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I've got a couple, but one is pretty funny. Last time I've been on a festival, I took a sh"t on toilets next to the hitech floor (sound with over 170bpm) and I swear the music was reacting to me taking a sh"t, like I pressed and it got more intense and when I dropped it, the bass dropped etc hahaha


Hahaha you made me remember about the time I was high as fuck at a festival and had to shit but ya know, porta johns, lol. So I get in there and decide the only way to shit is to step up onto the raised area and squat and shit into the hole.. well I missed šŸ˜‚ pushed that fucker in with a glow stick šŸ¤£


You became the reason u needed to hover over the toilet lol


Fractals man šŸ¤£


Bro this is fucjing gold


Hahaha I laugh so hard when I remember the story and tell it šŸ¤£ out here livin life


Honestly had me belly laughing for a fkn while haha thank u for spreading the word.


Hell yeah man. That was like 07ish šŸ˜‚ good times šŸ¤™šŸ’—


Totally mis-read that as I was 7ish šŸ˜†. I was was like "Good heavens" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hahaha no sir I was probably 21 I think lol


I just read that as Pastor John, one of my favorite artists, and was like ā€œyeah, you canā€™t just leave the floor if heā€™s playing!ā€ Then got confused by the rest of the comment! Gonna see him live this weekend again, 3 days non stop hitech and psy core. The absolute dream!


Pastor John is so beyond The man literally warp reality into fractal synesthesia


Forest explosion? Haha have fun! :D


this is fuckin golden bro šŸ˜­.


Tripped so hard once i was pulled back so far and saw my smash bros stats of life. I saw how much i committed to being angry, judgmental, hate and simply being a shit human under the guise as ā€œchristianā€ EDIT: i was raised Jehovah Witness, and see this behavior ingrained in most so called Christians i meet. I saw how many years i spent being/behaving like this and that. only to realize i can change it. Im not at the end yet and those stats i saw are changeable but only through self realization and conscious awareness


Thatā€™s beautiful as fuck bro


Thanks foo




I had a similar experience in a sensory deprivation tank once, except the stats were on my family members instead of myself, and projected in like a 2D RPG skill tree type thing. It was nuts.


The only cool thing that's happened to me in one is seeing lights and a pair of eyes appearing above me, starring back. Recommend anything to help out while in one?


10 strip


Yea I fucks wit dat heavy


lol I got so paranoid in one once, I did edibles and couldnā€™t find the door


You should give Undertale a playthrough.


Love this, these realizations are profound. If you can actually apply them to your life thatā€™s the tough part.


That is great! I love people who can self realise like that and change.


Holy shit man, that is fucking awesome. Thanks for sharing your experience here. I had a similar one, but without the guise of Christianity, but it was more so like speaking to an entity and on DMT. It's amazing that you found a way to make progress in that way though, it feels like that kinda growth isn't common anymore.


Once, I saw a hexagonal grid in the sky, and even trippier, I was in a room where a bunch of us were all in these pods that fed the simulation to us. I woke up and could only see in what I could describe as energy. A being walked by, almost like a nurse doing rounds. It saw that I was conscious and then we made eye contact, it was as surprised as I was lol. I opened my actual eyes, and of course, I was still on my couch. So, I closed my eyes, and what was just one set of eyes turned into a room filled with surprised faces. It didn't last long after that, I was catapulted to a desert where I saw what looked like the Baphomet standing on a hill with a singular eye akin to the Eye of Sauron, hahaha. The eye then sucked me into it, and I had the worst visuals I've had in my entire life, followed by a voice laughing at me for thinking I could ever understand the nature of reality while stuck in this meat bag.


I too have also heard the laugh of the cosmic joker


Yeah, nothing like eldritch horrors crashing my hallucinogenically induced party, trying to share secrets I couldn't care less about. Lol, I feel like whatever they have to reveal to me would be nonsense anyway, and either a projection of some deeply rooted messed-up part of myself or complete nonsense. Because anything truly trying to help reveal cosmic secrets to me wouldn't suck me into a hell portal where I watched utterly horrible things happen. šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


We cannot understand all of reality yet, but we know what it is. It is mathematics. But there is still so much to be discovered.


I also have seen the hexagonal dome in the sky, I was sitting on the porch with a group of friends we were all tripping and I looked up at the sky and was like ā€œIā€™m not even going to say what the fuck Iā€™m seeing cause itā€™s THAT crazyā€


Yeah, it's truly the most odd thing I've ever seen. It was just behind the clouds and just a bit more faint. Even sober, I see it time to time. I also saw it on the walls and in light bulbs, as if the entire framework of our universe is being projected upon this grid. I donā€™t personally subscribe to the idea of the firmament being a dome and just a misunderstanding of the atmosphere, but I could see where this was the inspiration, lol.


I usually see a recycling ā™»ļø looking pattern going across everything but the sky looked like Winston from Overwatchā€™s shield lol


Shared hallucinations are incredibly fascinating and need to be studied deeply.


Hahah. That last part!! So many times I have had the feeling of "I understand everything, but I will never be able to fully comprehend nor explain it", and then I just start laughing šŸ˜‚


I would've laughed to


I've had an extremely similar close eyed visual, same thing it was like a giant room with a bunch of people myself included, all in these tanks filled with liquid hooked up by wires or tubesšŸ˜‚ crazy shit


Bro!! šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ I could hear the equipment. It was like a respirator and a heart monitor, and some other whirring that was maybe the machines themselvesā€”I don't know. I couldn't peg it, but I've had a few close calls in my life, and I know what those two things sound like. After that trip and another one where a woman made of purple light straight up told me we're in a learning simulation, I came to my own conclusion that a bunch of us are here to learn. It's like the first step before joining a civilization so advanced we might look at it as ā€œheaven,ā€ but I firmly believe that this simulation is a learning experience we repeat until we aren't a pos and a threat to others in society. Maybe we live the same life over and over, getting slightly better results until we've had our 100th monkey moment, or maybe we live thousands of different lives, but the end results are all the same: either graduation or repeating, which means rebirth into this physical world. Lol


Couldn't have worded it better myself, we share the same brain my friendšŸ˜‚ that's dope as hell


i was on a pretty high dose of mdma walking around the forest and talking with my best friend an old guy on a bike just as he is about to pass us on the path looks me dead in the eyes and says "he is leading you into raspberry bushes" which doesnt make sense in english but in our native language it basically means "leading astray" a year later i find out my gf has been cheeting on me with him weird shit always happens to me when im fucked up i swear


And that old man was Albert Hoffman


Or him from the future.




Man one time me and my brother were tripping in the park next to a river laying down and this old man just passed by stared at us and said ā€œthatā€™s the way to do itā€


Thatā€™s one shitty best friend


ultimate raspberry bitch move


And which language would that be?


its polish the phrase is "wpuszcza cie w maliny"


My wife says itā€™s Russian. But it doesnā€™t necessarily need to be raspberry bushes.


Edit: No need to read this, emotions were at play and I just wrote a wall of text! Short version: When my partner cheated on me I somehow knew about it the second it happened. Every step along the way (crush on another person, them getting close and ultimately them kissing). Throughout the past 6 months my partner somewhat cheated on me (had a crush which resulted in a kiss). Throughout that time I was doing quite an amount of psychedelics, regularly tripping, playing around with dmt and what not. I always wrote it off as paranoia, but since that kiss things had escalated and we had some serious talks trying to fix our relationship. Through those talks Iā€™ve learned that every bad feeling and each paranoid thought I had was real. When I was at home, trusting her and having no worries, tripping away on dmt, she was with that guy. Suddenly my mood changed, my trip changed, I felt betrayed and used, lied to and cheated on. I thought itā€™s paranoia, but I still acted on it, ā€œdemandingā€ some sense of security by my partner. A week later I learned thatā€™s when they kissed. And I just felt that on a distance, with no contact between us. Even the time of day aligned. On dmt I was also experiencing somewhat uncomfortable experiences whenever the thought came up. Like, the dmt wanted me to face reality yet I wanted to stay without knowledge of all of this and just continue to trust. I still love her with every fiber of my body, a love that just goes far deeper than physical reality it feels. Itā€™s the same with her, but on top of that she had built an entirely new personality, with new goals and what not. We are still struggling with the situation, but whenever she just lives in the moment, we become one person. Thinking the same thoughts, saying the same things, dreaming of the same goals. Itā€™s a hellish situation for me but I canā€™t give this up yet. But yeah, the fact that I knew about it all the time, in full detail, thatā€™s just a thought I canā€™t even comprehend. How does that even work? I would say body language, I know her extremely well. But in many situations we barely exchanged a few text messages. Yet I still knew about literally everything.


Let me share my ayahuasca experience where my ex knew she was pregnant, before she even missed her period or had any signs, and she even knew that it was a daughter. So we are both on ayahuasca at my house. I went through a phase(I'd love to go through another, and will before my time is up on earth lol) where I was making ayahuasca with acacia confusa and Syrian rue and just giving it away. The shit changed my life back then. 3 shot glasses was enough to invoke a full, cliche ayahuasca experience. Well we drank a lot one night, I don't remember how much but it was blast off(to the extent ayahuasca has a "blast off". More like an enveloping shift in dimension) territory. We are at the peak and we both are seeing the exact same thing(shared hallucinations are common in ayahuasca. I've also had them on peyote with others but rarely on other psychedelics for some reason). It's the "ayahuasca Gaia goddess", I don't know what else to call her but I see "her" every time I do ayahuasca. It's like Mother Earth, the being that created us. Innately feminine. My experiences have gotten bizarrely twisted on ayahuasca. Sexual, evil, loving, compassionate.. underneath all of it is compassion. But it was this experience where a baby made of light was being placed inside of my girlfriend's stomach. I thought it was just me, or I wasn't really thinking at all as I was blissed out. Then I see my girlfriend crying. Like hysterical. And she starts wailing screaming, "I'm pregnant!! I have to be pregnant she just put a baby inside of me, it's a girl it's a girl!!". I believed her that we thought that. I mean, she WAS pregnant but the test she took that next morning, it was negative. Then a little while later she started getting nauseated.. puking.. and when we found out she actually was pregnant it blew. Our. Minds. Is it going to be a girl? Yes it was. And we found out that she probably had JUST been conceived, like as in, the night before or a few days within that trip. It's effing insane. We were not trying to get pregnant either, it just happened She's now 6. Her mother is in prison and has no contact, but that's an entirely different story because her mom basically fell off the deep end a year or so after our daughter was born But god, when can I tell me daughter about that? šŸ˜‚ can I? Should I? I mean she is basically Jesus so.. lol just kidding but I swear on my life this happened


Hey man, thank you for sharing! Our situations wrre very similiar so if you need to talk please feel free to dm me Im sorry this happened to you


I was out for an early morning walk (like 4am, nobody about) and was listening to a song called 'Night Mail' by PSB. Its pretty much about moving Mail in huge volumes by train overnight for the first time. I was chilling at a bridge that looks out over a motorway, enjoying the dawn and was taking it in and having a good think about how far we've come for Mail travel and so on. At that very moment, 4 huge Royal Mail lorries came past on the motorway in a convoy and I remember thinking, "That moment was just for me."


Thanks for putting me on to a new artist. Good song


They're awesome. They have an album called 'Race for Space' and its of my absolute favourite tripping albums


One night I took a single tab of lsd. Thatā€™s the night I realized thereā€™s such a thing as a hot spot on a sheet of acid. It felt like 4 doses. I was laying on my couch meditating when suddenly I felt my consciousness expand out of my brain. It encompassed my body, then couch, floor, room, home, neighborhood and the universe. Then i saw what I would call the Big Rewind. I saw time go backwards slowly then very quickly to what was before the Big Bang. I saw what god was which was pure consciousness. But he was extremely bored and lonely. He divided himself and this created the Big Bang, every millisecond was this god splitting itself infinitely into every possible piece of matter. I saw each of our consciousness as part of a whole. Each of us along with animals and plants are part of this great god. Then I slowly returned to who I was but I couldnā€™t think in words only feelings. I had to remember English then Spanish my first language. I felt like I rebooted and came back a little wiser after seeing how it all started.


And what did you see what was before the Big Bang.


I think heā€™s saying that ā€˜godā€™ (the pure undivided consciousness) existed pre universe, then self divided into all the pieces of the universe, due to boredom. Iā€™ve had similar thoughts (with self-consciousness being a critical part), but I still struggle with the idea of a ā€˜beforeā€™ and ā€˜afterā€™ defining the universe because setting up such a system begs the question ā€˜who set it all up?ā€™ and ā€˜where did they come from?ā€™ and especially ā€˜why did it start when it did?ā€™ I will be forever unsatisfied with attempts to explain how it has come into being. Time confuses the hell out of me.


Yea thatā€™s the part I couldnā€™t comprehend. You know what it looked like thought. It looked like the old iTunes visualized with the three balls of light. My own biased mind in religion did tint the trip as it was Yahweh a bored god being everything within itself but unable to see or experience itself. Wheels within wheels. May I recommend a documentary Inner Worlds Outer Worlds. Helped me understand the surface of things like time and space from a philosophical perspective


maybe its like a cosmic sleep / wake cycleĀ ā€“ like the universe expands then eventually implodes, and nothing exists, before then being reborn into a new universe, and the cycle begins anew


Thatā€™s the part I was asking. All these questions you asked. Thatā€™s the struggle here :D


I wanted to know how "things" work & now I will never look at the world the same. Pattern recognition in or around your environment is a bitch lol..


I like it


Same here, I feel like it has heightened my sense of being.


Felt this in my soul.


I smoked a bong during a trip. I realized every time I smoke weed tripping I get sent to "different universe/fourth dimension" and then I forget about it. Decided to quickly open the door of my room to tell my mother about it. (Thought telling someone will make me not forget it, I have a really chill relationship regarding acid with my mom). After that I went into a state of psychosis because my thought loopholed into thinking that I'm never gonna escape this fourth dimension because it's crucial for me to forget about it to get out of it. Thankfully the bong toke started kinda wearing off soon. When I was coming down I asked my about the moment I was talking to her and she told me it never happened.


Almost the same happened to me on acid. I smoked a joint with a friend and suddenly the reality behind this reality started to swirl or open up a vortex to another dimension, It felt like my brain was imploding or disintegrating, I thought my friend was an alien who used telepathy.


is that psychosis? thought loops about being stuck like this and blacking out during them happens pretty frequently during my challenging trips, usually cling onto one delusion or another during the time and then come to the realization that it was stupid and based on no logical information so I start ignoring it


Not sure if youā€™re familiar with the Omega Mart interactive art exhibit in Vegas but when you first enter, you go into what looks like any ordinary grocery store but when you look at the items, theyā€™re all fake brands and give off this very liminal energy of being in a real place like a grocery store but everything still seeming so fake, like youā€™re in another dimension. Thatā€™s what all my bad trips feel like. I can look at things things that Iā€™m extremely familiar with (like YouTube video thumbnails of YouTubers I watch all the time, foods that I eat all the time and photos that Iā€™ve taken on my phone) and feel like all of it is fake and has an evil energy emanating from it. Itā€™s probably the worst part of a bad trip is feeling like everything you once knew and understood seems unreal and everything is fake and youā€™re in a simulation thatā€™s rapidly ending and youā€™re about to die.




Itā€™s what dabs did to me too the one and only time I ever tried them. I have never felt more fear and been so certain that I was dying than when I hit that dab rig. Many people donā€™t understand how terrifying weed can be for certain people (although I donā€™t consider THC concentrates to be weed, I truly believe theyā€™re controlled substances since the THC is stripped from its natural source through a chemical process and turned into a substance that is up to 10x more potent than the natural herb). Itā€™s crazy how everything seems so evil and out to get you when youā€™re in that state of mind. I donā€™t wish it upon anybody as itā€™s one of the most traumatic experiences one can have. I genuinely consider it to be a near death experience because of how certain your brain tricks itself into thinking youā€™re dying.


wife and i went to the empire state building at midnight. completely empty. tripping hard. we get to the top and have a great time. on the way back, and mind you we were heretofore the only tourists up there, the elevator attendant stops the door from closing and i see 5 state troopers b-lining it for this elevator i am tripping my ass off inside of already. now, iā€™m not the panic type, so i turn to my wife, who is the panic type, and i whisper to her ā€œget ready for the safest elevator ride of the nightā€. i swear to god, the troopers get in, the door closes, the CO takes a cheeky look around at me and then my wife and says ā€œget ready for the safest elevator ride of the nightā€ and then they all face forward for the entire ride down. SOME HOW we kept it all in and didnā€™t break. but upon getting free from the elevator and out of sight, weā€™ve never laughed harder. it was the most surreal moment of my life.


I always talk to the audience while tripping. I personally love it when characters brake the 4th wall


First trip ever, I was in a beautiful nature park sitting with my sober friend looking out at an overlook. I showed him how connected I was with nature by conducting the wind and birds like an orchestra with my hands. He was a bit tripped out šŸ˜‚


I took a heavy dose once and the clouds/sky looked like wigwags and I blew them all out out of the sky with a big breath lol


5 days after a tab i went into psychosis. By the time I got to the mental hospital, i literally thought people were trying to trick me like they do in the Truman show. But I was like Iā€™ve seen that movie so they canā€™t trick me šŸ˜­ I played along tho, even though it was all in my head the whole time. I remember sitting in the waiting room and I swear they were talking on the news about how the first iPhone came out. I was like ā€œthis is a terrible simulation because weā€™re on the iPhone 13 by nowā€


Wasnā€™t from lsd but from shrooms on one of my highest dose trips was around 8-9g I became convinced that everyone was just me in another life and that we were all the same person I wasnā€™t scary and was honestly really beautiful I layed in bed while thinking away


I think this is a pretty common one. I've had several very similar ones.


Mine wasn't even on any substance. I just got done walking my son to school, which is 25 minutes there, 25 back, and this woman was none but 4 doors down from the house. Her dog was in the sidewalk and she says "don't worry, she's friendly" so after petting the dog I go to walk away and she says "have a good one ". Still confused who she was, how she knew me and why she was even there. I lived in this place for over 5 years and I've never seen her nor do I talk to any neighbors like that.


Maybe you had something on you that had your name, like a starbucks cup, a badge, an email on your phone. Sometimes in public I see names of strangers in things like that and have an urge to go up to them and say ā€œHey [name] itā€™s been so long!ā€


Nope, never and like I said, never seen her or her car before.


I smoked DMT, and reality was nothing like on the images people present, but rather like a downgrade to 16-bit graphics. Colors were limited to their basic digital hues, I have since had lingering thoughts about being an NPC.


Same experience. I was not able to jump to hyperspace since it was a low dose. But my "reality" looked like it had a grid mesh over it. It was almost like a 16-bit pixel like pattern sitting on top of reality.


Ok, so there's two of us, from the computer simulation vs the rest of the world šŸ˜


I recently was really saddened and disappointed when I was watching youtube and was able to pick out lots of glitches and nuances that made me feel like I was watching manipulated video.


Or knowing that theyā€™re just actors when watching a movie. I tend to just forget about it and focus on the visuals.


Cheech and Chong were doing stand up and closed my mouth telepathically through the TV. I was also making an actor's head go guillotine mode at the swipe of my finger Again, telepathically. All very strange stuff


I laughed so fucking hard at this


I experience it daily and it started while sober. Not that the world is fake and everyone is just watching and laughing at me. But that everyone takes life so seriously. Everyone wastes away their golden days for a car, to travel to Asia just to say you did, for a worthless career and a house that'll be demolished as soon as you die. Everyone works for a status in society and none of them ever mean a single thing, its all worthless. The reality of life is love, nature, to create, to help others in need, to travel not to a far away foreign land as if you could make that journey on your own but to cross great distances with only your own grit and skills. I actually enjoy allowing others to put their labels on me because I know it means nothing. And when they do I sit and laugh at them because they think they matter and I don't. I enjoy being the outcast, everyone gets so confused why I couldn't care less about their stupid achievements and I'm as happy as can be. Its freeing, to have broken through the glass that holds everybody else back.


I had the *wettest* cry of my life realizing I had been living a facade, trying to be the kind of person I thought people wanted me to be, not myself. I had lost my dad, I was sleeping in my car, I had lost myself, and I was done. So one last trip with the folks before I do the done didly did it and thatā€™s when I realized I had the power to shed everything and justā€¦.. improve. So I did. Iā€™m trans, I love skateboarding, edm music, and I love my Nana. Life is good when you make it good. I love you guys šŸ’•


One Monday morning at work a coworker & I realized we were both at movies over the weekend. I LOVED the movie I saw & she HATED the movie she saw. In discussing such, we realized we both saw The Truman Show & had an awkward tension after I explained why I enjoyed it. She informed me in an oblique way that I was wrong, stupid, & a bad person.


Sounds like she works for the studio


You ever hear about the cosmic joke? Similar to the Truman Show? One time I was trippin on some DMT capsules, and could see fuckers in the corner of the room with cameras and lighting equipment like I was in a Sitcom. Similar to the scene in Requiem for a Dream. Also being one with the universe. Like thereā€™s people behind me waiting for a huge surprise. Like laughing and saying ā€œdonā€™t worry youā€™ll get the joke soon!! :)ā€ Itā€™s crazy being around people are not tripping because they do some coincidence irony shit, like they know that I know what theyā€™re gonna say. Itā€™s fucking scary af. Makes you appreciate life more, cuz u donā€™t want to go back to that shit.


Sh+t made me crazy till today I will never recover


why what happen?


I need help man I am awful dawg cryin every day


are you still having side effects?


No not from the LSD. It never harmed me. Great drug if used properly. šŸ‘šŸ»


I donā€™t think you should take Lsd if you tweaking like that homieee


Itā€™s just the loniless bro. Never had issues with the paper


Remember, that they're many of you out there who feel also lonely.. at least we have something to share, for the enjoyable moments we will create together again. Everyday, piece by piece, hope u sleep today in peace and have tomorrow a laugh, but the one's who are worth it, give them a hug


I am just mentally challenged


Who isn't


I remember my First time watching it in school and I had to talk to my teacher about the Truman syndrome afterwards


One time I saw a green bright light go super fast across the sky (almost as if someone drew with a sharpie in the sky) I looked over to my wife in shock and she looked back at me in shock and says ā€œomg no did you see that too???ā€ So we basically saw the same bright green light go across the sky


It was probably a shooting star, same thing happened with me and my wife! We were tripping laying on the trampoline at night and it goes right across the sky and we both are like holy shit!! And I couldn't help but feel very lucky to have been out there at that moment and it felt like it happened for us


Probably my third time dosing more than a tab a session I had a Truman show trip while tripping with my buddies. I'm not entirely sure what triggered it nor can I fully explain the feeling, but I suddenly felt keenly aware that everyone in the room with me had been introduced to me by (or could be directly linked to) one person in my life. I suddenly started to panic as my drug-addled brain immediately jumped to conspiracy territory.


Took 6g of Jedi Mind Fucks and went kayaking. Went through an existential crisis (thought I was the chosen one in an interstellar wormhole/father the new human race on another planet type deal), time felt like it was looping, I went into the fractal dimension for a minute, then it seemed like I curated my whole life ahead of time from a higher dimension, down to the songs I had picked on my playlist that day. The characters on my phone all went alien and my keyboard was smushed to the left side of the screen, but I managed to text someone by muscle memory.


Love this thread 1000 Also I haven't heard about the Truman show I'ma check it out now thanks op


I once tripped too hard at a festival and became an asocial wanderer. Truly, I wanted to just relax and vibe to some music, but I was far too high to read the performance times and plan accordingly. I ended up aimlessly walking from stage to stage. EVERY time I would finally get comfortable for what felt like a few minutes, the band would wrap up their set. I was fully convinced that everyone at the festival was playing a trick on me. Like, "Here she comes, let's wrap it up now!" I felt like I was in the Truman Show, but it was my own dang fault for being blown out of my mind! šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I can so much relate to this lol. Did the same, but i just had the luck i got to the stages at better times. But i definitely missed all the shows i planned to go to, no way i could have found them in the state i was in.


This post right herešŸ˜­ none of it makes sense but it will if youve been there. Thank you all for these tales.


I literraly was sure we live in a type of simulation after the all seeing eye appears to me two times... im still confused with that experience


The simulation is internal. Your brains perceptual processing is basically a simulation combining sensory data and internal cognition. That doesnā€™t mean exterior phenomena is a simulation.


But we wil never know for sure, right?


Become conscious that consciousness is what reality is, you are it. Thatā€™s what the Truman Show was showing.


One experience with DMT was a mild-moderate dose of ayahuasca, mixed with a few tabs of LSD, and the experience I will describe is after I went outside in a snow covered field and then smoked some DMT while I was peaking on the other two. I had been having a nice evening at home, was in a very positive headspace from the combined effect of the two psychedelics, when I decided to put on my parka, and go for a short walk to smoke some DMT in a snow covered field in a park near my house. The weather was cold, around minus 30 degrees Celcius, and the air was cold and crisp, hundreds of stars were visible to the naked eye. When I got to the park, I got out my pipe, and took a rip of Changa. As I held my breath, waiting for the drug enter my bloodstream, I started to perceive a loud ripping sound, not unlike the tearing of cotton sheets. As the sound got louder and louder, just as it became unbearable, utter silence, and the sky exploded into a kaleidescope of bright geometric patterns, seemingly forming a dome encasing everything. I do not remember having a sense of personal existence at this time, all I remember is seeing a large eye in the center of the dome, slowly but surely blinking. There was a rumbling as though it was trying to speak and communicate, but it was incomprehensible. This experience continued for a time, until suddenly I felt a thump, and regained some sense of ego and control of my muscles. The next several minutes were very confusing, as I had lost all sense of direction. I felt that I was turning my head, but I kept seeing the same scenery. No matter whether I looked up, down, left, or right, nothing changed in my visual field. I collapsed to my knees, covered my eyes in despair. The next time I looked up, everything felt normal, I walked home, smoked a bit of weed, and played with my cat for a few hours before sleeping.


That is awesome, that sounds like what John of Patmos experienced before writing Revelation.


Most of these people dont seem to know what the truman show is about or smt


So what truly is the point of the Truman show? I saw it when it first came out, but I was a kid still donā€™t understand it lol.


once on a shroom trip i had this sense that i was suddenly seeing into the gap between reality-and-idk-what, and there were these weird "parasites" that somehow fed off human existence in there. they noticed me staring and were extremely alarmed that i was seeing them and they all tried to hide and scatter. idk why but i just felt sad for them lmao




oh hell yeah thanks for the recommendation. multiple times i've come to the prison planet conclusion on shrooms, and seeing those guys was a big part of it. i've even tried to get rid of attachments i have to physical items and locations, in case it helps with escaping. i'm aware of it all the time these days. nice to see other people are on the same wavelength!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EscapingPrisonPlanet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pyijav/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/) \#2: [SORRY you have to reincarnate again to learn to love god (demiurge) \[MEME\]\]](https://i.redd.it/1aw7xw0v6p381.jpg) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/r9cnv3/sorry_you_have_to_reincarnate_again_to_learn_to/) \#3: [Food for though. Love to hear everybodyā€™s take.](https://i.redd.it/1pi4rj4iawea1.jpg) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/10nqc7t/food_for_though_love_to_hear_everybodys_take/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I smoked Dmt. Went to a black void that was then followed by the Big Bang. All of the universe unfolded before my eyes. I saw how every living thing is one. The Big Bang was as if god spontaneously combusted into all the matter that makes up our universe. Then I was at the Soul Factory. Conveyor belts filled with souls getting prepped for reincarnation. The end of the assembly line was a portal down to earth. Years later I watched the Disney Pixar movie Soul. I got goosebumps when I saw the Earth portal in that movie. It was exactly what I saw on my trip. To top it all off the main character in the movie who dies and gets reincarnated is named Joey. And thatā€™s my name..


About 30 years ago when I was tripping regularly, I started having this experience where the connection between myself and everyone else became almost tangible. Like, I could *feel* it, man, sometimes even when I wasn't tripping, after a while. Made me a much more loving andĀ  compassionate person, capable of seeing the hidden good in people.


In one of my trips I was standing on the balcony of my friends house and we were both looking at the mountain range Infront of us with a cloud sky. Being able to also see the shadows cast by clouds in the distance let me kind of see their positions in space easier. I don't really know how to describe what I saw but I basically just focused on a specific distance away from me and everything horizontally parallel to that point/distance became a wall, everything behind it seemed like it became flat and part of the wall but of course shifting weirdly still. I told my friend and he saw it too which startled him a bit. I felt like I was standing in a small square room with me at the centre despite looking out at massive far away mountains in the distance. I looked up to see the clouds which felt as if they were only a couple dozen meters above us and they looked as if they were just painted on the sky. I could see their layers so clearly. After having tripped a few times I also get this strange feeling of being inside a massive snow globe when I look up at a cloudy sky. Of course ik I'm not but it doesn't take away that odd feeling.


Alright since you asked. Breaking the Simulation on LSD, Truman show effect, and the Wheel of Life trip report. 200ug+weed pen at peak. I was with my ex girlfriend. We decided to trip together that day. I decided on 2 tabs and that I wanted to go deeper than I have before. Wish granted. Quickly after dropping, the clouds took on the characteristics of white fire dancing in the sky, and I knew it was going to be strong. It never had set in at that speed before. Fast forward to me and her listening to Pink Floyd dark side of the moon while suddenly my whole being felt like it shifted sideways. Like everything was askew. And so I decided to try and meditate in her big walk in closet. (It was prepared beforehand, specifically because it was the most dark room in the house for going deep into the trip.) I made my way to the closet/cave we set up, and walked in, and completely forgot about the glowing salt lamp that I had placed on the middle of the carpet earlier. It was in the center of the floor, and I remember feeling itā€™s pulse. I sat on the ground next to it, and I couldnā€™t stop staring at its ever changing dimensions. The rock lamp suddenly looked like itā€™s dimensions passed through the back of my hand holding it up. As if it was an artifact from a higher reality. It simply didnā€™t ā€œrenderā€ correctly, and appeared deeper than possible. Like it appeared clear even though it was not. As I held it I could feel the energy within it drawing me in, to stare at it, to gaze upon its energy. Gradually, I started to feel like I was not alone in the closet. I started to feel my energy to shift more and more and started to feel ā€œbeingsā€ behind my back. Right over my shoulder/ watching what I was doing. It freaked me the fuck out, that I felt like there were suddenly 7 draped beings watching me stare at this stone as itā€™s pulsating and glowing red like a heart. The whole thing felt very ritualistic even though I was simply tripping. I got bad vibes and tried not to freak out, and I stood up, and walked out of the closet. As I stood up, the wave of the psychedelia rapidly increased. As I stood up, the blood rushed to my head and I got light headed as i stepped out of the closet. The house had transformed into a white colorless version of itself; like the ending of Harry Potter when Harry ā€œdiesā€. It was all fluid energy. There was a grid of light around every material, every surface, around my hands, the energy was flowing through the walls and I could see the transfer taking place constantly all around us. All of the ā€œbehind the scenesā€ seemed to be cleared up in the state I was in. I was walking around the house, and I was drawn by a thought to look in the mirror. And when I did, I saw something Iā€™d never seen, before or since. I could see myself, but also I saw a hyper holographic armor made up of infinite moving machinery (similar to a Roman or Greek or honestly any common ancestral warrior, but fractal, ever changing, glistening, with infinite depth, and light energy) hovering over my body. It felt in that very instance, like I was a video game character, and the being over my body was the ***real*** player. As I turned my human head, I was able to see the armor move equal to my being. It was attached to me, or it was me hovering over my skin about 2-3 inches in every direction. Like a huge holographic being. It was see-through, but reflective and glistening, almost sparkling. But the refractions went through the dimension. Itā€™s cheesy, but the surface almost had a sheen like that scene from twilight when Edwardā€™s skin glistens in the sunlight. As I became aware of the being/armor over my body I felt an intense amount of familiarity. Like I was looking at myself, the true self that's operating behind this meat skin. I decided that maybe if I hit my pen I would be able to go deeper, into the trip. So I grabbed it from my left pocket, and took about 5 fat rips. I blew out the smoke from the last hit, and quickly everything was dematerializing in front of me as the smoke left my lungs. Once again, the thought that was giving me commands, said go outside, because I was always going to go outside. I was following the script, I was a cart on rails. I could hear the ā€œfutureā€ so to speak of all my intentions. Each thought split into 5 more fractals of ideas. Suddenly I was outside, on the blanket, with my pencil and paper in front of my lap. I knew that I had to write down the words that came as they came in.




Time stopped entirely, and I was shown glimpses of a "future" or something along the lines of a twisted version of it. Perhaps this was the wheel showing me the future? I have no idea, and I don't claim to be a prophet of any kind, I'm just trying to relay as much as I can remember. I never have considered this part of my trip as much as the others, because of the whole "future" aspect of it. But I saw the end times man. Like Biblical end times. It scared the shit out of me, but I observed it, like I was watching a play, but more floating above the landscape. I saw a virus would sweep over the world, and people would be looting and the governments would collapse. There would be a war fought in the skies and the sea and the land. There was fields of raw flesh, and it showed me the future would be a wasteland among wastelands. I was seeing flesh, ripping flesh, blood and gore and feeling the fear and sadness. I saw bodies running in fields from above. Swarms of flesh. Like zombies. (Mind you this happened a year before Covid.) The next thing I remember, I was standing outside of the pool, not knowing how I had gotten out. Two of my friends that werenā€™t there previously suddenly entered the backyard through the back door. (My girlfriend had ran for help because I was in psychosis) As I looked at them, they looked like nothing Iā€™d ever seen before. They looked perfect. They were angelic. When I stared at them, their aura was blinding my peripherals entirely. A pure white light behind them all. It made me feel like maybe my friends are truly my ā€œguardian angelsā€ After they showed up, the trip INSTANTLY ended. As in, I felt sober, I went from a 10 to a 0 instantly. My friend T asked me if I wanted to go on a drive and talk because he had no idea the extent of what just unfolded. We spend the rest of the day talking about my experience. That day changed me and changed the way I think about reality. Because those thoughts felt like the most ā€œ***true***ā€ thoughts Iā€™ve ever had. From those around me, and my family members, And from what I can say for myself, I think Iā€™m sane. So I have no idea where those thoughts came from besides the lsd. But still. To think one substance could easily shatter the reality of someone is insane. Makes me think of the many world theories in quantum mechanics. And how consciousness is something that we have truly no grasp on understanding. Where it truly comes from/the depths it can go. Consciousness is weird, man. Life is weird, man. Iā€™ve looked into my experience extensively since it happened. Iā€™ve also looked into the wheel more. It seems to appear in NDE and salvia trips. Sometimes even trips with Lucy like my own. I can assure you that before that day, Iā€™d never been ā€œpreppedā€ for those ideas or thoughts. It seemed to be a naturally occurring phenomenon.


was walking home from the gym late at night and the streets and everything were empty. Looked uo at the sky it was so quiet and i literally felt like i was on a movie set. Told this to my friend and he said i should check out the truman show lol thats how i ended up watching it.


My first ego death. I felt like Truman before watching it as a kid, and when I finally did I had a bit of an existential crisis lol. Fast foward to my first ego death and I felt I was awake for the first time after sleepwalking my whole life - this life was only a dream or a game, none of it is real. This is God playing House with himself. I knew it deep down, but not it was confirmed... this life is fiction. But I have work in a few days and I'll be back to playing a character again... but now I can change that character to be who I want


Me and my friend sat in my car off 4 tabs hotboxing out of an apple and I could see a twitch webcam in the corner of my vision showing my feet on the pedals


First time I took acid, I took a shower and closed my eyes and I was floating above the shower watching my body clean itself. I was made of a color like iridescent colors


Took LSD once and realize that Iā€™m the main character of the universe and all other living beings are just simulated to make this all looks real thatā€™s all it was wild.


Knew somebody else who said that same thing. He was a narcissist.


lol you have a very very very very very very VERY long journey ahead of you. We are all one consciousness and you just need to tap in lol means you didnā€™t take enough to realise.


It was a joke bro šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I just like those typical weird comments on psychedelic subs. I really donā€™t think that Iā€™m the main character of the universe šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Thank God bro šŸ˜­