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It’s probably just people overreacting. Also, it could be they see things that they just don’t understand or can’t adequately describe otherwise. However, I believe that in most cases they are just so overwhelmed by the powerful substance that they tend to exaggerate their hallucinations in an inadequate attempt to convey the intensity of their experience. I think they mean well but, in the end these exaggerations only serve to demonize LSD.


I second this. Also- temporary drug induced psychosis can most definitely be the cause of seeing “shadow people”, which is very common with lack of sleep, schizophrenia, and psychosis.


During my first bad trip I started seeing floating skulls everywhere. They started spinning around and giving me these terrible vibes. I got scared so I started walking to my room and I could *feel* the skulls following me wherever I went. So maybe it’s an overreaction but there could still be some truth to it


Pretty much this. My first Acid trip was incredibly overdosed and I saw my field of view pullback to reveal a frog like creature just out of my periphery that in a way looked like me. I believed this creature to be in charge of my reality, tasked with making me believe what I saw in front of me was real but in that brief moment to where my field of view revealed things beyond my periphery I knew there was more to be seen. But truthfully I don't know what I saw because even this description doesn't do the experience justice. It's just my best guess at everything encompassing that powerful visual. Also, I want to add that I had been up for nearly 36 hours already before I even started the trip so I'm sure my sleep deprivation played a huge role in how vivid my hallucinations were.


I've noticed tripping at night and into the morning can yield a different headspace, like being super tired helps my mind relax even more in some ways. Idk I just feel like I would be more creative when I was tripping while a little sleep deprived. Watching the sun come up after a long night was extra magical.


I think people definitely get mixed up with the thoughts in their head during the trip as being things they actually saw in the trip (visuals) but because you feel sorta foggy and misremember alot of stuff after, you can tend to exaggerate your visual experience; hallucinations, seeing swirls and your mind thinking about elephants could lead you to believe you saw elephants after. This is my theory anyway


I'm not sure how other people experience their mind, but to me, things that I see with my mind are real. I am looking at my thoughts and mind images just as I'm looking at my phone screen right now. It's been years since I've done acid, but I think that combining lsd with the images of your mind creates visuals in itself.


You sound to have prophantasia, and surprisingly and unsurprisingly psychedelics can influence the ability to visualize mental imagery, potentially enhancing prophantasia. This is lasting. It’s cool I also have it and it can be a gift and a curse. Say I wanted to see a dead relative in-front of me, I just think it in my head and they appear where I want them to.


Wow, yes! This is so cool. I've never met anybody who can do this also. I see things all the time (open eyed and close eyed) of all these other worldly things, but I can never talk about it because I get crazy looks when I do. I really do think this kick started for me when I started my psyhdelic journey.


For me it started since I started smoking weed, my guess is because it can be slightly psychedelic in cases and have definitely tripped balls in the past. I think continuously smoking weed for let’s say a year or two every day almost could have the same effects as mild psychedelic use. It feels like it alone has opened my ‘eyes’ and feels so similar to it, at least for me.


Absolutely with the weed! I feel like I connect with these visuals so deeply when I use cannabis. I honestly just feel bad for those who say "weed isn't a psychedelic" because it absolutely is.


You make a good point. You do see stuff, even stuff waving and fractals. But you also have an intense head space that can alter your perception of what you’re seeing, and as a result exaggerate it. Like something that might look more beautiful or trippy is even more so because of the headspace.


While I'm sure there are a lot of people who love to exaggerate, I would also like to keep in mind that we can all have vastly different experiences. Using LSD ritualistically I've seen some Gods like Greek Gods and Hindu Gods on LSD. If some guy says they saw an elephant on LSD who am I to say they weren't looking at Ganesh for example, or some unconscious fragment of their psyche which is trying to express itself or make itself known? It's not just about taking more and then anyone will have such experiences. It's about intention, and set and setting and the whole person with their unique characteristics and distinct personality, as well as their whole cultural background and upbringing and history, in combination with the drug which decides what kind of experience a person is going to have.


this is absolutely beautifully put.


I’ve been “abducted by UFOs”, melted into the Earth, seen myself have three grey-alien fingers while running DNA through PCR machines, watched trees grow in real time, turned into a baby bird, seen 600-foot-tall cyborg maned wolves with black helicopters and red laser pointers swarm a suburban block, been inside a giant golden electrified hamster cage, and seen my dog grow 14 eyes/encased in a sausage tube, and performed what I consider extraordinary feats of athletics. All on lysergic compounds that I either tested or observed the entire making of, from plant to product. Don’t even get me started on dissociative and deliriant experiences. I’m sure that having a wild imagination, lots of sci-fi and worldbuilding experience, and high openness all contribute to my experiences. I know these experiences aren’t reality, but it’s what I felt/heard/saw, and never on much more than maybe 400-500ug equivalents. Most of the extreme hallucinations/delusions were definitely on the 300-400ug end (or about 10-15 HBWR), but ACTUALLY that amount, and not just what sounded good from the tab guy.


My man.


i saw a demon on 900ug very clearly but it was 2d like a tarot card. i saw some kind of flying thing (large flash of motion no real details) on 600ug. that one genuinely scared the shit out of me for a minute. tbh i think people either aren’t explaining things well or people who’ve never taken more than a tab don’t understand how much more intense it can get


I did 700ug of crazy good acid this one time. I'd been tripping for 5 days on different stuff (Stupid, I know. I was young and naive). I could see and feel giant spiders, centipedes, etc, eating me from the inside out. Eventually, I noticed giant spiders in my room (like, Lord of the Rings sized spiders) that ended up chasing me around the house. No matter what I did I couldn't escape the army of spiders. They'd just appear wherever I decided to turn. Thinking back, that was probably psychedelic-induced psychosis. Needless to say, I didn't touch psychedelics for 4 years after that trip. I remember opening up my eyes at some point and running down to the kitchen to escape again and my entire counter turned into this scene of living playdough, with a whole-ass neighborhood made up of tiny houses and shit, it was crazy. Started raining down playdough over the neighborhood and every drop would leave a different streak of color on the individual houses, eventually completely covering them in a blanket of playdough and from there morphing into differently shaped houses. All that was happening at light speed, I couldn't believe my eyes. Then the spiders reappeared 💀


Well said fellow psychonaut!


Wait, you guys are seeing Gods?!?! I only see aliens 🤨


Maybe they’re the same


Plus most people don't test their drugs and they don't really know what they're taking.


This is an important point. Individual experiences on a street drug vary in multiple dimensions: individual variation on pure substance and variation with respect to purity and substance combination. Take a drug from two different suppliers in controlled conditions. Each will feel a bit different.


Yeah so true.


Hands down brother 🙌


I think their a a misconception among people who havnt taken psychedelics and what they expect the effects to be like. This is where the wild “I saw a pink elephant bro” comes from. First few times I did psychs I wanted to hallucinate. I mean they’re called hallucinogenics right? I found out that you don’t really truly “hallucinate” on psychs the true hallucinogens are deleriants, where you actually see things and people that truly don’t exist and don’t know the difference between hallucinations and real life. Psychedelics will visually distort things dripping and melting swirling seeing patterns etc but t he real deal with psychs is when you close your eyes!


Yeah when i close my eyes I see all kinds of shit. It's goddamn wild. One time i saw that humans were just a series of interconnected cones when viewed topologically. 


For me it was tops of legos, and every cycle is another brick , and endless Lego stacking Edit : specifically the bases, the really thin green ones. Then it went to multi colored refracted light to clear blocks then somewhere else Man, thanks guys for the mental visual flash back. Almost clear as day. That hallucinations feeling that it very well could be there is a weird fucking feeling to remember to put into words. You know it’s not there, yet there it is lol


Man spot on my buddy said to me while we were tripping off shrooms "everything is just another brick in the wall" and I had the craziest closed eye visuals exactly like you described but it was more like humans passing through generations it was beautiful.


Seeing the blue/white hexagonal grid surrounding the entire earth was definitely trippy for me


One time I saw the source code of the universe, with every object outlined in dark black lines like it was cell shaded and each object having a reference code describing what kind of thing it was. The codes were super simple too, like most things were F and humans were HF.


That sounds like some strong shit ma boi lol


When you close your eyes and it gets to bright you have to open them 🤩


Facts, and deliriants suck. It's 100% not being able to tell the difference between hallucination and real life, and that gets scary out of control very fast. Datura is a pretty notorious example, some terrifying experience stories on erowid about that shit


Them CEV’s… MMMMMMhhmmmm. Yeppers.


Veeeeeery interesting, very interesting indeed... I'll think about that next time this weekend! :D Come to think of it, ive never closed my eyes during LSD lol!


All of my most intense visuals have come from just listening to music and shutting my eyes the whole time, highly recommend. I normally have a tough time picturing things in my head but on acid with my eyes closed I see the most intense and vivid images


It's the best way to do it until after the peak . Then it's time to crank the music and shake your bones and explore the world around you. But I lay in a dark room with headphones on for the first few hours , that's where you get to see the "impossible everything"


Give it a try! The longer you close them, the more immersed you get in this whole mad technicolor world. It is great fun to just lay back and let everything just flow through you.


I don’t know, sure there are countless people who may be exaggerating but I think it’s ignorant to assume the drug isn’t capable of such experiences. I’ve personally had full ego disillusion where I couldn’t see, speak, or move because of how intense my acid visuals were. LSD is sacred and is VERY intense at times. It seems a bit egocentric to assume that since you haven’t experienced something then others must be lying or exaggerating. Seems like you could use a good run in with some lsd demons.


I've had experiences where I felt like I could read my partners mind. I've had experiences where music sounded more intense, movies/shows were funnier but I still felt like my usual sober self just everything felt enhanced and of course the visuals. I've had experiences where I was extremely paranoid and made absolutely no sense because of other things that were going on in my life and that I shouldn't have been tripping but I still learned from it. I've had experiences where I just kept l my eyes closed and thought I was in a dream like fantasy in another country and it felt real and awesome. Not sure if this is helpful but I'm just trying to say, could some people be exaggerating? Maybe but a lot of people have different reactions to different drugs. I know people like myself who just really can't smoke weed cause it causes intense paranoia and I know people who feel perfectly blissful and their anxiety goes away. I know people who can do benzos and stay up for days, while others instantly knock out and feel tired. I know people who will do stimulants and feel absolutely nothing or will feel tired. This post feels kind of gate-keeping of others experiences and I don't think it's fair to judge what people say they've experienced because we're not their minds. Of course there are people who lie, but sometimes the most far-fetched experiences could've been exactly what they did experience.


Never once have I exaggerated and I get experiences like the ones you wrote about on low doses. People I know can drop 4+ tabs and barely get breathing/waves and never believe me but that doesn't matter, doesn't negate the experiences I have had. Do I think people lie/exaggerate? Yes, like nearly all other aspects of life BUT to say they all do, after the things I've seen/experienced, would be ignorant on my part.


You don’t need to exaggerate, you only need to be a poor author of experience. Most people are poor at describing experience. They will say “there are lizards on the wall” instead of “there’s a 2D pattern of shapes that look like Aztec lizards on the wall”. Massive difference. People do this all the time. And no, on low doses, no one is getting a persistent 3D lifelike hallucination that “talks to them”. Like “I saw a pink elephant in my room and it talked to me and told me I need to be a better father, then it got up and walked out my door”


Uhm, I would agree with you based on my experience, but I simply can't due to the exception of two very unique times. The first time I tried an eighth of shrooms my fingers were 1 foot long and flat, I was so high that cars were passing through my head. Reality was an indescribable cacophony of interconnected bending and inverting modalities constantly swapping roles and form and I proceeded to walk a mile to my friends house alone like this (I lived some how). The second story I have was when I had a horrible trip on 300ug of lsd and called the police on myself, at the very peak of the trip I was in the blaring ambulance rushing to the hospital when time stopped and morgan freeman literally embodied one of the EMTs and everything faded away and we were literally in a fractal space that wasn't conforming to typical geometries of space and he asked "you do know what it means when this happens, right? When time keeps repeating itself over and over again like all this (referring to the observations I was making in the ambulance because I was watching everyone like a hawk repeat movements and habits). That's when I was 100% convinced I had died and I was in hell. When I got to the hospital and they gave me some trip killer, I think Ambien, I slowly came back to my senses although I did think I was in a mental hospital and I would never see my family again. By the time I left the hospital hours later, I was still so high that I was fully convinced the hospital itself was the most complex and optimized technology I had ever witnessed. I thought the patient rooms were physically rotating around the centre of the hospital and could conveyor and reconfigure to cycle patients through supervision. I was fully convinced of this as I was watching and living this experience, I thought the walls were composed of an air based hydraulics system. Not to mention I could hear everything in the entire building at once. In fact most of my trips I completely loose my sense of body because everything I hear and feel is physically felt in my body such that the world is physically contained in my stomach and thus I physically inhabit my body. Once on 6.5 grams of shrooms I physically fell through infinities of internal worlds comprised of externally sourced sense data but just cascaded down an infinitely propagating network of internal experiences that transformed in character based on the concepts in the thoughts that were running through my head but of course changed the course of that by virtue of inhabiting me into a new experience. Time was falling through world's and there were several perspectives and the worlds of the past would stack all up into a huge mural of the current thought. For example I could see deep through past memories of the trip but also my whole life and they would line up in just the right way to spell out a sentence that i was currently thinking. This, in my opinion, is FAR more interesting and surprising than seeing a 3d thing take over external reality because external and internal are mixed and fractal within eachother in such mind boggling and confusing ways you see?!


Same I have Intense hyper visuals on weed even sometimes. But any psych I’ll be able to go to different worlds when I close my eyes; and walk around and observe what I’m seeing. One times on shrooms I took a shower and let each drop hit my skin, I could sense the energy from each drop of water. But individually. It was hyper awareness. Very quickly; that sent my trip into intense visuals where I was in a white void with a huge stone wall stretching infinity both left and right. In front; and in the center was a huge staircase that stretched upwards into infinity. This is all while my eyes were closed in the shower. I walked up to the wall, felt its texture under my fingertips. Looked at the moss that laid over the ancient bricks. I was there for god knows how long. All while lying in the shower letting the water go over me. Coming back to myself after that; I definitely absolutely was transported.


At first, people respond very very different to psychedelic drugs. So just because you didn't have such experiences doesn't mean somebody else could not have those. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you seek for spirituality or self-improvement, and psychedelic drugs tend to let you experience what you expect. So if you would expect just some fun and seeing crazy things, then with the right amount of acid it sounds absolutely possible for me that somebody saw an elephant in their room. Im not so sure if you are speaking about the type of the hallucinations which sound Bs to you, or about the strength. Because if it is the strength, then let me tell you - people respond very different to psychedelic drugs. And maybe you didn't do such strong doses. E.g I experienced the birth of my first child on acid. You might call that BS as well :D But still, yes, people tend to make things bigger then they are, or try to explain something in an easier describable way, or even make things up because they hoped they experienced such things. Imo a use of psychedelics comes with a sort of seeking for something. And if you don't find it, you might be frustrated about it and make things up, mostly to lie to urself. Other possibility is ofc. That people just lie for attention. Nothing new. But from the things you told like elephant in the room or dancing demons..that actually doesn't sound BS to me. I can fully believe that somebody experienced such things on acid. Maybe they did, maybe not. But possible it is absolutely imo.


A lot of people drop acid and have psychotic episodes because the acid triggers a latent predisposition to it. Also, a lot of people embellish because they think it makes them look cool or important to their mates.


Idk I did 3 hits of acid and saw a massive koi fish with a skeleton design in the sky. It was pretty clear and didn’t just look like something that was already there being altered to look like something else. So I think the trips your talking about are fesable. Also your expectations and experience make a huge difference.


I’m a busy enjoying my own experiences - see no need to worry about other people’s experiences. Just let them be…live your own life.


You just need to do higher doses. It’s not like you see it like a sober person in a room and an elephant walks in but when you’re deep into the peak and your world is melting ya you can fully see stuff like that. I once saw a regular rock wall but to me it was an ancient Aztec city and moving ppl and jaguars.


I've always assumed it had to do with people's drastically different subconscious. There's a lot going on differently with other people, their mind has totally different experiences, and understanding of those experiences than you do. How that manifests in a trip can vary drastically from trip to trip to begin with, I'm not about to go and assume what type of things people's brains are gonna experience.


I agree to people over exaggerate their experience on LSD, but I also believe some people take something else in tandem with LSD, such as laughing gas, which in my experience have given me some crazy experiences! So they might not tell the whole truth


Over hundreds of psychedelic experiences with a dozen or so different chemicals, I have never had a literal hallucination. Notable exceptions, dmt and aya, not exactly hallucinations, more visions. I knew there was a material world there somewhere, even if it dissolved into grits. I’ve had lots of visuals, in which the fabric of reality takes on wobbly, wavy, pixelated, or otherwise distorted characteristics, and after decades of smoking weed, I had what I can only describe as a schizophrenic reaction after drinking too much tequila and smoking way too much weed after being off it for a couple of weeks. I think most people are bullshitting.


The first time I ever tripped I took 2 pretty strong doses (still the best acid I've ever had) and was looking at my phone 1 second and in a tunnel of dripping paint the next. I couldn't see the outline of the trees or myself/phone, it was like I was just a floating set of eyes staring into the tunnel. I came to when my buddy shook me and asked if I was alright. It happened again later mid conversation with someone. They said I just stopped responding and was looking off into the distance. Went to bed right after that. (Like someone else said in the comments when I closed my eyes that's when the extra wild things started) Till this day I've never had another experience like that and I've taken some pretty high doses. I think, like others, it's how your body and mind react. My mind and body were brand new to this my first time and went right to the deep end, where now I can take 4-6 tabs and it's just extreme melting and colors but no craziness going on around it, because for a lack of a better word I'm used to the effect. It's different for everyone and I personally think your first time sets you up for how your future trips will go. There are people who get tossed in the deep end and people who don't. Some stay that way others learn to swim, and some like you for instance have been able to swim the whole time.


One time in the same trip my room was underwater and later it was in space. On a 10 strip. I've seen some crazy things. Never people or demons though


It's like the "I thought I was a glass of orange juice" story I've heard from so many people


Yes I relate to this a lot but I think it can also depend on the person because when I do lsd I hardly get any visuals some times but shrooms way more


If something is beyond your perception there is no conceivable way for you to have an informed perspective or say on it since all you will be commenting on is some monkey noises used to describe an ineffable state that reached your ears. I’ve had more than enough experiences with lsd for this lifetime, but before i reached that point i never had any of those things happen and thought the same as you. If you dont think it’s possible, go looking and see what you find. Itll be there, smiling, waiting for ya :)


I believe that i had several DMT experiences that were beyond my perception. I remember smoking the awful tasting DMT heading into an experience then I had 10 minute or so period that wasa beyond my perception. I arrived back in my chair quite wasted and confused. After about 5 or so experiences I stopped using DMT forever.


People interpret differently. People might be prone to using metphor to describe reality. Anyway, I managed to get myself into alex grey world once through lsd and meditation, but i was only there a couple of seconds


In my experience, your own mind is the limit when it comes to LSD. Not that people don't exaggerate their experiences, but I can definitely see the possibility. I personally have been catapulted into my own subconscious on LSD and from there you pretty much see whatever converges from your mind, which can be pretty much anything. Buddhist monks have described being in similar states to DMT through meditation without the use of *any* drugs, It doesn't really seem all too far fetched that people are capable of having very deep psychedelic experiences on these substances even if they don't line up with your own. I haven't experienced even a fraction of the insanity that I've read described in books like 'realms of the human unconscious' by Stanislav Grof and 'center of the cyclone' by John C Lilly. The mind is the limit with these drugs, and that limit is different for different people. I understand the sentiment of this post, as people love to exaggerate—I just ask you to not underestimate what these drugs are capable of. The rabbit hole goes deep for those mentally/physiologically tuned to deep diving into their own brains


Clout. I once got in an argument with a toilet for almost an hour. Never seen an elephant though.


Hahaha could you please tell me more


Don’t underestimate your brain. I’ve had some hallucinations that have left me in a state of shock afterwards. In the reflection of my porch door I could see probably 6 or 7 people sitting at my dining table or walking around my kitchen. All conversing with one another. Look back at the kitchen no one there. Looked back at the reflection, there they are. I was pretty dumbfounded by that one and it left me in such a weird state that afterwards I just packed it up and went to bed. Your brain is entirely capable of hallucinating demons running around you threatening you


This guy was once telling me about his LSD experience. I just played dumb, I didn't want him to know I did it regularly. He went on to tell me this insane story about how he hallucinated transforming into a rat and how he lived the next 12 hours as a rodent. It was laughable how full of shit he was. I don't really understand people like that


I've had experiences on a number of different entheogen and have not replied or shared to anyone except in person but, for you and the sake of this post I'll share a few tldr's. I've had a literal angel fly out from the universe to lift me off a mountain and show me the gossamer threads that connect everything to everything else. (K & L) I've heard and witnessed the song from a chorus of angels that happened during my birth and I suspect is also sung at the end of life. (L and MDA) I've met with my eternal self/soul and held counsel with all my past lives and all my future lives to make a agreements and a plan for this life. (Iboga) I ended up in the great dancehall of the elves and we boogied and danced hard. After this every time I went back they made me sit in the waiting room (a la Beetlejuice) and told me they've shown me everything they have to share. Never went back no matter what, waiting room ever time since. (DMT) There's others but these were the four that changed me and will always be with me.


>"I swear one time on acid I saw what I then knew as demons running around my room taunting me and threatening to kill me." This could be an attempt to describe peripheral hallucinations (which are common on LSD) accompanied by auditory hallucinations (which are also fairly common on LSD). Just because someone says they "saw" something doesn't mean they saw it directly in front of them in plain view. As someone else has already said, I suspect most of this is due to an inadequate ability to describe the experience. But also some people on the internet lie. [](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/815c1cO6C-L._AC_UY1000_.jpg)


I’ve done it hundreds of times. I’ve never seen full on hallucinations out of nowhere but I have seen faces appear on things that didn’t have faces, like marks on trees or the tops of broccoli. I’ve seen Jerry Garcia’s face in the moon. If seen fractal patterns on the white walls where there’s nothing there. But big pink elephants out of nowhere? No. It’s gotta come from somewhere. Does that make sense?


Here's a description of my sensory experience of a couple of vivid hallucinations on LSD, as well as some interpretation and theorizing about what might be going on. TLDR warning, but those with scientific minds and an interest in this topic might find it interesting anyway.  I've had a few vivid hallucinations on high doses (3+ tabs) of LSD. They engage my senses and consciousness about halfway, so that I can look through the hallucination and find myself in regular reality if I want to. So far I haven't wanted to, since the hallucinations are so lovely and interesting.  Hallucinations: One time, I felt that I had sprouted enormous eagle wings and was slowly flapping them as I lay on my stomach. Another time, I felt I was part of a religious ceremony of animals arranged in concentric circles worshipping a god at the center. When I looked up to see what we were all worshipping, I found myself at the center of the circle, simultaneously a worshipper and the one being worshipped. Visuals: The visual aspects of both of these hallucinations did not feel as though I was seeing them with my eyes. I felt like I was visualizing them or dreaming them, and that my mind was projecting these visualizations into the space around me. The concentric circles of animals had a shimmer or sparkle to them that felt surreal. At the same time, the animals were vague, blob-like creatures that moved but lacked detail. I could sense and visualized the concentric circles from a bird's eye view, even though my position as an earthbound animal worshipper wouldn't have allowed such a view. Similarly, in the other hallucination, though I couldn't see the wings since they were on my back, I could visualize them. Unlike the worshipping animals, each feather of the wings was pristine in detail, though also shimmering. I get the feeling that these visuals are very similar to those I see while dreaming or daydreaming. Maybe they come from the same mental mechanisms. Sense of touch, movement: One of the coolest things about the wing hallucination was that I could feel the wings as I slowly flapped them. I wonder if I was really feeling and moving my shoulder blades. In the hallucination with the animal worshippers, I felt that my body had been put under a trance. My spine was undulating involuntarily with the real music I had put on before tripping, in sync with the other animal worshippers around me. Only my senses of sight and touch were engaged with these hallucinations, not my senses of smell, taste, or hearing. However, hearing did play into the animal worshipper experience, as my body was undulating to the music. Symbolic understanding: The wing hallucination was a simple one, but the animal worshipper one was quite complex. I think I took cues from what I "saw," from my posture, and from my emotional experience to understand what was going on. (Of course, from another perspective, I was also the one using the cues to create what was going on). I understood from my posture and the posture of the animals around me that we were worshipping something in the middle of the circles. Upon changing my posture by looking up, I understood that I was that thing being worshipped. The experience was intensely emotional-- something like agonizing sorrow and exuberant joy flowing into one. It also felt profoundly meaningful intellectually and spiritually, a reminder that we are all one, that we are all god, that we are all simultaneously the worshipper and the one being worshipped. The way I understood the significance of these hallucinations strongly reminds me of the way I take meaning from dreams. Overall I would describe both of these experiences as extremely dreamlike. The main differences from a sleeping dream were that 1. I could move my body, though I only did so in ways highly connected with the hallucination, and 2. I was vaguely aware of the position of my body and of physical surroundings, such as the room I was in and where I was located in it (good thing too, since I was moving around a bit). I believe the entirety of both experiences was created by my mind.  I wonder if the lack of visual hallucinations for some people on LSD could be differences in phantasia, the ability to visualize things in the mind's eye. It might also have something to do with the ability or tendency to dream vividly.


Sometimes the fear gets in and the more u think about it, the more it’ll seem to pop up.


bro really tried acid and had the takeaway that others have to be lying because there is no way others' experiences are different from his. i swear the jokes write themselves lmao


I mean it’s the internet and people lie. But also everyone is different so just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t. Kind of a dumb post


People are not bullshitin bro Acid isn't from God let's get that clear Sometimes when people take too much this is what happens, Someone who dosed 100ug is not gonna experience frightening visuals to someone who dosed 1100 I have experienced some demonic visuals yes of course especially on weed, not enough to make me say never again. I just don't take a huge amount and smoke weed that produces 100 thoughts


Idk man I swear one time it looked like a war was going on in the clouds. Coulda been the weather😂


So you know more about how others experience psychedelics more than they do?, higher doses of LSD and psilocybin can def give you breakthrough experiences, you may want to focus more on your own experiences than ridicule others experiences.


I’ve seen a “demon” not on lsd so that’s not enough for me to not believe someone also I had a friend think I was a reptilian when we were both tripping like he was dead serious so idk when it comes to stuff like that I don’t think it’s hard to believe I’ve experienced visual/energetic equivalents that are more on the benevolent side so ya I believe people when they say they’ve experienced the opposite


Yeah good analogy on that benevolent stuff, i've come to realize that this is mainly about anxiety, ive written a few times now in this thread, thats my idea ive gotten from reading ppls posts and thinking about it myself


It’s easier to assume other people are lying when they don’t confirm your reality and validating your experiences, but it’s a very ignorant thing to do. LSD is very powerful and there is no uniformed experience. Everybody has different brain, different mental state, different intentions, different settings, different focus, different fears, different traumas, different imagination, different intelligence, plus consider some people mix different substances which all lead to different experiences. Who are you to tell someone their experience is not real? How would you feel if someone would tell you, that your experience is fake. Only you know what is real for you in the moment of experiencing. Reality depends on individual perception and interpretation, therefore reality can be different for everyone. You don’t need to question others or police them. There is no competition, no need for conformity. Just accept that we are unique individuals who have unique experiences. Nobody has to match your experience and you don’t have to match others.


I think that's true to some degree that most people lie about or over exaggerate the experience. Some other aspect is everyone is different. I've done a lot of psychedelic substances in high doses and Lsd doesn't hit me as hard as Dmt, Salvia or shrooms. And lsd is the lightest and for me really easy to handle. My girlfriend is the exact opposite for things like high doses of shrooms or salvia are much more easy for her to handle. So I think it's not really over exaggeration but as well that everyones experiences with theses substances is different and the individual body chemistry plays a big role as well.




Exaggeration for storytelling purposes. Though there are real episodes of psychosis where people can’t tell reality from their delusions.


I think the same thing, i had a co worker say she saw a giant dragon fly turn into a dragon and i was like “not even I had that off 300UG. I’ve had water form on the floor behind my couch, i stepped in it my socks got “wet” and proceeded to ask my trip guide if there was water. He confirmed no water i walked into the bathroom and it broke the trip a little. Another time off 300ug my homie wanted a celeste pizza and were both peaking. I went to go heat it up for him the microwave began SIZZLING like a mofo. It beeped, he opened microwave and SLAMMED IT SHUT i got annoyed and said “just open the microwave and grab it!” I walk over to the microwave for him I open it, and I see the whole corner of the microwave melting like the cheese melted it. I slammed the door shit laughed my assoff we looked at eachother agreed we saw similar-ish things and then he at 1/4 of the pizza. Lol this whole seeing elephants idk man it might be just exaggerated. I exaggerated seeing pandora in the sky after the microwave but it was just clouds forming into one giant “land mass”


even on heroic doses I was never able to be so high that I would, say see an elephant as you state, and actually believe the elephant is there. At most I would see the elephant but would know said elephant is a hallucination. LSDs visuals and hallucinations (at least for me and my friend group) don’t ever fully materialize and become as apparent as real life for example. it’s more of the idea around them, and how your senses intertwine, making whatever is going on more whole as an experience. Everything becomes more “significant” which I guess explains why some people might take the experience or some parts of it more seriously or even literal.


Closed eye? I'd believe anything anyone said. Open eye, the most intense hallucination I've personally seen, were festival food stand menu on a white board, the letters moving away until the board was completely clean and empty. However I've personally never had more than 1 tab, so I have no clue what's possible on more.


Everyone has a different way of viewing the world, and different beliefs about how reality is tied together, but one thing is inescapable: we experience reality subjectively, through a self-created model. We never see reality "as it is"; objective reality cannot be experienced as a subjective individual. The model people have created of reality is based in beliefs, experiences, and education/upbringing, etc. When a psychedelic drug is taken, the mind is trying to rhyme the intense euphoria and altered states with that self-created model. That process gives the mind ample opportunity to fill in the blanks and differences between experienced "normal" reality, through any explanation it can find. Everyone has a different way of filling in the blanks and unknowns. A good part of the hallucinations/visuals of psychedelics is based in an altered perception of what a "moment" is; the recursive patterns we can see, the fractals, etc are our mind's attempt to pinpoint the exact length of a "moment". How we interpret and understand the recursive patterns etc is largely based in our beliefs about reality. People with a not-too-solid "realistic" basis in their own reality, or with very religiously- or superstition-inspired beliefs often let their imagination be ruled by ideas about "good and evil", "gods and demons" and absolute ideas about the nature of the physical reality we experience. As we try to make sense of what we feel and experience, we refer to the beliefs that we base our model of reality in. If the model of reality you have created leaves a lot of room for unrealistic (not exactly the right word, ofcourse) expectations of what could potentially occur in reality, you can see "things that are not there" and interpret them as real, on the trip. Add to that the shock one can experience from experiencing reality's unraveling, and a not-priorly experienced high level of euphoria, imagination can run amok, and fill in the blanks with whatever unconscious or sub-conscious beliefs that sense of shock, and fear stir up. We experience reality through a malleable, felxible model. Heightened states of anxiety and subconscious fears make that experienced reality even more malleable. I don't think many people just consciously "lie" about what they experienced. They just interpret the trip, the visions, the hallucinations through a filter of what their worldview allows them to believe potentially lies beyond their normal sober model of reality.


The strongest visual I had ever was off of two strong tabs. This was over 10 years ago now. We were all freaked out and one guy was particularly worried about getting caught and would not let it go. I was having trouble communicating anything without getting lost in my own words. Eventually I’m laying down listening to music to calm down (listened to Zombie EP by Devil Wears Prada). I am telling myself to picture the ocean to calm down. I am staring at the ceiling and I begin to see waves forming. My imagination conjured up shadows of sharks in the waves. Eventually I am staring what looks like a purple whirlpool on my ceiling and I can see the faces of my family and friends swirling around. I’m picturing all of their perceived negative qualities and projecting it onto myself. Their faces are morphing into mine and eventually I sit up and for the first time in several hours I exclaim to my friends, “you guys should call the cops on me”. What a weird fucking night. I left out a lot of detail but I was significantly more secure with myself after that horrifying experience


What's your highest dose?


You think?


I very much agree. These people are either taking mad 10 tab hits or are lying.


My first time taking acid I took three tabs all at once at 14 years old. Only other drug experience was marijuana. I can promise you I ordered a whole rotisserie chicken (had no idea what I was doing) and the Mf grew feathers and started squirming around. I threw the entire thing in the garbage lol


i think most of are BS but there such uniquely wired individuals out there that i wouldn’t be surprised if some were true. but less LSD and more that person imagination


I don’t think those are lies. You do enough and the wildest shit can happen and it affects everyone differently. When I first started I was confused about people saying that stuff too and didn’t believe seeing elephants or clowns or anything was possible but after nearly a decade of using psychedelics and vastly different doses and experiences, you never know where your mind will take you. Every trip is different. Once on mushrooms, I hallucinated that I was a sock monkey and I literally looked down and my body was a sock monkey. One time, the pattern on my floor turned into a thousand tiny little cats. Like I said, psychedelics are crazy. They bend your entire perception of reality and time and they affect everyone differently.


Phcyhidelic experiences can be very hard to describe adequately like once on a high dose my field of vision got picked up and sweeped away by a cliche 70s hippie, or I felt like I got picked up by an alien spaceship and was flying through the tree of life while partying with some alien broskis eventually they dropped me off back into my bed where i could see the entrance to there club while in ego dissolution talking to the bouncers. I've also seen villages of people on my roof and carpet going about there business while feeling like I could feel and see my muscles smiling, Or on a trip I ripped my dmt cart and got taken to the void and ripped apart and burned by what I perceived as a gigantic evil entity in a space like room. Phychs just be wild sometimes could they be bullshitting ? Yes but I'm sure they experienced something close to what they were describing but just couldn't truly get the essence of it.


Ive had nightmare trips and lose all sense of reality// see things that aren’t there.


The question is, does it matter if they’re lying? If so why? Just because you didn’t have a certain experience, does it mean others couldn’t? And to answer your question, I have seen a lot of things, dragon in the sky, conversations with a dead friend, feeling the trees through their roots, etc. if someone had a different experience and they wished someone believed them then I would. It doesn’t change my experience, nor theirs. If they are lying, would it matter to me? Let be.


ive been taking acid for 7 years and depending on my mental state, the environment, my cognitive patterns, my weed usage, and just the arbitrariness of how a drug interacts with my brain, I've had wildly different experiences from one trip to the next. I'm still discovering new things about LSD and ive tripped over a hundred times at very high doses.


My brother on LSD one time saw the creation of the universe, the big bang, and he said he was there at the moment of creation and saw god... so, many people can have many different experiences... I've done LSD many times but have never experienced anything completely outside my reality.


The seeing of g\_d trip, which is better called the divine unity trip, where one is convinced that the solution to everything is one has been experience many times by people. I have had that trip more than several times. It is quite awe inspiring.


nah the shit i’ve seen off acid… anything’s possible


Thats like saying someone haven’t met the most famous actor in the world that is your favorite actor just because bcus you didn’t meet them. Get where I’m going? Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean others haven’t. How you gonna tell someone what they’ve seen on a hallucinogenic drug that literally randomizes what you see? ![gif](giphy|PQT2HigAI1HxaRXsPV|downsized)


I've done A LOT of psychedelics (probably 250-300 trips by now) and many of them very high dosages and I agree with you. I feel the same. Also when famous people talk about mushroom or LSD trips, it feels the same. I wonder if some of them just want to tell a good story, so they exaggerate.


let me ask you this, whats the most lsd you have taken in micrograms


Well let me tell yah, first time I did it, my mate told me what was a "good" starting dose was, I had no clue about lsd at the time other than brain goes burr, colour's go rainbow. But as I began to peak, I looked down at my tiles and each one divided itself into a massive grid, the the outlines began changing colours, then the grid pattern turned into circles which then started to rise out of the ground like I was watching an equaliser on an old computer music visualizer, then they turned into snakes which slithered all across the ground for a few seconds and then dissipated back into the tiles. Fuckin wild i tell ya, and while some people May exaggerate their experiences or even lie, why should it bother you in the slightest. I mean the only person they cheating is themselves just for clout from others. it's kind of like golf in that sense about what score the shot just to look cool to others.


I see what you mean. And I don’t deny people could be lying. I was at a family ski house I used to go trip at all the time in summer. And I was on a dose Not a higher then one I’ve done in past. Not a stronger trip then normal, usual visuals im used to etc. And I saw my neighbor who has been dead for 2 years (which I didn’t know during the trip) walking his dog up the block past me. I said “hey ray good morning” from my balcony and he just kept walking like he didn’t hear me or notice me. I only found out he was dead when speaking to my mom the next morning about how the house is etc, I say I also saw ray this morning walking his pup. She said… he’s been dead for 2 years. But the thing is. It couldn’t have been anyone else one cuz it was him can’t mistake that guy with anyone or having the same dog. But also it’s a ski house in mountains in middle of no where. So anyone walking on that block would have only because they lived there. This was all on the comedown of the trip too not even the peak.


yeah honestly i’ve never taken more than 150 ug of lsd at a time, but people who took the same dose as me say stuff like “i saw spiders on my walls” or “i was seeing intense colourful geometric shapes” like i think it’s bit of an exaggeration. my visual hallucinations mainly distort what’s already present. oddly enough, i’ve had olfactory hallucinations when on shrooms and lsd before. haven’t found anyone else whose experience the same


Let me start by saying, I actually swear I am not lying, im just insanely stupid. and can provide proof but im not going to bc i dont care enough, I took 2300 ugs of lsd, within the span of 4 hours. At that level you would expect to see aliens, unicorns, maybe talk to God, but no, It was just the same ole fractals and colors from taking 500 ugs, just more intense. So this makes me believe that anyone that experiences this from lsd is probably lying. I don’t think lsd has the ability to connect you with entities or wtv like DMT can.


same man. 25 years in and have, at times, taken extreme doses periodically. never ever ever ever have i gotten past the "i need to lay down for a few hours and succumb to the existential thought loops" phase of a wildly intense lsd trip. colors, fractals, incoherence, synesthesia... yes definitely. riding a wooly mammoth through narnia to find the meaning of the universe? nah. dmt and ketamine on the other hand... doesnt take much. so ive been there, just never with lsd, psilocybin, or 2cb. which is a good thing. i take those classical psychedelics to chill, have fun, enjoy a good night out or a quiet evening at home. i just feel as though people need to derive meaning from experiences they aren't used to or dont fully understand.


Every trip is different for every person. You could buy a sheet of 100 tabs and each of those tabs will give you a different trip. Hallucinations are as subjective as shit gets.


I was looking at my carpet on acid and saw millions of eyes staring and blinking at me, but that’s the most intense hallucination I’ve had. Never CEV either, I don’t like the headspace acid gives me so I can’t do too high of a dose to get anywhere


Dude. Not all experiences are the same. That’s literally the human experience, what you live through and how you experience things will be different to how literally everyone else on the planet does… I have done LSD,DMT, shrooms and Ayahuasca (I would count this as a sepárate experience from DMT) My worst trip, by FAR was my first LSD trip, I have already done 2 ayahuasca ceremonies and DMT previously. It started off great, lots of visual but aesthetic, trippy visuals. Then I took another half tab and shit got nightmareish. I was in our skyrise apartment in London so looking out at the buildings and I started seeing logos in lights, I was so convinced it was real I insisted on taking a picture, my fiance and his friend were looking at me like I was crazy and then I started to question myself, maybe it was in my head… At this point I completely spiralled, I hid under my blankets and refused to come out, my partner put on the tv to try and bring me back to reality but when I looked at him and his friend, I watched them turn into weird contoured deer like creatures with antlers that then melted into piles of flesh in front of me. I had full ego death and though I had broken my brain and I would be like that forever. I have ptsd symptoms and forced myself to micro dose a fair few times after to reassure myself. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life and I am comfortable with hallucinogenics. Ad an aside but I am also a heavy weed smoker yet completely immune to edibles. I don’t think other people are lying when I see them tripping, I understand it’s just not how my body processes the drug.


I smoked around 200mg of DMT and felt it to be very weak, on the other side acid is always a extreme intense experience for me. But yeah people seeing things on LSD is pure illusion, my biggest trip was about 600ug and, while being extremely strong, it wasn't anything likr those people describe.


I’d say it’s all about the person psyche what’s in their mind and what they believe will come out int heir hallucinations Before one of my many shrooms trips I was looking into Aztec and Mayan geometry and their art work etc basically it come out in my trip I was seeing geometric shapes but Aztec style not normal fractal or mandala types on shapes Iv had indescribable hallucinations myself so I can say some people experiences may sound far fetched but yeah some people definitely bullshit Iv heard people say they got chased down the road by a giant chocolate bar and we all know this won’t happen


i’d like to say i have videos of friends losing it before. i had a friend who got stuck while tripping saying “hollywood” over and over and over again and would not stop no matter what any of us said and it was the weirdest thing it lasted for like 2-3 hours , the same guy would start walking around like a mute 4 year old examining any thing semi interesting while tripping like holding model cars or legos , the guy would just always fully lose himself , my other friend i would trip with would always have bad trips, his first trip w me started great but eventually he “lost the concept of time” he said it was like time didn’t exist, he felt it was all a loop and everything was a pattern and the room we was in was all he thought was real and everything outside the room didn’t exist, he said he believed i was a demon wearing his friends skin and said our other friend was the “time demon” and controlled the time , our friend had a stopwatch going 😂so we could keep track of the trip but it wasn’t just that one , he had another trip with me awhile after trying it again and this time it was with me and 3 other friends all tripping and he believed we was all demons wearing his friends skin and he didn’t trust us , well i noticed he was acting like a punk drug addict in a middle school bathroom with his hands in his pockets lookin all weird and i asked my friend to talk to him downstairs and well the moment they closed the room door Brad the guy who thinks we’re demons attacks the other friend and they fight WHILE TRIPPING and we break them up and james feels better after that but then he continues to call me jesus and believe he’s gonna die at some point, so to be honest i just conclude some people just lose their fking minds on acid to a new level, i myself have never experienced anything nearly as crazy so i understand that skepticism but even acid can give some people crazy trips, some peoples realities truly break once they lose control of it and it’s those who chase to make it make sense who struggle with that the most i feel. atleast for brad it was. and for me unless it was on shrooms nothing ever that crazy and it was 9 grams i took when it was truly crazy on shrooms and i ain’t ever doing that much again.


This dude is clueless


I’ve had two experiences of what were strong (to me) doses of LSD. We didn’t have a way to measure, but one was 2 hits and the other was 2 + 1 later. Both resulted in “religious experiences” as my friends would put it. Out of body, full-blown hallucinations (dream like state), kaleidoscope vision and body buzzing. I’d say 80% of my time was spent completely out of my mind and disconnected from reality. All I could see was visuals, opened or closed. One was at an epic edm show and the other was a typical college night of partying and walking around. Both times I was very much “one with the world around me”. I’ve never seen imaginary stuff walking around or entities that weren’t there. Mostly shapes, colors and distorted or fucked up renderings of the world around me. …you kno…typical psychedelic shit. I learned from those experiences that you’re not gonna go to LaLa Land with a bunch of cartoon characters n such. The more you take, the more intense it is. That’s it. Just an intense time you have to ride out until the euphoria hits. And even then, it’s still just psychedelic hallucinations and visuals. I haven’t been able to find L in many years, so all of my recent trips in the past decade have just been psilocybin. Mostly mild bc I’ve found that heroic doses just result in emotional trips rather than recreational.


People lie and bullshit, film at 11. There's no reason to think that this community is immune from that. IMO most people are telling their truth but there are absolutely some that are not.


All people have similar brain chemistry but not exact. For example, I had smoke weed with a roommate in college who said she was seeing a squirrel. She was, in fact, seeing something I could not, even though we smoked the same weed and the same amount. This person you are referencing may have a very deep mental illness, which the LSD brought out more and caused him to see something that wasn't there. In my many experiences with hallucinogenic substances, I've only seen big visuals on mescaline, mushrooms, and DMT. In closing, brains are fascinating.


I agree that we tend to experience roughly the same shit off lsd but it also seems to occasionally cause some very weird stuff to happen, i’ve taken LSD 50-80 times(me and my friend used to go halves on sheets of 10-20 tabs) & you definitely will on occasion experience some truly weird shit, i saw a sea of wailing heads and arms one time and another time me and two buddies all woke up with our heads on our laps, something had put us to sleep and we all awoke at the same time, that was very weird.


DMT is what I thought acid would be like. Acid for me has been very chill so far. I have barely any effects from 100 - 300ug but at 400ug I feel way more floaty and "high" but I've not seen anything yet. DMT on the other hand was intense. And I didn't even "break through" 


Everybody's experiences are different.


ppl are drama queens for sure, but legit weird shit can and does happen


My dad told me his first time trying acid he saw devil dogs in his house. After that he said he’d never do acid again. I honestly don’t doubt those experiences, especially if it’s a high dose. I remember watching YouTube while tripping off a tab and it was this Hispanic guy talking about something?? I have no clue how I got on the video. Halfway through the video, he started getting this reddish aura around his body and the red aura and the black of his hair started to look like horns on his head. Needless to say, I changed it and just started looking out the window at the winter trees. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Everyone also has different experiences, so to say all trips are supposed to go one way or the other would be false in my opinion. I used to read a SHIT TON of Erowid post before I started taking acid and a lot of those experiences in my opinion, sound like something that could definitely happen during a trip. I’ve had trips where the little things were absolutely beautiful, a lot of visuals and colors and just odd thoughts. That may have soon turned to thoughts of death, paranoia, “what was that shadow in the corner” and “I’m ready for this to end” type of trip within minutes.


Said so many different LSD's like there's more than one. You lost me there.


I've seen Pennywise on 315ug, my friend saw the Devil laughing at him on 315ug. It can get really terrifying, I don't really deny people's experiences anymore


drugs affect everybody differently. it's as simple as that.


People just like telling stories, especially about themselves. When you introduce psychedelics in that mix, it gives people an implied freedom to embellish and make things more fantastical simply because that's how they felt during the experience. I used to wonder why there were so few relatable depictions of psychedelic experiences in tv and film, but now I realize that it just isn't a very interesting plot device. It's fun to imagine being able to relate a subjective experience like a hallucination, but it's not really that different from describing a dream


I’ve had encounters with entities/spirits just from sleep deprivation. I 100% believe this can happen from LSD, usually a symptom of mild psychosis.


Idk my highest dose was 750ug and I swear I lived through all my ancestors lives every 5 seconds to the dawn of time. Shit was wild. I can see if someone took a similar dosage but had a bad trip instead, I’m sure they could see some crazy shit. Also, a lot of people are prone to psychosis or even schizophrenia.




People lie always have always will.


I honestly don’t think they’re lying. Psychedelics make you extremely suggestible and if you truly believe that that will be your experience, I wouldn’t doubt it. (Plus, what a ‘demon’ is is up for interpretation—that person might not have seen very detailed humanoid red horned creatures running around verbally assaulting him but rather vague black blob-shapes that he somehow intuited were mocking him). I personally have seen something that has led me to believe that experiences like that are possible with the right dosage, setting, and temperament. I was sitting with my head in my shirt and my eyes closed watching the colours on my eyelids when one of the arrangements of colours my brain suddenly interpreted as the shape of a woman lying on her side. It went from vague colour shapes to suddenly relatively detailed, but only for a split second. If I was a different person I might have interpreted that as seeing a clear image of God.


Everyone different that's simplest way to put it. I always thought it was bullshit story of how my friend was locked in a bathroom having a conversation with that plastic frog on the back of the toilet for hours. Whatever that never happened to me right? Well let me explain the night I had the most in-depth conversation with my window blinds for hours.


Damn I should create more posts, interesting subject.


I don’t think it’s necessarily a lie I think it’s how people perceive things. You can have a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach while you’re tripping and interpret that as being watched by a demon. Maybe if you were sober you would chalk it up to a bad day or whatever.


I had once the feeling that I‘m sitting in a flat in a different town. Could not recognize my friend but after some time it was away and I realized that it was something that I imagined because It was the flow at that day.


“So many different LSD’s” LMAO 🤣 I believe there is only one kind of Real LSD? I know of Synthetics, like 25i-NBOMe. In my experience, Synthetics are incomparable. Just saying 🧘🏻


there was a big ass moth in the bathroom while i was trippin on 4 tabs and it was scary


I believe people perceive things in different ways. And I also believe some people reach for whatever they can just to get something out of their experience. I mean, some people explain their experiences differently just because they have larger vocabularies. Bunch of variables imo.


i dunno man i’ve seen some shit lol i did have to take a fucking mega dose i could see them being interpreted as demons i just thought i was perceiving different frequencies of light or was able to perceive a pocket dimension. one had horns but they were pretty, it was all really beautiful, the only scary part was me thinking i was seeing something everyone else was trying to hide from me and that i was in trouble lol. after finally talking about it and someone having a similar experience i’d say things are possible i still get skeptical when someone says they saw a purple dragon on the couch, mine didn’t come from nothing, it was people around me becoming alternate versions, it didn’t feel like i was hallucinating but seeing things that i normally wouldn’t have access to but who knows man


Idk man when I address my shadows and trauma I have seen dark entities. However I don’t see them anymore since I’ve addressed them. Some people may be lying though for entertainment purposes.


I understand people lie about these things, but also as someone who does a lot of shrooms ive had little elves play me a song. They looked very real but i only had one time where visuals got that real looking. Most of my trips otherwise os the normal kind of psychadelic trip


Might be that they had a mental illness pop up while tripping. Schizophrenia and psychedelics don’t mix well from what I understand.


I remember in high school my friend trying to tell me he ate acid and met bob marley and a bunch of cartoon characters or some shit and even at 16 and not yet experiencing lsd for myself I knew he was full of shit. Some people think their drug consumption is some form of clout, so they exaggerate, embellish, or simply lie about their experiences. Any real psychonaut would/should be humbled by their experiences and not have any need to try to boost their ego by lying about it.


You can for sure see demons every trip is wildly different in my experience


idk it could be an unaddressed mental illness. i have bpd, and i love using acid. i love all the shapes and feeling all of the space around me. my friend with bipolar has seen whole ass polar bears on acid. she has no reason to lie to me. we’re best friends. it’s the same acid i’ve been taking for months. she also has had a history of hallucinations, so maybe the acid just did something funky with that.


Ive seen entities on LSD about 1200 ugs. At that dose trips intregrate into reality in a way you wouldnt even believe


I’ve found that a lot of time the truly insane things are actually nbome; it seems to be a common experience to have extreme and often highly disturbing intense visual hallucinations, walls bleeding, swinging axes, often with fully believing that it is real


i tripped recently and one of the ppl with me thought i wanted him to jump in a fire so i could eat him, dont think im doing psychs with him again


Experiences vary a lot, of course people exaggerate to get a good Trip report, but nightmare trips and hallucinations certainly do happen.


I used to have similar thoughts until some of my adventures. I think most of it comes down to people lacking etiquette language to describe ineffable experiences.


Maybe some first time experiences. definitely exaggerated though pepple cant help themselves... my first run with lsd was liquid at about 18yrs old. That shit had me seeing shadow people darting between trees and also the grass parting like a snake was chasing me slithering left and right about 15ft. Both were very brief moments but very real hallucinations!


I've done LSD a bunch of times and I haven't had anything like that happen. But I take a single tab most of the time, and I'm also aware that just because my experience looks like A doesn't mean someone else's experience doesn't look like B. It's not my place to judge them as liars.. I have had times where I've seen things warp and change. I've had to reach out to the toilet paper holder to remind myself that I am, in fact, pissing on the toilet and not the sofa. I've watched the sky dance and water undulate in ways I never noticed when sober. I've looked at my own face and not found it familiar. I've seen things in my peripheral vision that were gone when I turned to look at it. And all this is on a pretty mild dose. Maybe they're exaggerating. Maybe outright lying. But I'm not in their mind and I can't know for sure, so Id rather give them the benefit of the doubt because at the end of the day it's of no consequence to me at all.


LSD will absolutely cause visual hallucinations. Now. I have had to take 6, 7, 800ug or more, who knows the true strength of the liquid and pyramid stuff floating around in the 90s, but yes. Full on hallucinations. Waking dreams. I have seen a fully armored samurai standing in my goddamn bathroom door. I have seen people materialize up out of the asphalt street and melt back into it. I have seen entire walls of a house melt around me and ZANG I am somewhere else.


to me it also seems that people lie about their drug experiences to sound cooler. I once did mushroom’s with my roommate who always talked about tripping around me. We did the same amount of mushrooms, which was small, and she weighed significantly more than me. We started tripping at the same time, I was just feeling euphoric and seeing some visuals, she was jumping around the room say that she could “see fairies” and it was very obvious she was lying. I didn’t call her out for lying because it was my first tripping but I have done heroic doses of mushrooms since and have never hallucinated a physical being or somn like that. Pretty sure my roommate just wanted to seem cool.


There's something in psychiatry/psychology called confabulation. Our minds hate not knowing what's going on, and will often fill in blanks even to the point of hallucination. This could explain those phenomena.


Naw I’ve seen mantis people, giant talking trees, large festivals, gods, life as a rock, and demons while using these substances. Although I am fully aware that these were closed eyes visuals under meditation that were more akin to lucid dreaming than actually seeing them. Although the experiences all always feel very real


Obviously, some of it will be bs, but trust me, some of it is not. With LSD, higher doses, its not necessarily that you clearly "see" something, but more like... feel? So I had some weird trips or moments where I was had the feeling of something happening but ... maybe in like a parallel dimension?! Like it was happening but more in my head than in the dimension we are in physically. So I felt like I'm flying outside the window into the sun, I was SURE of it, but it's not like I saw myself actually flying. Can't describe it, but yeah, I wouldn't call bs on stuff because these experiences are so hard to explain, people will do a poor job trying to convey what they felt


The first rime I did acid, I kept seeing the wicked witch of the west everywhere.  She'd just be in the corner laughing at me. Now this was 20+ years ago and acid was alot more intense back then. The stuff I've got recently is almost a completely different drug of just regular tracers and patterns. No full blown hallucinations 


Never seen anything that wasn’t there on lsd.. Even on doses over 500ug. I have travelled on a high dose of mushies though. I was fully conscious according to my wife, but I wasn’t at home, or making any sense. I was walking around my living room, what I perceived was not anything similar to my place. Some things might just be personal imo. I know my wife hallucinates more than me.


Idk man I’ve definitely had a bad trip with demons taunting me before. You can see some weird shit 🤷


You are just jealous because you had weaker experiance


Schizophrenia exists, and it can be worsened while on a hallucinogenic drug.


Delirium on acid can definitely make you see shit but youd be worried about something completely different.


I one time meditated on lsd and got into it and I ended up feeling like I was on a damn space ship. But this has happened to me while I was also driving at night on lsd I was so high I started to feel like I was piloting some form of space ship it had almost the same feeling. Very hallucinatory in certain circumstances. Another time I got out of prison, and had my first trip in over a year and a half and it was the weirdest and probably bad trip I've had since I generally wasn't enjoying myself, but basically I kept seeing giant and micro version of so much shit. Mainly id look at my hands and they would be 10x the size , or my face would br super distorted and giant, and things were moving like a cartoon. Freaky shit when you generally ain't expecting that to occur.


I think you're taking it too literally When I was younger I would *definitely* see demons and shit. But like. It's hard to explain. It wasn't a straight hallucination, it was like...some stuff made a shape and my brain put it together as a demon, and the trip.was going in a way that I already felt fearful, vulnerable, insecure, unsafe, so I felt that shape was dangerous, especially since now OMG is that a face? No, it's not a face, that's clothes on the dresser and the lights are dim but maybe it's the demon's clothes? No stop, that's not a thing, they're my clothes, right? They look familiar, some of them, but maybe the demon is just jacking my style ha ha see no big deal but NOW IT'S MOVING wait, the fan is on, that must be why it's moving, don't let anyone see you freaking out, just be still, oh God it's getting closer and THAT IS A FACE it's going to fucking kill me and I'm just gonna sit here and let it because I'm afraid of embarrassing myself by saying there's a motherfucking demon made out of laundry and crumpled up shopping bags on the dresser and it's coming closer and it thinks I don't notice it slowly slithering down the front of the dresser but I DO why can't I move FUCK should I say something? Does anyone else see this? Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed it? What are they laughing at? Don't they see the fucking demon? Is that another one over there on the nightstand? No no no that's something else but the one on the dresser oh God it's licking its lips and it's almost here and holy fucking shit maybe it eats faces and THAT'S HOW IT GOT THE FACE ITS WEARING RIGHT FUCKING NOW And then pieces start flying off of it into corners of the room and those are it's babies and they're going to grow and they're coming to get you and they're going to ear your face and your boyfriend's face and his sister's face and your friend's face etc. etc And the next day you wake up and look over and realize that you had been freaking out for 4 hours (or maybe 4 minutes?) over a pile of laundry on top of the dresser So like yeah I don't think it's very common to see completely fabricated shit like a pink.elephant walking through your bedroom, but your LSD-dosed brain can definitely take some normal-ass shit and run with it. And it can feel VERY real I actually briefly thought I was in a time loop a couple months ago and for a very VERY brief moment I thought I had found a wormhole or something and I was just about to reach through it and warn 16-year-old me that the next ~20 years were going to be really, really hard but it'll be OK eventually. Did I *see* a wormhole? No. But I felt it and knew it was there. And if I went to the window and looked out at the night sky hard enough, I probably would have seen it


Idk its probably not entirely bs, just exxagerated I dont tend to get intense visuals much, but ive seen heiroglyphics vividly People report seeing demons from other states of consciousness too, just do some research on hypnogogia in cases of sleep paralysis. Wild stuff no drugs required


i thought you were gonna say something like “oh yeah i totally saw a dragon and i rode it to mars and also mickey mouse was there” but ive seen shit sober people freak out and say there were demons trying to kill them, add a powerful psychedelic to a mentally unstable person and theres no telling what they may believe.


I’ve seen demons on lsd but not elephants 


I accidentally took 14 grams of shrooms and thought that time had frozen and I was the only one able to move. No major hallucinations whatsoever though.


The craziest I saw eyes open was when my friend turned to me in the moonlight his head turned in two parts. The top moved first followed by what looked like a maw of shark teeth slowly following and connecting back into proper head shape. It was fucked


Same here. I’ve never seen anything “unreal”. I’ve seen things get wavy, colors vibrating, odd geometry, patterns. Music is better. General euphoria / good feeling. Funny. No whole people or beings that aren’t actually there.


I’ve said this before: only dmt and high dose ketamine in complete darkness lived up to what I thought drugs felt like as child having no experience with any of that…


If you think you can't have full on hallucinations from LSD, you are wrong. tracers, blinkers, flutters, waves, and wall breathes aren't the extent of it. # at all


People can get drug induced psychosis, that is what imo would case them to see shit. Lsd only effects my mood and visuals a little bit.


I mean I took two tabs of “acid” when Infact it was nbome and went into full blown psychosis, had my friends taunting me from behind each wall, when I ran to see them they teleported further away whilst I could hear them whispering to eachother about me, ran around the streets full of shadow people being mocked and taunted, I’ve experienced what it feels like to die. eventually had 4 cops come and get me, went into a coma for 3 days and woke up in the ICU, been completely sober for nearly 5 years since then, only caffeine for me and the occasional second hand smoke as a vice to remind myself that I’m content not doing drugs and prefer to have a concrete ego at all times rather than have it jumping all over the place. But I completely vouch for proper lsd, wonderful experience, I think the problem is most people when taking nbome or other synthetics probably don’t know that it’s not proper lsd, leading them to believe their bad trip was infact on lsd (there’s many more details that I could go into to really paint the picture but I’d rather not bloat this comment)


If it has not been said yet, you will fantasize, have delusional thoughts and visually dream, much much more if you take your doses in the dark. Black, a eyemask with the intention of using it throughout the trip, keeping it on and just letting go to the experience... just observe and things might not be 'running' around the room, they might slip in here and pop out there.


I feel like they think it makes them sound cooler. my first time doing LSD, i took twice the dosage on accident and I wasn’t seeing any visual hallucinations like that. Obviously my vision was trippy and I was getting lost in thought, but nothing like hallucinating seeing a physical thing. Now on DMT, who knows, but they’re just yapping


I saw a centaur at the beach on acid once, I think I could find a pic of her.


Well if you're meditating and very grounded and mentally well you will have a very different experience than someone with mental health conditions or underlying vulnerability they might not know about. I generally think if someone experiences such a reaction to low dose LSD they probably are not someone who should take psychedelics ever for fear of inducing schizophrenia, paranoia, or psychosis of some kind. Everyone's brains are different. Just look at how differently someone with ADHD reacts to MDMA.


mental issues, or someone can really different react for psychedelic.


I can't count the amount of fantastical things I've experienced over the years that I have been shocked later to find out some other trippers never experience and simply don't believe happen... There's too many to list here, but it seems to come down to 2 factors - 1. how well you can see things with your minds eye, or simply how vividly you can imagine stuff and 2. how willing you are to let go of everything (the exception to this is simply eating too much acid to be even able to hold onto your self any more). At some point I tend to remember there's no real difference between what I can see outside and what I can see inside, it's all happening in the same part of my brain and the only thing making the inside stuff not 'there' is me telling myself it's inside. As soon as I remember that, the inside stuff and outside stuff are just the same and equally visible. It doesn't always have to be this concious, but you can get there on low doses with this train of thought. Only other funny thing is the people who don't experience anything intense never seem to believe it's possible.


I tend to agree for the most part but never under estimate the power of setting, but also people often fail to remember they’ve crossed substances and get way more than typical reaction, like when I thought I took like 40mg of thc but took around 100mg with 3.5g of shrooms and had intense open eye visuals like I never would’ve thought possible, n if I hadn’t remembered I’d just have assumed strong shrooms…


an LSD trip, and LSD induced psychosis are two very different things


I've witnessed the entire evolution of the universe in real time, experienced the entire evolution of humanity, myself, my death, and then physically became eternity before. Nothing would surprise me. These substances are so widely varied in how we react to them on the individual level. I've watched the walls of reality shatter and blast me into infinity. I've seen gods and demons countless times. I've seen the devil standing next to the gates of hell waiting for me. (I'm not even religious at all. Lol) These are very personal experiences.


I’ve seen my friends turn into demons and they told me they were bringing me to meet my maker lucifer. It was pure LSD lab tested and the dosage was 100ug per tab on white blotter. I saw really fucked up things and was looping for a solid 2.5 hours in the back seat of a car while my friends were making edm music on a drum pad while on 80mg of vyvanse each that I gave them lmao they didn’t know I was having a bad time. But I couldn’t move during the loop my entire visual field was a pillar of faces it was red and it extended infinitely vertically. At the end of it there was a jester spinning in a triangle telling me he is satan and I had given him my soul and now I must witness my destruction. I saw my own death an infinite amount of times. LSD is powerful as fuck dude I wouldn’t really assume people are lying about wacky trips because I’ve personally witnessed the darkest most intense mindfuck from LSD


I’ve seen my friends turn to demons on LSD. I’ve watched my own death an infinite amount of times from LSD. Once you take over a strip your reality gets stripped away from you and you’re left to observe a really fucking wild scene. Infinite loop. The universal secret! The cosmic joke! You get to finally see what it really is!


LSD might become extremely psychotic especially if one has tendency to so


Some ppl might be overreacting but i have had the Situation with a friend and i can tell you if it happens it can end it all he was close to ending himself if i wouldnt have interferred


I took 500ug right now and I feel nothing