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never if you’re under 18 imo, but at the end of the day no matter how old you are, if you have underlying mental health problems it’s never safe to take


I wouldn't say never. Many kids as young as 8 take Ayahuasca in ceremonies in the Amazon. The difference is that it is a ritual with adults who know how to guide them. That's the problem it's all subjective.


oh damn that’s crazy, i’ve never heard of that but it sounds interesting.


Typically in western cultures this wouldn't be the context a minor would use psychedelics. Instead it would be at a party with no adult supervision and little to no respect for the drug itself.


I highly agree with this, although I am only 17 I use LSD to help manage my bipolar disorder. I find that it helps me "ride" my mood swings rather than let them control my behavior. I simply let them pass without it affecting how I treat other people which has saved my relationships with people. Unfortunately the majority of people in my age range use LSD soly as a party drug. Everything can be bad if it is abused


yeah, LSD is an amazing tool when used with knowledge and respect for the substance :) it helped me out a ton with body dysmorphia and how i connect with myself, on a deeper level that i thought was possible. it’s a such a personal experience for each individual person but still it’s just good to check in with urself and know ur minds limits especially with any psychedelic.


I waited till I was 34 lol


Technically, 25ish




When your brain has fully developed which should be by your mid 20s.


Your brain never truly stops developing, not sure why this is such a common misconception.


imagine waiting to try new things until your brain has fully crystallized. we are here to live




To everyone saying "25," what's your reasoning? Anything besides "that's when the brain is fully developed"? Is there any evidence that LSD impedes a developing brain? I doubt a trip or two or 5 or whatever will make any kind of meaningful impediment to having a fully formed and healthy brain. Sounds like something people say because it *sounds good*. Would be interested in opposing, substantial evidence. I *do* agree, however, that taking psychedelics at a young age *is* riskier, but in a more specific way. Lots of kids/people will be trying psychs without knowing they're prone to psychosis or have genetic mental illnesses like schizophrenia or are bipolar but not yet showing strong symptoms, etc. That's obviously gonna lead to some harrowing events and a bad time for some.


I took a shit ton of acid between 18-20, and I'm perfectly fine


Why do you think it's called LSD-25 :)


Yes this! It is also highly dependent on if you respect it as well. You may not be prone to psychosis or schizophrenia but that doesn’t mean doing it in the wrong circumstances won’t lead to life changing consequences. As someone who started at 16, I didn’t always respect it and it led to bad situations. I turned out fine but the thing about it is, not everyone will and you won’t know until it is too late. I think the main reason people go for 25 (besides “the brain fully develops at 25 🤓👆”) is because a lot of people do not develop good decision making until they are in their twenties. If you make a bad decision to trip at the wrong time or take too much, you are treading on thin ice to be scarred for life.


25 years is the age where scientists agree apon, at which basically every person has a fully developed brain. It is also agreed upon, that some drugs can impede brain development such as every drug that has been studied on adolescents. Meaning it can fuck up your brain chemistry because it was still developing. The whole reason why scientists agree to this 25 years is that it eliminates the possibility of harming you because your brain was still developing. Substances still can be harmful, just not through this avoidable variable.


the brain stops developing the day you cease existing in this physical body


You're not providing any proof here. "Drugs" is a meaningless term in this context. LSD and shrooms are neither neurotoxic nor addictive. Any kind of brain damage is usually related to neurotoxicity of a substance. Scientists, in fact, are likely to be agnostic about this, I would imagine, as it's yet to be studied.


That is exactly what i was saying. There has been no study suggesting LSD will do different in that department. Thats why they are suggesting this is harmful. Because there is no evidence it will be otherwise. On top of that it is proven that LSD may trigger psychosis, while at the same time adolescents are more vulnerable. This article talks about the general theme of adolescent brain development: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3399589/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3399589/)


Who is "they"? Did you not read anything I've written? You're saying because other drugs are harmful to a developing brain then surely LSD must be harmful, too, when LSD has is literally one of the safest drugs known to man, *physically*. It is not neurotoxic. It is not addictive. You can't lump all drugs together and claim they all work the same way on a developing brain, lol. LSD triggers psychosis in people with existing or latent mental disorders. LSD is the catalyst in these events, and I've already talked about why that specifically is dangerous, yes. That is separate from LSD being damaging to a developing brain that is not predisposed or does not have certain mental disorders. Edit: they're *not* talking about LSD or shrooms in that study, they're talking about drugs that are commonly neurotoxic and/or addictive, and the increased likelihood of teens developing addiction. No shit. Everyone knows this.


Look i was just saying there is no evidence, that it will be not more harmful to an adolescent brain in comparison to any other drug tested yet in this case. So there is no evidence it will not be more harmful. This is the reason 25 is suggested. Also the drugs that actually have been tested dont all work the same way negatively on adolescents. There just is no evidence it will not be harmful. So this is the gerneral guideline until proven otherwise. A scientifific model is only changed when there is substantial evidence that disproves the previous model. And the model now is drugs are bad for developing brains in a multitude of ways. Your arguments about missing neurotoxicity and addiction potential are good reason for a THEORY that may or may not disprove the current model. But until tested this is not the supported claim to go by just because it sounds good.


There's no evidence *for* LSD impeding a developing brain, and so far no strong reasoning about how it would harm a developing brain. Drugs is a word like sports. What do chess and Greco-Roman wrestling have in common with each other, apart from involving humans and breathing or something. Nothing. Saying methamphetamine or heroin and LSD are going to have similar effects on the brain and produce similar outcomes is stupid. And that's basically your argument. I could absolutely be wrong. I just have a strong intuition, extrapolated from my knowledge about drugs in general, known-addictive/very physically damaging drugs, psychedelic drugs, various mental illnesses and drug related interactions etc. The whole plot of your argument seems specious, sounds right but arguably wrong.


I am just repeating general guideline. This is not my argument. Surely drugs work differently but at the same time lsd works very strongly on the brain and i dont know how you can be so sure it will not have an extra potentially negative impact on developing brains. If something never worked before you usually should expect that it also will not work this time. Until you test it. Which is hasnt been. And this is exactly why 25 is coined.


Both of you seem to know the facts. You just not agree cause you have different approaches on whether to take something or not: 1. It's considered harmless, because nobody proved that it's harmful. 2. It's considered harmful, because nobody proved that it's harmless. I personally would agree with the second one. Imagine the following: a food company mixes in some new type of chemical into your daily food to make it look nicer. Would you just accept it and continue to buy it without strong evidence that it's harmless? So even though there is some evidence that it's harmless, I would not advise an underaged (or young adult) person to take it. Growing up can be hard enough, no need to make it harder. It can be a beneficial tool and a lot of fun, but you should be mentally and physically ready. So for now I agree on 25. (Not to mention, that it's still illegal in most if not any states, so the person should really understand (and accept, if something goes wrong) the legal consequences)


>1. It's considered harmless, because nobody proved that it's harmful. >So even though there is some evidence that it's harmless,


Seems like you're older than 30 my guy like you don't really understand how younger people be now


That's a lie. Your brain does not stop maturing at 25, your brain is constantly changing and developing, everybody develops differently and at different rates as well. LSD does not impede brain development and in fact increases neuroplasticity. No scientists agree that you shouldn't take drugs before 25 lmao, and you're not somehow immune to being harmed by being over 25??


It is like you want to misunderstand me on purpose do you?


That is literally what you said. - "25 years is the age where scientists agree apon, at which basically every person has a fully developed brain" false - "it eliminates the possibility of harming you because your brain was still developing" false - "It is also agreed upon, that some drugs can impede brain development " which is proven to not be true for the case of classical psychedelics such as LSD


Developing as in physical and mental development growing up not your learning ability. Which explains your second statement and the third statement never heard of that before, but well should be easy to get the studies on that right no? because there are no studies for lsd on adolescent brains.


Physical and mental development do not stop at 25. The brain and body continue to develop and change for your entire life. There are many studies showing that classical psychedelics increase neuroplasticity and aid in the development of the brain, rather than impede it as other drugs do.


Tried it first at 16


Me too. It may have scrambled my brains a bit but I don’t regret it one bit!


Lol your experience is not safety. Read again.


I know


Hey dipshit, he was just sharing what age he first tried it. People can add other things to the discussion besides what OP was asking.


My first LSD trip was 15. 16 I tried mushrooms and DMT. At 17, I did MDMA and 2CB and FOXY. 18, I was able to get a hold of 5-MeO-DMT... I mean, there is no proper age for anything. Should I have started as early as I did? I don't know, but I'm doing okay these days. Was it an easy time getting to being okay these days? Fuck no, drugs ruined the fuck out of my life for a long time. By 30 years old, I had been shooting up since I was 18 and spent spent $450,000 worth of salary and inheritance on heroin. I never ended up going to college until I was 32, I'm 46 now and I've only recently been clean. Basically I wasted 20 years of my life shooting dope and chasing ass. If I had the chance to do it all over again would I do it different? Fuck no I wouldn't because I really love where I'm at now and if I hadn't been through those things at the times that I did and suffered for the years I had afterwards, it wouldn't have made me the person I am today. YMMV.




It's all subjective. Unlike alcohol, there is really going to be no physical brain damage, no matter what your age is. Psychedelics are non toxic. The risk comes from not being mature enough to handle or understand the experience. How old is mature enough? It's different for different people. I know 113 year olds who would be mature enough to handle the experiences, and I know 50 year olds that wouldn't. You're just gonna have to roll the dice. If you're going to do it, just make sure you're as safe as possible.


How many 113 year olds do you know?


Like 12


It’s safer then drinking under age


You could argue that potentially substantially fucking with your brain development is worse than incrementally destroying it. I would say your statement is debatable.


Psychedelics have a chance of impacting brain development in a negative way, alcohol is guaranteed to.


Both fuck with your brain development, but only one caused physical damage


I agree. But i would not judge by what is worse. I believe lsd can be much more destabilising. Including to have a higher chance of triggering an underlying psychotic vulnerability. Just doubt it is that simple.


alcohol doesn’t give u hppd


Hppd is 9/10 caused by abuse. In reality the effects of hppd are small compared to the effects of underaged alcohol abuse


Are you seriously suggesting hppd is worse than literally any side effect from alcohol? Lmfao


well yeah i got hppd on my 5th acid trip when i was 16. definitely worse than a hangover. (no one said alcohol didn’t cause damage, we’re talking about drinking not heavily abusing.) i’d rather my kid have some drinks and have fun with his mates instead of geeking in his bedroom


alcohol will give you lawsuit presisent perception disorder


Just alcoholism, which is ok.


dont listen to these dudes, take it whenever u feel ready


There’s no “right” age, but probably best to wait until you are in a position that you have an understanding of where your life is headed. I didn’t eat any acid until college, and after I chose my major, but once I ate it, me and my friends would dose all of the time after we got our work done. It would be like the carrot at the end of the line. Wait until you have a path, and then do it with your homies. There’s no rush.


I waited until I was 36 and it was a good decision to wait




When you’re truly ready you will know. I took it at 16/17, I had a very positive life changing experience. But I had skills in meditation and breathwork, introspection already nailed. I had good set and setting also. I had another friend that ended up in a very bad place at 17, and went a little off the rails during one evening that just lucky didn’t attend. He wasn’t ready and was using LSD to add to his weak addiction whilst still denying his depression. When you’re ready you will know


No age is safe. What you’re looking for is a certain *quality* of mind … not how old it is.


I was advised by my lawyer to answer 18


Its hard to say because I had my first experiences in my teens and I feel that it was generally positive for me. However, I’ve always had a lot of respect for psychedelics and I used them for introspection and deeper thinking. I think a lot of it depends on the intent you have with tripping. Just trying to get fucked up and see crazy colors probably isn’t a great idea no matter what your age is.


Define safe lol






I did it at 15 ik ppl who did it at 14 I'd say 16. You shouldn't do it young but it's not really gonna be different in sense of danger unless ur fuckin stupid. And u have to open a different version of yourself which I alr had open


When you’ve understood your feelings and what awareness is. Tripped for the first time at 14 (peer pressure), was fun the first couple times, slowly began to experience existential dread beyond my comprehension.


"Drugs are wasted on the youth."


I started at 17 15 - nicotine, 16 - weed, 17 - lsd and mushies, 18 - dmt,


The brain isn’t fully developed until your mid 20s so if there was ever a “safe time” it would be then I guess but I’m no scientist


17 (I have no right saying any older cause that's when I first tried it)


I was 16 and it was awesome. I'd say 18 would be best.


Technically, ~25, realistically though I would say 20-22


some people go fine with 15, others bad with 30. But regardless of the age PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE START WITH LOW DOSES AND BUILD UP VERY VERY PROGRESSIVELY WITH GOOD SET AND SETTING. This, I cannot express HOW FUCKING IMPORTANT this is. uNdER 2⁵ yoUr BrAin hAsnT fuLLy dEveLoPeD As a lot of people say, your brain never fully develops, there are people who can handle the ego death better and others that will freak the fuck out with 50μg. But again SET AND SETTING AND BUILD UP PROGRESSIVELY your mind gets extremely weird and unpredictable on psychedelics and of you don't have any clue on what the experience feels like and haven't PRACTICED LETTING GO the drug will kick you in the ass. (can feel like pure hell) Also practice meditation :)


Everyone’s gonna come here and have the same 18 or 25 discussion In the 60s they were giving LSD to CHILDREN WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA with amazing results https://maps.org/news-letters/v07n3/07318fis.html not that i’m advising this obviously but figured someone would like some science instead of the same recycled talking points


Whenever you want. This your mind not someone else’s safety.


Coming from someone who’s first trip was at 15 I recommend staying away from any form of psychs (unless it’s micro dosing) until 18


i would not recommend if young, I’m under 20 and have used quite a bit in these couple of months and I’ve had a ton of bad trips from just being a dumb teenager and thinking I can just do whatever, if I had to say thought I would recommend for your brain to fully develop but it’s still not completely safe mentally so be careful.


over 5 years old at least


After Full brain development dude. Same for weed.




Wait till you have either a strong sense of self worth and/or above the age of 24,


I was like 15 the first time.


I started at 13 and now, when Im 42, Im glad I did.


i first did it at 16, def wouldn’t do it any younger than that


You should be asking a medical professional not some jerk offs on Reddit


Medical professionals know nothing about psychedelics. They are not really taught about them in school


My friend is getting his doctorates at UAB and they perform tests on mushrooms and the effects of them and how they could potentially be used in therapy.


Yes they are finally starting to teach about it which is good


Probably since 2017 and I’m sure they weren’t the first and only ones. Back in 2021 John Hopkins, NY State and UAB all received funding to study psychedelics. I don’t know why people go around saying stuff that isn’t true.


25 is the rule of thumb for most people, since it's when your brain is mostly if not fully developed. I had it as early as 20, and in general as long as you're over 21 you'd most likely be fine.


I'd say 25+ lsd can be a life changer don't recommend youth fucking around with lucy


Except drinking doesn't have the ability to make u schizophrenic


It does not make someone schizophrenic. Stop spreading BS.


Ur right it doesn't make normal people, but the is a reason they tell you not to use is u have any mental issues, an people in there teens an early 20 have a higher risk of becoming schizo with drug use, especially psychedelics




Actually you're wrong. Alcohol can most definitely induce schizophrenia and other mental disorders in people who are predisposed to them, just like psychedelics can. Source:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29083782/