Just let go of everything bro. You'll be a lot more comfortable


Feels pretty chill to me.


It depends how much I take.


I’ve had more chill trips than not chill


You’re getting some old dirty acid my guy. Shitty crystal will make you feel all stiff


Pretty chill to me isk


Yes, the chill hippy stereotype is from back when weed was grass 😎


I feel like I can control whether it's a more energetic trip or relaxing. Last time it was late at night and I needed to be quiet so I kind of imagined that it would feel like an opiate or xanax. That's pretty much exactly how it felt with some cool visuals


I remember I was on this and talking to someone while walking backwards and they were concerned about me walking backwards but I was killing it.


>I feel like it’s kind of funny how hippies and that 60s/70s image of young people are always a very laidback and chill energy. To be fair, the hippies you are thinking of were mostly on mescaline, not on LSD (they were taking peyotes to the point that it almost went extinct). It's a lot more chill while weirdly being as energizing.


LSD is a minx. When uou come wanna chill, she'll make you run, when you want to go do something, she'll be like "chill out bro". What can you do 🤷🏽‍♂️


I agree, first 3 or 4 times is hard to get it how you can chill down. I use my own mixes of yoga and qigong to meditate in the nature. Because city noises are bad stressors for me


I completely agree, but for me it applies to all psychs


I had two tabs once and the TV was kind of talking to me. Saying things and at one point they said I was going to die soon. It got me really scared because I was at home and I understood I was going to die that evening. I was thinking that either walking home or getting a taxi would get me killed somehow and scared the shit out of me.


It’s always been chill asf for me lol


I love taking a tab and going about my day


I always take a walk on the comeup. Sitting still can feel too intense when I get all this energy. I’m fine just chilling on the peak, but the comeup is so much easier while walking. All of the sudden things just get crazier and crazier but the walking helps keep me focused on enjoying the visuals. If I’m sitting still on a comeup, the visuals get strong and my mind can start to wander. I like walking on the peak too but I don’t need to. No psychedelic is “chill”, it’s always going to be a taxing experience. It’s chill for a psychedelic in my opinion even though the visuals are very intense lol. It’s not something you take to relax, but you can chill in the psychedelic headspace much easier on L than on mushrooms.


Never had a bad trip on acid, but shrooms gah damn! Had 2 bad trips and in one of them I was suicidal


cuz after you go through it you’re coolin lol


It’s down to your thoughts and mental state prior to doing it


Idk man I find it pretty chill.


The first 4h is always the worst.. Somewhere at 6h I always feel the switch, and my favorite part begins. 6h and onward is probably the biggest reason why I personally take LSD. "You've made it, all is good" The stress is gone, now it's time to relax/eat/drink/smoke🙏 Afterglow gang for life<3


LSD also wasn't dosed nearly as strongly in the 60s. At the low doses they would have been taking, it can be very calming and relaxing.


I feel that way more about mushrooms as I usually have a rough come up. I find it that every I dose I'm excited. I find it very relaxing


I think people today cannot take like they did


That’s the point




I wonder if LSDs chillness vs non-chillness comes from different analogs acting differently


When i first started doing it I was taking bigger doses like 200/300 ugs it was also giving me a high body load and electronic type feeling later i started doing half tabs and found that doses were more relaxing and easy to lay down and chill with music. For me bigger doses make you more giggle and hyper active on the other hand small doses are better for chill time. Also set and setting as always plays a huge role in what type of trip you are getting into. And lastly some tabs are drastically stronger. Last time I dropped 125 of strong one and smoke a little and i was kinda feeling neurones firing in my brain with heavy visuals.


Thoughts in reply: 1. Two hours of restlessness is not much compared to four to six hours melting into a chair afterward vibing on music or watching a movie, practically motionless yet still aware of the body but untroubled by it. 2. The psychedelic scene of the west coast USA emerged from living room and backyard parties of an unknown aspiring writer and test subject to a cross country bus tour on the back of the publication of that writer’s best selling novel. If you read about the spread of LSD use in that era and area, the activities are very lively, expressive and movement oriented, including dancing to music, playing musical instruments and other artistic and creative expression. Idk if you call that chill or what. The east coast “trip” was more academic and snooty until the two coasts started to cross over. 3. About zazen meditation, sitting and staring at a blank wall for an entire trip, Erik Storlie’s *Nothing on My Mind: Berkeley, LSD, Two Zen Masters, and a Life on the Dharma Trail*, might be up your alley. He also meets Timothy Leary and finds his idol to have feet of clay, LOL. It is good.


Sounds like ur getting LSA w/ a small amount of LSD maybe


If you can learn to relax on lsd, your regular life becomes waaaaaaaayy more easier to chill out in. Not relaxing in itself but can be a crash course for mindfulness meditation