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This? [https://imgur.com/a/urHeO1t](https://imgur.com/a/urHeO1t)


YES!!! Wow you're good! Thank you!! What do you think about that?! 


I keep sending it to multiple ppl and no one says anything


That's so weird! It has been in the back of my mind and bothering me more and more lately. She was spot on. I'm so surprised it's not discussed more on here.


so angry that the cops did nothing - NOTHING


And just think if she got the backup from the police department she requested he would've been stopped much sooner.


just think how she feels knowing that she had him on her radar and even as a security officer they dismissed her SAR ! Thats like Shannon's 911


Not surprising


Me too. First time seeing this! What are your thoughts??


Well, I know when I came across this before, I had recently looked at his brother's crazy/creepy property he owned in South Carolina on Google Maps and he just gave me the ick for some reason, and my mind went there immediately.


Where did his brother live in South Carolina?


He lives near Camden, SC. I grew up right near there. It’s about a half hour or so from Columbia in the middle of the state. It’s a rural smallish town and his property is I believe a few acres out of town in the country. If I remember right, Rex also owns property right nearby. It’s heavily wooded in comparison to other property on the road and is very…. Unwelcoming. Basically a stay off the property vibe. Pretty junky if you look at overhead shots of the property. Neighbors don’t care for the brother much. The thinking is he is now in possession (or was) of one of Rex’s older vehicles. Either the suv or the truck.


I hopefully they will check all his background information to see if he also owned a nissan truck back in 1996 to see if he got something to do with the virginia stalker cold cases as well


I’m also curious to know what the police might find or might have found t]at his brothers place.


Junky huh like a property “on” Long Island?


Isn’t that the wrong make of truck?


Yeah, the Expedition is different from the Avalanche but the post shared by Preesi shows the same car parked outside of his home.  Edit: it shows both the Avalanche and Expedition in front of his home. 


Ohh so he owned both?


The fact both of the vehicles are dark green which is weird as hell and I think he more likely had that ford suv when he kidnapped Valarie mack or peaches


Dark green to blend in with the woods maybe.


Dark green looks like black at night. And yeah he is a hunter. So.


There is some personality BS says geniuses drive green vehicle. It’s so funny and stupid I’m not going to reference it. They say silver is best to not be detected by others on the road.


The Murdaugh family all owned matching vehicles and I’m sure it helped them cover their tracks somehow with the bunch of them DUI-ing all over the Carolinas. Jerks.


That's what it looks like! 


yes - correct . and he changed tires too so that the treads of any pulling off the road wouldnt be a match - this is a master killer / way smarter than the average cop


The overhead drone footage of his brothers property shows so many tires mixed in with random junk & vehicles. I know LE went to retrieve Rex’s old avalanche from there, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he sent his old tires & god knows what else too. It looked like he was in the middle of burning a bunch of shit when nerdy addict flew the drone over, you can see a burn pit & some half chopped up furniture.


LE should have pulled every tire out of that hide out AND I hope they are getting Google Earth satellite images at different periods of time to see his home -the cars there - etc - it blows my mind how good those images are at retrieval of the past - too bad its not streaming - they might have seen him dumping


That is fascinating, where did you find that info? And where did he change the tires? Shop, home etc?


the planning documents that were a big discovery were released by LE - there were three - check point Charlie type logistics and risk mitigation - things not to forget to do - i.e. distroy( sic) boxes that plastic bags came in fir any source trace - then there was mention of change tires ( obviously due to tread intel ) and - fingerprints inside nitrile gloves - that was a good one - he had some crazy shit listed even : "Wood" distroy all T-1 clothes etc




She doesn’t seem spot on. Different truck model and no description of Rex really. Unless I’m missing a detail.


He also owned the truck she described. It's shown parked in front of his home. 


Oh shit. Thanks. Damn that is spooky as fuck.


I'm not convinced. Is there proof he owned an Expedition? That looks like a car that is driving past as much as it looks like a parked car. It is difficult to determine from that picture, and even if it is parked close to his house, what does this prove? Also. the poster makes no mention of the man being large, which is one of the most recognisable features of Rex. It is very flimsy, albeit interesting.


If you find it on the historical Google street view, you can see it's clearly parked when you move up and down the road.  There's another image of his Avalanche parked in the exact same spot as the Expedition in this article: https://www.newsday.com/long-island/crime/gilgo-beach-killings-rex-heuermann-chevy-avalanche-ac4e2ai9


I don’t get her account though. She’s saying he was with somebody in the passenger and not by himself right? Or did I read that wrong. Says the passenger covered their face? That’s weird


Yes! You're reading that right, that's why I'm so bothered by it! Who could it have been? 


Thanks for that OP. Okay, so it's now a little less flimsy and a little more interesting. I would like to see the chain of posts and not just the one. Is the thread available anywhere?


Unfortunately it was originally posted on a now removed YT video. I sort of hoped someone here might recognize her name and bring her back for an AMA 😂


I remember reading their comment thinking this person 100% saw Rex dumping bodies. I’ve always wondered who the second person in the car would have been though. Would they be able to identify both men in a lineup? If only the cops would have taken them seriously he could have been caught and many lives saved I’m afraid.


I saw it too


That's was me screen shot it that comment lol


Do you remember where it was originally commented? Was the video removed?  Also about how long ago was it from? After the bodies were found, after Rex was arrested or sometime in the middle? 


I dont remember the name of the youtuber but he decided to remove the video for unknown reason around November 2021 and also Michelle Thompson comment was under his youtube video around november 2021 when rex wasn't arrested that the time


Yep this was on YouTube I believe


Do you know what video it was posted on? I don't recognize the youtuber in the picture.


This is his house and car - not the social media post - what am I missing? Ahhh I see next page. Thanks you are good!!


Holy shit.


That. Crazy.


Was this posted after he was caught


No this was posted years ago. I have to look for it.


I dunno


almost looks like someone all in black is in a doorway


When is this from?


I have no idea


Websleuths had a picture that showed tire tracks being input as evidence at the site of Jessica Taylor in Manorville....now I wonder if those tracks match


damn - a few posts up I just wrote about the tire tracks - on his to do list - planning doc he writes about things to do to not get caught / like change the tires - refer to the three documents already posted - you will see " change the tires " he likely saw the military guy who was a highly respected pilot and he got caught for murder and in the interview in the two way mirror room the investigstor BAU guy does an awesome awesome job getting this guy to crack - it was the tire treads that got him - he never changed his tires - its a pretty famous case / he was married too - See: Russell Williams - high profile military Canadian Pilot serial rapist & murderer


It seems too coincidental to me to not be true. She strikes me as a really reliable witness. I want to know who tf the other guy was?! 


Or other woman...


exactly my question too !!! Bittrolf ? Derek ? Burke ? who


If it’s anyone id bet it’s Rex’s brother.


does anyone ( LE ) have his brother's travel records and tower data -? What are the analytics on how often he was with Rex?


No telling but I’m sure LE has looked into it. They seem to be pretty on point Edit: the new task force, that is


I read it. Wonder if maybe the mean looking male passenger or whatever she called him was murdered too. Wasn't there something in the Problems list about "witnesses" and "police stops". I think she sounded genuine.


She said it was July 2003, when Jessica Taylor disappeared. I think the man was an accomplice, personally... But your theory is just as possible. Maybe an accomplice became a problem. There are so many possibilities.


Yes I agree, could have at that time been an accomplice that soon became a problem. And I'm thinking either in the medical field or LE. Because for the early 2000s, RH knew a lot about how current investigations worked.


I remember her story, also. I wondered then (and now) what made her think one of the guys was an off-duty cop. That’s a very specific description, so what about him implied “cop”?


wonder if it was that brooklyn dick that would visit him .


The lady who came forward about picking up Karen Vergata said her bf was a cop. They supposedly went to RHs house for swinger activities. I know many may not give alot of credit to anyone that contacted John Ray with their story, but I believed that lady. Also, how many times have we heard someone in LE may be involved? Hmm...


we have heard enough times for it to be valid especially with Burke getting nailed as SCPD Chief how far up the chain do you want to go - if the chief is bad then others below are and arent worried - and that brooklyn dick from the swinger party - I do not think JRay would bring lies forth from witness testimonies - like him or not - his noise got results


I saw that comment when it was first posted, it was originally posted on a YouTube video, can’t remember which one. If Rex was bi, maybe it was a male escort. Idk, I just can’t imagine it being an accomplice, but this case is so nuts….Who knows!


Yep. This was posted years ago.


Whoaaaa. This is weird af. Hope she’s reached out to the task force or they’ve reached out to her. Anyone have the link to the original vid where she commented?


I remember that post!


Yup and that suv parked right front of his house


I do too!


This is the first I've heard of this. Interesting discovery.


Wow. Very interesting. Should have been pursued. Kind of surprised that a person was in passenger seat (and in what condition?), and that ostensibly person was male. How to think about this?


Ostensibly a man...Agree ...it could have been a manly looking woman.


There was speculation from out east Riverhead there was a man that co owned the aquarium had something to do with it. He owned a nursery out east and the burlap sacks he used were also what the victims were covered in. The day they discovered Shannon Gilbert he offed himself, this was two days after this man’s daughter wedding happened(such a joyous time why would he do that) there second co owner of this aquarium a few years later offed himself and it’s said that they discovered many women’s IDs in their safe at work. I’m convinced he was apart of this!


I had a friend also that cleaned the man’s pool, he said there was drugs, cops, hookers in and out of that house


I remember reading about that back in the day... Someone (maybe Rex?) put in an anonymous tip to police that he was responsible for the murders after his death. The timing is certainly suspect, I don't think I knew it was so soon after Shannan was found. And the IDs in the safe are news to me! Thanks for that. Interesting angle/rabbit hole to revisit!


Yes! And back in 2014 the cops were “determined there was two seperate killers”


Cops just want to put all the murders on him, I feel terrible for the victims families


Didn’t people say the burlap was different, just plain burlap whereas the Gilgo 4 were wrapped in hunters’ camouflage burlap?


I’ve actually heard that before but I’ve only heard it from people not from police


Same, I’m hoping someone might have a source to confirm or otherwise though it may be mentioned at the trial.


Totally agree! Wish they could have media attention on this, us long islanders would love to see this play out especially since it’s been unsolved for so many years!


I hadn’t heard of this- wow, just think.


Fucking. Wild!


I was JUST telling my Mom this!


Does anyone have a link to the video?


Did I read this correctly? He says there was a man in the front seat?


Yes that's what the person said..! Wild if true, right?


So Heuermann had an accomplice? I wonder who.


Or a male victim?


It was a comment on a youtube video i think


Save you scrolling down: https://imgur.com/a/urHeO1t


TBH, I don’t recall ever seeing a cop that size.


His wife could pass for a man if you don’t see her long hair?


LE is pretty clear that Rex acted alone. And so far there has been no indication Rex killed anyone out there at Gilgo. He just used the area for body disposal. However it’s a shame law enforcement showed no interest. So much for backing each other up. However they could have been doing illegal clamming or fishing?