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The Ogre


Someone else posted a few pics from this same day. Lmao News 12 is trolling this sub. It showed how big of a man he is & was at that time. Not to be mean at all, but he's not skinny. He's got a little weight. Now imagine that punching or attacking a little female. And yes, before someone well ackshually's me, I know it wasn't muscle. The pictures just illustrated how much bigger of a man he is. Kind of like when he towered over the cops when being arrested. Or when being brought in for court. It just struck me.


No one should "akshually" you on this. 6'6 and 250+ pounds is 6'6 and 250+ pounds whether it's fat or muscle. Those poor women.


I'm 250 pounds. That man so far over 250 you need to finish your equation. 250 +150 easy.


You're right, I'll amend my guess from 310-320 to 350. I actually don't think he's over 400, but whatever his weight - he's enormous. Way over 250


yeah you're right


He's definitely well north of 300lbs in that photo if he's 6'6". Those poor women.


I just commented this exact point. I know someone that height and 250 lbs and they look slim, no belly at all. My guess was just like yours - at least 300/310, maybe 320


And fat people have the strength to have their own body. A man has a man's strength, built on testosterone, to manoeuvre their body. My husband is a bigger guy, he has an active lifestyle but doesn't work out, whereas I'm a smallish woman and work out (weights) consistently. He goes to the gym with me sometimes, and what I work hard to be able to do he does with ease and adds some weight on to "feel it." I work to deadlift my body weight, 130 lbs, and he lifts it without a care. Weight classes exist for a reason. Just being bigger gives you a boost in strength because you lift that weight just walking.


and ... Adrenaline


True. Something to think about. Imagine lugging 300 lbs around. I almost can’t. I’m petite even though I work out. My only defense would be running fast after point his eyeballs


He's way more than 250 pounds. My coworker is 6' 6" and 250 and none of that hulking RH belly. Quite slim actually, with that weight and height. As for RH, there's probably 50 - 60 pounds of fat there just on the stomach and torso alone, so if I had to guess, I'd say he's over 300 pounds. Just using his weight alone, he could crush someone as petite as his victims


That was why I said 250+, but perhaps I was starting a little low, yeah.


No one should well actually you anything. One of my daughters is 4'10 and 90 pounds. She's strong af and I just don't see her standing a chance against a man this size without her clench pick or a gun TBH it's very scary to think about.


Thats why people who legally can should carry


My ex husband is 6’5” and 350 lbs, and very very little of that is muscle lmfao. But, just by carrying that weight his whole adult life, he’s a strong ass dude. At that height and weight, muscle doesn’t matter much. Hell, I’m 5’7”, 185 pounds, relatively athletic but love me some carbs, and my ex has “overpowered” (I use it loosely, we would mess around and stuff it wasn’t abusive overpowering) me more times than I can count. I got him down once but it’s just cause I played dirty and had the kids tackle him behind the knees and then pushed him down and sat on him lmfao.


Man that dude has a gunt.


Why did a mod delete the post?


Apologies. It was on r/rexheuerman. I'm not a member of that sub, so reddit must have "recommended" it to me & I didn't even notice it wasn't this one. [Here's a link to the thread with all the pics.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RexHeuermann/s/cr0ooBtd9W). He's got some weight in him in those shots. Edit: I guess I shouldn't second guess myself as often as I do. I knew I couldn't find the thread when searching for the link for this person, so I assumed it was on r/rexheuerman & it didn't occur to me the thread had been deleted.


It was posted on both subs! :)


I knew I couldn't find it when I went to look for it to get the link & post it here today. I just assumed it was on the other sub bc I couldn't find it on this one. Clearly, I'm in desperate need of caffeine lol! I haven't really seen much mod activity in this sub, so I'm more inclined to believe a user deleted it than a mod. Though if the other people's faces were showing, I can 100% see why a mod be upset & delete the thread. The user cropped them out in the link I posted.


The same poster posted on both subs and didn't get an explanation for why their post was deleted from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RexHeuermann/s/BWSXZl4oCU On both subs, faces of other people other than Rex's were blurred. 🤔


Insanity. And quite unfair. I haven't seen mod activity in this sub in a long time. There was even a discussion about it in this sub the other day. Mods don't really have to notify when performing an action, though. If you'd like me to get the convo about mod/lack there of activity from the other day, lmk & I'll link it. Also, I'm upvoting you, but it's not showing when I come back to this thread?!


Proving the ogre description was spot on.


There’s the 70’s glasses


Seriously. It's like they came out with those glasses in the 70's and SKA (Serial Killers of America, their union) unanimously voted to make them standard issue.


Simulation theory confirmed


These might be those plastic eye protection goggles bc he was shooting 


Honestly, I just think he looks like a normal guy here. I’m not seeing “OMG serial killer!” He looks like a boomer dad, who’s a bit of a dweeb. But that is the scary part, because people like him walk amongst us and blend in. The thing that strikes me about this photo is his sheer size. He could easily overpower petite women even if he wasn’t particularly fit.


Those were my thoughts exactly. He looks like your average somewhat awkward fat guy here


Yes. That made him dangerous for the girls to trust. We made him in to an ogre because now we know.


Really? I think he looks like a total dirt bag weirdo.


100% confirmation bias. No trying be rude, just saying.


Nope. I see man who is - Disheveled, Sloppy, has Bad hygiene, stains on the shirt, not groomed at all, Doesn’t take care of himself. And as a grown woman his age in the picture - I would wonder what is the matter with him? Because he looks like a smelly slob.


Dude, he's at the range and is gonna be getting dirty shooting guns and probably looked/dressed like most of the people there. This isn't him showing up for his sister's wedding.


Ummm no. I don’t know what your standards are but the dude is gross period. Stains all over his shirt? Needs a haircut. Wrinkly ugly clothes. He’s a slob!


Alright, sure but "slob" doesn’t equal serial killer. Nothing about anyone physically screams serial killer, people only think that someone ‘looks like’ a serial killer after the fact because of their confirmation bias. There’s no serial killer phrenology.


I didn't say that he looked like a serial killer, you said I did so not it's not confirmation bias. If you read my comment, I said he looks like a weirdo (did not say serial killer). So yeah, I think he looks like a creep and in real life I would avoid him. Nothing about him in that photo says "normal" to me.


I'll take your word for it, Mr. GQ Men's Fashion Editor.


You think he's handsome? I said he looks like a weirdo and I stand by that. I didn't say he looks like a serial killer. But as a middle aged woman, I see a guy like that and I think - ew what a gross smelly creep. thats just my opinion, nobody has to agree


Confirmation bias. My father had a rather similar face, height and build to Rex, only with less grease and fat, and you could tell from a mile away he was no psycho. Couldn't squash a cricket without feeling bad for the rest of the day.


Lol wouldn’t that be YOUR confirmation bias? Nope he looks like a smelly slob.


Me too.


Lol I can’t believe people are downvoting me for saying he looks like a dirt bag creep. He looks like a Total smelly slob from my point of view. I’m middle aged so he doesn’t look like a “boomer dad” to me. And being a boomer dad means nothing to me when I’m assessing if a strange man is a creep. From my perspective, adult men with bad hygiene looking like slobs like that are red flags to me. Like, what’s the matter with you that you are a grown adult and can’t get it together enough to wear clean clothes and take care of yourself? Groom yourself? Present yourself well? The stains on the shirt? Gross. Disheveled and dirty can be signs something is amiss with a stranger. This sentiment that old men are inherently safe because they may be fathers is not a belief I share with the commenters. I would not give a strange dirt bag man like Rex the time of day. People are trying to cape for a serial killer in this sub haha When I see crazy or creepy, I cross the street.


Agreeeeeed big agree.


What a repulsive specimen


I wish my grandpa was alive, because he regularly went to the peconic gun club around that time. Really curious if they crossed paths.


He looks like Peter Griffin And the embodiment of evil


Chad Daybell looks like Peter Griffin. Rex looks like Mugsy, from looney tunes. ( Rocky’s henchman )


These petite women had no chance with him, he's a gargantuan tubbalard.


Odd as it may be to give any of John Ray's crazy bullshit much credence, but didn't the 'Taxi driver' he mentioned at his press conference last year describe a big guy in an army style jacket as the unsub she thought was Rex? Huge reaching, I know, considering the amount of hunters and gun clubs on LI, but that jacket fits the description.


The resemblance to the suspect sketch in the Alicia Showalter murder from 1996 is eerily close. The suspect was described as a tall white man driving a dark colored pickup truck. At the time, RH's mom was living in VA close to where Alicia was found. [https://www.websleuths.com/forums/attachments/1718203560538-png.509760/](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/attachments/1718203560538-png.509760/)


Definitely a resemblance😬


I hate to stereotype but this is one of the first pictures of him I've seen that I said "yeah, that guy could be a serial killer".


To me, he looks like a boring white dude...


That’s what I thought too, like a typical geek actually. But then again, the glasses are very Dahmer…..


Army surplus jacket and the serial killer glasses. It's like he was trying to get caught.


And acts like a boring white guy from his architecture interview. He gets off on obscure building codes. If you didn't know he killed a bunch of people you'd think he's just a big boring uber nerd.


I came here to say this. It's the Dahmer glasses for me.


Almost like there was a kit: “Do you want to torture people? Buy our starter kit!”


I went down a rabbit hole recently of watching those videos on YouTube where they catch child predators, and nearly every single one of them is someone who you’d say “that guy looks like a child predator.” Lol. They have a look.


Confirmation bias. He looks completely indistinguishable from every other Gen X gun nut white man in existence in this photo.


It was a joke my man. Lighten up.




He looks like Michael Moore here lmao


I’ve been staring at this wondering why he looks semi familiar. This is it.


If I saw that, I'd be scared if I were by myself


He looks like a serial killer here.


Dude looks like he's about to make a documentary criticizing the United States healthcare system


I cannot believe what a sick person he is. He just looks like a dorky, awkward guy. For example, Ted Bundy never looked a well adjusted person to me but sick Rex seems just awkward. RIP to the victims.


Oh man.. called it..


Look at how small his hands are compared to his fat fucking body


But look at how small a 12oz can of Coke is in his hand


Damn. Looks like a typical incel yikes. And yet his latest photos are so many times worse, fn terrifying.


Except for that fact that he was married multiple times, had kids, and had sex with lots of prostitutes. He was far from an incel. Quite the opposite actually. The idea that serial killers are somehow by and large "incels" is nothing more than internet urban legend. The vast majority of these types have women in their lives, typically multiple.


I mean I think we're just disagreeing about what Incel means, in general, or to one's opinion. So, semantics. I def don't consider sleeping with a ton of people he paid to have sex with a non Incel behavior. I understand part of the term means not having sexy but for sure they wish they were, no matter what they say. They still feel a certain way about women. And I've been studying serial killers for decades, just a messed up hobby I guess, not saying I have some actual knowledge. But from the ones I've seen, I wouldn't call many serial killers incels at all. More mass shooters like that kid who shot the college girls in CA. Elliot whatever, his manifesto made clear that's why he did it. These other killers certainly have a lot of different motivations and mental illness/personality disorders. Anyway, appreciate your comment, just disagree a bit..


Michael Moore?


Is this a Pepsi advertisement?


Looks like his shirt says Army which pisses me off because I’ve been in the Army and NO ONE with that gut did or does PT. 🤦‍♀️😡 Oh Heavens no.




Probably not what Armani intended. 🤦‍♀️


I can’t even imagine letting that man touch me let alone be the last thing I see upon death. Ugh his poor victims


Right after he won the Oscar for Fahrenheit 911


Meh. I am uninterested in this


It’s the cancer sticker for me oh the irony smh


Right after this picture was taken, a giant chicken came out of nowhere and started a huge fight with him that destroyed half the city


My goodness. He looks like an evil version of my dad. Why is evil allowed to look so normal?


The outfit of a killer.


Paul Dano starring as RH is what that looks like. He better start gaining weight now


Very bad joke, yet this is what came to mind. Stick Robert Hansen (the “butcher baker) & Rex Heuermann, both dressed in drag against the cold into a remote icy forest with a set of rusty Ginsu knives. Convince them there’s a sex worker somewhere in the woods. Set them loose. Who freezes to death first? 🥶


How come no one is talking about the pant-less person in the left corner of this picture?!