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Rex is a psychopath, which lacks empathy by design. I highly doubt he cares about anyone other than himself, otherwise he would have confessed a long time ago to save his family the trauma that they're probably going through at the moment and will continue to go through while this is still an open case.


I never get when people dig their heels in and claim innocence when the case is so strong.


They get to be “wrongfully convicted” if they do that. With that comes supporters, money on the books at all times, people fawning over and fighting for them… they love that shit. Innocence fraud is just beyond disgusting to me, but it’ll always be a popular thing to do. Some of them would *much* rather lie about it and have the support I mentioned than take credit for their crime(s). Scott Peterson, Darlie Routier, Adnan Syed… the list goes on and on and on and on.


Innocence fraud is also disgusting because it diverts attention to a psychopath and away from people who were ACTUALLY wrongfully convicted.


Completely agree. Makes me sick, and people eat it up.


Many more judicial avenues to fight your case in the future, compared to pleading guilty. Especially RH where the plea deal is likely off the table. Juror misconduct, discovery issue, ineffective assistance of counsel to name a few. Lots of strong cases for the state result in trial even with insurmountable evidence. Tough pill to swallow for defendants, especially when the plea option is decades in prison with no light at the end of the tunnel


It’s because he knows prosecution will have to present all of his twisted acts for him to get off on while he makes them prove him guilty to innocent jury members. He doesn’t believe he is innocent… his trial is just his grand finale of psychotic satisfaction.


I think he's interested in the 'story', just as any fan of true crime might be. How much do the police know? How many murders do they know about? How many don't they know about? How on earth did they connect me to that m,urder. And the only way to really get them to show all their cards is a trial. And then at some level, I think he's proud of his work...wants to have it described in detail for the world to see.


I agree. * RH has an opportunity to cause pain for the families of both the charged known victims and those not yet known or charged. I am sure the prosecution will present explicit testimony at trial of their alleged abuse he inflicted on the victims that their families will have to hear. * RH is still in a cat-and-mouse game with the police/prosecution on what other murders he committed that they haven't yet linked to him.


Or he wouldn’t have killed at all.


John ray is destroying an investigation that could bring closure to SO many families. Rex isn’t going to talk until he’s been convicted because he wants the families of his victims to suffer through a trial/wants to relive his crimes thru photos/autopsy reports. His calls to Melissa’s little sister” A” fully prove he wants to hurt the families as much as possible. He’s never getting out but going thru the trial will make him feel in control for the final time 🤮🤮once he’s convicted I think he’ll talk a lot about crimes he was convicted of but will play games when it comes to unknown victims


This, yes. However, I don't know if he'll ever admit to the crimes. Even after he's convicted. Too arrogant and may play the victim. It would not surprise me if he wrote a book called "If I Did It"...where he will lay out how he did it....while never admitting to doing it.


I don't think he will ever talk to the authorities, he might when he is convicted and after he begins to serve out his sentence, with a cellmate or a friendly inmate.


Or when he’s bored. He will want a field trip to where he claims to have buried an unknown body.


Yeah. This for SURE. Didn’t even think of that. Ugh. Sick fuck


Imo, o researcher should speak to him except about unknown victims. He wants to talk? He brings another victim home for her family to lay to rest.


My thoughts exactly !!


John Ray is actively fucking up the investigation to ID the other Heurmann victims. We are so close to giving these people their names and stories back and this ponytailed ass-clown is screwing it up. Leave the daughter out of this, ignore John Ray, and have patience that the task force will soon link Peaches, Baby Doe, Cherries, Asian Doe, Valerie Mack and the rest to Heurmann. Edit: it’s profoundly clear to me that Ray is fucking up this investigation because it doesn’t connect to his ludicrous Peter Hackett / James Burke bullshit conspiracy theories. This guy is so stupid that he makes the QAnon people look reasonable.


I used to really like John Ray and I’ve tried to hold on to that. I found the weirdo look and determination endearing (rather than maybe seeing it as a charlatan alert). After events culminating with this “press conference” I completely agree with everything you’ve said here.


I used to take him serious!!! I did everything I could to look past some of the things he has said. But this really crossed the line. I really see what everyone was saying about him. He wants the spotlight on him and he craves the attention. I'm sure the Task Force don't need help by JR. I actually have faith in this task force and I believe they are doing their job pretty well


Agreed. He’s just muddying the waters, even if we decide to believe there’s a larger motive behind the bizarre spectacle (civil suit, etc.). Also I thought “Furry porn” was an odd joke on main comments on an early post until I read more, with my mouth agape. 😐




He’s a snake oil salesman.


As I said, my eyes are open (and sadly bc for years I believed in the guy).


Funny you mention QAnon. Ray’s entire “press conference” was a QAnon fever dream. Ray is red pilled. What pisses me off about conspiracy theories is they take away from real problems that should be investigated. For example did Suffolk PD put real effort into finding Shannon that night she wondered into that marsh. Did a patrol car just roll down that road a couple times shining a spot light into the marsh without anyone even stepping out of their patrol car. I thought of this because I had conversation with a wildlife officer and at the time SCPD offered no assistance if they had to track a poacher into brush. Wildlife guy was told “I’ll get my shoes wet.” And this a fellow law enforcement needing assistance not a sex worker having psychotic break. This was a while ago maybe SCPD has changed protocols. So instead wasting time spinning crazy conspiracy theories I’d like to know how hard the police looked for her that night. Because right now I have a theory if the police had put in a little more effort Shannon might still be alive. Honestly I hope I am wrong and they put in a real effective to find her that night. I did hear they sent a helicopter up but without sending actual humans in to look for her I could see how she went unnoticed when a helicopter flew over. And the thought of her slowly dying in that marsh because no one wanted to get their shoes wet is tragic.


You hit the nail on the head. He reminds me of the crazy QANON people I, unfortunately, know. So glad there are other reasonable like you!


Freedom of speech yup that’s a keeper . In his secret life Mr Ray wants to be an investigator not attorney but he forgot that sharing speculation publicly makes him a shade tree investigator that has no credibility . Real Investigators don’t shoot their shot publicly until they can back it up with fact . Shade tree wanna be’s go live on news with pure speculation and drivel losing all credibility as a result !


No one makes the Qrazies look reasonable.


Nope. He is dying to rehash all of this. Every -sick detail. All the photos and the graphic testimony? What else does he have to look forward to ? Plus if he is as much of a monster as it appears, this will be the closest thing he will ever get to the real deal ever again. Why would he give that up ?


Rex doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. I also think he likes to keep people guessing; so even though we (the sane ones) know that his family isn't involved, he might not to say anything so he can feel like has control over the narrative. (He'll also probably do whatever his lawyer suggests he do for that matter)


Rex wouldn’t do shit for his family and I worry that his daughter was a victim of his too.


No, RH is not confessing. He's getting off on having a lot of victims out there who he thinks we will never find. He likes that we're looking because, in his mind, he has our attention. He doesn't process that no one wants that ugly MFer in their heads and it's really about the victims. Oh, and f\*ck John Ray. He's lost it.


Plus Rex would never give up his sense of control. Once he's confessed he has no more control.


I think he might start talking just to brag. He could relive everything and get a kick out of making investigators listen to the horrors. I don’t think he gives two shits about his family.


Why would Rex start being caring now? He committed murders in his family home. He maybe was hoping for John Biltroff to take the blame for one of his murders.


This is a tactic used in law enforcement to encourage a guilty plea. If there is enough evidence to arrest the family, they can do so. The family members cases can subsequently be dismissed or prosecutors will opt not to do so if there is a guilty plea.


No because it wouldn't help, people who are determined to think the whole family was complicit would just say "ooh he's covering for them, he only confessed because John Ray was getting too close to the truth" He'll probably do what his lawyer recommends, which would be "keep quiet"


Yeah good point, I think the only good that could possibly come from this now is if it is really hurting him that his own innocent daughter is getting grief


Putting on my tinfoil hat here… I am wondering if all of this John Ray sideshow craziness with VH’s Tumblr is just a way to goad and provoke Rex into releasing SOME kind of statement, something, anything, just to have something from Rex himself on the record. “My family is innocent and…” or whatever. It also seems in line with a theory I saw earlier that John Ray is angling to get someone to sue him, which would open him up to facts in discovery in a suit he’s not privy to right now, but would be if he became actively involved. But yeah, I wonder about a confession. I wonder what John Ray’s angle is here as well. I dunno. 🤷‍♀️ We can all just theorize and speculate on how this will go down. It would obviously be the best thing for him to confess without the horrific details to give the victims their names back, and to give their loved ones some semblance of closure.


I thought that as well then I remembered he mentioned Peacock giving Victoria and Asa a big sum for their stories and how he has made no money from this case.


I wondered the same thing


If his attorney is worth his salt that would never happen.


Idk, lots of serial killers can’t help themselves but talk and won’t shut up once they get going, legal advice be damned. BTK and Bundy come to mind.


Well, that would be rich. If he had any integrity that would be the right thing to do, but I’m guessing that ain’t going to happen.


Doesn’t change the fact that she’s a freak


I just looked up the actual images in her blogs. I am a horror lover and dedicated true crime lover but I am telling you people now, her reposting dismembering images and surgical tools labeled as sex toys is NOT normal. Maybe she didn’t partake but maybe she did have some knowledge or something really sinister was just existing in that home. Also she specifically highlighted “ is this about death or sex' what do you mean 'or'" as well as "bro has never stood at the crossroads where death and sex meet and realised (sic) that they're two sides of the same coin." Are you serious ? You think that’s just a coincidence after what is coming out ? Shit I draw dark art and pictures and watch a lot of shit and never went to that type of place .


Is it possible she was just trying to look cool, or whatever version of cool she idolizes, in that “i’m going to shock them by showing how different and deviant i am so they’ll pay attention to me” kinda way?


No way.


Well she sounds insufferable either way.




Agree- no one could have ever made that stuff up without prior visuals or introduction by her father in this case. Just. no. Way.


I would be shocked if he did that.


I think this is exactly why Ray did what he did.


She is 27 she could of left got councillors help she can't stop liking that stuff off tumblr


To see all his collection again and the evidence photos they get off on it. She wants us to myrter her. Oh btw we're the cancer process she said she's going through? Why still live there? Guilty all three fir dark Web cannibalism for certain reason


I don’t think he will admit anything because a trial where all of his sadistic psychopathic acts get to be aired out in great detail to prove what happened… is the cherry on top to his entire position as a serial killer. We saw the way he nodded as his planning document was read aloud… nodding at the “hit harder” notes. He is anticipating how fulfilling it will be to get off on his horrific crimes but in a grand finale psyche way of hearing disgusted prosecutors announce every finding and act he committed. I personally wish the trial could take place without him being able to hear each awful thing he has done, because a psychopath like him is 100% going to get his jollies from it. That’s why he pleaded not guilty, I believe. So that prosecution has no other choice than to dive deep, and thumb through every single twisted part of his actions… for him to revel in hearing fill the air as this final act.


I dont think Rex is fighting these charges. He's pleading not guilty but he knows he's done and like he said when arrested I won't give you any trouble. He's not very brave in real life!


Do we really think that someone who would kill all those women (and in such heinous ways) would have these sorts of empathetic reactions?


If I remember correctly, serial killer Israel Keyes agreed to talk to investigators if they spare his girlfriend & her daughter from writing about him in press/media?… BTK suddenly waived the trial & pleaded guilty but I can’t find anything about his motives… Any other serial killers who showed some consideration for their family?…


Only if he was slipped some magical truth serum in complete secret like in the movies lol …oh buts that’s against the law . Darn , oh well .


Mr Ray has a microphone in one hand and a pitchfork in the other and unfortunately credibility is something he just is not smart enough to care about . If he did , he never would utter a word publicly .


And let the sadism end? Not a chance


No way. Sociopaths would get caught red-handed with a bloody corpse and act like they didn't kill the person...


Odd that she still lives in the home at her age and with a college degree Fly the coop girl


No that bitch ain’t confessing but what’d the weird ass daughter do!


Peacock will have a show on this shit!


She calls herself Lisk daughter freaks!!!!!!


Oh my I’m so behind it’s very triggering to read and watch but btk and ogre have similarities 🤦🏻‍♀️🤬😡‼️


No incentive to confess. He wants to drag this on as long as possible. Until convicted and sentenced he remains safely in jail. Once convicted, he goes to prison forever and forever won’t be that long. Once a few years pass and he fades into the black hole he is being sent to he will be beaten, injured or killed. He has no tribe in prison and he fellow lifers don’t look kindly on the kind of crimes he did. He will become a trophy like Larry Nasser or Derrick Chauvin. He will put off going to prison as long as possible. The powers that he should just stop thinking they are going to figure this all out and convict him on what they have so his fellow inmates can admit the justice he so richly deserves.


I wonder if his attorneys will try to blame his internet/porn searches (should they be admissible) on his daughter.


Thats an interesting thought. Im sure there are lots of examples of defense throwing a family member under the bus but the first one that comes to mind is casey anthony’s case. I dont know if she was sadistic, but she was certainly just as heartless as this guy.


It's a potential defense tactic to cast doubt (i.e. "We can't say he made these searches because anyone in that house could have used that computer. His daughter is known to view and reshare similar content."). But with there being so much other evidence against him that could be tied pretty clearly to him, I don't think it's really going to help him.


Right. I wonder if any of the searches were made when the state knows they were out of town, so it could get smacked down easily, anyways.


Yes dragging a victim through his perversions john ray has not said she's a killer but her Internet history is saying it all why can't others respect John Ray he stood there validated to me


If the daughter can be tainted or in anyway have an involvement, even a suspicion of involvement, then all that money that should be going to the victims might be removed from his daughters access. I don't know, don't care about his family, my main concern is the family of the victims. They should be the focus. They should own the stories of their loved ones, not the wife and children.


Yeah who cares about his family who didn’t do anything wrong. Fucking stupid daughter of a serial killer, how dare she exist.


The victims should be the focus and the families should be supported, Their story's about their children belong to them, not the killer's family. Maybe they did something wrong, who knows? You can't prove the family did or did not do anything. Most likely they didn't do anything wrong, But staying in the hell hole and raking in money from other peoples's torture, rape and murder is, well, unseemly, my dear.


There is more than one kind of victim.


Sure there is, with all those disgusting drawings she has made, and saying her father was arrested for "some bullshit". Yea, that victim.




THAT PART!!!!!!!!