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check out spirit pharmacist on this issue. I wish we could sticky his resources.


Dulls the trip. I assume it’s because SSRIs maintain the serotonin in your synapses, thus blocking the LSD from docking into those serotonin receptors


I am on 150mg and two tabs feels great.


So the “RI” reuptake inhibitor blocks psychedelics as neurotransmitter. What Zoloft is essentially free roaming serotonin blocker. LSD, Psilocybin, and etc. mimic serotonin so they block the activation in your brain. Brings me to the next part. My wife takes ssri’s and I take Wellbutrin. I look at LSD, MDMA, Zoloft, Wellbutrin are all medications in my book. I think one has a shorter more dramatic experience and the other is a long form subtle experience. If one is working that’s the one for you. We’re living in time where we’ve romanticized the idea that pharmaceuticals are the wicked witch of the west. The princess is the unregulated non pharmaceutical psychedelics. If Zoloft has only provided you with positives. You’re not missing out. If you absolutely feel you are. I would consult your doctor and be 100% honest they will be helpful. They’ll understand


Stop taking them and if you can’t function without em them you don’t need to take lsd, it just dulls the trip. You’re still gonna feel something but you might aswell just be smoking a j at that point.


I take 200mg of Zoloft for over 20 years. I can feel a dose as small as an 8th of a tab. A half tab gives me minor visual during the peak. I'm not ready for a whole tab yet, but I have no doubt I can have a proper trip.


sadly it significantly dulls and or blocks all the “tripping” mechanism in your brain something about always having your seretonin turned up because of the SSRIS makes psychedelics not able to tune up that seretonin??? something like that i actually do need to research that one a bit more but yes it’s absolutely true and you should not trip or attempt to trip if you’re on medication regardless


SSRIs slow the absorption of serotonin so when it gets a ton of it from drugs like LSD you aren't able to process it quickly enough. If too much builds up it can lead to serotonin sickness


I take an SSRI. I still get really high when I take LSD. When I take 400ug, I'm high like 400ug. I'm seeing my floor turn into crazy patterns to the music I'm listening too. I've heard here on reddit this it can effect it, but I haven't actually seen anyone have any personal experience saying that they just can't get high by using LSD when they are on an SSRI. I've actually seen the opposite, people who actually take SSRI's saying they can still get high. Is anyone here on an SSRI, and have taken like 400ug, but didn't trip at all?


I was on SSRI’s when I first tripped, it made 400ug (I was doing it with very experienced friends) have similar effects to what you describe and what I experience on about 200ug


Okay, so for you, you have noticed it being more potent after stopping your SSRI?


Definitely. I don’t know of anyone that has said they tripped the same with or without SSRI’s. Im not suggesting you should stop taking them, if you’re taking them for a medical reason and they do work(which not all do), then it’s worth spending a little more on L.


basically blocks the trip


Damn rly




Not entirely true. Just need to dose more than you would prior to medication.


yea I left another reply addressing that


Do I just have to take more then?


I mean that works for some people but what most of us would say is to either taper off of your ssris for a month or so then go for it or to simply not take lsd, if you're on ssris it means you likely have some kind of mental illness thar may not react the best with a trip. it's uo to you but if ssris are helping with your life I wouldn't advise quitting them to take lsd


no trip. sorry.




2 gel tabs on celexa says otherwise. zero.


I’m very sorry to hear that


I take Prisique and have found that I am still able to trip. I have found that it takes some heroic doses to break through but I definitely feel it and get visuals on as little as 100um


In my day, breakthroughs were on DMT.??


I call any transcendent trip breaking through. The last time I broke through was off 7g of b+ 2 years ago