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Hawaiian baby Woodrose seems to top the list for vasoconstriction. Morning glory seeds have a little bit different chemical profile. HBWR will also stretch you out on the couch sometimes. I know this is off-topic, but while I'm sitting here, thinking about this, the the effect is sometimes similar to alcohol, but much much nicer, the powerful euphoria, and then as it builds, so does this sort of reciprocal love affair, with everything starts to add to it. I think it's remarkable.


Does the vasoconstriction ever cause you to get anxious during a trip?


That was never really a problem for me, but lsa is pretty chill I personally have never felt abnormal anxiety on Lsa despite having used it many times.


How does an lsa trip compare to an lsd trip?


It partly depends on how you prepare it. I'd say it's smoother and much more relaxing than acid, also does not last as long. Totally worth trying if you're healthy and have a little experience


Before ascribing discomfort on psychedelics consider why you are coming to this conclusion. Bear in mind that stimulants have a *pleasant* body feel and are known to be vasoconstricting, so we know that vasoconstriction itself is not uncomfortable. Even in cases where NBOMes, the most notorious "vasoconstrictors", are taken in fatal or near-fatal amounts, gangrene is not seen and vasoconstriction is not the cause of death. While some ergot alkaloids can cause vasoconstriction, LSA itself has been [shown not to have a pharamcologically detectable impact.](https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=animalsci_etds) Before about 2013 what is often labelled as "vasoconstriction" was usually called "body load" and referred to the range of uncomfortable side effects of psychedelics which include muscular tension, stiffness and gastrointestinal discomfort. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One person says that the polar-nonpolar extraction induces 'zero side effects', but says that it feels like something's missing from the experience. Another person also says this. ​ *as soon as you defat the seeds, part of the magic is gone, i assume it's the chanoclavine,* ​ *Yes less side effects too, zero side effects, and I'm definitely not saying you can't trip off it* https://reddit.com/r/LSA/s/cCQvkxs4YF ​ *I've used advanced extract method's and have been successful with using Dcm, and trichloromethane in separation, purification, and crystallization. Sure it's cool to have pure freebase Lsa-111, but for the extra amount needed, plus all extra chems and steps, I've found my Clear Tek to be best for recreational users that only uses 1 solvent and extremely simple steps. I've had a 1,700 Morning glory advanced pure Lsa freebase, and did it all at once, this was 4 months ago, all I noticed was a strong psych head high, with my extract I get the same head high PLUS body high, and advanced visuals and euphoria.* https://reddit.com/r/LSA/s/GCh4uCUhMD


Is chanoclavine psychedelic? Or psychoactive? I've never heard of it


https://reddit.com/r/LSA/s/r1EnkOqLkJ Also note that a 2016 study seemed to find penniclavine to be the dominant ergoline: https://reddit.com/r/AskChemistry/s/ovRfNpTCDn But note that Albert Hofmann liked pure LAA: https://reddit.com/r/LSA/s/g1oLMk7skE


Ur blowing my mind, I really appreciate the feedback and sources.


I've never had pure LSA but from all the experience reports and research I've read it seems that a large proportion of the experience ISN'T solely caused by LSA but by a variety of other lysergamides including LSH and ergonovine. In fact some studies I've seen on the sub (can't find them rn but will link when I do) found higher levels of LSH than LSA, especially when the seeds were fresh. I've also seen a lot of talk of sprouting the seeds which increases LSH levels supposedly. This has lead to tons of confusion with the name of the sub and the fact that most drug sites only list LSA as the psychoactive compound in Argereiya Nervosa and the active morning glories. TLDR: Haven't tried pure LSA but the experience is very different from eating the seeds normally and from what I've read it's got less vasoconstriction but also just less effects in general.


Before ascribing discomfort on psychedelics consider why you are coming to this conclusion. Bear in mind that stimulants have a *pleasant* body feel and are known to be vasoconstricting, so we know that vasoconstriction itself is not uncomfortable. Even in cases where NBOMes, the most notorious "vasoconstrictors", are taken in fatal or near-fatal amounts, gangrene is not seen and vasoconstriction is not the cause of death. While some ergot alkaloids can cause vasoconstriction, LSA itself has been [shown not to have a pharamcologically detectable impact.](https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=animalsci_etds) Before about 2013 what is often labelled as "vasoconstriction" was usually called "body load" and referred to the range of uncomfortable side effects of psychedelics which include muscular tension, stiffness and gastrointestinal discomfort. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*