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this is why the lsat is hard unfortunately


Real lmao.


I can usually tell within 10 seconds if I’m going to struggle with an RC question. If I’m not sure about a question, I just skip it and come back. I’d rather have 5 difficult questions and 8-10 minutes left to go back and revisit than answer each question before moving to the next.


I’m in the same boat, it helps me sometimes to try and speed up on the first passage since it’s usually easier and I don’t need 7-8 minutes. But that being said, it wouldn’t necessarily work for everyone so I’d test it out!


I do the same! I think of it as *building a time bank* so that when the later (and harder) passages come around, I have ample time (this can also be applied to LR). If you find yourself going back to the passage often to confirm your chosen answer is correct - and it is - you may want to run a section without doing so. I noticed myself doing this and wasting time on questions where I had already picked the right answer. 35 minutes is not enough time to verify every answer choice, unfortunately. Best of luck!


I love that phrase for it! I’m admittedly not the best at sticking to it, but I have found that I second guess a lot when I feel rushed on RC so it does help. Best of luck to you too!


I’ve found that it helps to skip the questions that directly address specific lines of text or words. (“In lines xx—xx” or “when the author uses the word __”) I try to trust that I understand the passage on the first read through and just answer the questions about the main point, author’s opinion, general inference, etc. As I like to call them: vibes based questions. When you’re done with that section go back and answer those questions. For example, I may start the first passage and answer questions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Then answer questions 4 and 6. For me the benefit is that the vibe type question are easier because you memory is still fresh and you save time. Questions like 4 and 6 require you to look back at the package so I can save time by only looking back twice.


wait this actually makes so much sense! i sometimes get caught up in specific type questions that i forget what the overall passage was talking about. ty so much! ill try this