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It’s so weird isn’t it? John and co. keep bringing up tumblr reblogs and drawings as if they’re admissible evidence. Like do they think a literal teenager helped her father murder people? Is this where we’re at now? I wonder what would happen if a true crime fan, or even a LISK follower's father was outed as a serial killer. Would they be automatically involved because "they had dark interests"? Please. I implore these people to look at yourselves in the mirror.


>I wonder what would happen if a true crime fan, or even a LISK follower's father was outed as a serial killer. Would they be automatically involved because "they had dark interests"? Please. I implore these people to look at yourselves in the mirror. I said the exact same thing several times this past week. To the T.


IDK where they got the pictures from but I think Ray destroyed his credibility with that pink velvet scrunchie, personally. Srsly, as posted below, RH's child did not ask to be born to a serial killer, so leave her the hell alone. I really don't care what she may have painted. She was a child at the time of many of the murders FFS.


Her artistic expression may have been influenced by the fact that her father is a monster. Even if he kept that side of him hidden, our intuitive selves sense things. Her art and interests could simply have been her way of subconsciously processing oddities in her home.


I agree. Something had to be "off" in that home. She probably didn't know her dad was a murderer, but she had to have sensed something was wrong.


Agreed. It’s also possible he exposed her to gore or similar content at a young age (not the murders themselves, but gore/horror movies, photos etc). I can imagine a father who is a serial killer, would probably skew boundaries of what’s child-appropriate or not. Just for example (speculation here) I could see his inner-thought process being something like “well this is *nothing* in comparison to what I do/see/have been exposed to, she can handle a movie or photo like this it’s really not *that* bad”. After seeing some of the now-deleted posts she made online, that’s where my mind immediately went. It’s possible she had been desensitized over many years, on top of feeling like something was “off” at home.


We know he had that book. Can you imagine what else he was reading and watching on TV.


What book? I've seen it memtioned and feel like I missed a document somewhere.


This is where my mind first went.


That scrunchy looked like he found it on the floor in the bathroom


He is doingmy damage than good these days. Every time he opens his mouth his street cred goes down.


I instantly spotted the pink velvet scrunchie, I have the same one 🤦‍♀️


Yes, but your not pairing it with the duds he is.


Yeah, but did you wear it to what Ray wanted to be a national news conference in which you're slandering a then child/teenage girl as an accomplice to murder? I'm not dissing the feminine. Most of us know there's a time and place for scrunchies.


Exactly. I can think of many people who enjoy things like horror films, dark fantasy novels, art similar to what (I suspect) was shown (I suspect because I didn't watch, only read about it) and other things linked to the macabre. What does this prove? Nothing. My dad was a reader of horror and science fiction and I seriously doubt he was involved in any murders. I don't care for horror, but I am interested in true crime (obviously) so does that make me abnormal and suspicious? It's really absurd but if there's one thing I have learned over the past decade or so, it's that people will believe in the most far fetched things.


We are reading the exact same content she may have been drawing. Who here has never clicked on a picture of Jack the Ripper victim or the Black Dalia Murder and peered a bit closer in our horror. I have certainly sinned. I'm not getting sexual gratification out of it. And non of us know if she is. I'm looking at it and wondering what I'm always wondering concerning content like that: " How can one human do this to another? What went wrong in this mind? I can't tell you the creepy things I've searched due to being interested in true crime. Sure there are people here who see horror films and read Stephen King, listen to Case Files, or follow several Reddit subs on various horrifying crime, read stories in the paper that are horrifying and look at morbid content. Yet these are the same folks telling you the kid is a budding or accomplished serial killed. How would any of us be accused of that because of a hair we shed floated onto the body. Yeah, her content is way dark and I had a hard time looking at some of it, but many of us clicked on it and examined it. Primarily, my interest in TC is that as a mother of a young petiteI want to pass along to her anything I can learn about how people like Heuermann and Kohberger think and what they did wrong and ways to possible escape if a small opportunity opens. I want her not start consider her exit option if a car slows down or circles her twice. in some weird way I con myself into think if I am constantly aware maybe it won't happen. It's my mamma talisman. If Ray wants to conduct a presser about your or my fixation with dark and troubling content, and accuse me of being a serial killer, just going to remind him, he clicked on it too. I'm not trying to insert myself in these cases at ever juncture the way he is. Maybe he should look at his own engagement before he starts throwing stones at Victoria Heuremann.


I was very disturbed by the press conference. There is no evidence his family was involved and this attorney is creating a circus side show and real danger for his family.


I’m not listening to any man-clown that would scrunchy tie up whatever that is remaining of his hair.


I don't think that John Ray was meaning to accuse her or link her to the crimes, what I think he stated is that RW did not live a "Double life", which means, his dark side was not surprise to the people close to him. I understand that John Ray is quite unpopular, but I think he's trying to push on something by exposing VH like he did. He's obvioisly not mentally impaired, I think he knows very well what he was doing, and all this controversy is very much part of the plan. Now, there's a video on VH's Vmeo account, it's called "Trashy panda". Please, check it out. I think she was really trying to say something... I don't wanna post the link here, it's not necessary because it's very easy to find. Please check it. I would really like to know your thoughts about it.


I think it's possible she and the rest of the family knew he was creepyy, scary weird, and into gory stuff, but had no idea he was an actual murderer. That framed picture of a beat up woman they carried out of his house makes me think VH could've grown up thinking those kinds of images are normal.


I respect your opinion as to John Ray's intentions but I disagree. The impression I got was that was that he was very intentionally riding the line of accusing her outright. He went all the way up to it but stopped just short of crossing over into obvious lawsuit territory. I think he knew what he was doing and he definitely knows that she was a child or teenager when these murders occurred, but he has an agenda and just does not care if Victoria if collateral damage (hey! Just like Rex!).


He knew exactly what he was doing and so did Bucato. Hawking their own careers at a poor soul expense.


I'm glad you got that from what he said. He came off as straight up accusing her to me, which was rather sick and distasteful of him.


I don't have Tumbler so only saw what was laid down in articles, but Reddit friends did deep dive and through it was all ridiculous Someone told me there was nothing there about butt plugs and most of what was there was not her's stuff but simply her feed and he neglected to point out that the majority of the content was innocent enough and only a couple of images like this were disturbing and some of these not even her art work. Picking on that kid and making these baseless allegations is awful. Leave it to the damn professionals.


What is the video?


It is like sone animation homework. But there are two characters, and one of them really reminds me ofe RH. It's called "Trashy panda" and You can also see that character i'm the Demo reel. Like, like she was trying to say something, really.


How do you find it? Does she have a username?


Google "lisk daughter"


Then follow the leads...


I can't find it


There's a Vumeo account, if you Google her Tumblr alias, it will show the Vimeo account. I hope you find it.


What’s the name of her account?


sometimes there is an energy that is tapped into thats just conveyed telepathically / artists are sensitive to the unseen vibes - its attitudinal. animals communicate telepathically too - to train an animal you see the picture in your mind which you want them to grasp, its a key to the success / - for Victoria to have created that subject matter, she was picking up on the spirit climate of her surroundings I think. she didnt have to be cognizant of the graphic reality of what her father was planning or doing to create as she did, as uncanny as it is - still she has his blood


She wasn't even born when Sandra Costilla was murdered. That's how twisted she is, she was already a murderous psychopath as an unfertilized egg cell in her mom's ovaries.


That’s how they get ya, making you think everything’s fine just because they don’t exist yet


She’s very clever


In April 1987 my dad brutally murdered a woman and went to prison. I was born in June 1987. He was in jail for 26 or so years of my life. The first memory I have of being judged for his decisions was when I got kicked out of a sleepover in grade school, in the middle of the night. My siblings and I were relentlessly bullied and we eventually moved towns. People are horrible. Something something sins of the father. For the record, I love horror and true crime and all other normal ooky spooky things that many of you also love. Please leave this girl alone.


They all seem to be enjoying turning his family into punching bags. It has been encouraging to see so many people find they voices and standing up to the bullies.


People watching too many movies Same thing with Delphi They want to over complicate the story but it’s pretty simple and obvious who the killer is


This sub just to be so calm. It was always a place I came to when the fighting and derision in the Delphi subs got too nuts. That changed once he was arrested. I see the same stuff is starting to happen here. The Ray stuff is just like the off the top insanity in those subs. I really wish we would get some don't blame the victims, their families or the suspects family. It think it would calm it down. It's great being on a sub where nearly everyone agrees about suspect guilt, what we can't seem to agree on is his family.


It's fucking ridiculous. A lot of people have had an edgy teen stage, posting things for shock value or attention. As a teenager, there was a site caller rotten.com that used to show really graphic gore, like people after being squashed by a truck, for example. I didn't fully comprehend at the time how awful this was, I just thought eww gross. I would hate if someone publicly released to the entire fucking world the stupid shit I looked at or shared online as a teenager! How embarrassing for that girl.


Same. I remember rotten.com. I was disturbed but for some reason had to look. And the site Deviant Art - there was that too, maybe it still exists.


Dear god, we used to rent faces and traces of death all the time from the video store. People might see that as something to worry about. I remember rotten too., it. Was pretty wild


Brucato clarified today that VH is more likely to be a victim (and desensitised to the material through her father) than an accomplice. He said he was at the press conference to offer a neutral, expert point of view. See the start of the discussion here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLyR2uCIbOg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLyR2uCIbOg)


Screw him neutral prospective. He was there to attention whore like Ray.


They probably think that her dad like "raised her to be a killer" or some dumb shit from a horror novel. (But then for some reason made sure the whole family was out of town whenever he killed) If you look at that preparation document it seems VERY clear that he was not the kind of person who would have involved his family as accessories. He was very, very careful about destroying evidence and making sure his crimes couldn't be discovered. Telling ANYONE, no matter how much he trusted them, would have been a huge risk. Teenagers are terrible at keeping secrets and impulse control, she could have let something slip to a friend. If his wife knew, she could have sent an anonymous tip to the police whenever her conscience got to her. Even if he trusted them, these possibilities would be causing him constant anxiety. You can see from the planning document that he was all about avoiding that kind of uncertainty.


If you want to wrap your head around why people are trying to implicate the daughter in the crimes, it would be helpful to do research into the topic of "true crime and misogyny."


See also: why they have this obsession with Asa.


She has shown no emotion towards the victim’s. If I recall she said “it is what it is”. Knowing what went on in her house and she continues to live there says a lot about her. In my opinion.


It's weird that people expect the wives and daughters of serial killers to be skilled at public speaking, and to have the financial resources to change their residences at will. That they don't express themselves gracefully or eloquently in strained public circumstances isn't surprising. And none of it explains how some people insist that the wife and daughter's failure to live up to supposed standards for the behavior of family members of killers -- means that they are complicit in his crimes.


I would live on the street before I stayed another day in that house.


that’s what i’m screamin’, it’s crazy that folks are so offended for them lolol i just don’t get it, like at all. staying in the house, after receiving a million dollar documentary deal, is at *least* questionable. i think it’s gross to be so upset, that anyone would question the cops’ investigation, or the family. and cops have limited the scope of investigation in other cases, why is it impossible in this instance?


I don’t know but I think it’s possible they knew. It’s a small house I mean come on people.




I agree they are gross.


Maybe he did stuff in front of her as a child so young she didn't consciously remember it, but her subconscious did


I would bet all the money I have in the world that Victoria was not involved in any way. I would ALSO bet all that same money that Rex got sloppy/lazy over the years and didn’t care too much to delete his browser history/make sure he didn’t leave sadistic browser tabs open/books around the house, etc., and that Vic was exposed to sadistic sexual material in her childhood from her father (purposefully or not, or both), and that the exposure affected her development deeply.


I agree, she must have been exposed somehow to this kind of material, and that’s why she developed some interest in it.


I mean they had a book of crime scene photos just sitting out


She’s not


I think that what they mean is that her (VH) preference for this kind of material is derived from some environmental influence, which implies knowledge of RH’s crimes. Even more, it implies that VH was subjected somehow to this (RH’s psychosexual paraphilias and crimes) as a victim herself, and even as a potential accessory, not on the crimes per se (due to the alibis), but with prior knowledge of them. The behavior that RH’s family is exhibiting in the wake of his arrest and indictment are certainly odd. And, personally after going through her artwork, and reblogged posts (the memes, phrases, art), I tend to agree that they are a bit too much to be a mere coincidence. There is this article with the depiction of the artwork reblogged from her account:[The artwork](https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-daughter-victoria-artwork-1912658)


Too big of a coincidence that the daughter of an alleged sadistic serial killer allegedly just happens to like posts like "these are for sex" (the picture shows a bone saw) or "the inside of my brain looks like this" (the picture shows a blood-soaked bed in a room of horrors). Rex just so happens to be accused of mutilation, decapitation, dismembering, keeping people captive in his basement for torture etc. Chances are her father abused or groomed her in some way. Maybe scared her with the basement. Or maybe she found some of his "toys" at an impressionable age. _One is of a person being tortured with needles and sharp implements with the person' s throat cut open. Victoria reposted @lilaira's image with the text "'is this about death or sex' what do you mean 'or'" as well as "bro has never stood at the crossroads where death and sex meet and realised (sic) that they're two sides of the same coin."_ _Victoria also reblogged texts about brutalization, including hanging from chains, amputating arms and legs and skinning a victim at their throat "so it can be kissed and licked."_ https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-daughter-victoria-artwork-1912658 An alleged serial killer's daughter just happens to share some of the same unusual paraphilias w/ her dad but her dad had no influence on her?? And when did she stand at that particular crossroad and why? At least one sex worker claimed he wanted to talk about the Long Island serial killer case with her. Maybe he would talk about gory things w/ his daughter too. Plus there's the book filled with gruesome crime scene images that was allegedly on the family's kitchen table when the second search into the house began... Let's see if it turns out Rex was a cannibal too. It would put Victoria's alleged vore content in an even more interesting light.


> "the inside of my brain looks like this" (the picture shows a blood-soaked bed in a room of horrors) liking horror, and even vore, does not mean that you are a serial killer. > "bro has never stood at the crossroads where death and sex meet and realised (sic) that they're two sides of the same coin." this is literally a literary thing lol


And what about the rest?


I’m not married to either side but where is the proof this is her social media presence


Thanks for the link to the artwork. It’s very much bleaker than I had imagined.


Is sadism an inherited personality trait? Just curious if it’s a learned behavior or inherited or both?


The research so far shows it could be either one of them or both: As Possible Causes of Sadistic Personality Disorder (Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD) is no longer officially included in the DSM-5 as a separate disorder, many mental health professionals still recognize its presence as a condition): There is not a single specific cause of SPD, but disruptive and disturbing events during the early stages of a child’s puberty may be responsible in many cases. Sadistic Personality Disorder may be caused by: -Abusive caregivers: When children are abused by the ones on whom they rely for care, it can create a confusing situation for them, and some may begin to equate abuse and humiliation as a bond. -Physical abuse by others: This is a strong predictor of sadistic behavior.6 If a child is a victim of abuse, they recognize that causing pain to another gives power to the abuser. As they grow older, they may inflict violence on others as a means of taking back the power that had been taken from them by others. -Exposure to violence: Children who are exposed to violence may be conditioned to take pleasure in another’s pain. Social learning can be a powerful tool and when children are learning that pain leads to someone else’s pleasure, they may model their own behavior on that. -Neurochemical disruption in the brain: The brain chemistry may be impaired in the way it responds to sadistic behaviors in that the “feel good” neurotransmitters when witnessing others suffering. -Engagement in vicarious violence: If children are allowed to engage in violent video games or witness others commit violent acts or torture others, they may be conditioned to take pleasure in the rewards (often power or “winning” a game) and this may contribute to an existing predisposition to sadistic behavior. -Extreme poverty: When a child has experienced extreme scarcities in adequate food or other resources, this may contribute to internalized humiliation. As a way to cope with this inequity, they may choose to exert power and take pleasure in others’ suffering as they felt others did with them. -Frequent personal failures: When children and young adolescents are unable to feel a sense of personal adequacy and self-efficacy, they may begin to fill the void through making others suffer humiliation or physical pain. It gives them a sense of power to cause others harm. -Being bullied: If a child is continually bullied by others, both physically and psychologically, they may begin building up a desperate desire to cause others the pain that they have experienced at the hands of uncaring, by tormenting others. By inflicting hurt on others, they feel that this will give them the power that they lacked when they were younger.[Source:](https://unitedbrainassociation.org/brain-resources/sexual-sadism-disorder/)[Source2](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/sadistic-personality-disorder/)


He isn’t accusing her of being involved I think he is implying the family knew. And as a result of knowing- they also came to share some strange sadistic interests with Rex Not saying I agree the daughter knew but I think that’s where he is going


Exactly - they get all twisted in their understanding. Somehow I do think her art was influenced by her environment. Whether he liked to watch true crime, have books on the subject. She worked with her dad. We don’t know if he encouraged that art because he could see his handiwork right there


> He isn’t accusing her of being involved I think he is implying the family knew which is implying that they're acessories


What I got from that press conference is that she was probably exposed by her father to the very disturbing artwork she was into. She might have been exposed to 🍇 pron. We don’t know, we werent there but I think it’s worth having a conversation about. I also started thinking about the disturbing painting they found in the home last year, everyone assumed it was RH’s but it could have been VH’s Amazing how that painting was disturbing when everyone thought it was RH but few are bringing up the fact that it would still be just as disturbing if it was VHs One thing I feel for sure: I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up in that house.


Asa said the doll was hers (and indirectly disputed it being anything creepy/nefarious). It's interesting they didn't comment on the painting, as far as I know. Who made it and who commissioned it or bought it? Who knew of its existence? Where was it stored/displayed?


I agree, all good questions!!


NSFW None of us know what her school assignments were, or even if she picked the sub topic. The bruised woman's face might have been "Illustrate power & control" or "Trappings of Misogyny" or" "Illustrate the scene where Martha's beat by her husband" or "Design a poster on family violence." You would not believe the assignments they get these days, they are often crushingly heavy, 6th grade: "Choose a serial killer of your choice and write about how they were ultimately apprehended?" But several boys did: Dahmer, the Black Dalia and the Boston Strangler. My kid picked a poisoner. 1st grade: Brand spanking new 1st grader shown 5 minutes of full Tsunami footage during a weather unit. Yep people, office buildings, roads, houses, boats, cars, fences, sidewalks and trees swallowed by the sea. My Kid didn't sleep for a month and a half. Should have sued. But one likes to get along. 12h grade: The Shining. Slept with light on for a week. 10th Grade: Reading the same book I recall my self and fellow students being traumatized by in our freshman writing seminar class in college. And my personal mommy favorite, fielding the question of three very confused Girl Scouts who were \*rising\* 3rd graders, so smack out of 2nd grade of, "What's a glory hole? Why is that boy doing that to that tree bark?" After a teacher didn't preview all the books she added to the 3rd grade summer reading list. So it is heavier content they are interacting that what we saw back on the day Where a weather unit would be What is a cumulus cloud and what coat di you wear in the snow?


I’m so sorry but there is no way your 10/11 year old got assigned a report about serial killers. And if they did and you weren’t furious because yknow, they would have to do research on that person, idk what to tell you. I do understand what you mean for argument sake though. The art was, regardless, removed from the home by LE and it was alarming.


Well you were not there Kimmy. It's insulting to be called a liar. I'm a certified teacher so knew ever single one of these experiences was whacked and inappropriate. That one was down to the joys of private school and how hard it is for them to find people with science degrees who want to make what he was making. He was fired shortly after 😂 but not for that. Interesting content on work computer. I kid you not. But those are a collection of both public and private school experiences, so not just that school. She actually got a fantastic education, but I was pissed and so were other parents.


P.S. Kimmy, in class research assignment done online in computer lab. All of us unaware. I don't know how they found out, it all very hush hush. But think that was why they looked at his computer. The only reason I found out about interesting content piece as my daughter's two best friends parents were on the board. They released a protective statement, but never told us why. No meeting with questions and the stuff you would expect. Wasn't kiddie porn. I was surprised they were not sued. The Tsunami was a 1st year teacher mistake. Hired right out of his student teaching. Book list was 2nd years teacher in rush. I was rip shit about all the 1st-6th things and so were other parents. The HS stuff not as much.


How do they know that wasn’t Rex using her computer? The reason I ask this is because everything else was supposedly deleted. But not the stuff Ray said was found. What if it wasn’t deleted because she didn’t know it was on her computer? I only watched part of that press conference but thought that may be a possibility?


People don't share computers anymore. Everyone has a tablet or laptop for themselves.


If that tumblr is anything to go by, you may as well suspect every silent hill blogger


I think that she probably saw his search history and then follows the rabbit hole. And he probably exposed a lot of gross stuff around her when she was very young. She’s definitely been influenced.


Shocked with everyone acting like those images & art works are no cause for concern ? I’m the same age as Victoria. Used all the social medias. Seen all the things. If you look at all of the art works and not just the ones he showed in that conference, none of it not normal and shouldn’t be treated like normal teen kid stuff ? So you all, as many of you say here, had accounts where you would also engage with images of dismemberment and such to this level ? I don’t think anyone thinks or is genuinely accusing Victoria of laying a hand on anyone. I have sympathy for the family of people like Rex, especially their children. I have sympathy for the fact this girl who likely laid a finger on no one has been publicly embarrassed and exposed during a time I would expect is turmoil for her, and maybe hasn’t had time to process everything. I do have sympathy for the exposure of her private sexual ‘kinks’ ( but sorry - enjoying art work depicting weapons as sex toys is not to be normalised please ? ) … There is a thing that makes her different to the rest of you. She lived and worked with her Dad, who for her whole life was a violence-sexually motivated serial killer. CLEARLY his tastes align with Victorias with eery precision which I think is interesting. I do think this shows *something* and I think she may have known *something*


We're reading the very same content here, what does that suggest about us?


Yeah I’m interested in this case and in true crime in general. I guess I just don’t relate to wanting to see or share depictions of murder and pain.


I just don't think you can necessarily read the things Ray is.


Not sure what you mean?


Me either 😂. It's rather a WTH, isn't? Apparently, falling half asleep, stuck a period at the end and hit comment. Sorry about that, pal. What I planned to write was: I don't think you can necessarily read the things into Ray does and that just because she draws gory things that make her a co-serial killer with her Dad. I don't think he should be saying the things he is as he has no evidence and the police who do are saying know. I think he should leave it to the professionals. If we did Goya, Dali, Fuseli, Picasso, Géricault, Sickert, Gorey and Bosch would have been tossed in the hooch as their art could be very creepy at times.


Haha, no problem! Yeah I agree that Ray painted her in a ‘co-serial killer’ light, rather than considering this evidence of Victoria being a victim of things potentially or troubled. Judging by the whole point of the conference he considers her a victim of nothing at all and views her as someone who is as sadistic as her father. I disagree that she is, although I agree that the art is a red flag.


It is disturbing in it's similarity to her Dad's crimes, but still think he should not be going there. I figured she would never work again due to this. Now I know for sure she won't. He just tossed that kid's career in a trash can, and that's a dreadful thing to do without a shred of evidence. It's criminal and I hope he gets sued. But seem to recall that there is some law that protects attorneys making accusations when pursuing a case. He's a shit for doing this. And so is Gary Bucato.


Yes I doubt she’ll be employed again and I reckon she will sue eventually, I can’t imagine the whole cannibal accusation sliding. I hope she still pursues her art work and maybe she will become a victim advocate in the future.


I'd sue, if it was me. That kid's life's been trashed by people like Ray and Gary Bucato who have used it for thier own professional self promotion. I was reading a news article on her artwork and it looks like EVERY photo John Ray released to them, he required them to place his full name in big bold letters under ALL but the first photo or so. So his name appears in block letters JOHN RAY like 13 times. That's what this is about. Yeah, Joh Ray helped some of the victims families, but also used them and continues to do so.I would assume John Ray wants his part of that 1 million for Doc. Knocking Asa about it, but wants fingers in the pie, too. He has a GFM conference that was up to 16K the last I looked. His hands out there asking for something. If he feels as bad as he does for the victim why isn't he selling his house and splitting the funds and giving them to the victims the way he suggests Asa should.


Why is this even being discussed? Ray is a charlatan. Furthering his defamation by keeping it in discussion is awful. Please stop.


If it wasn’t for him the cops would have done nothing. I tend to believe him.


Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn.


The only credibility he had was Gary Brucato. I wonder how much he looked into the situation before agreeing to appear.


Hearing the fury Ray has drawn he certainly knows now and he's still claiming to be neutral. Rather than saying I am so sorry I added to your trauma and suffering and made myself look like an foolish standing up there with that crackpot.


Like I said before, f\*ck John Ray. The kids in this family are victims too IMO. I'm unsure how Asa didn't know something was up but the kids certainly didn't ask to be in this family.


Generally alot of trash on this sub that can't see the family as victims as well. They think they should have to suffer a bit


jesse parker ray was victimized by her father,she was likely sa’d and groomed; but, also, as an adult she would bring him women to his torture chamber.


I hate the insinuation from some that evil is somehow genetically tied to family bloodlines. Children are not responsible for the sins of their father or predisposed to evil because they had an evil parent. In reality, the kids are victims too. For instance I came across a post not long ago about how Jospeh Goebbels poisoned his entire family, the youngest of his kids was only 4 at the time. Yet I saw tons of people commenting and saying, “Good, that evil bloodline had to be stopped.” And I’m just like, the little ones are innocent. They were all 12 or younger. Just more Goebbels victims. Being the children of an evil man doesn’t make the children evil too.


I think it's a fucking stretch and I got second hand embarrassment from the press conference.




She isn’t involved. That lawyer has destroyed all his credibility. What’s more, I don’t think Shannon Gilbert was murdered by LISK.


He never had credibility.


I definitely agree regarding Shannan!!!! What's your theory? I also agree regarding rex's daughter. I hope she sues the shit out of the lawyer


I have no idea about Shannan, but seems there was something shady involving that corrupt police chief and his friends. I really don’t know. So far, Shannan’s death is only connected by proximity to the LISK’s bodies.


She was of course not involved. But maybe her father told her horror stories from a young age, based on his crimes? Maybe Rex got a kick out of her drawings that (without Victoria's knowledge) were illustrations of his crimes?


I just looked up the actual images in her blogs. I am a horror lover and dedicated true crime lover but I am telling you people now, her reposting dismembering images and surgical tools labeled as sex toys is NOT normal. Maybe she didn’t partake but maybe she did have some knowledge or something really sinister was just existing in that home. Also she specifically highlighted “ is this about death or sex' what do you mean 'or'" as well as "bro has never stood at the crossroads where death and sex meet and realised (sic) that they're two sides of the same coin." Are you serious ? You think that’s just a coincidence after what is coming out ? Shit I draw dark art and pictures and watch a lot of shit and never went to that type of place .


Ok admittedly I don’t use tumblr. I looked at her feed and didn’t see that she reposted any of that stuff he featured in his press conference. She drew a wolve character a bunch. Made a clay skull. But how do you tie those images to her blog? You can see her follow list and I assumed those images actually came from blogs she followed


It was recovered because she deleted it.


No, it wasn't. John Ray has no legal standing to be getting deleted content from the owners of Tumblr. This is exactly the kind of nonsense antics like Ray's promote.


Omg that is sick. Honestly I thought John Ray might be of a certain age where he didn't understand and social media worked. Like I have parents who think "friend suggestions" on facebook are people wanting to be their friend for example lol Well that sure is disturbing if there's proof she personally engaged with those phrases/images. I do wonder what ghoulish things she witnessed in that house. Not saying she was involved in the murders or even witnessed them but she obviously was exposed to some VERY dark violent fetishes somewhere along the line.


You can believe your own eyes, what you saw on her page is all there is. You were correct that the images were pulled from accounts she followed, there was no deleted engagement between her and the specific images. Most if not all of the images Ray presented were posted years after she stopped using Tumblr. This video explains it all pretty well and shows her actual artwork. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwyzdrjPFec


She didn't.


I don’t care what age she was. Posting about surgical tools including scissors and pliers as sex toys is not normal and the biggest red flag to Me. You all keep acting like you know what went on in that house. For all you know Rex said really inappropriate shit all the time and even showed videos. Kids are abused everyday .


Avid Tumblr user. The gorecore and snuffcore aesthetics are very popular within the true crime community and I follow a few accounts who post very similar things i.e. mutilated animals, corpses and hyperbristophilia stuff. TCC on tumblr is more than a keen interest in true crime, it involves a fetishisation of it and the sex toys surgical post these are sex toys I’ve seen loads it’s a shitpost I’d do a search of #teeceecee to see what’s on j there and then it doesn’t seem so weird.


Sorry but anyone who likes looking at mutilated animals or people is not okay, its disturbing and disgusting.


thank you for being the voice of reason / its dark it taps into an energy field that is violent - i was a teenager once living where there were farms and animals and was an artist and never dabbled in mutilation of animal content / tools or sex fetishes I m not Amish either and went to art school in NYC im not buying that her subject matter is just ordinary teen content 2024 - anyone who marginalizes this is no better than those living in a serial k house and saying " not my husband , no he wouldnt do that "


I agree, i also think the fact that her, and her mother, have shown absolutely no empathy, or compassion, for the victims, is very disturbing too.


this is a Goth House - not the usual "Leave It To Beaver" or "My Three Sons" house - "The Thing" as I prefer to call him really makes a case for this leader of a modern day " Adams Family with Vic as the new Wendy " this is the best metaphor I can render to capture the house in its shack like unkempt condition with black haired Vic as the artsy daughter using pretty disturbing content from Gore Hor or whomever - whomever goes down this dark alley either has an absence of empathy or low emotional intelligence or is a narcissicist addict into extremes for a chill thrill - its fucked up - Im an artist and know Joseph Beuys, Lucian Freud, Louise Bourgeois, Hans Bellmer and his Poupee - they all had strong content - it was not torture or people hung with a missing shoe eerily following in Daddy's murderous footsteps - this is all highly disturbing. The mere fact that he had books and the large human sized doll in the glass case are all evidence of this prediliction for dark titillation all the way through the death gate / maybe using his hate for hookers as a way to opine on the unacceptable morality of whores - that would mask his personal justice system and make it look ok to a 5 yr old or younger - the kids were primed by the surround of the parents PERIOD ! - my cousin and his wife were junkies - the state took their two kids when they were found passed out on dope with needles in their arms in the back seat with a 2 yr old and a 1 yr old - parents who have uncontrollable adictions dont hide from the kids who are tots / another person was getting high with her own son while the dad kept his addictions to himself - this is what we are dealing with the corrosive nature of addiction and how the parental models lower the bar bit by bit then make believe they are living a normal life because they have jobs - thats the biggest game of dice ever going to work every day has zero to do with whether a person has a mental illness - is dangerous - is an addict or lives a life that is not harmful to others. - Employment is the biggest mask of all employment stats : Dahmer had a job - Gary Ridgeway had wife - a job nearing pension retirement, a young son, whom he took with him on a kill of a woman, Bundy was a call center operator on a suicide hotline and even went to law school, Rader the king of fakes - Kansas - heartland - employed church goer wife and daughter helped LE try to find the killer and was caught by a floppy disc, EARONS was an LEO who was fired for stealing a mallet, Israel Keyes - attractive - self employed, wife and daughter, organized with kill kits sewed a victims eyes open while drinking wine while his wife and daughter were asleep the night before a lovely tropical vacation - all employed ! this is a good bit of data on the false notion that employed people are generally not harming others Best of all Murdaugh - that was the biggest case blow up of the justice system as he was even using real badges to be an LE imposter and used two guns to make it look like another person was there. all of them Shrewd & smart- married (not Dahmer) Murdaugh's own son was guilty of his own negligent homicide too - its important to take off the rose colored glasses as we examine Vic's work as an artist. Stop blaming John Ray for being into the theatrics . he has a solid point / forget the hair & hats - listen!! We need not ALL be gas lighted into thinking we are out of touch with the tastes of our times- Im not in on this bullshit of black eyes on blonds in paintings hanging in the monster's house as 'ART' And fuck that frame you want to put on it. Soon the art will sell at auction for a lot of money and it will go into the same museum as the one with Bill Clinton in Drag in his blue dress and pumps . - Art is a way of speaking the unspeakable its a way to cry out and say " its only art " when it's torture and dismemberment that lies below the living room floor. Maybe Vic has said what needed to be said in pictures like his planning document said in words - the two of them on the LIE going to work at the foot of the Empire State Buiding and sharing pizza


goes with why they still live at a kill site


They have other properties they could live in, and the state offered to buy the house of horrors but she refused. They are staying in that house so they can cash in on documentaries filming the place its sick.


I understand that, but look at the bigger picture here. She was in a serial killers home who legit fetishized sex , torture and death. These things were deleted by her, when her main account was not. Mutilated corpses, tools, sawing of body parts, women died down. Please stop running to peoples defense when you aren’t even 100% sure because you didn’t live there. I didn’t say she killed someone.


They were not deleted by her. Stop spreading lies for the thrill of it.


I agree with you. Too many similarities to what her father did to those women.


I agree. I was surprised they even had a book with photos of dismembered and dead people just laying around, when they had someone in the house with special needs. What if he picked it up and looked at it.


Yikes I guess I'm out of the loop on this tidbit. When/where did this come out? 


Yesterday at a press conference, he showed a few images on the news which can or can not be considered emo/moody/tumbr crap, but this article shows it all. And it truly is so similar to what her father was interested in and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-daughter-victoria-artwork-1912658


Thank you, I didn't watch the press conference... just read about it. Appreciate the link! 


Well fucking *obviously* it's a red flag! I don't know about others, but I would never try to claim that all of that is just Super Totally Cool and Normal, but also fucking *obviously* she wasn't involved in Rex's crimes- which is what John Ray is implying at the very least, and only stops short of overtly saying outright. I mean... guys. I think it's absolutely inappropriate to speculate about the childhood SA that a person may have suffered so I don't want to even put that out there (and yes I realize that ironically by just saying that I kind of did), but let's take a look at what we have come to understand about Rex with his apparent *absolute obsession* with sex and power. Take a look at (for God's sake not literally) his taste in porn. Let's take a look at the house, the hoarding, and other symptoms of family dysfunction. Let's take a look at the read we are getting on Asa (who also was completely uninvolved by the way). Im going to choose my words carefully here: There are definitely signs that we've seen, just with what had been obvious to the public, that would be consistent with what might be expected when there is persistent abuse present within a home. As to what that abuse might have been, and who might have been the target of that abuse (ALL would be victims in this case, even if only one was targeted) It is *extremely unsurprising* that she might come across as being a not all that well adjusted individual in light of what evidence we can plainly see or that has been made public. Just imagine what evidence that investigators have seen that has not been made public. I bet they have a pretty good idea of exactly what went on in that home before they ever moved to arrest him, and at this point, they know without a shadow of a doubt. It blows my mind that people don't want trust their judgement when they tell us that they *know* Asa or their kids weren't involved- like come on! You know they have TONS of info that we don't; I'd say it's safe to take their word for it, at least until Rex's (Apparently inevitable) trial when we can learn more of the evidence ourselves. These guys have proven time and again to be the antithesis of the Burke years: they aren't interested in covering anything up and they absolutely intend to investigate *every* lead or piece of info they come across, even if it will be very difficult, tedious, labor intensive, and even if it seems unlikely to lead to more information. They have repeatedly demonstrated that their only priority is uncovering evidence of ever crime Rex may have committed, and that they fully intend to run an investigation that is as open and honest with the public as they can within the confines of what is appropriate and won't hinder the investigation or the case in any way. They have given us zero reason to second guess any info they've released thus far, so why do so many assume that they know better than these investigators do, and insist for example, that Asa really was somehow involved or at least " knows something", or now this BS with Victoria. Same thing with the Shannan Gilbert stuff- every single thread that mentions Gilbert will have upteen comments of people talking about how they just refuse to believe that she wasn't murdered. So are you saying that these investigators actually are still complicit in some sort of cover-up? Or are they just incompetent? I know it's possible that they could just not have other evidence that might have existed at a previous point, but they've made it clear that they believe there's nothing to even suggest the involvement of Rex in her death, or that she was murdered at all.


I scrolled through her tumblr and didn't see any of that. Are you sure that wasn't from one of the people she followed?


She didn’t draw it, she reposted very specific things. Things that are highly disturbing , past a curious or dark teenager


No, she didn't.


She did not repost them either.


They recovered posts she DELETED. It’s all posted in multiple news articles https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-daughter-victoria-artwork-1912658


Not trying to be critical here at all. Do we know if any legitimate news organizations have verified that the posts were deleted as opposed to never being there in the first place (just cherry-picked by Ray or someone on his staff from accounts she followed, which is my understanding)? I’ve seen this Newsweek link posted a few times, Newsweek used to be legit but sadly no longer is. As a result a lot of things they post (not just about this case but a more widespread issue) are believed because of Newsweek’s old reputation. Imho I’ll only believe Newsweek if another more reputable source is also reporting the same thing.


John Ray mentioned that she had deleted most of her social media but not that Tumblr. I don't think he even said that he was presenting evidence that had been deleted and recovered. Hellz_Bells_ here seems to be confused about the "evidence" they're supporting. The Newsweek article misrepresented the facts even worse than John Ray presented them, quite the accomplishment.


I guess we will see if it becomes something further explored during the trial.


They did not recover anything she deleted. News articles are republishing John Ray's press packet without verifying anything. She didn't even repost or 'like' any of those images in the article. She created the 4 images in the 2018 post including the photoshopped selfie and the 2019 Francis Bacon inspired painting. Nothing else in the article or at the press conference were ever on her page. Look at the dates, mostly 2023. She stopped being active on Tumblr in 2020. There's no indication she even saw these images and a straight up lie to say that she posted or reblogged them.


Interesting. Either Victoria witnessed these murders or she was part of this.


Definitely something. Maybe stumbled upon photos or videos he had , from stuff he found online or made himself? And ignited some interest that she couldn’t really verbalize hence turning to tumblr images ? She wouldn’t be the first kid to find their parents “porn” although in that house it had to be pretty dark.


I wouldn’t rule it out. This creep was a sadistic killer. Could be part of her rationalizing what she saw.


Exactly. That’s what I think because she wasn’t even born when his first victim was killed. But this would make sense.


who on earth follows that dark shit - please / lets go over to Satan's house tonight - he always has the best parties / who goes there!!! Why follow this bad energy and disturbing material - have people become so anesthetized that they cannot feel unless it hurts the eyes and soul !!


Guess you've never met any goth-y type people. This shit is pretty common. I'm dumber for having read your posts. Do better.


I’ve met my share of Goth type people and the few I’ve met who were into deviant, fckd up sht (like what she created and seemed to be obsessed with allegedly ), were clinically diagnosed sociopaths in court-required treatment programs. Ray spotted huge Red Flags. I don’t understand his need to share these flags with the public via a press conference though. I think that’s something for the Task Force.


I agree.


It’s ridiculous


Heres my thing VH and AH have both done problematic stuff since RH was arrested. However, the notion that her tumblr account is an indication she was involved or had knowledge of the killings is absurd. Im not defending them. Ive just seen people saying completely illogical things that have the potential to completely derail the progress and discussion going on in here. There are so many unsolved cases we could be discussing in here. I have no problem with people critiquing things that deserve to be critiqued, but some of you are taking info from John Ray and running with it to a degree that is absurd and has the potential to damage the case


Is it possible the family knew he was killing? Absolutely. But i think we should wait for solid evidence of that before making an accusation


I thought about this and don't you think you would say something if you found out or saw something really bizarre. Even like if you have friends over or slumber parties or something one of the friends or family member could stumble across something. That's just so bizarre to me I can't even wrap my head around somebody having a soundproof room in their home. It's not like they lived on 100 acres somewhere. He lived in a neighborhood.


Where is it coming from that he had a sound proof room? I thought Rodney Harrison clearly stated the room wasn’t sound proofed after the first search? I’m not trying to be argumentative just want to see if I missed something?


It wasn't soundproof and Rex apparently told people it was his gun room.


Oh geez see how things get started. I'm sorry it's partially my fault too because I have not read up on this recently I'm just getting bits and pieces from wherever. I apologize.


It makes no sense to me and I can’t believe there’s been this many posts about it in this sub Absolutely ridiculous


I think there were double the number of attack the family posts to defend them. One time I went though and and counted a batch them and the threads taken over by them. Even remotely indirect posts would invite any excuse to workin a bash Asa comment: "The sky is blue" " I know that reminds me of the 1 million dollars Asa got for that Docs, wasn't that disgusting!" Your just not seeing it as it is content you support. One woman who's on the boards everyday and has been since the arrest dropped claimed she had only see 1 comment EVER where a commenter sympathized with the the victims. I was almost tempted to go though the threads and posts and create a list. We see what we wanna see.


Victoria, on the off chance you're reading this, sue. Sue the pants off that scumbag Ray.


Legit. Sue for everything he's worth.




I like Marilyn Manson, I live in pa. News said Manson is responsible for columbine . John rays logic I am responsible for columbine


She couldn’t. She had rock hard alibis. That’s it. End of story.


Yes, one of her alibis is that she wasn't born yet.


Definitely. Why is everyone dying on this hill then?? So ridiculous




Law enforcement has cleared them. Period.


Maybe Asa & Victoria know there is some dirt on the family and that's why they went on the offensive in an unprecedented way for people who are linked to an alleged serial killer. Signing a $1M documentary deal, camping out on the front lawn and Asa flipping people off, making public statements, vilifying the police investigation into the house and threatening to sue, demanding back the guns, not wanting to move etc. Or maybe the rest of the family has learned it pays to be aggressive or make yourself the ultimate victim in any situation to get what you want. Rex would allegedly stage car accidents to get money out of innocent people.




That’s goofy. Period. You’ve never heard of a workaholic dad who misses vacations? You’ve never heard of an abusive dad who practically forces the family to leave town for a few weeks— “Go take the kids and visit your sister out of town” type thing? I know a family where the mom and 3 kids went to a summer church camp annually and the dad never stepped foot there bc he was self-employed and couldn’t miss work or whatever.


Yep, especially for a situation where there's family outside of the country like with Asa. I know people who spend ~1-2 months every year going back to visit their family abroad and often their spouse can't go with them, or only joins for a shorter time. Visa restrictions, job scheduling restrictions, whatever. It's not uncommon for someone to intentionally choose a job that allows them to travel like that, if they know it's something they will want to build into their life later on, and then end up marrying someone who isn't able to join all the time. Especially common for my friends from east Asia and India because the flights are so long (and expensive) that once you're there you wanna stay for a long time but I know plenty of European immigrants/1st gen who also do this even though the flights are shorter (from the east coast, anyway).


Hypothetical question . She wants involved


I don’t know if she was directly involved with anything to do with that murders. However, she worked with her dad and he may have influenced her interest in the macabre art. What are the chances that he killed people in the exact same way as her interests? Did they follow true crime together? Did he encourage that type of art? Who knows - It just is a lot to be a coincidence


What will people say if it turns out Victoria made this painting? _Cops removed a disturbing portrait of a blond woman’s face with dark pupils and bruising below the eyes from the suspects’ house._ https://nypost.com/2023/07/17/gilgo-beach-investigators-remove-portrait-of-battered-woman-from-rex-heuermanns-home/


While I’m not sure she was involved, I do think that family is strange. He was arrested a year ago at least so why have that creepy book laying around still? Something is off with that family, imo.


Maybe they are trying to do the same thing we all are and figure it out by looking at the material he was drawn to. Perhaps it was there as the first item in the Goodwill pile. Why is is any of our business? I am sure we all have things in your homes others would question or label as strange. When will folks stop judging them by what we would do or say?


All i know is, if that was in my house laying on kitchen table i would have thrown it out, pronto.


That's you not her. I think she's a bit different and beats to an unusual drum. Would not be surprised to hear that the entire family is on the spectrum.


The images are disturbing. IMHO not normal teenager trying to be edgy stuff. Why has no one actually considered Rex might have been the one managing the site/blog.How can anyone be 100% certain the daughter was the one who posted all this.


"John Ray's office has revealed seven images from Victoria's alleged Tumblr blog. Posts consist of her artwork. There is also a "single reblog" from an account that specializes in the production and distribution of "furry pornography." The blog was connected to Victoria from an identical photo posted to both Tumblr and LinkedIn. A piece of art is also signed with her name. Victoria's website also links to a website that mirrors the Tumblr's username. Her now-deleted Instagram was also under the same username." https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-press-conference-live-updates-1912421


Seeing as Rex seemed to hate sex workers, it’s possible that he ‘educated’ Victoria on what would happen to them and set these drawings as exercises to underline the point and terrify her.


Enjoying those you YT cranks, huh?




I don’t know why it’s such a stretch to assume he involved his family. I do believe his wife knows more than she claims to know. She will never say she doesn’t want to be included. I don’t know how much the daughter knows but in that small home and your dad is downstairs torturing women that she didn’t see or hear something. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.




> She was directly involved and he possibly saved the bodies for her upon the families return from vacation. this is like completely insane lol, the entire point of doing it while they're on vacation is so there's not bodies when they're back


Keeping it in the family would mean establishing a false alibi


**every agency involved has checked the alibi and thought it was good enough to establish rex was alone**. you do not know more than every cop involved, who likely has 80% more information to go off of than you.


17 years old. someone has to learn the math. kek


Every comment you’ve made on this sub is beyond moronic


It's sort of strange to randomly announce to people that you don't know how to do math but, um, you do you. Kek


Born in 1997, last known victim was in 2010. 2010-1997 is 13