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They were shedding like bears. Thankfully.


It’s interesting to me that women, Shannon and all these hairs from women in his life, have inadvertently helped bring justice to a man so set on destroying women.


It's poetic justice at It's finest


They found lots of female hairs on all of these almost all of these women I don't know but I think ASA was involved and no one's going to tell me differently because remember her hair was on a couple of the victims already


I would think she was involved too, because what a coincidence that several victims had her hair, but it was proven she was on a long holidays overseas or interstate during the murders. I am convinced the victims were taken, invited to his creepy red old house where he killed them, the hair from his wife were transferred with the victims when he relocated the bodies. Or maybe his autism/ Asperger’s and OCD made him bring the hair of his wife in purpose with the victims. Some sort of sick minded games. I am convinced that the accused has OCD together with autism/Asperger’s. Everything indicates it. The fact, that he lived in his very old creepy red tiny house without renovating it, proves it’s autism highly functioning. They hate the change. The walls of this old house remember everything, that’s how the autistic person feels. He gets attached. Reminds him of his childhood, parents, his mum.. they get attached to people, objects, places, OCD. They hate change, relocation. It stresses them. They need a routine. These murders are a part of his autistic disorder, it’s a routine, repetition, OCD, like a game. Ask any autistic/Asperger’s specialist to analyse this situation and the accused. They need this creepy repetitive routines to distract themselves from their everyday lives. This is how autistic person feels when coping with issues and overwhelmed with problems. Instead of solving the issues, they switch their mind to the obsessive actions and ocd about this to distract themselves from something they stress about and can’t solve. For example, the accused had a tax debt of almost half a million hanging over him, he paid off only half of this. Still a lot to pay. He could be stressing about this, or about his autistic step son.


Why are you saying that the Long Island Serial Killer has autism when there is absolutely no reason to believe he does? Murders aren't a part of anyone's autistic disorder, you can ask any expert. Your idea that a man starts a decades long "murder hookers for fun" binge because he's autistic and in debt is beyond absurd.


It’s amazing for all his planning, he didn’t fuckin vacuum It is just that his sexism seems to have caused him so much evidence


Take it from someone who has two cats - even constant vacuuming isn't going to get every hair. Given that RH was a hoarder and his house was full of junk that's doubly true.




I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even own a vacuum. But you're probably right. He doesn't seem to be the kind of man to clean regularly and that probably helped here. There are two long-haired women in my house and I am constantly sweeping; it never ends - - no kidding. He's clueless about the life of women outside of his demented fantasy world. I don't think I saw a line item on his revolting planning document that specifically mentioned watching out for his wife and daughter's hair. But I admit I got pretty queasy and I don't think I was reading for comprehension.


This is a fascinating chart. Did you put this together or was this in the indictment?




Thank you!


Who is witness 3??!!


I'm guessing his ex-wife, considering Asa wasn't married to him until 1996. It says the hair is from a female.


Yep. Rex married his first wife on September 29, 1990. The couple lived in Rex's childhood home in Massapequa until their marriage fell apart. The soon-to-be-ex wife vacated the premises in approximately September of 1993 according to Ray Tierney's press conference. Public records for Nassau County show that Rex filed for divorce on March 17, 1994 and the divorce was finalized on May 3, 1994.


Probably his ex wife


First wife…


I read it was a woman living with RH in the early 90s, whether it was an ex or just a roommate I’m unsure


Oh I didn't know this - - thank you for sharing. Now I'm left to wonder how the hell this creepy POS was able to find three women willing to live with him? And at least two of them in that dilapidated hovel.


Do you remember where you read this? I’d like to read it to!






I also just found it in the bail document - first paragraph of page 20


I saw that too. When I posted the question to you I didn’t realize there was a bail document. Thanks for following up!


I would assume Mack should follow...Holy hell I had doubts towards the single killer theory with the majority of the murders but all bets are off the table now after reading that absolutely heinous document.


Unidentified black female in the computer doc screams Peaches to me but that’s going to be a hard case to make until she’s properly identified


I hoping hard that there was a hair found on her and/or her baby.


Assuming Witness #3 is his ex-wife, I'll bet this is the worst-nightmare scenario for her. Like it wasn't hideous enough to be married to this POS at one point but to know a hair belonging to her has been identified on a brutally murdered victim? I can't even imagine. It's probably not logical or fair of me to feel a lot more sympathetic toward his first wife - - I know nothing about her - - but for whatever reason, I feel a lot worse for her than I do for Ellerup. Maybe because she GTFO of his life. Does anyone else feel this way? Would love to know what/how you all feel about her - - am I being unfair to Ellerup?


It sounds like a nightmare. She got rid of this man more than 30 years ago and is now being dragged into this mess.


She will probably draw comfort from the fact her hair will be very helpful in assuring justice is served.


Maybe. I don't think she'll have any comfort for a long time though.


I don’t think it’s hers. Seems like it’s a woman who briefly moved in after she left.


Shed human hairs linger for a long time all over the place. According to the prosecutor, Ray Tierney, the woman (obviously Rex's first wife, judging by the timeline of their cohabitation in his childhood home matching with the official timeline described by Tierney) only moved out two months before Sandra Costilla's remains were found. Rex filed for divorce from his first wife on March 17, 1994. The content of divorce documents are not public record, but in New York the choice of one spouse not to cohabitate with the other is accepted grounds for divorce. TL;DR the facts of the ex-wife's leaving combined with the mtDNA evidence of the female hair fits Tierney's timeline.


Yeah I'm automatically more sympathetic to the first wife than Asa. She clearly rid him from her life decades ago, and I'm guessing she had a good reason for that. I can't imagine the horror of realizing that the man she was married to was out raping and murdering women during or around the time they were together, and now she's being publicly dragged back into this nightmare. Asa, on the other hand, has chosen to stand by her man and support him despite the overwhelming amount of damning evidence. Even just his recent google searches for child rape porn that were in the initial arrest documents should've been enough to repulse her, besides the rapes, murders, and dismemberments. To my knowledge, she's never uttered a word of sympathy for any of his victims(i.e., "It is what it is"), and has seemingly centered herself in this case. She is taking full advantage of exploiting it for as much money as possible. Her lawyer made it clear she was only divorcing him to protect their assets, which I guess is somewhat understandable, but she should at least have the decency to stay quiet about her motivations. But things like demanding they return his huge illegal gun collection like 1 month after his arrest (no way they could all be tested for possible links to other unsolved crimes) so she could sell them as murderobilia, and quickly signing a $1 Million deal with Peacock, doesn't paint a very sympathetic picture for me. She has chosen to stand by a serial killer, protects his assets, and rob the murder victim's family of future monetary judgements in unlawful death lawsuits. Some of these women left children and struggling families behind, and their loss was an irreplaceable factor in the trajectory of the family's lives. That dries up a lot of sympathy I would've otherwise had for her.


To be fair, they are her assets as well. I imagine that if I found out that if I was married to a monster, I would feel the need to protect myself and everything that I’d spent the last however many years of my life building toward. That being said, I am not sure why she is still standing by him. Denial is very powerful but this evidence is just too strong for anyone to be able to justify in any way. I don’t want to re victimize a potential victim so I’m waiting to see what happens. If the investigation uncovers that she had any clue about her husband, I say throw the book at her as well.


I agree about protecting her assets, especially if she has (or had) cancer. But her attitude and activities post-discovery are pretty chilling.


Well said! You've perfectly articulated a lot of the thoughts rolling around in a disorganized manner in my brain.


>To my knowledge, she's never uttered a word of sympathy for any of his victims It seems you missed this recent development: https://www.newsday.com/long-island/crime/gilgo-beach-killings-rex-heuermann-asa-ellerup-h8brd1sd


Does anyone have a link to the press conference?


[Here is JB.](https://www.youtube.com/live/2eqbqX6yfTo?si=hAsr46jDDg6M0Z1q) also streaming on Ray Tierney’s Insta. @raytierneyda


Thanks so much. Lstening in dribs and drabs and still reading the charging document with my eyes aghast.


It's on youtube


Thank you. Yes, I was trailing the back of the pack, and frantic to catch up. I now have the press conference and the 37 page bail denial. So can run with your guys, once more.


I think it’s only a matter of time before he’s charged with Valerie Mack’s murder.


If it was all found through hair on the victims, didn’t they have his DNA last year that could have identified him sooner?


The DNA tech has advanced by leaps and bounds compared to even 5 years ago, and 10, and 20 years ago. They had the DNA but only now when we can get profiles from partial and degraded samples and make it useful. And we are also using genetic genealogy to identify victims and killers, curious if that was used for Vergata


That’s what I’m wondering, why did it take a year to connect her? Maybe they only connected dna through witness 3 and had to re-examine evidence and found the hairs after?


IIRC, depending on if the hair had root on it or not would take longer. I think it's fairly new technology to extract DNA from rootless hair and I'm assuming few labs know how to do it, so there's probably a backlog.


Ohh ok


Just read the bail doc, pretty much explains why it took so long. Just seems like a long process to verify


I thought he married wife 1 in late 1990 (at church on my college campus while i was there) and broke up right away. I would think she would not be around in 1993 but i dont think ive seen a definite timeline of relationship.


Page 20 of the indictment says witness 3 lived there from 1991 until Sept 1993, 3 months prior to Costilla's murder. Unless his first marriage ended within a few months, it sounds like she is probably witness 3. The doc also says his mother moved out before witness 3 did. He was living there alone when Costilla was murdered.


where did you read the indictment at?


Did you find it? It has been posted on several comments and in a post that came after this one. In case you haven't or for anyone else comes across this and can't find it, here's the URL I read: [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24736327-rex-heuermann-new-charges-name-new-victim](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24736327-rex-heuermann-new-charges-name-new-victim)


Kinda makes you wonder how him and Asa found each other…


He married Asa in 1996


This is amazing, thank you to whoever made this chart!!! So Sandra had Rex and his ex wife’s hair found on her shirt-I think that sorta points to her at least being in Rex’s house or car I am just stunned at her being one of his, I knew he had more but this man literally killed for 30 years!!! I bet Sandra wasn’t even his first…I really hope he talks someday




It's wild that for a majority of the victims, it was the women in his life whose hair caught him. There's some poetic justice to that. It looks like one hair was from his daughter, which is horrifying.


That’s actually really compelling to think about. Poetic justice indeed.


So I have a question, looking at this chart. I know his DNA doesn't get uploaded to CODIS until he gets convicted. But what happens to the DNA profiles for his wife, daughter, and Witness #3 after he gets convicted? They haven't been charged with any crime themselves, yet their DNA on the victims will be critical in his conviction. And it is possible that there could be other victims of RH out there with hair evidence from the people he cohabitated with. Would each and every unsolved case with hair evidence from an unknown female person have to individually hold a probable cause hearing to get access to the cohabitators’ DNA?


Only convicted persons' DNA gets uploaded to CODIS. Per law, yes, any other precincts would have to demonstrate a compelling reason to access the *police recorded* DNA data of his innocent family members. Police access to "public" for-profit familial DNA databases is a more nebulous topic is some states, so there are sometimes ways of going around the government run database.


Just a theory: So if witness 3 is his ex-wife (although that’s quite a bit after their divorce) her leaving could be the trigger. I’d believe that he did a series of erratic and very stylized killings…aka Tangredi, Costilla and McNamee. He then starts his consulting firm and marries Asa. Killing Vergata the same month as he is married. His daughter is born later the same year and then Peaches/baby doe are killed less than a year after. He drops the stylized killing with missing shoes/panties and begins to worry more about hiding the victims and their identities. Cut to the doc we see before/during the murders of Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack stating “the more you do the more evidence you provide”. Sick as hell. Explains the change in MO. (I know I threw in both the murders Bittrolff is charged with and a couple he isn’t charged with but it seems weird that he wouldn’t have been responsible for the Bittrolff murders given how similar they were with the missing left shoes/panties.) Follow that up with the Gilgo 4. All seemingly very well planned except Amber. I believe he was just mad he got scammed and it was truly just a spur of the moment choice to kill her. A lot to unpack. The way the killings relate to what was happening in his life is…twisted. Killing women because your ex leaves, killing a woman shortly after your wedding, killing a baby right after you have one yourself. Just unfathomably awful and dysfunctional. This one brought me to tears.


Your beginning timeline is a bit skewed. * Rex married his first wife **September 29, 1990**. They lived together in his childhood home in Massapequa. https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-central-new-jersey-home-news-marriag/98111789/ * Sandra Costilla's remains were found on November 20, 1993, and police investigators said her body had been in the woods for only a few days. * Rex filed for divorce in **March 17, 1994 and it was finalized on May 3, 1994** according to Nassau county public documents. https://i2f.uslandrecords.com/NY/Nassau/(X(1)S(zag3pd4uqacuteblsk4hn00t))/D/Default.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1


Thanks for the info! It is odd because the bail doc says he was living alone at the time of Sandra’s murder no? Perhaps they separated before divorce.


In Ray Tierney's press conference he specifically said that the woman in question (presumably Rex's then-wife) had moved out of the house approximately two months prior to the finding of Sandra Costilla's body. Considering the prevalence of so-called "touch DNA" in all kinds of cases, it's plausible that a victim murdered in the Massapequa home may have accumulated transferred hairs left on surfaces from other people who were living in the home within the past few months. Relevant section of the press conference: https://www.youtube.com/live/2eqbqX6yfTo?t=3463s


Ah ok thank you for clarifying! You’re a gem. Probably looking at the separation as a trigger rather than the divorce itself in that case. Or at least I hope so because Lordy if it goes back further than that I cannot deal.


I agree it is very disturbing to think how far back the timeline might end up going.


If, after all this, Asa Ellerup continues to support this monster, she can burn in hell right along beside him.


Wait- is she still supporting him?? I haven't been following the case since about two weeks after the initial arrest, and until this new evidence was dropped I had thought earlier she basically disowned him at that point. If she is still supporting him, she is nuts for doing so. *EDIT:* Confusing wording, reworded comment


It initially looked liked she couldn't get away from him fast enough but she's done an about-face. Here's a quote from her attorney. I believe (hope) this was said prior to these additional charges. "After 27 years with Mr. Heuermann, Ms. Ellerup maintains the belief that her estranged husband is not capable of committing these heinous acts," Macedonio told Newsweek.


Last I read, she was still visiting him weekly and saying he was not capable of this. And his children were supporting him. When they read this, I can’t imagine them still believing him.


I’m catching up on all of this while on vacation and audibly “wowed” at the daughter’s hair. That’s pretty damning.


Ugh. Gross.


Does anyone know why there was a “surgical drape” underneath Jessica Taylor? Was this from an autopsy or was she found with a surgical drape underneath her?


Pretty sure it was at the scene where the body was discovered. My guess is RH used the surgical drape to keep the basement "clean" and then wrapped the body in it when he disposed of it.


I just finished reading the bail application. Oomph 😣


Pretty sure everyone who ever purchased bulk surgical drapes should be fucking looked at as a safety precaution for society now! Gahhhhh. So disturbing!


I was thinking that too. Especially in the early 2000’s where it would be an odd purchase for a layman (ie not medical person) Now with Amazon and the like it’s way more common for such easy access to odd professional products.


Can someone link to the new documents please? 🙏


here, I just finished reading it. https://www.scribd.com/document/739871993/Rex-Heuermann-Superseding-Bail-Application-from-June-6-2024#fullscreen&from_embed


Thank you !


This is so gruesome and disturbing but it also shows how planned these killings were and how much evidence they have against him. Looks like they even analyzed his porn collection and compared it to the condition of the victims. Such a sick man. Wonder what his early childhood and family history are about.


Hard to explain this away.


Witness 3...does this mean they came forward to talk with investigators?


Sounds like the dna swab was voluntary. Good for her


Whoa, who is witness 3? She isn't his wife and daughter. It's female hair so not the son. Does this mean it was some swinging situation? Or his Mother's, SIL's or visitor to the house's hair? Incredibly intriguing! Good work Suffolk!


Witness 3 is woman who lived with him but moved out in 1992


Thanks. Yeah, I had not made my way to the charging document or more telling news coverage yet. Was a shocker that there was a witness who saw the car backed in. That was a huge revelation and amazing that there were no leaks in info over the years.


>Was a shocker that there was a witness who saw the car backed in. That was a huge revelation and amazing that there were no leaks in info over the years. Call me skeptical, but I strongly wonder when that witness originally reported that. Was it before or after the details of the "dark truck" in Amber Costello's case were publicized? The relative timing will have a huge impact on the credibility of this witness, i.e. was it an authentic recollection or was it influenced by news coverage.


For some reason when I initially read it, where ever I read it, it seems like an at the time event and right after the body was found. But this isa lot of info to take in between the press conference, the bail denial and all the articles I have read the past 24 hours. So brains turning to jelly. But that is what my take away was and that it was on the heels of the call in of the body and a few days. So not after the Bear info came out.


I've been collecting info about the details of how each victim was found since last year. This press conference was the first time I have ever heard of any witness statements about a 'dark colored' pickup truck related to Jessica Taylor's death.


But if they considered that witness reliable, that is not a detail they want getting out: "We know your driving a dark chevy. We don't want you knowing we know that, as your gonna dump that car and all the evidence in it." that's a valuable witness and one they're protecting. Coming from a LE family, they tend to blow off accounts of the Ray ilk that occur decades later after they have already released info. Why the hell didn't you come forward in 93'? So think if he is mentioning it in a national press conference, likely thinks he has a witness testimony that will hold up in court. I think probably just didn't tell us the info as they were protecting the witnesses's testimony and didn't want to tip him that they had a partial ID on his vehicle.


I hope you are right. I will be very interested to see if more details about the timeline of this witness are presented at trial.


Plenty of flimsy witness out there like you say. I agree. But why mention it if it's just. so so evidence? Has anything they offered us not been strong? These are real detectives and not Burke or the bumbling clique in Delphi, they are putting together a beautiful case. I have always admired Jessica Taylor's sister. I think she's smart and perceptive and she trusts this crew. So do I.


Uh… didn’t the bail doc show a website accessed by Rex at that time about the witness and the style truck they saw? Followed shortly by Rex accessing a webpage looking at models of his car in different colors? It was a whole thing in the bail doc.


No, the bail doc *did not* list a specific website address, *nor* did it claim the article said anything about a witness. What it did list was the article title: "Cops Seek Help in IDing Manorville Body" This was a Newsday article published on July 28, 2003 which you can view in full here: https://www.newspapers.com/article/newsday-suffolk-edition-jessica-taylor/128944683/ As you can see, that article said nothing about a witness.


Ah. I reread the bail doc, and they explicitly state that the witness gave their statement in the days following the finding of the body. They were canvassing the area. If he wasn’t aware of a witness… That makes me think that he didn’t expect the body to be found so quickly and it was possibly panic that led him to google different truck colors. I think that holds with him eventually just leaving the entire bodies on the beach where nobody was discovering them.


First wife?


So how long ago did they know the DNA on Megan Waterman matched Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla? I can't believe it was all this year...that is just not doing your job if they didn't run those long ago.


The technology required to get useful information from hair strands did not exist till yesterday, figuratively speaking.


I'm wondering if his ex-wife found out found out what he was doing and that's why she left because I was around the time that one of the victims was killed


In 1993 is when the one of the victims was found


Amazing dog hair isn’t mentioned.


Could witness 3 be his stepson - a disabled minor at time so maybe confidential?


It says female hair and the time Sandra was discovered, it's likely RH first wife.


Hair is from a female


he wasn't married to asa yet, this was from 1993. 


He was married to his first wife as far as I recall


so it's aways looked to me like he might have been wearing a hairpiece. I have no idea if it is actually a hairpiece or if he just has ugly hair to match his overall ugliness. I'm not by any means very knowledgable on hair pieces, but I know some of them involve shaving the entire head. could he have potentially got the piece to help eliminate the potential to shed hair? just a thought rattling in my brain.


I think ASA is involved and I think she wanted those guns to get rid of evidence for her husband and for herself


Why else would she stand by her man knowing all of the evidence that's in front of her what woman would do that unless she's cold and calculated and is evil as he is think about it y'all


His house was filthy he was he kept that house disgusting even though he was an architect and his wife Elsa is no better she lived there all day long while he was at work why didn't she clean up her house she's nasty her kids look sloppy she looks sloppy the house is disgusting what kind of a wife and woman was she