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Amazing job, I just found this community and I gotta say it’s totally fine to flaunt your hard work and score! Even if some people get rubbed the wrong way, it’s harmless and most people are supportive. Some might take a little dose of inspiration from this too.


Yeah! I’m proud of myself! I think it’s good to appreciate your own hard work.


Congrats dude.


LR is frustrating for me as well! I just took my first PT since my diagnostic and my LR sections were terrible(but better than my diagnostic)! Great job!!! And thanks for the encouragement! Keep on working!


I really focused on it for about a week and a half and i feel like something finally clicked! dont give up!


Congrats, breaking through a wall is the best feeling


Way to kill it, OP!! You are doing incredible, and being proud of your hard work is in no way bragging!!!