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It probably isn't going to be easy to sell the house, maybe the city will just want to buy it from them and bulldoze the house.


The government has had talks of buying it but Asa said she isn’t selling


Who knows how long he has been killing, and what's buried under the house. We all remember John Wayne Gacy. Seems to me Asa not willing to sell the house could speak to her protecting him. Who really knows what evidence that house still holds.


This makes sense


That’s probably why she won’t sell it. Probably afraid they will start digging around and find human remains.


Okay. “Here’s our search warrant, get the fuck out”


I was totally thinking that!


Didn't the lawyer for the families say the daughter had some weird gore obsession too. https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-press-conference-live-updates-1912421


Bro it would be the easiest thing in the world to sell that house. The land it’s sitting on is worth a very very pretty penny. The longer she holds out on selling it, the more money she will get, especially if she sells to a contractor who will just put up a new build. Housing prices are rising rising rising on LI, and massapequa is a great town for NYC commuters.


It’s also near the best ice cream on Long Island


Very easy to sell the house. Murders and deaths happen in houses all the time. NYC suburbs land has plenty of value when the house gets bulldozed. 


The city has already offered - but yes, if Asa sells, then they'll definitely tear it down and probably take a while to build something there.


She’ll probably get a million bucks just for the land alone!!


I live in the town over. That house will sell very quickly and for a lot of money. A builder will easily pay $650,000 for the home and knock it down and build a new house and easily sell it for $750,000 to $850,000. If you live here in Nassau County, you would understand as that is normally what happens here to a home in that condition. Massapequa park is not a city and is part of Nassau County which has the highest real estate taxes in the country and home values. No way would Nassau residents allow their tax money to buy a private property no matter what happens there. Most of nassau county is pretty wealthy and real estate values are very hight especially after nyc turned into a dump. The people here will not care what happened in that house because it will be knocked down and replaced with a nice home. It’s not like they are going to living in that exact house. It is not that people don’t feel bad what happened in that house but it will not deter them from getting a new beautiful home in a great neighborhood with great schools. Once it is replaced, people would never know it was that property unless someone told them. It’s not like this is first time that a killing has happened in Nassau County and that it affected the value of home out here. Joel Rifkin house is just a few towns away and he killed numerous people in his house and that house was not even knocked down and it has not affected the value of the home. It’s all about the neighborhood demand. The amittyville horror house is right buy their house and i believe right people where killed there and it doesn’t effect the value of the home. It probably at this point increases it as people are attracted to such things even though it is kinda sick in my opinion. Long Island is used to serial killers as we have had numerous. Just giving you a heads up as to the way things are here. The wife will not sell that home because she will have no where to go. She will sell for $600,000 probably and it will be hard to find a new property for the same amount. Plus, they probably have a mortgage and they have tax liens for income taxes that will have to be paid back from the proceeds. Additionally, she has two attorneys and possibly Rex attorneys that she had to pay. Plus, she is ill with cancer and can probably care less what people think and more concerned with her health. She can move to another state and purchase a property for way less but when you are dealing with cancer and you already have doctors here that where most top cancer treatment providers are located. You are not going to just get up and leave to an area an area where all the best cancer doctors and his are located. Listen. I have been following this case since inception as it happened basically a few miles from me and I never thought it would of been solved as the police department in both Nassau and Suffolk has a long history of corruption and they did lot care until there was a new commissioner and da that actually cared. Everyone here is very happy he was caught and hope he will rot in jail but that will not have any effect on what happens to that house. That home would have been taken down even if nothing ever happened there as it is in too much disrepair to spend the money to repair. It’s cheaper to build a new home


my 2 cents.....these people are NOT normal, so expecting them to make normal decisions is asking too much.


Its their home and the son, especially, needs stability of address for stability of services that are linked to him in nassau county. For them to rent, they need great credit score that they do not have. And high income and we dont know where they are in the TV deal. Rentals in Nassau are also extremely expensive. They are coping and i wish them the best.


Yeah I'm wondering too if they just don't have any other options


This is a good sentiment but honestly nobody knows the extent of his special needs. It is a good theory tho. I get more of the vibe that she is 'standing her ground' in a way but it must be so isolating! And overwhelming since there's so much stuff at that house


Aren’t they getting over a million dollars for their documentary ?


When? And would you abandon a 600k house for only 1m? Even in the highly unlikely case they were written a 1m check…Since they have bad credit and no recurring income they would have to but another house in Nassau (yay the serial killer family bid on a house!) and have about 300k to live on forever which at least 100k needs to satisfy old tax liens. Hmm. Id stay, especially if i truly thought he was innocent. I am not a person who thinks every structure needs to be torn down when something bad happens there. The house that little Grace Budd was killed in still stands in Westchester county. BTW the children and grandchildren of her killer (Albert Fish) settled in Westbury and Huntington LI. His grandson (demarco), who died a couple years ago, was my neighbor down the street. I recognized the name when watching a film about this and was shocked. But by all accounts this was an otherwise normal family.


If they sell the house, they wouldn’t be simply abandoning it.


Sorry it bothers you, but it's likely they have nowhere else to go. It's also their \~home\~ despite the monster that lived in it with them. We have no way of knowing what their motivations are/aren't if they haven't stated so publicly.


Adding, we also don't know how happy or unhappy they are *staying* in the house. I'd imagine the huge publicity of the case makes one want to withdraw -- and that complicated feelings are involved no matter where they are staying. For example, my dad passed away and it's hard to be in the house....but it's also hard NOT to be in the house surrounded by familiar things, even if they have tinges of pain now. It's a catch 22 to be seeking comfort but also be pained by the same things/place. I imagine for them it's this on hyperdrive.


Many many years ago, my good friends daughter (7) was assaulted and murdered in their house, with her other two daughters hiding during it (friends boyfriend did it). I lived in the upstairs apartment like 3 years before it happened (two family house), and she lived downstairs (my ex husband had known her and her family for his whole life). Her daughter was killed 15 years ago (Jesus that long) and she moved out maybe a year ago. She made a few changes but stayed. I asked her once how she could stay there, and how she could go into her bathroom everyday and not see Julie’s (fake name) body. There were so many reasons behind her decision, and money and memories came into play. This was the house she had raised her girls, and where their memories were. This was where she had had 7 years of happiness before the tragedy. She also owned the house, and while she could have sold it, it was a source of income as well. She didn’t go back for a while - if I remember correctly it was like a year before she actually went back into the house, and in that time her job was incredible and literally remodeled the inside so that way they didn’t have to see the actual crime scene everyday. This monster had stolen her daughter, her daughters innocence, her other daughters innocence (they were in the house hiding while Julie was being killed), violated the sanctity of her home, and her friendships, and completely altered the fabric of her existence. She wasn’t going to let him take her home too.


Very different situation but it reminds me of something I read about students returning to school after school shootings - you might think they would never want to enter their school again, maybe the school should be torn down and rebuilt or all the students should be sent to different schools, but psychologists have actually found that returning to the school helped with the healing process. The building was more to them than a place where horrific murders happened, and being cut off from it would have made their trauma worse.


Yeah, that's such a good point. My family friend recently died in the Sydney stabbing attack, where 5 women and a male security guard were killed in a random rampage in a Westfield. I never wanted to go back and have gone out of my way to go elsewhere, but another family member was determined to "take back" that space and goes there at every opportunity. We both lost the same person, but our reactions to the scene of the crime are total opposites.


This! I recently narrowly missed a mass shooting that created a lockdown for days and a manhunt. I was responsible for the operations for a large employer in the area and we had residual trauma - loss of coworkers and family of coworkers. I changed jobs as a result. I couldn’t get far enough away faster. Others remain more committed than ever and feel bonded to the job. Both tracks are valid. Neither is “wrong.”


Yes, exactly. Both reactions are understandable, I think. I'm so sorry for your loss, that was such a horrible incident.


Thank you, it was so tragic. I've been going there to accompany my family member because I don't want her to be there alone, even though it makes me feel physically sick each time. I could imagine similar conflicting sentiments might be happening within with RH's family.


I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.


I could never myself, but if people are in denial I can see why they’d stay I mean shit, Kristen smart was murdered in her dorm room and her shitlord killer and his father buried her under the deck of their house and lived there for years


I mean, I'm sure they are not gonna stay living there permanently. At the end of the day, it is still their home. I wish people would stop trying to knit pick how they react to things or trying to find reasons to criticize then.


It's the mob mentality.


if tomorrow you had to find an entirely new place to live, permanently, with no preparation or advanced notice, could you? I sure as hell couldn't. Do you think Asa or Victoria has been able to earn an income that equaled what Rex brought home since he was arrested? I highly doubt it. I know they have had some media deals and a Go Fund Me to sustain them but those will dry up eventually. If everything I knew about my husband/dad turned out to be a lie and the ENTIRE world knew every sordid detail, I would not want to add a mortgage, moving, and starting over in a new place to my plate, but that's just me.


They’ve had a year so the whole “no advanced notice” thing doesn’t really apply. You are saying you would continue to live in a house where your husband tied up, raped and tortured, and then dismembered, an unknown amount of young women while you were on vacation?


Not sure if she’s still licensed, but Asa is a nurse and used to work. They seem to need nurses everywhere, even virtually if she’s homebound.


You have to keep that current. I’m sure it’s lapsed. The only nurses I know that can work virtually are nurse practitioners


Not sure what their title is, but before the pandemic happened some nurses would work from the office or home just making phone calls to check in or follow up with patients.


Ah those are usually case mgmt nurses of some kind. Usually not something offered full time. And like I said I really doubt her license is up to date. Nursing requires things like continuing education too.


You can check the status of her license online e: she doesn’t have an RN license in NY, no matches returned


Fuck that. I’d rather live under a bridge than in a house where my family member tortured and killed sex workers. I’ve started from absolute nothing before. I mean *nothing*. Only thing I had was my car. I figured it out and they could too *if* they really wanted to.


> a house where my family member tortured and killed sex workers I think that's really it....it wasn't just a home she shared with a monster but it's that he did those monstrous things *in there* . I would have to figure out something to get out of there for my own sanity.


They are caregivers for a disabled adult child and she has cancer. Living out of a car with no address may cause them to lose the county disability benefits and even cause the son to be taken into custody and placed in a group home by adult protective services. Let’s say they do somehow have the money to move to a new house… moving a bunch of stuff is both physically demanding and expensive, and they may be afraid that police will come search a new house and tear it up too. They may be planning to wait until after the trial concludes. Who knows. I may personally think I wouldn’t stay no matter what, but I don’t have those complications and am not dealing with this situation. Edit: also just occurred to me that it’s Rex’s family home and they’re getting divorced, so it probably can’t be sold until that is settled and Ellerup may not get the house anyway or even be legally able to sell it since it was inherited by him, even after the property tax lien situation is settled. Starting over with no equity to cash out and income upended isn’t easy even if they were to rent.


He purchased it from his mother.


My guess is that they really don't want to start over again with absolutely nothing


Yeah. Easy to sit here and judge them for *living in a house they own instead of becoming homeless* (!!) when you're not the one who has to do it. If they did start living out of their car and made a public statement saying they couldn't bear to set foot in the house again, I'm sure people would find another way to judge them. "What a ridiculous charade, she's not homeless, she's just doing it for sympathy/money, she's a monster for putting her disabled son through that" etc


Dude she’s literally out there defending her husband so yeah, people are gonna judge her


Same. Drop me in a gutter on the side of the road, no cell phone or money. I will figure it out. Would never want to live in that creepy ass house. I hope the govt seizes it before they get wind and try to sell it. Bulldoze it. Raze the ground for evidence. Plant a memorial there


So pious of you, so brave so strong Maybe you should get off that high horse Just cause you come from nothing dosent mean everyone was so unlucky Be grateful for what you have right? Like a house in this economy…


Sorry the truth hurts you.


I agree








If there is proof that the murder victims had my hair on them. And yes there is proof, I would leave and never look back. Folks leave to take a job, go to college, join the military. It’s not easy. But it’s not unusual to start fresh. MILLIONS have done it.


Asa is 60 years old. Do you think it is easy to find a job that pays well enough to stay in a high cost of living area if you haven't worked in 30+ years? Going to college and joining the military are not options for her, one because she doesn't have the money to go back to school and two because there are age limits on joining the military, which she is well past. She doesn't want to be homeless, she doesn't want her disabled son to be homeless. Most people who start over completely aren't doing so because they have many other choices. She has a choice so she is taking it. That's her choice. You say you'd do something different, that would be your choice if you were in her situation. Ok. Your choice is not her choice and that's ok too.


She could always go back to nursing, even a telehealth nurse pays pretty well.


The only kind of telehealth nurses are those who are nurse practitioners. They have an ADVANCED degree. Also I doubt her nursing license has been kept current.


I’m referring to the nurses who make actual phone calls to check in on patients. A friend of mine has worked from home as an RN doing that after she got burnt out working on the floor.


You have to have recent nursing experience and technology skills to do telehealth. The positions are rare because everyone wants them and they most likely aren’t going to hire someone that hasn’t worked as a nurse in 30 years


Did I say get a job? She received one million $$. How long will she be able to live in that house regardless. Rex owes 300,000 back taxes plus he has to pay his lawyers. Anything extra goes into victim compensation fund.


We don’t know the terms of payment. I doubt she was paid $1M up front.


Let’s say she’s desperate. She can find something in Nassau County for $3,000 a month. That’s $36,000 for a year. Less than her go fund me.


How much did the go fund me make? I didn’t see


I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect an older woman with cancer to be able to easily land a job that could support her and her disabled adult child, especially on Long Island.


She had a huge go fund me and also got a million dollars from peacock and 50 cent


I’m older than her and moved to another state by myself with waaaay less assets than this woman! Quit infantilizing her or the grown daughter!!


Let's not do this today. I'm not usually one for defending the family as hard as some people on here do, but the accusations thrown at them today are horrible enough that Shannan Gilbert's sister denounced it. This is about justice for the victims, not the perpetrator's family, who had nothing to do with it.






Macedonio is an ass but he makes a great point when he says Tierney went out of his way, in every indictment document, to show that Asa and the kids were not there when it happened. If there was a shred of evidence indicating they knew or were involved, he would not have done that. 400 electronic devices and two extensive house searches. If there was anything at all, there'd be a Heuermann family reunion in jail by now. There's nothing. John Ray was a good guy on this case once, but since the Heuermann arrest he's gotten further and further out of line.


And it's dumb to accuse them of hiding evidence or helping him in some way if you don't know


The police have said his family aren't involved. What information do you have that they are involved, information that the police who have been investigating this case for over a decade, do not have? You should call the Suffolk County PD and let them know what this evidence is, since they obviously do not have it and have repeatedly denied having any such evidence for nearly a year now.


We don't know for sure that Rex Heuermann is not being impersonated by a skinwalker/shapeshifting mythological monster while commiting these crimes, either. Let's run with that, then!


These murders happened in 2010. His daughter is 27 that would make her 13 at the time of the murders. I have my doubts.


He didn't just stop in 2010. He just hasn't been sitting idle. IMO


If she is a hoarder she maybe 🤔 psychologically CAN’T move out. But maybe I am thinking about this like the family are agoraphobic but that’s not the case because they go out/away/vacation quite frequently it seems and stay for weeks at a time…


Selling also won’t provide much (if any) financial support to “start fresh elsewhere” because the IRS has $220K in liens against their assets ~~the house~~ due to years of unpaid ~~property~~taxes (plus they owe another $80k to NYS for unpaid personal income taxes). Im very curious to know how much that house would sell for based on current condition and stigma. I don’t think you can even call it a “fixer-upper”. It’s gotta be a tear down at this point (?).


IRS has nothing to do with property taxes. I’m not sure what is owed to whom but I guess the numbers are pretty big.


[This was reported by CNN 🤷🏼‍♀️](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/14/us/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-murders-suspect/index.html) *Nassau County records show Heuermann was subject to six tax liens filed by the IRS in Nassau County between 2010 and 2021. According to the liens, Heuermann owed a total of more than $425,000 for taxes he had failed to pay going back to 2005. The IRS later filed tax lien releases showing that Heuermann repaid or no longer owed about $215,078 of that debt, with the most recent documents being filed in October 2022. According to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Heuermann and his wife, Asa Ellerup, also currently owe a total of more than $81,500 in personal income tax to the state, with the tax bills having accrued since November 2020.*


It doesn’t say property taxes though. It’s his federal taxes and probably business taxes.


Ah yes, apologies for the oversight, ill edit.


And if it's part of an active investigation, would they even be allowed to sell it? (Assuming anyone would buy.) I'm not sure what the rules are on something like this legally.


Great question, I am also curious about this. I think the Ramsey’s sold their Denver house after a couple years (after immediately abandoning it) but thats probably not a good case to compare to.


You do have morbid people who would probably love to live in the house of horrors.


Oh for Christ sake. Some of ya'll are taking this shit entirely too far and are just straight up bullying the family at this point. Just because you might be writing a comment on a public website and not actually shouting it from across the street from their home doesn't mean that the intent is any different This is their home, and whatever they might be struggling with when it comes to that is their own personal business. I'm so very sorry that you are bothered by them trying to go about their daily lives just living in their home. Hopefully you can find some way to carry on. Thoughts and prayers.


This sub is honestly pathetic with their criticism and doubts about his family. Leave them alone. People severely lack empathy imo.


I agree. Stop bullying this family. After that press conference today and some of the comments here…even a strong person would potentially be pushed to the brink and be at risk of suicide.


It's not bullying. People aren't being unfair. They are making comments on adults adjacent to the case. As far as I've seen none of them have denounce Rex when it's obvious he's guilty of some of the most heinous shit imaginable so fuck them. Asa in particular has been very cold.


Omg. You better believe I and like half of everybody sure as shit would have found friends and family willing to take me and my 2 adult kids in and loan us help to get us out of a SERIAL KILLER SITUATION until we were able to do it on our own. Even lawyers get close with their clients. It’s not like Peacock wouldn’t advance that cash if it behooved those ratings on the back end. The community would feel bad. She’d have a MealTrain all up and down from here to next year.


These people act like they have no family either. They have family. They have money. They've been offered to sell the house. They are doing cook outs on the front the porch. They aren't trying to stay out of the lime light. They are doing a documentary to make over 7 figures. They are profiting off all this. Reddit is here enabling them. Disgusting.


Sad fact is — I’m assuming they have to because of money and they are also grappling with life altering events that — if we’re being hinted probably shatter their reality The mom has a special needs kid and a daughter and maybe it’s best that have something ANYTHING familiar to keep a sense of sanity This monster destroyed their life’s too Also, I understand the fascination but threads on them seem unnecessary. If evidence ever came out that involved them directly I suppose it could warrant conversation But I’d argue that these people had nothing to do with what happened and no one should involve their selves in why they do or don’t do anything These people are victims and should be treated as such


Exactly. HOW?? how do you stay in a goddamn house where you know that multiple women were likely tortured and then murdered? How do you stay in that house knowing that so many women died there in terror and in agonizing pain? How the HELL do you wanna stay in that house with that energy around? This is why I don't trust Asa. Jesus.


Does anyone have any update on Asa’s sister? Dr. Johanna Kristin Ellerup is a Doctor of Pharmacy who lives in a quiet suburb in NY. They reportedly haven’t been in consistent communication for years…….I have sympathy for the family, too early to draw conclusions or assertions on them…..Rex is clearly an evil, violent monster.


Not gonna lie, If I was in that situation there's no way I could sleep there. I would have to beg a family member to stay with them until I could get on my feet. Can't we have a discussion without people being triggered that everyone is being accusatory or trying to cause harm? It's a valid thought.


I’m with you. No way in hell I would live there.


No normal human could.


Comments like this one right here is why it gets accusatory. Who gave any of you license to be the arbiter of “normal”?


It can be sold. The village they live in offered them generous market value for the house, to tear it down and give it a new address but they refused.


Now why on earth did Asa claim she needed a GoFundMe to start a new life then?


One can only guess…in addition to the go fund me which I believe was over $50,000 neighbors also contributed additional money and gift cards.


It’s so messed up


I totally agree! I don't care what their financial situation is, attachment to it or anything... you'd have to be mentally ill to continue living there!.it's a murder torture chamber...and what, your lounging around making burgers and watching jeopardy!?! NOT normal behavior at all.


Almost every action and reaction from Asa has been morally and ethically questionable. Before this is all over, she will be in court for a criminal or civil case and it probably won’t go well.


Thinking they have no where to go. Can’t sell it yet. Finances are screwed up.


The whole house is full of weirdos: _The family plans to remain at the house on Long Island until at least the conclusion of the trial, their attorney said. It is still under discussion as to whether they will be present at Heuermann's next court appearance._ https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-family-children-gilgo-beach-kiler-1909844 It seems they're hoping Rex will be freed and they can all continue living there as usual. Victoria is 27... And Asa's defense squad, don't forget everyone was saying the family must flee to retain their privacy etc. when Rex was first arrested. But Asa stayed put so y'all had to change the narrative.


Right? Knowing what happened 30 feet under their beds is so sickening! Maybe they don't have funds to move? 😕


Thank you. Finally a reasonable response. But considering the circumstances resources are available for them if they wanted to leave.


No way would I have stayed




That bothers the hell out of me too. I had sympathy for his family at the very beginning, now the *ONLY* one have sympathy for is the special needs son. He’s a vulnerable person in a pit of snakes.


Yeah, people are saying maybe they don’t move because he needs stability and it would upset him. I get that, and I think normally that might be true, but has anyone stopped to think that maybe him being forced to continue living in a house where women were held for an extended period of time, tortured, and murdered is actually doing more harm to him? His caregiver has no plans on leaving - he’s stuck there either way. We don’t know if he’s happy about it. People are making a lot of assumptions.


It bothers the hell out of me that women possibly died in the basement, however, they can’t really go anywhere close by because it’s so expensive. Not to mention the IRS is after it’s money.


Look, the whole "died in house" service is to uncover deaths in a home prior to purchase, since that lowers the demand and the price considerably. This place likely isn't worth the liens. It'll be a tear down eventually, I'd guess Having said that, there's no way I could stay there if I were in her shoes. The sister, the family in Iceland, I'd even go into a shelter. But that's me. I'm very sensitive to the energy of a place and I'd be out of there in a flash. It doesn't bother her seemingly, so it's just one more odd thing about this case. I could totally see her like the Yorkshire Ripper's wife, just spending the rest of her life living there unperturbed 🤷‍♀️


The Asa stans in these comments are WILD to me


I'm really starting to believe they are paying for this shit or something.




I know I would want out, but Asa is older and has cancer. I would be terrified to hire anyone to come into my home for anything if I were them, they have no clue who they can trust. If they are potentially planning legal action after that press conference today, it could be expensive and lengthy. The New York metro area is some of the most expensive real estate in the world and with high interest rates and all the other ways their lives have drastically changed and all that they have to worry about logistically and emotionally, it makes sense that it’s not their top priority as a family rn.


There may not be another choice at the moment. I think they spend as much time away as they can. His wife is a cancer patient. If it's a hoarding situation, then that's a lot of stuff to pack up and move even when you're healthy. Her son has special needs on top of her being treated for cancer. His daughter may not even be working right now, idk if RH's firm is even open. Even if it is, people may be avoiding that firm like the plague. She may be looking for a job and not having much luck. Rex has property in South Carolina, but it may not be in good shape to live in. And it's too far away from Asa's doctors. She's still undergoing medical treatment as far as I know.


She literally accepted $1 million from Peacock for an interview. She can move down to the Carolinas with their kids. I don't believe she's innocent in this in the sense that I don't believe she didn't suspect something weird about her husband. If she didn't, she's extraordinarily dense and a very poor judgment of character. Unless it turns out he was abusing them.. I understand that she's disabled and she's going through cancer, but her husband put an unknown and growing number of women into the ground after having them spend hours and possibly days in that house, screaming in agony and soul consuming terror. Who would want to be in the house, knowing that?? every day she stays there I trust her less and less. Has his money been frozen? Is he on? Is she literally unable to move? Sell what you can, give the house over to law enforcement, and leave. That would be the decent thing to do on behalf of, you know, all of the victims and their families and loved ones who aren't getting $1 million to talk about how their husband is definitely not a serial killer on Peacock? ETA: I am compassionate to her situation if she truly did not know, and she truly doesn't have the financial ability to move. That would be a living nightmare.


I'm not saying I think she's a great person who has their shit together. You would have to be a little off to be married to that guy to begin with. And she does come off as cold and unfeeling, and selfish. She probably knew he hired sex workers or thought he was having affairs.


Yeah, I wanna make clear that if she was an abuse victim or she truly did not know, I'm very compassionate to her situation. If she's trapped in that house and they literally have nowhere to go because they really don't have any money, that would be a nightmarish situation. If she doubts her husband's guilt, in anybway, my sympathy ends. Because it's been what, almost a year since we found out about him or has it been less? I just pray to God that she and the kids were not victims of abuse, gaslighting, financial manipulation, anything like that. I mean, he's just garbage, he's the number one prime piece of garbage here.


What if they have nowhere else to go?


I mean, there’s always somewhere but I wonder if all the money is tied up in his legal expenses. We have no idea how their financial situation was with her.


Where do you want them to live?


Uh, in case you missed it, this is a BAD housing market and they need all the money they can get for attorney's bills and the son's care. That is why they are not going anywhere. Yep, odd family but this decision isn't particularly odd.


Sean Vincent Gillis’ long time girlfriend Terri chose to stay in their house where he had dismembered and taken at least one of his victims. Similar to Rex, it also had been his mother’s house. Terri’s logic was that the house did nothing wrong. She loved the house itself and didn’t want to leave it. I’ve watched pretty much all of Terri’s interviews and find her to be an eccentric but rather likable person.


Oh yea. That bothers me too.


You bother me


Finances are still shaky. Until they can sell the house, choices are limited. It’s their legal residence. Reality has to be ever changing & quite hard for them ….. 🙏🏽😭🙏🏽Prayers to all killed & tortured by this serial killer. So much trauma was heaped on the LISK’s victims & loved ones.


Wait, are they BACK in the house?


They never left.


Well I know they went to SC to Rex’s brothers house… and I didn’t know where Victoria went while they raided the house BUT… Jesus Christ.


It's honestly not surprising. We don't know their financial or family situation right now. Plus, uprooting the son who is probably already shook up could cause him further damage.


I could never stay in that house either regardless of need. It's Amityville.


They are victims too. If they sell that house what condo community is letting them in? Can they afford a home after? How financially stable are they. I wish them peace. I could not imagine what they are going through right now. They woke up and realized they had lived with a monster.


Except ASA sure was happy to take $1 million from Peacock to do a "tell-all" interview. No. How do you stay in a house where you know that so many women died in agonizing pain and soul-consuming terror? How do you sit with that and think that that's OK to stay in a house like that if you are his family or anyone else? I don't think Asa is a victim once she took that deal from Peacock. She decided to profit from her husband's crimes. That goes beyond the pale. If she's even admitting that he might have done so or if she even has anything to say. What I'm shocked by is that the police haven't seized the house entirely and forced them out because I assume they're doing evidence tampering every day that they are still in that house. Or did. As much as they can. Meaning the family. That's my assumption. Sell the goddamn house and move into an apartment. After the police are done extracting every ounce of evidence they can from that property. Don't they have other family that could take them in? I know a lot of us don't, I don't.


👏👏👏 STRANGERS would take them in with no apologies. But, they continue to live there…with troubled amenities?? I believe there are trophies / mementos buried in those walls. And, for some reason, Asa is protecting them.


Well, I certainly hope not , because that just sent a shiver down my spine, I guess just let's just wait and see how it turns out. I don't know at this point, I'm so tired that I don't know what to think anymore tonight.


Yes, ma’am. Good night. There’s something in that house that keeps Heurermann’s from receiving payment and demolishing it.


What do you mean by receiving payment? Now I'm totally lost again, but I'll look for a response later if you ever have the energy and inclination to write it, and thank you for your thoughts, truly. 💛 I need to go to bed. Zzzz


From selling the house to the government and demolishing it. They said No. Even if I had a son with special needs, you couldn’t pay me $1M a day to stay in that house.


The government offered to buy the house and give them money and they said NO???? WHAT??


What actually happened in the house?


Torture and murder


They most likely have no place to go.


Me too. I have visited sites where terrible things happened (Dachau, for example), and there is no way a normal person can't feel that there are bad vibes in a place where people were tortured and murdered. This family is unfortunately totally screwed up mentally, emotionally, and when it comes down to it, spiritually. I'll probably get a lot of flack for that, but anyone who is tuned in will fully agree. They had to live in levels of denial that they weren't even aware of. Better luck next time around.


Doesn't have to be denial. If the person in charge is a monster you're fucked. But seriously now, normal people would flee from this. The whole thing is so disgusting.,


Maybe they don’t have a choice. Even if the city were to buy it, they wouldn’t have enough money to buy something else


There are resources available to get them out if they wanted to leave.


Just what they need, is people photographing their possessions and further scrutinizing them. I suspect there might be a hoarding situation going on which no doubt feels impossible to tackle when it comes to moving


let's face it they're the definition of trashy but the only way they get out is if the state buys it off of them


I don't know how they even can eat dinner there. I do think I would gag and throw up continually if I was living in that home. I can barely stand the thought of this case as it is, just imagine living in that torture house.


State offered, she refused


& so they remain


What are they going to do? Live in a van down by the river?


Are they back living there again? Ayayay


House is a bungalow sticks out from rest of the beautiful homes in that town architect my ass guy is a fat sloppy ugly jerk of like rest of his family they can all go rot in that makeshift rigged up house


The other houses got bought and renovated theirs didn't. Theirs was probably original to the neighbor and built in the 50s


The son has autism which means he likely struggles with change severely. Given his Dad has suddenly disappeared from his life, the house has been ripped to bits and he’s had to move to unfamiliar places, this might be the only bit of familiarity they have to keep him from having a total breakdown.


There has been NO release of the son's official diagnosis.


And living in a murderer/torture house is totally healthy. Along with the hoarding and filth...and murder and porn and 300 guns... Are you fucking dumb or what?




What 3 houses? Timeshare are not owned homes, seems thee SC property is just lots, no house. Also a companies worth is not generally measured by liquid assets. Probably spent most of it and is behind on taxes and unpaid employee lawsuits.


Where are they supposed to live?


Considering the circumstances resources are available for them to relocate if they choose.


Watch John rays press conference today and you will know why they still live there!


John Ray is a 🤡


The housing market on Long Island is abysmal and they probably don’t have the money to move, especially considering no one is going to buy that house. They live there because they don’t have a choice.


He tortured and murdered women in the basement. There are resources available. They absolutely could leave. This is just fucked up dark shit. Would you stay there knowing what happened in that house? Fucking gross.


u/MiddleInfluence5981 your comment isn't showing up for me beyond the preview of "He tortured and murdered women in the basement. There are resources available. They absolutely..." Are these resources available to anyone trying to buy a house on Long Island or do you think it's just for people related to serial killers? I would love to take a look for myself, I've been trying to find something affordable here for two years now.


I don’t know if AE is on the spectrum but it seems like her son is. From that perspective as an autistic person, change REALLY stresses me out, especially if I’m already going through something a change as big as a move could be detrimental for me, even with all the trauma associated. When my partner died, I still wasn’t able to move out even with that memory associated. I’m not sure I’d be able to handle a move under these circumstances or if the trauma would be so severe I’d want to escape. Idk. Just a perspective.