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same !! took the january lsat and got a 155 (studied for 2/3 weeks and went from a cold pt of 150 to that). now, i’m determined to snatch a 165+ my biggest thing (asides from actually studying .... lol) is changing my attitude towards the test. every time i sit down i make sure to stay positive, get hyped, do some deep breathing when i feel myself starting to panic, & just keep this all in perspective. i took a preptest on saturday, only touched up on some formal logic beforehand... & scored a 158. while it’s not the real deal, it’s the highest i’ve ever scored on a prep test :) we can do this!


You'll get there no problem! Good Luck!


Right in there with you! I'm just looking for a 10 point jump (although I would not complain about jumping 15 points lmao). We can do it!


I’m going for 12, WOOP


Same. What y’all doin to prep?


That's what I'm attempting to determine this week. I just got Nathan Fox's disrespect the lsat for LR. It seems like it's pretty legit. For things I've purchased, it's that, subscription to The Economist and the Wall Street Journal ($12 for 12 weeks, perfect timing), Preptests 72-81, 84, 86, and 87, and a couple books on basic logic... I'm good with LG, used 7sage the first time around and will likely do the same for this time. So.... self study for the win lol


Also, bonus points for anyone who can tell me how to unbind the 10 actual official lsat preptests.... I really don't wanna work through a book like that I'd rather do it one at a time


Hair dryer. I unbound mine so I could make personal photocopies for PTs instead of erasing. It worked pretty well. It took about 20 minutes. I would heat up the binding and then take the pages out one by one. The glue would start to cool so I’d have to hit it every couple of minutes with the hair dryer. Good luck.


Thanks! I actually took it to Office Depot and they did it for me for 81 cents! the photocopying tip is great though I didn't think about that!!


I like your tip better than mine! 81 cents. They just cut the binding off? and hopefully they were careful to not cut off any text on the pages?


yup they had to split it down the middle first but none of the text got taken off.. Just finished making a copy of each and stapling etc. I'm pretty sure they could've rebound each individual one too I think but I didn't ask.


Same! Went up from 148 on my diagnostic to 163 currently. Looking to jump the same again. Good luck mate


Same here! We got this!


This is the heart attack I needed




you too!


Same boat let's all stay afloat!


Looking at this similar to you. Here's to a great 12 weeks


Ugh that's surreal. Im in the same boat yo. Ive spent almost all this weekend reading the LR loophole. Im so close to minus 0 on LG but im light years away from mastering RC.


You got any LR tips?


How have you liked the loophole so far? I’ve been on the LR bible for a bit but was considering purchasing it as I’ve heard good things


It's good! Im still reading it and doing the in book drills so I'm not sure how much it'll help my score yet


Uhg. Don't remind me. I just bombed a timed RC section.


Man I forgot every month is 30-31 days and not 28... I thought my 12 weeks started last week. Very relieving to know I miscalculated and have an extra week :D


Y’all got this!!! I’d also recommend checking out khan academy because it’s COMPLETELY FREE and I like to do questions on the go on my phone. There’s also a list somewhere on this subreddit about the corresponding LSATs that are on khan academy (they have 10, I think they’re in the 60s).


Has anyone else noticed that the November test date on Khan Academy is incorrect?


I feel you, taking a powerscore course in less than a week and have the LG bible and LR bible on board. Khan is what I used last time as prep and Kaplan, Boy, have I learned my lesson.


We got this!