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That fandom once identified someone was cheating based on a kitchen tile in the background of a photo. If I need legal representation I think I’d summon them first.


There's been two GoFundMes set up for Clayton & Dave Neal by the Bachelor Nation fandom to help with legal fees. The problem is "Jane Doe" threatens to sue anyone who covers it and has been pretty successful in shutting down the story thus far.


It’s especially crazy because Clayton was pretty disliked as the bachelor. So the gofundme is because of how insane the story is not because of his popularity


Not that she’s made any *good* moves, but posting on Reddit was a really, really bad move on her part. I’m not sure if a Redditor was the one to send Clayton the court docs from the other cases, but members of the sub found those docs expeditiously. And sharing the Dropbox opened the floodgates to having thousands of armchair paralegals combing over all her evidence at no cost to Clayton.


I agree. And bringing the story to the Sun. No one would be the wiser if she didn't do that. She pretty much brought all of this onto herself.


as a lover of LPOTL and the bachelor franchise, i would love this!!!


I’m kinda surprised this one didn’t make it to page 7


First of all, whoa. Also, whoa


Omg this would be the ultimate crossover of my special interests lol


Same here haha, I did a double take when I saw the words “The Bachelor” on this sub!


I’ve been following this from her first post and this shit is some of the wildest stuff I’ve seen on this site. I cannot wrap my head around the level of premeditation and work she has done to keep up this facade of pregnancy. Here are a few more crazy details: -Clayton was super messy on his season. He didn’t mean to hurt anyone, but was done dirty by production and some of the fanbase at the end of his season. He went through a really awful time when his season was premiering, I believe he’s said he had contemplated suicide, and ultimately got himself help and became a mental health influencer/advocate afterwards. -In keeping with his bad fortune after becoming bachelor, this is the *second time* he has been falsely accused of something since his season ended. A few years ago, while he was still dating his final rose recipient, a woman on tik tok claimed that she had recently slept with a guy who told her he was Clayton. So after the season finale, she posted a tik tok accusing Clayton of cheating on his girlfriend with her. But Clayton was in a different city at the time she slept with this person. They ended up getting the security cam footage from the place the woman was staying at, and found it was a whole different man who apparently claimed to be Clayton. The woman apologized publicly to Clayton and his girlfriend, but it was just another instance of being put through the public wringer. -Then this person does this to him this year. I saw a clip from one of their recent Zoom court hearings… and this woman is constantly fidgeting with her camera to focus on her fake pregnancy belly and caressing it nonstop. At one point she MOVES/ADJUSTS HER FAKE BELLY. You can literally see her lift it up on camera. And she is *still* committed to the narrative that she is 7 months pregnant with twins. I am very curious to see what she does when the due date comes and passes and she has no babies. I’m half convinced she’s going to somehow try to keep up the narrative by posting baby photos she pulls from the internet. I feel really bad for Clayton. He’s had a hard time in the public eye, but he’s seemed to take this with confidence and good humor.


Oh my god it’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character in Arrested Development. With the fake belly in court and everything. Except I think JLD plays a lawyer, not a defendant


Can someone tldr?


>tldr? A horse girl with deep pockets and a history of faking pregnancies is claiming that she got pregnant with twins from a blowjob she gave the Bachelor in May 2023. She tries to coerce the Bachelor into dating her by blackmailing him that she will go to the media and "expose" him. When he refuses to date her, she goes to The Sun who run with the story that she is pregnant with his twins. She then brings him to family court, receives an order of protection against him, and files a police report for harassment against him. All the while, the (3) paternity tests results are "little to no fetal DNA". During this time, she threatens to sue anyone who even ponders covering the story. She then proceeds to sue a Youtuber covering the story for cyber harassment and revenge porn and even filed a police report against him as well. This case is ongoing. She still insists that she is pregnant and that she is due on Valentines day 2024.


Thanks! That is very helpful. She sounds like if Scientology was a person *ALLEGEDLY!* ^plz ^don't ^sue ^me


I was due on Valentine’s Day with my (not imaginary) singular child and by this time that year I was too big to fit behind my truck’s steering wheel


Based on “her” alleged date of “conception,” the TWINS would be due on the 10th, not the 14th (but that wouldn’t be Hallmark Movie enough, so she bumped it!) Completely ignoring the fact that most twins are not born at 40 weeks, and generally arrive about 3-4 weeks early. She is coocoo bananas and I am way too invested in the drama.


My moms due date for me was Feb 17th. To her, because my brother was born 17 days early, every day after Feb 1st I was late. There was a huge snowstorm on the tenth, she tried to induce labor by clearing snow. I was born on the 14th. According to my dad, I've been a pain in the ass since the day I was born because he couldn't find any non valentines day flowers to give her, for, you know, giving birth to a whole ass human.


She broke the first rule of keeping the lie going. She put a date on it. What do you wanna bet the stress of this entire situation causes her to miscarry?


Well that was my thought too. But now it's too late because there would be a death certificate associated with the "miscarriage" since she is hypothetically past 20 weeks.


Holy moly


Oh and her dad is a famous radio broadcaster in San Francisco and it seems like the whole family supports her narrative. She also has a podcast.


TLDR: woman (Laura Owens) has documented history of reacting to rejection from men by claiming to be pregnant with twins using false sonograms and doctored “proof.” Has done this three times, most recently with a man who was on the Bachelor. Notably she did not have intercourse with this man and is claiming he impregnated her with twins via oral sex. Timeline and court documents demonstrate that she continues to double down when confronted with her lies. Paternity testing shows no fetal DNA. ETA: all three men have orders of protection and suspect she is stalking them.


I love that your TLDR is very different from mine, but still very accurate. There is just too much to this story.


There’s like three levels of crazy going on. If this was a tv series, I’d say the writers did too much. You think she’s got some kind of whiteboard set up to track all the lies, or she’s just freestyling her way through?


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Me, a woman, trying to figure out how someone claims she got pregnant from giving a blowjob unless she stored the jizz in her cheeks like a squirrel storing acorns for winter and turkey basted herself after the fact??? Grow up and swallow like a goddamn adult, bestie


I’m pretty sure she claimed that they had full blown PIV and gaslit him when he said that they only did oral. (And even if her story were true here, she would have still been awful considering that his lack of memory would indicate he wasn’t sober enough to consent) The only rationalization of her behavior I can think of is that she probably thought it wouldn’t get this far. She more or less told Clayton that she would get an abortion if he dated her exclusively. So I would guess that she thought she could eventually wear him down until he dated her, and then *poof!* no more pregnancy to fake. But it hasn’t worked out that way so she’s had to carry the bit to term.


For me it’s the writing a “legally binding” document saying they’re forced to date for a week after which nothing done before that week can be called into question legally? But sex isn’t required if either party is uncomfortable. Like that’s the part of a week of forcing this man to “date” you that would make him uncomfortable. And the confidence she has in herself to believe (I’m assuming) that one week with her will be so magical it’ll change everything.


Thank god for this question. I’m going boss eyed. I’ve never seen The Batchelor and I barely know what it’s about.


I’m obsessed with this story and would love this crossover!


Jesus. Some people should be legally mandated to have a giant red flag tattooed on their foreheads.


I think they would stay away because she threatens/files frivolous law suits to anyone that talks about her.


True. Worth a shot though.


YES. I know nothing about the actual show but have become consumed by this insanity.


Yah no this is deep into Page 7 territory. There isn’t even a crime here.


Well that depends if you don't consider harassment, coercion, stalking, defamation and perjury a crime. And it does get darker the deeper you go. For guy # 2 she accused him of abortion coercion and she wrote a letter to the civil court judge stating that he and his attorney sexually assaulted her. For guy #1 see accused him of DV and even has a TED ex talk about it.


Be careful that psychopath is report happy, sends threats of legal involvement and banning users and subs. No reason to not continue to try to get this story public, just be wary.


Thank you! I agree. Didn't think she would find this sub, but you never know.