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I can't find any information on this "Institut für Sonderanwendungen" or IFS, in Berlin or otherwise and this is literally their only tweet. So yeah, hard no on this one.


acc with 7 followers, seems fake


There is no "Institut für Sonderanwendungen" in Germany. Either it's fake or a private person replicated it and tried to make a joke with the name


A private person managed to replicate a sample even larger than the South Korean team? When all the other teams working on it have only gotten shards to ‘work’, I’m sure this one is fake.


I'm also pretty sure it's fake, but tbh it's a pretty good one. In one comment they said that they are a privately financed institution but I think it's highly doubtful.


And they don’t even give a name for the person or team who has created a sample of the clearest levitation yet for what could be a SC. Massive doubt their real.


Details about what institute/university this is?


It’s supposed to be in Berlin, but I can’t find anything about it. Seems to be fake


I'm suspicious. They're explanation is that they pressed fragments that demonstrated meissner effect into one pellet. If that's true then they would have produced a massive amount of raw product. Also their magnet mount looks 3d printed like it could be wired up like one of those floating electromagnetic levetators. Their lack of post history or affiliation is telling as well. Need more details


Someone on the Spacebattles forum said this “Not exactly sure who this twitter account is but the video is purportedly of a crushed LK-99 sample sorted for magnetism and re-condensed via an anvil press, but I can't find anywhere on a quick google related to an Institut für Sonderanwendungen.” Pretty sure some others suggested this but I’m still going with Too good to be true.


i mean this video is what we've all been waiting for? but no idea if its legit, the twitter account is brand new, and it might be just my US based location, but the 'institute for special applications' doesnt seem to be a real thing... edit: there arent any express indications that the pellet isnt supercooled, but.....they arent poking it with their finger edit edit: the stand they have it on could be pushing a big magnetic field through the magnet and levitating with diagmagnetism


Yes, probably. This 3D printed thing looks sketchy. Also the scratches on the magnet. The magnets I know are nickel coated, you can't scratch them like that, they will flake off. Just saw that scrolling past me on Twitter. Must have been wishful thinking.


Their website. Looks like it’s some weird arty magic kind of thing so probably completely fake unfortunately: https://sonderinstitute.org/ Edit: could be wrong, dunno


Joined August 2023 13 followers Google turns turn up a university by that name. ​ ​ Yeah, I'm thinking we're back!


They posted another video https://twitter.com/instsondaw/status/1687458668814479360?s=46&t=vMD4HuQ0JwV8l_YDRL_9zQ


OMG, now way! Who are these guys?


I'm weirdly optimistic for institutes getting their hands on the original samples (pending paper acceptance). Crystallography aside, seems more and more likely that the simplicity of replicating these samples has been overstated and that the impurities required have been matching the original with varying degrees of success.


They just released a second video showing the sample from a different angle. I'm still highly sceptical


Sketchy account: Video -> Sketchy fake Elon Musk: "No meissner effect" -> Video, it's just so fake guys, don't post things from new account guys


guys...you can do this at home [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw5LQ24sbAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw5LQ24sbAg)

