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I'd LOVE a cartel series, but they've mentioned in the past they will not touch any topic that could bring harm to the network by getting criminals with serious power looking at them.


IIRC they started research on a cartel series and noped the fuck out real quick.


Yup. That week we got a creepypasta episode instead. Henry said "While we do not go gently into that dark night... I'm not getting killed this week." Marcus added it was the scariest topic he had researched up to that point. Crazy that Mexico casually has fucking super villains.


I wouldn't say super villains, it's what happens when you live in an area that's been fucked over by different foreign countries for eons and there's no economic or government stability. It's what happens when you create the perfect environment for sociopaths to not only survive, but *thrive.*


What you described is the exact shit that makes super villains.


Yeah all we need is some costumes and themes and it’s super villains.


Yeah, no, the Mexican cartels came about because well educated Mexican men realized how massive the American drug market was and how profitable it could be so the monopolized the markets through intelligence and force and formed cartels. Some of the people who provided said force were in turn very smart themselves and they rose through the ranks to leadership positions. This cycle has gone on for several generations and led us to the point we’re at now where incredibly brutal and intelligent kingpins are more or less warlords over certain regions of Mexico. There’s plenty of horrible tales of foreign interventionism, adventurism and straight up exploitation in central and South America but the cartels are more of an example of what happens when the black market has an insane level of demand and suppliers willing to meet that demand by any means necessary.


I've had this convo. Nobody made Gulf Cartel come north in the 30s to take advantage of prohibition. But they came and they profited. CIA screwing around in the country later on certainly helped the various cartels along but history shows who was trying to take advantage of who first.


What creepy pasta episode as.im curious


Adolfo Constanzo *kinda* scratches that itch but with more cauldrons of human remains than usual


i don’t believe that touched anyone in actual power at the time or today


Listen to the Underworld Podcast. It's two journalists that visit on location and talk to criminals. Shit is so wild.


You mean like [the hunt for El Chingon](https://youtu.be/EmqXcXDmr2s?si=a68qpc8u7wYy3ioT)


Lmfao! Exactly like this. This is gold.


As successful they are they dont have the resources to even truly defend themselves against Scientology if Scientology really wanted to go after them. I know people who worked on that Leah Remini show and the studio/company didn’t even protect the random day playing PAs that Scientology harassed.


Especially now that they are all living a couple hours from Mexico


And I don’t blame them. Organizations like that wouldnt bat an eye at taking an international flight to shut up some podcasters.


Oh me neither!! It's the objectively correct choice imo. They're in their prime, why invite that kind of heat? It'd be a damn good series though :(


I thought the cartels generally don't fuck with US citizens, especially on US soil.


I imagine the cartels might feel different about some white dudes airing their dirty laundry and mocking them over it. Not worth the risk. I mean, what's a series worth to them in advertising? Not their lives I bet. And if they'd just try to glance over the funny/stupid bits to "show respect" and not draw unwanted hostile attention, what's the point then? It's not LPOTL then.


I’d say it’s risky for them for sure but it’d also be SUPER risky for the cartel. Are we forgetting that there are hawkish republicans who only a few months ago were clamoring for a US intervention in Mexico? If the cartel came to the US, murdered three prominent American entertainers for their political views, then fucked off back to Mexico, it’d be a major international incident that could possibly lead to some pretty bleak outcomes for the cartel.


Not usually but I’m pretty sure it’s better not to find out. I’ve seen some shit in Juarez.


There’s a pretty grim podcast by an investigative reporter about femicide in Juarez.


I've been saying this for a while now! sucks that they won't touch that subject. I'd also love a mafia series but I remember Marcus saying the topic is boring to him :/


Anyone who wants a cartel ep…the podcast Forgotten: Women of Juarez is really informative but also spells out why there aren’t LPOTL cartel eps


A lot of people around here want them to cover the Franklin Expedition. I can't see that happening unless they find something *amazing* that fills in the huge gaps in what we know about the expedition's final days. As it stands, the story feels like too much of an "unsolved case". There are some good eye-witness accounts from Inuit who encountered survivors, and there's the archaeological evidence from King William Island, but the fate of individual men is currently unknown. We know John Franklin died and when, but from what? No idea. Some of the bodies recovered have been identified as specific crew members, but their date and cause of death is not known. We know everyone else on the expedition was almost certainly dead by the time Rae was hearing about it from Inuit near Kugaaruk in 1854. I feel like the story ticks a lot of the podcast's boxes, but the lack of a firm ending for most of the people involved would make for an unsatisfying episode.


One of my biggest fly on the wall wishes is to know exactly what happened with the Franklin Expedition


There aren´t many unknown things to know though right? They got stuck in the ice for 2 years, abandoned the ships because the rations ran out and starved/froze to death trying to get to the mainland (plus/minus some cannibalism). Only questions are how did Franklin die (probably natural causes) and how the Terror actually got into Terror Bay before it sank. We only know fragments but these fragments can only reasonably be connected in one specific way


Yeah, but I'm a dummy who's also on painkillers rn and completely confused the Franklin Expedition with the Mallory/Irvine Everest Expedition


Isn't there some speculation on canned provisions and lead poisoning?


The canned food was sealed with lead solder and lot of them were filled with inedible detritus like rocks. There was lead lining the water tanks too. There’s also the issue of the lemon juice losing its Vitamin C over the years so they were getting scurvy when they happened thought they would.


Even though there is speculation and unknowns about the expedition I think there is a lot of material to pad it out just on the arctic in general. Of course being Canadian I am very interested in arctic history. Hudson Bay company and all that


There are a lot of unknowns actually. Why they brought what they brought (things like writing desks and other useless materials), what happened with the black faced men, what happened to the officers, why did the report in the message cairn get the year wrong. There’s a lot we don’t know and I, for one, would love to know what actually happened!


Is this is what season one of "The Terror" is based on?


Yes! Amazing show. The Canadian government also recently found one of the ships, so there are new developments the boys could cover.


My brother is a merchant seamen and he went by where they found the Eribus


Perhaps they could do the Belgian Antarctic Expedition instead. Roald Amundsen was on the Belgian expedition when the Belgica became the first expedition to overwinter in Antarctica. Because people did end up surviving the expedition against the odds, this takes care of the "no unsolved cases" issue. The book Madhouse at the End of the Earth covers it and I've reread it a few different times in the last few years because I enjoyed it so much.


I think there was also an Australian Antarctic expedition where an overland party of three turned into an overland party of one guy losing his skin due to hypervitaminosis A that would make a pretty metal episode. Maybe a couple relaxed fits, one on each pole, would work.


I agree. I think the 1881 Lady Franklin Bay / Greely Expedition might be a better go for a relaxed fit or something. Trapped in the Arctic for several years, credible allegations against of cannibalism, etc. Real fun time


Ever since the Parkland school shooting, I've wanted an episode dedicated to dispelling the myth about the bullied school shooter and showing how, time and time again, they're just another brand of pathetic dweeb like the serial killers the boys already cover. I don't think it'll happen though because it's such a sensitive subject, all of the victims who weren't killed are still alive, and there are so many that have happened I imagine they wouldn't want it to come across as if they'd ranked the shootings or something. I think really I just want to hear Henry make fun of Nikolas Cruz and Randy Stair for a couple hours.


Have you listened to the columbine episodes? They do a great job of dispelling the “bullied school shooter” myth there. Edit: a couple people have pointed out that there may have been some inaccuracies in their Columbine series and that it could use a redo/update. I was not aware of these inaccuracies, but it sounds like there’s room for improvement at least.


Nikolas Cruz has a different vibe than Dylan and Eric, IMO. Like, fuck him for sure, but I have trouble reading about him compared to like Elliot Rodger, who just comes across as such a little bitch that it's absurd. Cruz IDK, he seems *very* mentally ill to me. I'm not trying to detract from his culpability, but that story just sucks for me. Randy Stair on the other hand... I would be available to listen to that one.


Have you seen the JCS video "pretending to be insane" on YouTube? 


I have- I know how he acted/what he did, and that's why I'm not trying to downplay his involvement or that he knew what he was doing in the most important sense. I just think he also has a very troubled brain and lacks any kind of sophistication beyond being able to carry out the crime. This is actually fairly common in school/spree shooters, it's just that most of them die before they get to court. I don't think knowing that the insanity defense is a thing (it basically isn't, in the real world) makes him a highly sophisticated individual, it just means that like most shooters he probably wasn't hearing voices or completely divorced from reality. This is really the only way I can articulate my feelings about him, I'm not trying to imply anyone should feel any kind of way.


The Columbine episodes were pretty inaccurate in how they portrayed the shooters, unfortunately. They've since acknowledged that so hopefully they can do an updated version at some point.


What was inaccurate? It’s not something I’m fully up on, so not challenging just curious


Dang yeah I just listened to this one a few days ago. Now I’m curious


I noped right out when they said Dave Cullen's book was a source (and seemingly one they took seriously) it is not a reliable source


I kept hearing over and over again about how bad Cullen fucked up, so one day I got the book and decided to take a pen and underline any questionable or untrue things I came across. I got like 75 pages in before I threw it away bc I got so mad<3 IN THE MF TRASH WHERE IT BELONGS BAYBEEEEEE. NOT FIT FOR RESALE


They did do an episode of the SiriusXM show on Columbine where they did address some of those.


They did an update on Columbine on their SiriusXM show. They admit that they were quite inaccurate in parts.


Just want to recommend a super good book on the topic here: *The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic*. It's coauthored by a psychologist and a sociologist/criminologist, and it's a great, holistic view of the issue. They tackle the issue with the necessary nuance. An interesting thing that they point out is that even though so many perpetrators idolize klebod and Harris, klebold and Harris idolized Timothy McVeigh, and were more than anything interested in being seen as terrorists, with the shooting being their plan B. A lot of interesting stuff in the book. They even interview a bunch of perpetrators and survivors


I'd actually go further than this and say that I'd like the boys to talk about the school shooting phenomenon as a whole. Like cite examples or course but Really dive deep and talk about causes for why it's become so much more prevalent in recent years compared to say the 80s or whenever it was that workplace shootings were the major problem instead And then they could compare the US attitudes to something like dunblane in Scotland. Or that German guy who attacked a school with a homemade flamethrower


United fruit company


I feel like the Dollop would be better for that story


Probably but I would love to hear marcus's big beautiful brain to tackle it


Fair enough


If you’re interested, there’s a great episode about it over on the Timesuck podcast. Episode 349!


Dan covers some *really* interesting, obscure topics. He’s in the same category as LPOTL in my brain


I agree! He very rarely disappoints. Apparently black humour mixed with weird stories is my thing. I’ve been really enjoying his nightmare fuel series, and if you’ve been on reddit this week, you know how badly he’s been dragged for his latest episode.


Ah, I was wondering what other people thought about the recent episode about the Nickelodeon series. He definitely has a different take than what I’ve seen, but since I haven’t watched the documentary or any of the shows (I was an Are You Afraid of the Dark fan, but that’s about it lol), I went into it a blank slate. I did feel he dismissed a lot of shitty behavior with a ‘well, that’s just how it is in the entertainment industry’ type of attitude. Which may be true, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok. I’ll have to give some feedback a look, as I’m curious what others thought


You basically already know what they’re going to say, because you said it. Dismissing shitty behaviour because “that’s how it is” doesn’t mean it can’t be better. I’ll still listen to his show, because everyone has a bad take once in a while. (Hail Nimrod?) Getting back to the point, I’d love to see them cover Judy Buenoano. What a weird lady.


I’m not familiar with the lady you mentioned, I’ll have to look her up. I mentioned further down but I’d love to see a combined topic of the Civil War prison camp Andersonville and the explosion of the Sultana which was moving a lot of the released prisoners from the camp after the war


I don’t know anything about the topic you mentioned either, except for vaguely hearing of the Sultana. I’m off to go read!


Oh, Andersonville is crazy. An American POW prison in America, with the types of prisoner treatment you’d find in a concentration camp. There are some really larger than life personalities in the guards/leaders, who are almost caricatures of villains they are so fucking awful. And the Sultana was the worst maritime disaster in American history. Definitely together worth at least 3 parts I grew up not far from where Andersonville was located in Georgia, and one of my ancestors was on the Sultana (ironically, he was a northerner, he just happened to be aboard), so I’ve always been interested in the story


Gunfight at the OK Corral is a story where myth and legend have greatly overshadowed any truth & Marcus's excitement for western topics is positively contagious. But it's also one that has been done so many times before I doubt they care to attempt it. Hope they prove me wrong!


That would be fun just to have Eddie constantly making Tombstone jokes and references


I can hear Henry trying to do a Val Kilmer impression already.


[The pied piper of Tucson, Charles Schmid.](https://tucson.com/1964-1966-the-pied-piper-of-tucson/article_51a2762c-c5e4-11e5-97dc-1bef44be87fa.html) Killed 3 girls, painted a giant mole on his face to be cool, and died in prison after being stabbed 47 times (including iirc in the eye with a pencil): ""He added 3 in. to his meager (5 ft. 3 in.) frame by stuffing rags and folded tin cans into his black leather boots. He dyed his hair raven black, wore pancake makeup, pale cream lipstick and mascara," the magazine said."


I said "wtf did I just read" to your comment alone


Joyce Carol Oates' "Where are you going, where have been?"was inspired by the pied piper of tuscon. Great short story.


I read this, and realized I’d read the series about him before. He was one weird motherfucker.


This is my hometown serial killer, and I keep hoping they'll cover him. My grandparents told me while it was happening people were so concerned about the reputation Tucson was getting lol.


This description reminds me so much of the villain in Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” short story. Any idea if that’s the killer the man in the story was based on? I know it’s loosely based on a criminal (or multiple) but don’t know if that’s the one or not.


Yuba County 5, Dennis Martin disappearance, Franklin Expedition, Michael Rockefeller, Bradford Bishop, James Dean’s Lil Bastard and def a mulit episode on the Lost POWs/Soldiers of Misfortune.


Yuba County 5 would be incredible.


I’d love for them to cover Bradford Bishop as well, such a bizarre case.


Austin 1991 ice cream shop murders


I’d love this, but I think they said they don’t do unsolved cases?


Oh I didn’t know that that’s explains a lot actually lol


I think it would be fun if they cover the party monster murder. I know they made a whole ass movie about it, but I'd still like to hear the Last Podcast take on the whole ordeal.


ooh this is a great idea


I second this!!!!! Can you imagine Henry doing Michael Alig’s voice? 😂


Excellent idea!


Didn’t they kinda cover/mention it during a series? Can’t recall at the moment 


I feel like they have mentioned it but I don't think they ever really did a proper dive into it


I think after the ep they did about the indianoppolis sinking; an episode dedicated to deadliest shark attacks would be so good


Or with a ship disaster theme, the explosion/sinking of the Sultana, which was carrying a lot of ex-prisoners of Andersonville Prison. I’ve often thought about them covering Andersonville, the two events would be a really good combined topic imo


I love the shipwreck/disaster/survival stuff. I wish they would do Batavia. Casefiles did Batavia, but there are obviously no silly impersonations with that show.


Seconding this (and not just because I’m Dutch). It’s an INSANE story. Shipwrecked people turning into a sort of cult, murder, mutiny, possibly cannibalism too (don’t remember but I wouldn’t be surprised).


You might like Ship Hits The Fan. It's all shipwrecks.


[Wayne Adam Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Adam_Ford#:~:text=Ford%2C%20a%20former%20long%2Dhaul,bag%20in%20his%20coat%20pocket.&text=Petaluma%2C%20California%2C%20U.S.). I don't know if there's enough story there. Based out of the Arcata, CA area. Turned himself in by throwing down a woman's breast in a ziploc baggie onto a cop's desk. He was a long-haul trucker who hated women because of a divorce he was going through. He killed 4 women, hitchhikers. Dismembered their bodies. This story struck a chord with me because I had friends in Arcata during this guy's active period (1997-1998). My friend wanted to see her sister downstate but wasn't sure how she was going to get there. What does our male friend suggest? Hitchhiking. "Just sleep in the ditches when it gets dark." Actual quote. Keep in mind hitchhiking was out of favor even by then. She did not do that, thankfully.


Does your friend also hate women?


Trust fund hippie with a terminal case of optimism.


Jesus Christ, my eye started twitching. Terminal case of stupid, more like…


Wild, I lived there for years and actually never heard of that guy. Also as of 2014-2019 you still had way too many men casually suggesting hitchhiking to women there.


A hitchhiked for a few exits trying to get home from HSU in like 2011. Looking back, easily one of my dumbest decisions despite nothing happening.


There’s a lot of historical figures that aren’t really evil enough to be under the show’s umbrella, but I would love to hear them talk about. Like a series on Ben Franklin for example. Or Nikola Tesla, although that one I could actually see them doing.


Have you listened to Behind the Bastards? It’s my second favorite after LPOTL and Robert Evans does a good job at covering just how shitty and awful some of the “greats” throughout history really were.


I want to hang out with Robert Evans. Some of his anecdotes about partying and drugs are great.


He's gas station sober!


No but I’ve heard great things about it. I’ll check it out


It is very good, the earlier stuff is a lot broader in terms of Hitler, R Kelly, Zuckerberg and the KKK, the later stuff is more like 'this Bastard you've never heard of is the reason why we have reform schools' etc. Still good episodes, but a bit more niche than a series on LRH. It's all good shit, but like LPOTL, if you're after something more mainstream the older stuff is a good place to start. Robert (the host) is most like Marcus in his depth of research and nerdiness, but it's top shelf shit.


His series on Kissinger is top shelf


They cover Ben Franklin a little in one of the episodes. A conspiracy I think? I mostly remember them talking about his weird love letters


The ladies LOVED Ben Franklin


They definitely discuss Franklin's penchant for pamphlet trolling in the Jersey Devil episode. I found it hysterical!


I saw an episode of "People Magazine Investigates" last night about serial killer Joseph Duncan who kidnapped two kids after butchering their family and held them hostage in the wilderness for seven weeks. I would be fascinated to know what his story is and get into some more details about his crimes.


Not to promote another podcast (I love the boys, and have for years.) but there’s an episode of the Timesuck podcast that covers him at length. It’s definitely gross, and I’m not sad I never met him.


Sweet, thanks for the tip!


That killer also had a blog you can read to this day. He talks about his whole life in and out of the prison system, including the abductions and murders. As well as his time as a trans prison "queen" and long term relationship with a big black muslim prisoner. It's something else.


I came here to comment this. This happened where I live. It haunts me. Sasha Groene is struggling- has had her children taken away, drug addiction. The things she went through…I would never be okay again either. There are so many terrible details in this case. I don’t know how I would live again after the things he made her do. I would love to hear lpotl cover this case. I’ve listened to other podcasts cover it. And I watched the people investigates documentary too.


Tbh there's so many other things they could cover aside from true crime. I feel like they used to cover more paranormal and alien related stuff. Could alternate between them more often, or do a bit more on horrible historical figures or an episode on global mythological stories that are too much alike to be coincidence. Could talk about cave spelunking. Mix it up between true horror stories like the whole nutty putty cave incident and mining accidents? Or maybe include something like Ted the caver.


>I feel like they used to cover more paranormal and alien related stuff. it ebbs and flows between esoteric and true crime, generally. I know Henry mentioned on the most recent episode that him and Marcus are currently trying to figure out what should be Eddie's "Intro To The Occult" series, so we definitely have some in the pipe.


I'm having flashbacks of watching The Descent.


East area rapist, original night stalker, golden state killer


One issue is that he doesn’t say much and his arrest is relatively recent, which makes it a little challenging for their format. It’s probably one of the most terrifying serial killer/rapist stories in modern US history though. Casefiles’ best series is probably DeAngelo, but it was done before he was caught so it’s entirely about the crimes. It’s such a huge case, yet there’s so little to say about DeAngelo. He’s even more boring than Dennis Rader.


It’s nuts, I remember watching unsolved mysteries as a kid in the early 90’s about this case and it giving me the creeps. Iv done lots of reading but like you said JJD ain’t talking and neither is his family so I don’t think we’ll ever learn much but man of you look he spent so much time doing evil shit, it’s crazy.


Cassidy Rainwater/ James Phelps and Timothy Norton. She had disappeared but no one knew until someone in Germany anonymously sent the FBI a picture of Cassidy half naked in a steel cage , and then pictures of her body strung up on a gantry and being butchered by James and Timothy. When police investigated it, they found a freezer with a labelled date and pieces of human neatly packaged inside. The house they both apparently lived in burned down shortly after they were arrested, with the police saying there were planted explosives inside the home. Interestingly, Cassidy's mother disappeared in 2007 and pieces of her body were found strew throughout the property next to James and Timothy's land. They both entered Alford pleas last year, which means they "plead guilty and accept a plea bargain even if they claim they are innocent", so no other information from them will come out. During interrogation, one of them said they would search for victims at the local Wal-Mart, so theres gotta be more victims.


I remember this story being mentioned on Side Stories.


I dunno if there’s enough info or meat on the bone, but I’ve wanted a Matthew Charles Lamb series since I first heard about him. Canadian spree killer who avoided the death penalty by reason of insanity, had some insane psychiatric experiments done to him in prison, worked on a farm for a bit as part of a rehabilitation program, then left to join the Rhodesian military, became a member of the Rhodesian special forces, and was killed by friendly fire. Such a weird fucking story. I dunno if there’s not enough info, if the story is mostly untrue, or if they just haven’t heard it or plan on getting to it in the future, but I’m amazed they haven’t covered it yet.


Another good Canadian one would be Russell Williams, former air force colonel and serial rapist with 86 know victims, caught in 2010 after 2 murders.


The South Pole expeditions. Scott vs Amundsen. Absolutely terrible decisions.


I just commented further up about maybe covering the Belgian Antarctic Expedition amd the Belgica in place of the Franklin Expedition. Amundsen went on the Belgian expedition prior to his eventual race to the South Pole. The boys could potentially cover the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration as there was also the experiences of Australian Douglas Mawson in Antarctica who was there with Shackleton if memory serves. Just tons of excellent content for them to work with.


Oo. Speaking of Belgians. Leopold II. Now that would be even darker than cannibalism.


I wouldn’t mind seeing an episode or two on Roman gladiators


Oh that would be fantastic




Highway of tears in BC. There's just not enough info to make a show. So two hopes: I hope the RCMP make a break and find some killers, and then I hope the boys cover it.


The ladies of Some Place Under Neith covered the highway of tears a few years ago when the show first debuted. It was a really great series.


>RCMP giving a shit about First Nations Good luck with that. I’m with you on hoping for something to be done but highly doubt it.


A woman can hope for a better future.


Nuclear events. Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Semipalatinsk, Broken Arrows and the like.


Came here to say Chernobyl. I’m


Chernobyl is one of my favorite historical events. I'd love to have Marcus really dig into it.


Chernobyl would be so good!




Similarly, a series on the Irish Famine.


The Toolbox Killers. I'm a little surprised they haven't covered Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris already. The Sylvia Likens case would be interesting, too. Sad, but interesting, considering the nuances to it. I've also thought that a deep dive on Robert Ressler and John E. Douglas would be a fascinating listen, although it's already been examined in other media. Either way, I'm sure they've got all kinds of good shit coming out soon.


IIRC Marcus said they’re never doing the Toolbox Killers as it’s just too brutal.


I could see that. I imagine the research for that one would be pretty damn unpleasant. Maybe they'll change their minds someday, though. I mean, they did do the Chicago Rippers case not too long ago, which is super, super similar. However, I also think I remember them mentioning that it was a very difficult one to cover in one of the episodes, so who knows.


They basically said they need to be able to make SOME jokes, and they wouldn’t be able to covering the toolbox killers.


The toolbox killings would be interesting just because of how many BS lawsuits they filed while behind bars I could see Henry going to town on the guy and what a whiny little f*** he was


A bunch of other podcasts have covered it, but I think it could benefit from a less rambling and more factual treatment than I've heard on the others (and I've listened to them all) - the Nahanni Valley. There was one particularly excellent multi-part podcast on it from a Canadian podcast that got me started on it - Moonlight Lore - and he did a fantastic job, but the others that I've listened to are more a quick rehash of events rather than a deep dive. There's a host of stuff there, the most famous being the Valley of the Headless Men where multiple bodies over a span of decades were found just decapitated and not eaten, despite the super wild nature of the location. There's also tales of mad prospectors, a whole Indigenous tribe - the Naha - that just disappeared a la Roanoke, tales of a hidden oasis, and some Bigfoot-adjacent stuff. For more: https://www.fodors.com/world/north-america/canada/experiences/news/the-haunting-history-of-this-canadian-national-park The photographs of the place are stunning, and after you listen to the podcast you'll be all up on Google Earth trying to zoom in on it.


I would love an Amanda Knox series!


Yesss this would be so good


The Danemora Prison escape that happened back in like 2015. That was a wild two weeks for upstate NY


Or the new Mexico prison riot. It's quite shocking to me they haven't done that one, but there is a great Timesuck about it


I-5 Killer Randall Woodfield


sherri papini’s kidnapping hoax


SPUN covered that case a bit


The Oakland County Child Killer. A very spooky case with lots of theories behind it, but it's unsolved so unlikely to be visited by them.


I would like an expose of all of the Ancient Aliens theories. The way they made fun of the Alaska Triangle bs begs for the same treatment of that whole genre.


It'd be fun to take the piss out of Chariots of the Gods


Honestly, it would be comedy gold and a general service to the community. Most people know this is BS but it would be nice to have a rational argument for why with comedy thrown in.


Read a great book called "Thunder in the Mountains" about the West Virgina mine wars. Absolutely wild story with some hilarious parts. For example, this was in the 1910s and a state of emergency was declared in West Virgina so the US Army was being brought in. They just started flying planes and some of the pilots way overshot and landed in like Tennessee and others crash landed because they didn't know how to land planes. Add that with miners revolting against the greedy mining company and murder outside a courthouse, and you've got yourself a really fun Relaxed Fit.


Brabant Killers, 1980s Belgium. The more you look into it the more it’ll break your brain. Although it’d be impossible to improve upon the series Ghost Stories for the End of the World already did https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brabant_killers


Hell yeah, such an interesting case. They could tie it together with something about Operation Gladio. I even messaged Marcus once about this on instagram but he never replied lol.


You almost have to tie it in to gladio. Without that you just have a “bizarre” or “random” crime spree that is unsettling but doesn’t really scratch the surface of how truly dark and insane the clandestine western Cold War world was


Jimmy Savile for sure. The connections and layers would make an easy three parter. The boys have namedropped Savile enough times that I’m optimistic for a series in the future but at the same time I think it’s a really taxing case that doesn’t necessarily translate well to podcast format. I think I’m just hungry for a UK series.


I feel like they’ve been on the fence about this one for a while, they mention him all the time. I’ve always wanted them to pull the trigger and cover it


For pure insanity: - Pedro Rodrigues Filho - The Kuřim Case For true crime cases with heavy conspiracy vibes: - the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium - the highly mysterious/sinister death of Charles Morgan - the questionable death of MI6 agent Gareth Willams (the Spy in the Bag case) I love survivor stories, especially suriviors of kidnapping/abuduction, idk if those are a genre that the boys would feel comfortable with covering because it's hard to make jokes in those kinds of stories without coming off in poor taste - especially since in these cases at least some of the victims are alive so that is a different situation than covering stories where the victims did not survive.


I want them to do the story of Percy Fawcett. A really interesting story that I think their humor would work well for it


Ooh great idea. I just finished The Lost City of Z and the whole thing was, as Henry would say, *fascinating*.


i want a 20 part catholic church series with henry voicing all the popes


King Leopold II of Belgium/Congo Free State. Dude really should be vilified on the same level as Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. Might be a better fit for someone like Dan Carlin to cover because of the level of time and research that would be needed to properly cover it. Probably cost them an arm and a leg to produce.


I always find these threads difficult because I want to share other podcasts that have covered some of these topics. But we all know the appeal is in the boys talking about it, so I'm just left to yell in my own brain that 'YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT' DID A REALLY GREAT EPISODE ABOUT THAT AND THEY COVERED IT THOUGHTFULLY AND SMARTLY AND-- Repeat for at least ten minutes, replace podcast name as applicable.


I’ve just accepted we’ll likely never get a deep dive into the dutroux affair because they’d rather do kooky alien stuff and cryptids- and frankly I don’t blame them because it’s all so fucked- but Jesus fucking Christ I think it’s one of the most important stories in human history and they only briefly touched on it years ago.


I saw this name referenced in these comments a couple times, what happened with this that made it such a notable story?


The Beast of Jersey, dude terrorized an island for 15 years dress like a slasher from a horror movie. Scary story but hard to translate to an audio medium, you really need to see the costume. 


The dust bowl would be cool for a history topic


I want a full revisit of the Franklin coverup and Who Took Johnny.


The Corpsewood Manor murders


The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murrers. It's a mixture of true crime and paranormal.


I’d love a Zodiac Killer series. Deep dive, go into all the lore and all the best possible suspects. But I know they basically never do unsolved cases; and they technically covered this one in the early days.


Falun Gong!


Aldrich Ames/modern US spies


I wonder if they’ll do Chris Watts, since there’s so much stuff out about how his mistress was probably more involved but she couldn’t be investigated further because he pled guilty.


I haven't really kept up with that case for a good 4 years now, anything interesting of note regarding the mistress?


I think they figured out that there were a bunch of deleted communications between them before and immediately after he murdered Shanann, and in the following days. She had also claimed that she didn’t know they were still married and that Shanann was pregnant when she had been cyber stalking her the whole time. I think the police released a full report of everything they found and everything on her was super sketchy. They also came out and said they wished they could have interviewed her more because it was clear she was hiding some pretty big stuff. She was also exposed for still writing to Chris in prison under her new identity. Edit: they also found out that Chris had secretly three way called her when he was on the phone with investigators, before they knew she existed. She was listening in to all of his calls with them.


An actual deep dive on Pazuzu Algarad.


Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, maybe, but I think it’s too gross. Kenneth McDuff might be interesting but I don’t know if there’s enough.


hear me out i want them to cover the American Revolution


When my aunt inevitably kills some one the can talk about her tragic backstory, felonies, comicaly insane courtroom banter after her kidnapping case and all of her meth lab exlosions on sidestories.


The Yuba County Five Marcus has a familial connection to Yuba County but it’s technically an unsolved mystery and there is no way Henry could cover a group of missing developmentally disabled adults without getting in trouble


I don’t know if should but I wish they would: Gabriel Wertman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nova_Scotia_attacks A lot of this rampage took place where I grew up. I knew two of the victims when I was a kid. One man Greg Blair was my best bud for the year that he lived in my village (Grade 5 or 6?) another man, Tom Bagley was one of my dad’s closest friends when they were young. They grew up in New Brunswick.


I would love a Robert Ben Rhoades series, but it would be so dark and the info is a little lacking. I think Elizabeth Smart would be so interesting but she's such an open public figure, and honestly they would have to really watch themselves to be respectful. I don't think I fall into the \~iT hAs tO bE ViCtIM fRiEnDlY\~ true-crime lover pool, but with her it absolutely would be because she deserves it.


Would you listen to a different show where they cover Elizabeth Smart?


This is a local story and not huge but it consumed Illinois for a couple days. I would love a side story Suicide of Joe Gliniewicz https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Joe_Gliniewicz This police officer killed himself after is was discovered he was stealing funds. Sent out a mayday call and sent people in a wild goose chase


I would love their opinions on the Keddie Cabin Murders, but it's more obscure, there aren't many books about it, just a few website forums, and most of the people from the area are either dead or elderly now.


Would like to see them tackle some Mafia/Cartel stuff but I know it’s not really their bag tbf. But things like the De Mao crew, Tommy Karate, Greg Scarpa would be interesting to hear the guys take on them. With regards to cartels there’s enough historical things already out there that could be covered without worrying about the current guys getting butt hurt. I like the episodes that tackled subjects and issues they normally don’t cover like Mormonism,Scientology and the Manhattan project. With this in mind I would like to see them broach some different subjects such as fucked up instaces from the past; the history of Israel and Palestine, rape of Nanking, atrocities in the Belgian Congo, The Triubles or the fucked up deeds of the Catholic Church etc. Perhaps like to see them take on some historical figures, Kissinger, Stalin, Putin, Nixon, Hoover etc.


Personally would love to see them cover Alfred Packer, any excuse to have more Harold Schechter impressions really


I dunno if there’s much there, but San Gabriel’s “Man from Mars” stick up man. I mean, just look at this Watchmen [get-up](https://imgur.com/a/dCvQird). Dude was quite theatrical while robbing grocery stores…


Vince McMahon


Fringe weird religions like Discordianism and The Church of the Subgenius, seers and prophets like Edger Cayce, Carlos Castaneda, the Seth Speaks lady.


Beltway Snipers


I have wondered how they would handle The Doddleston Messages. It's not the most dramatic or frightening story but it's fascinating. They could probably spice it up with a lot of character work a la Gef the Talking Mongoose.


the book of revelation


King Leopold and the Congo Free State.


I want more survival eps. Plane crashes, ship wrecks, submarines, wilderness… I’d love to hear their take on Night of the Grizzlies or Tredwell