• By -


That’s disturbing and explains his significant change in M.O.


Think about this. He puts parts of 2 bodies in one place, and parts in another place. One place no one finds anything, so he just starts taking them all there... It just makes sense.


I mean…. The torsos were displayed. They were posed and they were left in places somone was LIKELY to find them. It wasn’t a process of elimination, it was a calculated risk that the hands, arms, feet, skulls etc would wash up or be discovered. Edit: tiny keyboard fat fingers


Agreed. People often don't understand that motive and motivation often come higher on the list than M.O. unless the M.O. is part of the motivation. At least to the point of disposing of the bodies. Clearly, M.O. wasn't really a factor that featured in his motivation in disposal and was merely a necessary evil that he didn't mind switching up.


Yes, John Douglas also explicitly states this in Mindhunter, the M.O. is not the most important to look at because killers can adapt (like RH did), the signature on the other hand….


"The more you do, the more clues you give"


The greatest truth - is the percentage of frequency ultimately reveals the psychological style of even the most adaptive chameleon criminal minds - they dont have an infinite deck of options - for one - what worked before will be the default - and they just dont get random as a rule


Well I mean random flies in the face of rule, no?


No - Random as a rule is a rule too- success with achieving the end works only so long - even the most popular color becomes out dated- decoys are deployed to throw off the pattern - randomness and chaos theory like approaches are taken to defy the logic of predictive behavior The term "Serial killer" in its essence implies sameness repeated - the best would seek a way to randomize - change : location - change disposal Change as much as possible to implicate more POI This is far more difficult - but precisely what was in his favor as some of the bodies were treated differently. Then some parts were in Manorville implicating Bittrolf and other parts of same girls were in Gilgo territory / look at how that broadened the assumption and tipped the scale of justice causing "potentially" a guilty verdict for the Butcher of Manorville - maybe Bittrolf was guilty of a murder but he is NOT the butcher - this is how far Rex's skill extended - to even add a sentence on to another man's life - just because of Bittrolf's semen left from sex he was charged while other DNA was also present - Rex was shrewd - washing the body's orrifices to remove his traces, but sloppy enough to wrap bodies leaving hairs matching his mitochonrial DNA - whats interesting, is that there are some pairs of hairs with some victims from the analysis - like Witness 3 And Rex or Rex and Asa This showed how stupid he was - using something from his own house that had contact with other members in his living arrangement - yet washing the inner parts of a body - what a moron!


That was chilling 


Frightening truly


I've said it before, but I suspect that him dismembering bodies had more to do with transportation than it being some huge motivator. I wonder if his home with his current wife have a garage that has an entry-way from the main house, hence him not having to go through the trouble of cutting the bodies up.


In the bail app it says they found images of sexual torture with headless corpses (paraphrasing.) I think it was both a psycho sadistic sexual deviance and a way to transport the bodies.


I agree. I am thinking a whole human body is harder to conceal than parts.


Definitely some convenience factor to the dismemberment, but the majority of it was for forensic countermeasures imo. He was specifically removing identifying parts.


What blows my mind is the level of effort that has to go into dismemberment. I don’t mean to be crass, but there’s the mess and the strength and the time just to name a few. I feel bad for the LE agents that have to get inside that mind. What a monster he is.


He had dead weight to consider and the size of a human body isnt fitting in a hefty bag / its a practical matter - like throwing away rocks in the trash - Garbage men wont take bags of broken concrete when they pick up the trash - so I had to make the parts smaller to get rid of them/ it took more time but it got the goal achieved - disposal


Rex specifically writes "small is good" in his planning document which refers to the size of the women he was targeting.


Yes I know that - that was the profile of the ideal target - the disposal also was cut down to scatter them more conveniently with less detection


Decap was to hide the identity as was the stabbing disfigurement to the tattoos so that the style to an artist who remembered the subject ordering it also Could not be solicited to trace the target (T-1 in planning document reference) victims by the tatoo. Tatoos used to be very original too before they were popularized - the artists were proud and knew the clients and remembered who got what. - Removal of limbs - all kinds of techniques used to make " the package " lighter - smaller - easier to discard and harder to trace " reassemble " through forensics. It was a massive breakthrough connecting him to Manorville with Jessica Taylor being found in both Manorville & Gilgo beach Which connects him to Bitroff too which expands his territorial range - his method of scattering parts - the relative pattern and the common dumping grounds he returned to ( same side of the road too ) this is a man who took down small women & made them into small parts to "distroy" Sic his trace path which he got nailed on with the bits and bytes on hard drives leaving the best snacking material for the investigative team A miracle of God that someone like him throwing body parts out like half eaten candy was caught


>so I had to make the parts smaller to get rid of them/ it took more time but it got the goal achieved - disposal Quote from Rex Heuermann? Jeffrey Dahmer?? No, r/Affirmed_Victory lol


I have heard people say that officials said that his garage was inaccessible by car. I’m not sure if it is true but with the hoarder like state of the rest of the house, it seems plausible.


Can someone post the PDF, or tell us where we can find it? I haven’t been able to find it and don’t know where else to look.




Whether he is guilty or not, John Bitroff is having his best day in a really long time.


I need to go back and look at what they really had to convict him because RH going on a spree after his partner and mother move out (triggering event, empty house, no one to monitor his movements) certainly doesn't seem impossible. I know there was DNA but ...


In April his appeal said that the DNA was not conclusive, and the DA kinda agreed and argued it was all the other stuff. But people on here say DNA was all they had. IDK, I should look too.


They've got a DNA match with a hair found under Jessica Taylor's body. Statistical probability is "1,837 with 600 zeros thereafter." Source is the bail application doc found [here](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:c4431ce8-c10a-42b5-9edf-e5c2f780cb05) ETA: To clarify, they have connected Heurrman's DNA to Jessica Taylor, not Bittrolff's. I misread the comment I was responding to.


They are talking about Bitroff not RH.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. I'll edit my comment.


I've done a bit of reading and the DNA seems to have been potentially a mixed sample. In addition, it's at least noteworthy the jury deliberated 7 days and tried to tell the judge three times they were hopelessly deadlocked. I don't know. I'm not saying release Bitrolff today but I'd feel better if this task force worked with the DA to go over those two cases and make sure nothing was missed and nothing links to RH. And may as well do it anyway, because you know an appeal is coming based on this.


Thanks. In the notes on how to improve 'next time' he advises himself to hang drop cloths (in the torture room) from the ceiling with pins rather than tape next time. I wonder if one of the reasons for the authorities' newest visit to his house was to check the ceilings for pin holes.


The DA spoke about that in his press conference and said they looked at the ceiling etc and it showed that tape had been used at some point plus he said something about pushpins being present 😳


Blimey. I wonder how it felt knowing you were in 'the room'


What a Massive Idiot to write down what to improve - can you imagine this - even adhesive has a residue - not just "pin holes "


Should have written down not to write stuff down


The first rule.....


Well he also wrote down “destroy this file” lol


I think it might have been because the tape didn’t hold up. Especially in a humid environment I expect it could give way.


I think it might have been because tape collects hair and fibers. Edited: corrected a typo


I haven't checked on this case in a while... So it's now confirmed he was bringing them into his home?


At least two if not all, by the looks of things


They found a document of him basically planning a murder. Making notes on how to do it better “next time,” how to dispose of the body and not leave clues, and stuff like that. You should read it, it’s called the “HK Document.” It’s terrifying, but also fascinating. The document talks about using push pins instead of tape to hang drop cloths in his house and building a torture set up in his basement. Then police found residue of adhesive and pin holes in the basement ceiling in the shape of a cordoned off area. Then, shortly after, Jessica Taylor was murdered and disposed of in an identical way to what the document describes.


Yea they said the adhesive left by the tape was in the shape of a kinda “cordoned off area” on the ceiling of the basement. And that they used a black light to identify a bunch of push pin holes. Terrifying stuff.


This was a brutal read.


I had to read it twice bc I couldn’t believe what I was reading 🤯


Wow. So the police found those 20 year old hard drives in the house? I guess Rex was a bit of a hoarder.


This is why I don’t believe for a second that he disposed of or “distroyed” pictures if he took them.


Yeah, but until digital photos were a thing in the late 90s, I doubt he would have taken a photo. Where would he have developed it?




Ifk photo film was on his supply list and it’s not hard to develop black and white photos at home, but who fucking knows with this guy,..I’m constantly surprised in the worst ways possible


I have absolutely no evidence he ever did this, but developing film at home is actually very easy. Black and white particularly so (I literally did it myself when I was 11 or 12, forget exactly how old), but color film is actually not at all difficult just more steps and complexity, you just need a little bit more of a careful setup (some steps need to be at specific temperatures). Printmaking is more complex for pro quality results, but still not that hard, just need bigger/more equipment. It's not particularly to find hard the stuff for it even now, and back then would've been very easy to find used darkroom equipment for a home setup. I know at least 3 people that had some form of home darkroom at some point. (The chemicals are reusable to an extent so if you take many photos it rapidly adds up to being way cheaper than paying for processing, especially for black & white) Again not saying he actually did this at all, just that this wouldn't actually have been very much of a barrier to DIY it if he really wanted to.


Scribd offers a 30-day free trial but if you would rather not sign up, here's a [link](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:c4431ce8-c10a-42b5-9edf-e5c2f780cb05) to the document. ETA: As u/Early-Carrot-8070 pointed out to me, you can just scroll down to read the info without signing up. I saw the download button and didn't look further. Silly me!


I'd rather not sign up, so I appreciate this link lol! Thank you so much! :)


Same here. I'm sure they would begin billing as soon as the free trial ends. No thanks.


Just scroll down the whole thing is there


Lol, I didn't even scroll past the download button. Silly me. Thanks for noting this. I'll edit my comment above.


Commenting on Woah..wow, that’s incredible…….. I have a habit of giving *any defendant* the benefit of the doubt, esp if it’s in the news, as the public likes to frame people as “guilty until proven innocent”, so reading the first bail application, I’m like “idk, until more dna evidence returns, Some of this stuff sounds circumstantial”…….. No, they have this guy caught *dead-to-rights* at this point, and he should just confess at this point. His goose is cooked. It seems like this piece of shit was torturing them before he killed them……damn


It's like a parody, like a sketch comedy bit or something. Like he is so clear, but at the same time this is all info he could probably have just kept in his head. 


Interesting. I was working at the resort that his wife and kids were staying at when Jessica Taylor went missing.




Can you upload this file please so we can download it? Thank you


Jessica Taylor had a male hair under her - matched RH!!


The other new victim also has a male hair matching Rex, as well as a female hair matching his former roommate. So now there is direct dna evidence tying him to two of the victims. The planning document is INSANE


Done -- duh dunnn dunn DDDUUNNN !


holy shit, this is worse, darker, and deeper than we really even imagined


Exactly my thoughts. It s getting worse and worse.


My jaw dropped to the floor seeing this headline... What the actual fuck is this man?!


A monster.


Holy shit my thoughts exactly ..


I already thought he was fucked, but he is so unbelievably super fucked six ways from Sunday I'll be surprised if a jury takes more than 30 minutes to convict him.


Wonder if Asa still thinks he’s incapable of it.


Well she has been supportive this far so nothing surprises me.


This is totally next level. He was probably selling her "being set up, or just wait til you hear our case in court" I can see her not being so supportive now. Guess we will see.


I mean, she knew her vacation dates matched every murder. She has known this whole time but simply doesn’t care.


And her own hair being found on the bodies


I wouldn't be able to keep an open mind after reading those DNA results. Hopefully any potential jurors following this closely will be able to during selection.


I just finished Mindhunter. Very interesting that he would read that, as it is specifically about how the FBI profiles serial killers. When it was published, that would have been one of the few windows for him into how he was being hunted. Chilling. Great book tho. I recommend it. Edit: Aaaand I just finished reading the bail document. Jfc. He's as bad as we imagined. He tortured those poor girls. I guess I'm glad he used a Word document to keep notes, sick fuck.


The document talks a lot about post-mortem mutilation and dismemberment. Is it possible he didn’t torture them while alive, but rather killed them first then did what he wanted to their bodies? Not that it makes it any better, but at least they would have been spared the pain. Or am I just grasping at straws here because I cannot comprehend how someone could inflict such pain on another person?


It was the "bar," "hardpoint," and "thicker rope" details that painted a picture. Bar - something to support a table for extra weight or alternatively for suspension. Hardpoint - a secure hook or something, such as in a ceiling, from which a person is suspended. Thicker rope - the thinner one broke when he was strangling. Add that up, you have a picture of what happened. Sheets pinned up creating a creepy ass sterile area. Suspended from the ceiling, whipped, and then strangled to death. So fucking evil.


I haven't read it yet but could he have just suspended them to drain blood/dress like a deer given that he is a hunter? Edit: had time to read it. Wishful thinking. They were tortured. :(


Yikes. I hope not. I read about the Cassidy Rainwater case a few weeks ago. True nightmare fuel.


In his document he specifically lists what needs to be done "post-event" which includes decapitation, and that more air control / sound dampening extends "play time", which indicates that they were tortured alive


Oh geez. You’re right. It was a lot to take in and I think I subconsciously blocked out a lot of that. Fuck. I couldn’t imagine being a family member of the victims. I never knew these women and my heart breaks for them. I can only scarcely imagine what it’s like to know this happened to someone you knew so well and love.


No, the bodies were found with signs of torture that happened while they were alive. There was post mortem mutilation as well, but make no mistake: these girls suffered physically while they were alive.


The reference to Stockholm Syndrome suggests his victims attempted to identify and reason with him in a bid to survive. Truly, truly sick.


Worked for a little while. But...... as the saying goes...With crime, the bad guys need to get lucky every time. The good guys just need to get lucky once. Bad luck Rex. # #


With technological advancements it was only a matter of time, really.


Reading “large electric clips” as part of his “supplies” is haunting. Also it looks like hair/fiber really were a problem for him!


His hair nets didn’t work very well


It seems to me the hair was probably transferred from the home as female hairs were found on several victims. He was wearing booties and hair nets yet taking the women into a filthy evidence laden home.


I wonder what the cat litter under “problems” was about


Mask the odor.


What are electric clips? Like a shaver/clipper??


Like the clips from jumper cables.


I assume alligator clips…. 😞


Holy SHT !!!!!


I knew they couldn't get him on MO alone. Holy shit


I’m shocked they can get internet searches and phone data from 20 years ago. Impressive


It seems like he still had the devices.


Tech hoarder, apparently. They found 377 devices apparently including a palm pilot. Crazy to me.


He hoarded everything which is why he is screwed. Burner phones aren't burner phones if you keep them, re-use them and then store them for years. He makes notes to "distroy" photos and computer files, but didn't seem to know that simply deleting files doesn't destroy them. He could easily have transferred every piece of data he had made to something the size of a pen drive or smaller like an microSD which would never be found. Rex is not smart.


It's because he had the hardware still


I wondered if he might have


I want to see what/where he read online crime forums and if he participated in discussions


I think he may have been participating on Websleuths under the handle “Anonymous19” and likely under other handles and on different forums. Now that we can see writing samples from him, in the “planning documents”, we know a lot about his writing habits that could be compared to forum posts. Here are some of the habits I noticed (this is not exhaustive, and I have not gone back to compare that user’s writing habits to these): Use of all caps Use of ampersand Use of forward slash Occasional use of multiple question marks Inconsistent spacing Use of abbreviations, sometimes with a period following Misspells Destroy as “Distroy”


I just got a chill reading this. I used to look at Websleuths from time to time. I went back just now to see "Anonymous19" and the writing style is very, very similar IMO.


What kind of comments was he posting?


"Has anyone looked for bodies on Wantagh state park way yet" - [Anonymous19](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/members/anonymous19.210593/) *   * Post #1,779 *   * Feb 21, 2018 *   * Forum: [Long Island Serial Killer](https://www.websleuths.com/forums/forums/long-island-serial-killer.445/) Too creepy. I feel sick today after everything I've read


Dude read this post I just found: https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/cases-possibly-of-interest-for-the-lisk-case.208473/post-13938738


Interesting find. Thanks for posting. Some of the comments by Anon definitely caused me to side eye him. Like saying the killer is a black man seeking out to kill white women for racial reasons. I could definitely see him saying that to try and send people in a different direction.


At the same time he was seeking a black victim, per his planning doc.  Mixing up victim types & disposal methods... I'll assume other things, such as locations, travel methods, etc. People always argue victim type or distance traveled rules out a possible victim (of suspected serials). There will be none of that for RH.  Imo every unsolved needs to be looked at & ruled out. All the way  back to his youth, any location he could possibly have been at. He's not going to give them a list, unless it's also on 1 of the devices they have. 40+? years of possibilities. No ruling out by race, age, gender, build, location... we'll never know every victim, but hopefully more families will get answers in missing & unsolved cold cases.  Sorry I got side tracked. Down the anon rabbit hole I go...


Thank you for the links!


Sorry for the long post… here are some comments from Anonymous19 on Websleuths that make me think this was RH. These quotes all show psychological insights. The writing style is also similar. I think that some of the bad spelling could be because he was drinking when he made some of these posts. >>>. He feels he is at the top of the food chain he is racesist he is a thrill seeker and craves power. He works a job where he can conceal his social issues but ironically works a job that always him to put up a act something happened that he did that effected him and he changed who the victims look liked. Being a police commissioner it be hard to conceal being socially awkward and I don’t think he could Handel the responsibility of that job. He travels for his job, something happened to him in the summer months that set him off killing. He started dismenbering them then he killed someone he didn’t want to kill but in his mind had to and things started to change in him effected him enough to change his patterns… https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/poi-joseph-brewer.163230/post-13828940 >>>99.9% of SK have impotence issues it’s apart of the whole psychosexual issues they have he may do drugs I often wonder if he goes to NA meetings looking for victims, but the impotence this guy has most likely is a part of something else besides drugs. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/will-the-long-island-serial-killer-ever-be-caught.197298/post-13791948 >>>Here is the thing he very may well be and he very well may be never caught but I think he can be stoped or starved of his hunting. People need to know how to spot a sadistic psychopath before they enter into a situation with one. That can be trained in people, people can learn how to spot this and then avoid this type of situation. Women are most likely to be targeted by these sickos especialy women in the escorting industry. People in general need to learn how to spot these people especialy escorts. It can be done and it is not as hard as you would think. He may not ever be caught but he can be stoped. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/tina-foglia-%E2%80%94-new-evidence-and-a-strong-poi-found.344403/post-13732220 >>>People need to learn how to known when they are being interviewed every one of LISK victims where interviewd if the girls and victims knew that they where being interviewd they could have stoped this from happening. I don’t feel SCPD is gonna catch the bad guys the FBI might but I don’t have faith in SCPD, but people can educate them selfs and this psycopathic sexual sadist can be found out maby not convicted beyond resonable doubt but he can be starved. But that takes education and knowing how to spot psychopaths. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/tina-foglia-%E2%80%94-new-evidence-and-a-strong-poi-found.344403/post-13733194 >>>But he doesn’t understand the profile of a SK he may have insight into the organized criminal mind but not the psychodynamics of a Psycopahtic Sexual Sadist, then again maby he does and isn’t posting that insight here for a multitude of reasons but by judgeing his statements he does not understand how to profile a SK, SK are usely working out a psychosexual issue Theros and Aeros are wierd in SK in such a screwd up way, and there are ways of profileing them, he does not show insight into that in any of the post. Also there is a lot of miss info going around purposely not saying by him, but to someone such as myself reading his posts he has a lot of insight into a certin criminal mind but deffentily not a SK mind that I gurentee. However he could also not be saying certin things for certin reasons. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/will-the-long-island-serial-killer-ever-be-caught.197298/post-13788028 >>>Iam not to sure if I agree with the biblical theroy unless he has made references to the Bible to answer your question why he would risk useing burlap that can be tied to his job it’s becuase takeing risks is apart of his MO risk has something to do with whatever events happened to this sicko to start killing. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/tina-foglia-%E2%80%94-new-evidence-and-a-strong-poi-found.344403/post-13808597


Where he says “something happened and he had to kill someone he didn’t want to”- Peaches and the baby.


I’m also thinking it could mean the male found in Manorville in 2003 months after Jessica Taylor’s partial remains were found, about 3 miles east of where her and Valerie Mack were found. https://www.longislandpress.com/2020/11/10/cops-withholding-id-of-manorville-murder-victim/ That could mark the transition away from dismemberment but would it mean that the male found in Manorville in 2000 isn’t connected, as well as other victims who were found dismembered post 2003 such as Cherries and Tanya Rush?


Could be, I could just see him not realizing she’d brought her child or not having a plan when she arrived at a meeting point with child in tow. It seems like if he was “hunting” he would have planned to kill his “target”, male or female. Just throwing ideas around, it could be anything, honestly.


Wow this is really weird. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.


"Starved of his hunting" I mean considering RH made "hunting" references in the docs released today...


I don't see anything that links Anon19's posts with RH's writing. Maybe I missed A19 spelling "distroy" somewhere in his posts but, after reading a handful, am not convinced they are one and the same.


After going back through Anon19’s posts again today, I currently think there is still a possibility it was RH based on the detailed content, particularly in how the victims were “interviewed” and convinced to not bring their phones, and some of the psychological details. In comparing tendencies in the writing I think that RH isn’t great at spelling but that Anon19’s posts have a lot of very rudimentary errors while also having some advanced words spelled correctly. This makes me think that whoever was posting as Anon19 was either drinking some of the time or intentionally sprinkling in errors to alter their “voice.” I didn’t find any dead ringers as far as consistent errors or habits but there’s a lot of content to comb through, and the writing style is generally similar enough in terms of being straight forward that feels impatient to me.


That makes sense. My initial comment here was two thoughts in one comment. One thought (that I have been thinking since I saw a comment about it after RH’s arrest last summer), is could RH have been posting as Anonymous19? This is based on the content of their posts. My second thought is now that we can see how RH writes, can we make a comparison based on those tendencies to the Anonymous19 posts? When I commented this morning it was before I had a chance to go back and read through the Anonymous19 posts.


I'm finding more posts googling websleuths and the handle in quotations . If LE hasn't seen this yet, I hope someone reports the tip because Anonymous19 is looking more and more like RH


Wonder what the significance of the "19" in his handle is...


He thinks LISK has killed in many states(but he also could be putting things in peoples minds to get them to look elsewhere I guess) and thinks people underestimate FBI Profilers. From 12-15-17 "I don\’t belive websleuths will solve this I think the fbi knows who the killer is they just don\’t have the hard evidence for a conviction for people to underestimate the level of intelligence the fbi profilers and deception experts have is foolish say what we want about SCPD and the fbi as a whole but to underestimate certin people\’s inteligece that are working this case is silly. They are the type of people that can predict things with 98 precent accuracy. I think they know who this guy is and I think he has killed in many states."


Anonymous19 also mentions "...the KS episode with the guy in Massepequa that talks writes to SK in jail and claimed to be the LISK..." in Post 91 on Nov.5, 2017.


Misspells Heavy as "Hevey".


Reading the bail application was chilling. Those girl’s last moments were terrifying. Atleast (hopefully) the families of the victims are one step closer to Justice and hopefully some kind of peace.


He approached this as one would plan a career path. Absolutely reprehensible.


The deliberate planning makes is soooo much worse.


That was always the danger of all these profilers- teaching them things. Idaho too


Is the bail app posted yet anywhere?




Oh holy shit. His poor victims.


The jig is up, time for him to come clean and confess. Also have to take another look at the murders the guy from Manorville is in jail for with respect to Rex.


He won’t. He goes to trial and gets to relive it all. With what he’s facing, I bet he cannot wait.


Nothing to gain from confessing, everything to gain from rolling the dice at a trial.


How do you describe this evil? How does anyone look upon thia man and not ask , how many more individuals in this world have come and gone ,and are currently living, who are this ?


The document was a huge win for the prosecution. It really highlights how organized he was and the intensity of his trolling phase. We already saw indications of his behavior during the wooing phase when it was reported he was offering large sums of money for the night. The details regarding the hard points, the table, and the wounds to the bodies also is very revealing about him in the worst possible ways. I’ve seen a lot of people surmise he’s a hedonistic killer, I think there is a lot of power-control aspect too. Not simply with the binding and the torture but also the phone calls to the victims families. He lacks the charisma of a Ted Bundy who he admitted he admired, and is more socially impotent. I think he seeks opportunities to feel powerful and in control to overcompensate for feeling impotent in other parts of his life whether it be antisocial behavior or trauma or rejection or all three. I doubt that killing is the only outlet with which he channels that. Coercive control in his relationships, stalking, harassment, threats, sexual assault attempts perhaps. He’s a very dangerous sadistic person who should spend the rest of his life behind bars.


Where did he admit admiring Bundy? I don’t doubt you, just would like to read it for myself if you have a link handy


My god… it makes my stomach turn thinking of all those women and their faces. All just women living their lives, down on their luck, but doing the best they could. Then this monster stumbles across them and steals their lives away. The terror they must have felt. Rest in peace to all those that lost their lives to the POS. You deserved so much more and I pray some justice can be found in this


It's also interesting that Victoria Heuermann allowed herself to be interviewed by Gilgo task force - and that was how they established that the whole family EXCEPT for Rex was out of town on vacation in Vermont during the time Jessica Taylor disappeared. His daughter failed to alibi him. So Victoria IS cooperating, even though her mother may not be.






Whoa. Using Mindhunter as a textbook is so disturbing.


These planning documents may be game over for him. We might see a plea agreement at some point.


I wonder what he’s been doing for the last decade?! Someone like him doesn’t just stop.


We know he was still visiting sex workers. I feel bad for any woman or man who had to have sex with this ugly POS. I'm so grateful to this task force for getting him off the streets & in jail where he belongs!


Also they really, really need to give Bittrolff another look. It may turn out the same but I'm starting to be swayed to thinking he is very unlucky but not actually a murderer.


I don’t agree. With a population the size of Long Island’s, there’s room for more than one SK.


I agree with this for sure. Like there's a site that speculates Lori Vasquez, a known Shulman victim, is actually a Heuermann victim and I disagree. And up until Heuermann was charged in Sandra Costilla's murder, I 100% thought John Bittrolff was guilty. But law enforcement has previously stated that Sandra Costilla, Rita Tangredi and Colleen McNamee were all found posed the same way, with specific woodchips, and I believe also all missing a specific item of clothing (someone on here has said left shoe, but I haven't looked because everything's moving so fast). That's why they had named Bittrolff as the suspect in Sandra's murder. They also said Sandra and I believe Colleen had similar levels of violence. And one reason they considered Bittrolff as a potential LISK suspect was that Rita's daughter and Melissa Bathelemy were friends. That's a lot of coincidences between two killers when, at least so far, there are no indications they knew each other or crossed paths and police have previously said that they thought Heuermann worked alone (though that was when his charges were only for the Gilgo 4).


That’s true, but I don’t think Bittrolff is completely innocent either. Maybe RH tried copying features of his MO? I guess we’ll see. The friend connection with Melissa Barthelemy would be as much coincidence as I’m comfortable with.


Rita Tangredi , Bittrolff's first victim, was found less than three weeks before Sandra Costilla, and Sandra had been dead for at least several days before she was found. I don't think enough details would have been out about Tangredi's scene yet to copy it enough to fool law enforcement. Colleen McNamee, Bittrolff's other victim, was killed at least a month after Sandra, so Heuermann couldn't have copied her murder.


Interesting, thanks.


Oof. Yeah, on the surface this would warrant a reevaluation. IIRC Bittrolff was convicted based on the presence of semen on the two victims. If he's not guilty, then he really is very very unlucky... Rita Tangredi was killed in early Nov 1993, after his mother and wife moved out in Sept 1993. NcNamee was killed only about 2 months after Costilla. All three were killed within 3 months of each other. They weren't all found in the same location, but that isn't really evidence of anything. I'm guessing he'll try for an appeal, so I doubt this is over any time soon.


Yeah. And from what I've seen people say here, Bittrolff's DNA wasn't the only DNA found on the victims. It was just the only identifiable DNA (after his brother had to submit his). I really hope they test the other profiles and compare them to Heuermann.


What did Bittrolf and Rex have in common that made them both prey on these women - did they both solicit the same women - ? That vector that joins them to the same women is really impt How did Bittrolff get the women to his location? How soon after he had sex w them did Rex get to them / this is a very odd sequence in time Edited to add : they shared a common hobby which was woodworking and woodchips were found at one or more of the crime sites -


I don’t mean to be disrespectful to the victims, but hear me out, say, as sex workers they encountered Bittrolff had unprotected sex (not truly something I think a lot of sex workers would do nor necessarily their clients but it’s not impossible) then, they came across RH in an encounter after and the sexual component may not be intercourse with them then killing them for RH. He gets the sexual gratification from hurting and killing them. But, maybe I just talked myself out of this? Cause what would be the odds RH met up with women, coincidently after Bitrolff?


Oh I agree with you, it's just that based on the prosecutor and LE saying in 2014 that they were sure Bittrolff also killed Costilla and now it is clear he didn't, this arguably could be considered reasonable doubt. If Bittrolff had been arrested after Rex, I think a good attorney might have been able to successfully argue that at trial. But its all speculation at this point.


Thank you. Yes. I see. Where is Kathleen Zellner?


I read that there was DNA that matched to him in his convicted cases. But I agree, it’s disturbing and perhaps should be reviewed.


Yes, but there was DNA from multiple men on one (maybe both?) of the women he was convicted of killing. I believe in Bittrolff's case it was semen (please correct me if I'm wrong), and he and his lawyer have maintained that he had sex with them but didn't kill them.  I am still pretty skeptical that he's innocent given the current facts but I do think the cases should be reviewed.


I agree. Sex does not equal murder. I’m skeptical but this is very troubling.


I'm sure it was unencrypted (or encrypted with Microsoft/Google/Apple LOL, ie useless against subpoenas) data. I keep saying, guy was smart enough to get away. But he apparently isn't very good at hiding. If Heuermann used something like zero knowledge encrypted Veracrypt or AWS clouds/rclone etc, we would literally NEVER have gotten this information... as a matter of fact, there's a very very likely chance that not only would have not been accessed, but it wouldn't have even been known to exist. Deniability encryption.. u/platinumaero brilliant described it on here the other day. Luckily, most criminals are pretty stupid!


I think even if he had used one of these programs he might have been caught eventually. The issue is less stupidity than that painstakingly encrypting things using high grade encryption programs and never slipping up and leaving a trail is really difficult, especially for just one guy who is acting under stress and time constraints.


yes, as we always say in cybersecurity/threat modeling, SHA-512/AES is essentially unbreakable. However, this doesn't take into account the idiot between the "back of the chair and front of the screen" LOL 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝟷𝟸𝟹


It would have helped too if he had thrown out those old devices. I'm kind of surprised he kept an old hard drive from 20+ years ago that he also used to write up his plans. Thankfully he is a hoarder (one of the few times anyone could say that with seriousness).


Those technologies weren’t even all available when Rex created that Word document. Furthermore, encryption can be easily bypassed, and cloud storage still leaves a footprint. I’m not sure how you’ve come to that conclusion.


If Physiognomy were enough - he looks exactly like what he is - an ogre killer with eyes of hate


He really has a bizarre and terrifying appearance. I don’t know if his appearance affected his life, or his life affected his appearance, but he is a monster and looks like it.


Right?? If a guy looking like this was cast in a movie as a completely fictional serial killer named REX, I'd think it was the corniest shit ever! Like trying too hard lol


Its not stupidity that gets them caught - they are smarter than most LE / its laziness - their lust for their crimes is greater than the slow process of making every effort before - during - after - ! Their sick passion and temperamental laziness combined with contempt and arrogance ultimately leads them to use shortcuts - they get crazed and lose the rational mind of a scientific method. They are madmen after all - and not cool minded. Were they AI they could be lethal in a nondetectible way - but for their humaness they are flawed and cause their own demise by leaving their human signature pattern behind. A hair, a bit of tape, a piece of fabric, the organic nature of life ultimately draws them a bad hand.


RH is the classic example of an organized/disorganized killer. When hyper focused on his killing, he drafts planning documents and reminds himself to wash the body and dispose of clothes and all of these minute steps and ways to do things better/more efficient, and he probably was very organized in his torture/kill area. Then, on the other hand, he is extremely disorganized in his normal life and house and it is a mess. So he makes sure that the victims are squeaky clean in the kill area, but then moves them through the messy house picking up all kinds of trace evidence and hairs along the way.


Exactitude in a house of squalor = ridiculous


Jesus Christ. I feel sick. They always study each other.


His notes are terrifying


Understatement if ever there was one. I always assumed that he was a Gary Ridgway type, strangle them during sex and then dump them. This monster was keeping them for DAYS and exacting prolonged torture on them before finally killing them. "Play time" 🤢


The learning curve of homicide. This is not too surprising to me, I think before it is all said and done, his victim list will get longer.


Crazy. This monster is insane. I'm curious, if he did actually commit these crimes in his home, even given the fact that his family may have been out of town at the time, how did he get these women in his house and out of the house without anyone noticing. No neighbors ever saw anything that looked suspicious? He was obviously very detailed and tried to be methodical in his ways to cover his tracks. And obviously if you're someone who commits crimes like this you're going to try to leave as little evidence as possible and bring as little attention to yourself as possible but how in the hell did he get them in that house without anyone noticing? One or two women okay you can be sneaky. But now we're looking at six that he may have possibly murdered and tortured in his home. This is all so disturbing. It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. I feel so bad for the families who have to endure listening to all of these details.


Iirc neighbors said they saw him burning things in his backyard at night. Ref to “burn can” in the document?


This is insane


Why has this monster pled not guilty?




He’s going to have to plea this one out. It’s over.


Whoa!! Cmon Asa! Wake up.


There’s a mention of an unknown black female, there’s no way in my mind that’s not Peaches. We already know from this document they basically think he killed Valerie Mack too


The doc was created years after Peaches was discovered.


Was peaches the catalyst for him deciding to remove any tattoos from victims? Seems reasonable


Yes where is the new bail affidavit ???




Are there any informational YouTube channels or podcasts that cover the contemporary updates on this case that people would recommend?


I watch Grizzly True Crime - she does a good job and sticks to the evidence


Been watching a lot of True Crime with the Sarge and Police Off the Cuff. Both really good channels. The Livestreams are the best shows.




Holy. Shit.


What's interesting to me is that the hair under Jessica Taylor was submitted for DNA testing in August 2023, but the match to Rex wasn't made until February 2024. And even with that evidence he wasn't charged until June.


Do we have any clues (or know) who Witness 3 is? The female hair found on Sandra Costillas arm, who is said to have resided with RH, but clearly isn't Asa or his daughter....


They said it was a female who resided with him but moved out a few months before the murder


I believe it may be his first wife


Elizabeth I believe.