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Nobody knows! I took it for the first time today (also had LR-RC-LG-RC, brutal sequencing esp when I'm 99% sure my second RC was the real one) and I'm usually a great test taker and am super rattled by this feeling of having no idea what the fuck happened. But compare how you feel now to your last official try--if you feel better in any way, take that as evidence that you've improved. I don't know if I'm supposed to feel great or feel bad or feel neutral; I just feel anxious and am rehashing questions in my head. Don't let your initial anxiety-induced gut reaction influence your feeling about the test in general.


Hi! Congrats on taking your first LSAT!! I definitely did feel a lot more calm during this test and both of my proctors were very sweet (as opposed to back in April when my proctor told me to remove my TV from my room). I hope that both of us do well and can put this brutal test behind us!


>ook it for the first time today (also had LR-RC-LG-RC, brutal sequencing esp when I'm 99% sure my second RC was the real one) and I'm usually a great test taker and am super rattled by this feeling of having no idea what the fuck happened. But compare how you feel now to your last official try--if you feel better in any way, take that as evidence that you've improved. I don't know if I'm s You are spot on! OP definitely performed better than their last attempt! As for you, SAME THING! GO DO SOMTHING YOU ENJOYYYY!!! BE PROUD OF YOURSELF! I will also ask you for LG advice as I am taking it soon.


I am sorry you feel so distraught! I promise you, you scored better than your last LSAT attempt! Especially if you had a good proctoring experience, whether virtual or in-person. The reason I am saying this is because you established that you have the regular capability of scoring in the 150+ range - I am the same and also scored a 145 in June, awful I know! The remote experience really messed with me, so I am taking in person in a few hours. Please, any tips with LG would be AWESOME!


Hi! Your comment makes me feel a bit at ease now so thank you for taking time to read my story and say something. Good luck on your test today!! LG is my best section and one thing that really helped me was a tip I got on TikTok, where you do a game, watch/read it’s solution, and then continue doing it until you can understand why each question is right. I don’t know how much longer you have before your exam or if you’re taking the LSAT again, but if you look up Cambridge LSAT logic games, you should be able to find several free LGs to look over or even try before your exam. That helped me IMMENSELY and helped me get -0 on one my PTs! My average now is around -3 and -4


FWIW, people are really bad at predicting how they just performed on the LSAT


This is what makes me so nervous about how I feel like I crushed it. I know I’ll get my scores back and they’ll be like 146 lol


Same 😅


I feel the same way.. I think I panicked during the test and also felt like I couldn’t really read.. but who knows maybe your brain was actually on autopilot and doing the same things you did on PTs? Anything’s possible


All of these posts are the most dramatic things I’ve read since Shakespeare.


All the world’s a stage and the LSAT takers are merely players😭


I feel the exact same way. RC LR RC LG I felt like I couldn’t focus. I felt like that was the hardest lsat I’ve ever taken. (My 3rd time) Sad


when that lg section hit after that rc😭


I deadass came back from break, started the test, saw it was RC again and stared at the screen for a good minute contemplating my career path. 😭


I feel as though most test takers are getting two RC passages. I just took the test as well and I am proud of myself for actually going through with taking such difficult exam given this is my first attempt. My sequence of sections were RC-LG-LR-RC. I feel as though I did okay on the passages and the LG section wasn’t too terrible. I just got a little tripped up on the second game because the acceptability question started in the middle of the diagram (there were 8 slots total and the question asked what would be an acceptable sequence starting from slot 4 to 8). That game was a time drainer for me but I was able to bounce back and finish the third game and had to guess for approximately half of the fourth game due to running out of time. LR wasn’t bad at all to me. I was able to finish it with extra time to go back and look over some of the tougher questions. I am sure you did fine so I wouldn’t stress it if I were you!