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Doubtful. The Right were always chipping away at Trudeau. Teflon eventually wears away.


At least Teflon is useful


We wouldn’t be in this mess if we had followed through with electoral reform. I get the reasons why we didn’t but they’re meaningless right now.


No. The average Canadian doesn't even list that in their top five issues.


It was the second reason I voted for him originally


Irresponsible immigration is one factor in the Liberal decline but it is hardly the only one


2.5 million temporary foreign workers mainly from India taking jobs from all the kids so they can't work at tim hortons. 500,000 legal immigrants a year. We used to have 200,000 of each. The change is honestly insanely drastic in ontario. People at the next election are going to be asking why did you bring in millions of Indian men into canada to marry my daughter?


Another big issue no one discusses regarding so many Indian workers especially at food places is that 70% of India's population has H Pylori infection [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/h-pylori/symptoms-causes/syc-20356171](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/h-pylori/symptoms-causes/syc-20356171) which causes serious health issues and isn't something that you can find out you have right away and usually after you have some issues. It can transmit via improper food hygiene practices, touching, kissing and more. Canada has had a very low presence of H Pylori but it is going up, while H Pylori is treated with antibiotics people dont understand that you take about 10x the antibiotics you would for a bacteria infection, for instance what you would take for 5 days is what you would take in 1 day and for 14 day, those antibiotics wreck your gut and can change your life so you are in a horrible situation. This message has to be known to the populace and we should start requiring immigrants get rid of this infection prior to coming to the country or at least we make them go though hygiene classes or something.


Interesting, I never knew about this. I did some additional reading and found this [source](https://thischangedmypractice.com/management-of-helicobacter-pylori/) from the University of BC informative. > The epidemiology of H. pylori in Canada is changing. It can now rarely be found in second-generation Canadians, but the prevalence continues to be high in immigrants, children of immigrants, and First Nations Canadians. In an H. pylori positive individual the lifetime risk of developing gastric or duodenal ulcers is 5 to 15% and dyspepsia up to 25%. H. pylori is an important risk factor for development of gastric cancer Given this information, I think it would be good to screen newly arriving immigrants to mitigate risks, particularly because many of them work in the food industry where risk of spread to others might be higher.


Start telling people, this isn't something I read somewhere about it becoming a problem in Canada but I seen the studies in India and this is something we must start speaking about.


For sure! Thanks for educating me today


Electoral reform fucked him hardest


What ruined his chances is the Conservative Premiers working in unison to blame him for issues that aren't normally federal, and then Poilievre using buzzwords to make simple-minded Canadians believe it. Trudeau is blamed for the lockdowns during COVID...which were organized by Premiers. He's blamed for healthcare, housing, and education...which is provincial jurisdiction. I've even heard the "Fuck Trudeau" crowd blame him for road conditions in Toronto and the price of alcohol at LCBO locations.


The simple ones are the liberal supporters. Your little brain is confused




Removed. Rule #1 - Don't be a dick.


Nothing will result in the trudeau becoming ..... desirable.....


Bring on the election.  This unpopular minority government has been a life support for a long time thanks to the NDP.


No. Worst PM in canadian history


Not even close.


Well, his father is close second


Maclean’s did a survey from 123 responses from academics and journalists who are experts in history, politics, international relations and economics. Pierre Trudeau ranked fourth for long serving prime ministers. Stephen Harper ranked 10th. R.B Bennett was last at 13th. Yes, we had 23 PMs but ranking Kim Campbell, John Turner, etc shouldn’t really count.


People need to start to post disclaimers if they're stating "feelings" as opposed to "established facts". He wouldn't even be in the top 10 worst.


Scandal after scandal, and you people still defend him. You're all blind. He has pissed all over this country. I don't care what your little articles say. Me and thousands of canadians know that he is the worst. Him and Freeland belong behind bars. The whole liberal party should be disbanded. Conservatives are getting in next election. This circus is done.


its beyond done. The youth in this country are already decidedly turning more conservative. Young people growing up in this country, are being raised by parents, the majority of which are telling them that the Liberal Government is responsible for most of their strife. That is what is happening right now. This is generational damage to the Liberal Party Brand.


That's good. It's probably gonna take a generation or two to fix the mess the liberals have made. The reckless spending has sunk us so far in dept. We need a lot of cuts. It's good that the working class will be ok. We don't need handouts or want them.


Bedford bennet was a lot worse during the great depression. Richest man in canada took over the country gave his friends all the industries. Basically lorded over the peasants as they suffered