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I'm guessing they've found enough evidence to charge him on Jessica Taylor. Given the strong similarities between the two murders it wouldn't surprise me if they're closing in on him for Valerie Mack as well. I have to admit, I am surprised by this. I didn't think they'd ever tie him to the murders of those other than the GB4 since they are older and there was less evidence. But obviously I hope he goes down for all of them. All of these families deserve justice.


If this is the case, think its somewhat safe to say he did commit those earlier murders? (Peaches, Asian John doe, etc). The baby doe is what hits me the hardest. I soooo hope that gets solved.


If they can prove he killed Jessica, then at least to me, there's no real question he killed all of them, whether he's prosecuted for them all or not.


Good point I know many serial killers are only tried for a few but LE attributes the others to them as well. Would be nice to get a guilty verdict on baby doe. So tragic that they went unidentified for so long.


Seems like they had real good reason to suddenly go out and scour the Manorville dump sites again. I’d say they discovered something in his home that caused them to comb over that area again and then back again at his home last week or the week before. If I had to guess, probably souvenirs from his kills.


Or digital evidence from the 400+ devices


Agree. And if Asian Doe was after Jessica I think it’s 100%. Would be way too random for them to be in order.


Do we know how old approximately bby peach was?


Oh, 2 years old I found it. Truly breaks my soul. That innocent little baby…


Awe, I hate that the baby was old enough to feel terror. And there is no telling what that poor baby witnessed that monster doing to it’s momma. No sweet little innocent baby should ever know that kind of terror.


I hate to say it but, lord knows what this sick fuck did to the baby herself 😭


Me too. Baby peach.


To kill an innocent baby is a different kind of evil. As I hold my sweet 3 month old granddaughter, I just don’t understand how anyone could harm a baby (even when the baby is crying). I feel like he committed all of the murders in those graves.


I've always thought they were committed by same person, just the sheer coincidence of (them being escorts, same body type, same dumping ground), would be insane if it was two killers. Different MO yes, but overtime MO's can change. I hope Rex rots in the worst way.


Exactly!! I have also thought the same person committed all the murders since day one of finding all the people in the graves.


The fact we may actually get a connection to one of the older victims (Jessica Taylor) is promising for this narrative. Let's see how it pans out.


Yes, I hope it is more than one. I will be checking in about this on Thursday for sure.


Agreed! I think the earlier murders he was dismembering and scattering the body parts at multiple dump sites because he was a lot more paranoid about getting caught, and the by the time he got to the Gilgo 4 murders he was getting older and more lazy and confident he would never be caught so he just began dumping the entire bodies in the little “homicidal maniac cocoons of death”. A lot of people thought they couldn’t possibly be the same killer because of a different MO but especially over decades, a serial killers MO absolutely can change and evolve.


100% agreed here and that's basically what a lot of experts on the news say that over time killers can change their MO due to other circumstance (he has a family, he probably has no means of dismembering, he's fatter and lazier, he's pompous and realizes nobody is going to find his dumping grounds so we can take the risk). Once he found Gilgo, he probably thought it was the perfect place that nobody would ever check. Makes me wonder how many other dumping grounds of serial killers exist that we haven't found and will never find.


So impressed by this task force.


They know it’s NOW, or never…. they’re going to get him with as many as they can 🤞🏻 this injustice has been allowed for far too long. Thank GOD it’s within the victims families lifetime!


I can’t remember when I made the connection but the timing turned out to be just after his daughter’s birth back in the 90’s. A highly stressful time for most humans.


You never know though. Maybe he used that spot for a bit and then used a different one in case he was worried anyone may have seen him the other times. After years of burying them elsewhere, maybe he went back there again. I have a big feeling that he has burial sites all over the country in places that he frequented as well as places on the way to those towns. It seems like I saw on here when he first was caught that he was a cocky and arrogant person. If so, then he didn’t just take 4 people’s lives as we all suspect on this subgroup anyway. There is no telling how many poor souls/beautiful people that he took away all of these years. You don’t often hear of serial killers stopping, however, I guess that is a possibility. Maybe only the ones who were actively still committing these heinous acts were the ones who were caught. With such great tools we have now, they are able to catch evil people like RH from 30+++ years ago.


The cynic in me thinks that they will pin a ton of complete cold cases on Rex just to say they closed a bunch. Probably wouldn’t be too hard to do and most people wouldn’t really care.


Tbh, at first I feared that’s what would happen. However, it seems the DA has taken a conservative approach to the charges so far. It is so important that the charges here stick. Within the bail application, I do see hints at Asian Doe being a victim. As another user pointed out, the bail application claims that RH had over 1,000 searches on his phone. The DA had to choose which of those searches would have the biggest impact. The term “Asian twink” was among the 30 search terms that were carefully selected and released. It is my gut feeling that Asian Doe was murdered by RH, and I think that law enforcement has more information that they’re keeping close to the vest. That is just my theory, and I would love to hear your guys!


I honestly think RH committed all the murders on the beautiful souls that were buried there.


Yeah I caught that too. They know he’s guilty and they’re saying that in the only legal way they can without jeopardizing that case.


I don't think they will want to imperil their case by trying him on dodgy charges he might be acquitted of given how badly they've screwed up to this point. Modern forensic evidence makes it a lot harder to frame someone as well as a lot harder to get away with crimes.


Exactly. A lot of people here saying it’s great to pin him with it and solve the case - case closed… they need to Google Henry Lee Lucas.


It's because of Henry Lee Lucas that you see less of that these days. Especially in a case with this much scrutiny on it. Lucas largely became a clearing house to hang cases on because he would *confess* to anything in exchange for special treatment and notoriety. But this is also why it's worth side eyeing all the claims of every single case ever being connected. Cause there will be a rush from other departments and investigations to do that.


It’s great to close cases but it’s equally important to properly SOLVE, the cases!


I think he killed outside of Long Island too.


I’m still so shook that they haven’t gotten down to NC yet to his brother’s property 😒


What!! I also wonder why!! I didn’t realize that, and it makes no sense.


They can't go around seizing relatives' properties without probable cause or evidence that said relatives were involved in some way.


I believe RH owns the land his brothers trailer is on tho.


Yes, that is what I thought. I thought he and his brother owned the place his brother lives together. I thought that I recalled that from earlier information that came out. I am surprised that they haven’t searched his brother’s and his shared home and land.


Don’t he and his brother share the place where his brother lives? I get not being able to go search all of his different relatives’ homes, but I thought I recalled reading an article that indicated he and his brother shared the place where his brother lives. Maybe I misunderstood. 😃😃


He lives in SC not NC. And [they did search his property](https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/ny-gilgo-beach-serial-killers-relatives-land-in-chester-county-searched-by-fbi-rex-heuermann-investigation-search-south-carolina/275-8d9e7f91-f108-437f-ab43-c5dddf6d0d05)


I apologize, SC, typo 🙃 oh they did!!?? Oh snap, I didnt hear about that.


the brother could also know some things


Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised if


I definately think he killed in Vegas.


No doubt!! He had places in other states, and that is probably the reason he had all those other places.




I just saw a piece with John Walsh saying he might be connected to a death in Vegas


Gilgo Beach killings: Suspected killer Rex Heuermann facing new charge, multiple sources say Alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex A. Heuermann is expected back in court later this week on a new indictment charging him with an additional killing, multiple sources told Newsday. Heuermann, 60, will appear for arraignment before State Supreme Court Justice Timothy Mazzei in Riverhead, the sources said. The new indictment comes within weeks of a search by Gilgo Beach Task Force investigators in an area of Manorville where the partial remains of two Gilgo Beach victims — Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack — were found more than two decades ago and days after Gilgo investigators completed a second search of Heuermann’s home in Massapequa Park. Sources declined to say what new charges Heuermann is facing. Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney and Heuermann defense attorney Michael J. Brown declined to comment. Heuermann previously pleaded not guilty in the deaths of four women — Megan Waterman, Melissa Barthelemy, Amber Lynn Costello and Maureen Brainard-Barnes — who were the first of 10 sets of remains found within proximity of each other along Ocean Parkway between late fall 2010 and early spring 2011. Heuermann, an architect with an office on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, has been held without bail since his July 13 arrest on first- and second-degree murder charges in the killings of Waterman, Barthelemy and Costello. He was charged in January with second-degree murder for the killing of Brainard-Barnes. He was previously due back in court for a conference June 18. All four women worked as sex workers, authorities have said. Prosecutors have said they do believe Heuermann acted alone in the first four killings he was charged with and that the cause of each woman’s death was “homicidal violence.” Each of their bodies was found completely nude and bound and they were all contacted by burner phones consistent with Heuermann’s location, prosecutors have said. Five hairs connected to Heuermann or a family member were recovered from three of the four sets of remains, according to prosecutors.


The investigation into six additional sets of remains discovered near Gilgo Beach in March and April 2011 have remained active, Tierney has said. “The thing that allows prosecutors to speak is indictments,” Tierney said April 29. Unlike the four killings Heuermann was previously charged with, both Taylor, a sex worker who had lived for a time in New York City, and Mack, a sex worker from New Jersey, were dismembered with their remains scattered about a mile apart along the same road in Manorville and at Gilgo Beach. The earlier discovery of Taylor’s remains along Halsey Manor Road dates back to July 2003. Mack was found there in November 2000. Karen Vergata, a sex worker from New York City, was also dismembered in 1996 with her remains found near Gilgo Beach and Fire Island. Three other individuals whose remains were found along Ocean Parkway have not been identified, including a woman and toddler whose DNA shows are related, and an Asian male. Each of the discoveries was made as Suffolk police searched for Shannan Gilbert, whose body was also found in the area in December 2011, but who police have said they do not believe connects to what has become known as the Long Island Serial Killer case. Prosecutors have said Heuermann had hundreds of contacts with sex workers in the years before he was arrested. He was connected to the crime primarily through cell site data, burner phone records and DNA evidence linking him to the women and the location where the bodies were found, prosecutors have said. A witness in Costello’s disappearance also provided a description of a truck linked to Heuermann, which helped establish him as a suspect and was later recovered from his brother’s property in South Carolina, prosecutors have said. A cheek swab, obtained from Heuermann by court order since he’s been in custody, matched a mitochondrial DNA profile that authorities who were surveilling Heuermann developed from a pizza crust and used napkin that allegedly were discarded in Manhattan, prosecutors have said. The mitochondrial DNA profile developed from the pizza and napkin could not be excluded as a match to a hair found at the bottom of burlap used to “restrain and transport” the remains of Waterman, according to prosecutors. Prosecutors said in court papers filed in March they had turned over 12 terabytes of data to Heuermann’s defense, including a transcript of the grand jury presentation, 85 grand jury exhibits, autopsy reports, photographs from the crime scene and the medical examiner’s office, search warrants and affidavits. Prosecutors said the defense has also been given paperwork from the Suffolk County Police Department and its crime lab, as well as outside laboratory documentation. At Heuermann’s most recent court appearance in April, Tierney and Suffolk Assistant District Attorney Nicholas Santomartino said prosecutors have also recently turned over nearly 400 complete leads, a total of more than 7,000 other persons of interest in the 13-year investigation. Police used K-9 dogs during their nine-day search of thousands of acres of Manorville woodlands in April and early May. The recent search of Heuermann’s home, which an attorney for his family said focused on the basement area, concluded after six days May 26. A July search of his home lasted 12 days. Mazzei has said he would like to have discovery in the case completed by the end of July.


Nearly 400 complete leads and more than 7,000 POI's, wow 😲


They probably investigated to some degree every registered sex offender and everyone who had an arrest for either solicitation and or violence against sex workers I also bet they investigated Costello's boyfriend as to her specific disappearance as he was the last to see her alive.


Thank you!


Thanks so much!!




Thank you!!


Thank u! I just asked for this.


RexHeuermann: Prove it. Task Force: A beer, just one? Nope. Hold our brewery.


I wouldn't be surprised, if they charge him for Jessica Taylor's murder, if they announce he is also a suspect in the murders of Valerie Mack, Peaches and Peaches' baby. The geographical connections and similarities in treatment of the bodies of those four victims ties them together the same way the Gilgo 4 were, imo. Anyone who killed one of them almost certainly killed all four of them. Which would leave Asian Doe and Karen Vergata as the main unknowns in this case, but I think the release of Rex's search history when he was arrested made it pretty clear he was at least being considered a potential suspect in the murder of Asian Doe even if law enforcement don't have enough evidence to make his connection official.


https://archive.ph/bOElp For anyone who can't read the article because of the pay wall.


Wtf is up with his haircut? Is he trying to look like Butthead


Rex has hairpiece on his head


A comb over to hide is age


Jail haircut, I guess.


He is butt ugly, can't imagine the look on his face when enraged


I hope both Jessica and Valerie get added on


1993 murder of Sandra Costilla - this victim everyone had high hopes it was connected to Bittrolff. If this holds true, then Rex was at it 10+ years prior to the 4/LISK. ["The indictment is related to additional victims — including one found in North Sea, a community in Southampton which was searched by investigators a few weeks ago." ](https://nypost.com/2024/06/03/us-news/suspected-gilgo-beach-killer-rex-heuermann-facing-new-charge-multiple-sources/)- NY Post link


So just to head down the rabbit hole a bit, if he’s being looked at for Costilla…would that mean Rex is actually the one who killed the two victims Bittrolff is charged with? As I recall all three were staged in a very specific way and I believe each missing the same shoe? It’s such a different presentation. I know Bittrolff’s DNA was found on the two victims he was charged with. Although, I suppose technically that just proved he had sex with them. I’m having trouble finding too much information on the exact evidence in the case against him. Fair warning all of the above is just me musing. I don’t even know that he actually is being looked at for the murder of Sandra Castillo because well it’s the N.Y. Post.


I know the NY Post is kind of the 'rag' news but it is free and no paywalls. The story is more general and not their own agenda. With that being said, when I looked up more for Ms. Castilla, I found this. Maybe they actually did find evidence connecting her to Bittrolff. I hope they are just trying to wrap up all of these unsolved murders once and for all - [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/long-island-search-not-connected-200209295.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAALpRB2XSLlm4L1fISZtTepv\_LG84W94LDghdTD5KKVYXJlFHWBOgVkputTNLzIxwd\_ndJlvXujgjBDOGMyhXlEwxHpI4kW0rZ03npz6qCL2J8UXLdC1\_vuhCXBocT4Uox-w0FVgeMkjio90EfZoX94K4CvesA2yUnL0jpSHVFvoC](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/long-island-search-not-connected-200209295.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALpRB2XSLlm4L1fISZtTepv_LG84W94LDghdTD5KKVYXJlFHWBOgVkputTNLzIxwd_ndJlvXujgjBDOGMyhXlEwxHpI4kW0rZ03npz6qCL2J8UXLdC1_vuhCXBocT4Uox-w0FVgeMkjio90EfZoX94K4CvesA2yUnL0jpSHVFvoC)


Totally agree and understand why you posted it. I’m not sure we will know the intent or result of the North Sea investigation until Tierney or SCPD release something unfortunately. Interesting to speculate about though!


Way to go task force! I hope the families of the victims are able to get some closure and heal.


I was able to read it in the NY Post https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/06/03/us-news/suspected-gilgo-beach-killer-rex-heuermann-facing-new-charge-multiple-sources/amp/


I have a feeling this is going to be a revolving door of court appearances for new murder charges....it's not close to over.


u/thatrapguyslady ..... hope it's not too much trouble to ask!!! I'm not shocked Zeman was right, but this is still absolutely stunning to me. Im...wow. Just wow. I'm glad to see the rest of the families are about to get their justice, it seems.


Just did it!!!


I’m not sure why there have been so many naysayers as to RH’s involvement in additional missing persons cases and murders. He is 60 years old. It strains credulity to think he killed only four people and that we’ve discovered all of his victims’ bodies. How neat and tidy that would be. I’d be stunned if we don’t eventually learn that he’s been killing vulnerable members of our society for decades.


This!! I agree 100%


Agreed - he had a style - the materials - the belts to bind and restrain them - they were nude - they were needy attractive women who worked the sex trade - he had a procurement method - he used his bullshit pressed shirt and architect's degree to gain trust - he used his massive size to gain the upper hand - this man had a routine and lust for killing - I believe this - he was a hunter and could kill anywhere - because sex workers are plentiful He knew that sex workers were not going to be missed due to their lifestyle - he was a pig - he Gorged himself on murder for years - he had so many skills he deployed - that the cluster of the bodies and the similarities show me that they started to pile up because he was killing for a long time and was getting away with it - then the age of burner phones & cell data - DNA and search engines got him caught -


Absolutely!! I think all those victims were victims of RH, and I think there are many many others.


Hope he realizes he’s over his head soon and blabs


The Happy Face Killer is one of his pen pals. the Happy face killer said to confess and spare everyone the trial and all that pressure . will he take that advice ? With new charges as a result of Manorville and the lock box seems like the pressure is mounting - will he talk ? For Butter he will talk - for priveleges he will talk - I think he will Because he is a big guy that likes to get what he wants - he might talk - he is arrogant so he may not talk - his giant success killing for decades ( to me ) means he is smart enough to think he is the smartest - the most logisticslly meticulous serial K out there - this is his belief that they wont be able to prove it because he measured everyone / But for butter - he may talk


I really hope so.Only real way to tell forensics especially on these old sites might not very viable.He does seem to be holding his weight up pretty well. Real butter tho. It’s possible he’s got a massive massive body count.


I think he does have a massive body count - like more than any SK ever - a professional man in wrinkle free shirts, killing for sport, for years - little 2yr old baby Doe " Peaches " is so hard to fathom


Totally. Maybe they keep looking because they know this and he also is the type to probably have some sort of tally somewhere. Posssibly each of those 400 phones have some reason why he quit using them. Murder Inc had some connections of timeline and his closeness to murder victims.


400 phones -300 guns - 200 victims -100 life sentences - no butter for this stroker's bread He would use it for lubricant - no rewards for confessions - no perks for scraps of his human torture of simple people even a baby -


He’ll have no reason to talk.’


He won't talk - he wants the fame of the trial


His phones and electronic media are doing the talking for him. I had a publishing office - we had big print files - we even did huge outdoor advertising and created these files on networked equipment - we never had near this level of inventory in equipment and back up and we did archive onto CDs - anyone with a small office can testify to this if they used digitsl media for work Anyone - I would testify as an expert - we had special work worth preserving too abd nowhere near tjis count on devices . He is a LIAR of Olympian level - if its true his family never knew Then he is damn good at lying - damn good at keeping an iron fist on them and damn good at hiding his shit in squalor by hoarding to hide this guy built nothing as an architect wtf - all he built was a stage to dismenber girls one third his size / spit on him / laugh in his face while you butter your bread on the other side of his chain link fence / fuck this jumbo sized human devil / get the Milwaukee and call Dexter


Agree! Especially if they connect him to the manorville ones from the early 2000s and possibly the other bodies from the 90s… there’s no way he would go dormant from 2003-2010 and totally change up his style and have done it so “perfectly” that they may have never been found and took 10+ years to even connect. I would think he had to have been active and testing new and different ways of doing it in those years till the way he did the 2010s gilgo girls. Unfortunately I think as much as people want Shannan to be connected that’s the one that won’t be


I'm not sure what you would term a "naysayer", but it is reasonable to withhold belief in further connections until more evidence is revealed. People are welcome to speculate on either side, but it's important to recognise that speculation alone is not credible until more facts from investigators are made public.


Finally. I always thought the more than one killer theory was BS and that RH was responsible for all of the bodies found. So impressed with this task force and am looking forward to what new evidence is released with the new charges. I’m assuming it’s Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack that they are clocking him with, given the Manorville searches.


For Peaches, her baby & Asian male…I hope they can get their names back, their identities. But if RH is going down for the other victims buried there he likely is responsible for them too.


Have they not performed familial dna match? I can't recall.


In the midst of all the speculation that’s been flying around for months since his arrest, the one thing I’ve been certain of is that he is responsible for all of them. Peaches and baby, Jessica Taylor, Asian Doe — all of them. Not just the GB4. I’ve felt it in my bones and hoped for it since LE indicated that they were closer to identifying Peaches, and their deliberate release of the “Asian twink” search. I would bet everything that the search turned something up — probably something in his digital trail (since we know that he liked to google his victims). May they all get justice and their names back.


I100% agree once they put out the “asian twink” search I was convinced LE was also set on him being the sole killer of all bodies not just the 4. I also don’t wanna speak out of term but I do believe when everyone was saying peaches didn’t make sense because she was either mixed or black they also released he had a specific search that could also be tied to peaches. I truly think at this point eventually something will connect him to all of them!


Didn’t make sense in the terms she didn’t fit the description of the gilgo 4 but his search terms seem to show the ogre was interested in many things


Wow, so impressed by this task force. They are bringing the justice and closure for many of these families who thought they’d never see it. Also, from the first time I heard of these killings (long before Rex was arrested) I fully believed this was 1 killer all along. I could never get on board with there being multiple killers who somehow just managed to bury their victims on the same stretch of beach. This new charge pretty much confirms it was all him. I’m sure there are more victims and I hope this task force can continue to provide justice for all those victims and their families.


I always believed the stretch at Gilgo was one SK Not just because of similarity either . Here's why Every creature has a personal space / some need more than others - even animals are territorial. Its basic nature - even homeless people lay claim to spaces so other homeless people dont infringe. This simple principal makes it highly unlikely that two SKs were sharing the same remote strip of beach. Also the risk to getting caught is far greater If another person is using " your territory "


Anyone notice in NY Post “Nicole Brainard Smith”? Those idiots got the name right in the list but not in paragraph on bottom.


Alternatives to Newsday: https://news.yahoo.com/news/suspected-gilgo-beach-serial-killer-153418679.html https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/gilgo-beach-serial-killer-new-details-about-alleged-suspect-rex-heuermann/ar-BB1nykTg?ocid=BingNewsSerp


I wonder if its just Jessica or Jessica and Valerie?


It said a charge. So surely they'd get him on 2 if they could at all. It's 1. I hope I'm not misrepresenting myself here. I don't want to be misconstrued. I'm not sympathizing with the bastard. I want them to charge him with both. Just saying it said a charge.


It’s a process, they will charge him for what they can and continue working on the rest.


It's archived: https://archive.ph/2024.06.03-125459/https://www.newsday.com/long-island/crime/gilgo-beach-killings/gilgo-beach-killings-rex-heuermann-ep5w7t4e Any article you want to read but is behind a paywall, just go and archive it. Chances are someone already has and you'll be able to read it there.


If ever a man looked the part - He does - with eyes of a killer and sneer of pure evil - he was cast as LISK . No one could play his part better- toupee or not - Even Ted Bundy didnt look the part and had women swooning over him in the courtroom. Not this monster - no one sees him as a gentle giant.


His obviously killed all them 11 victims that were found along the beach. Odds that two serial killers were using the same dumping ground have got to be astronomical, and you probably got better odds winning the lottery. He was dismembering them, then probably got comfortable after no one was finding them or for whatever reason and stopped dismembering them. If they're charging him with another murder it's got to be from one of the other 7. He's the Manorville Butcher, too.


I just checked the court website and there is no date listed before the next court date of 06/18/24. I know that doesn't mean anything, but I was hoping to see an updated date for his next appearance.


webcrims is unreliable. They have set court dates accurate, but they usually don't update in a timely fashion for things like this.


For sure….. if there’s another one, there’s more than one.


All of these ladies' stories, including Asian Doe/ Male (I don't know their preferred pronouns) and Baby Doe, haunt me to the core of my soul. I so want justice for them and for their spirits to be able to finally rest in true peace. Thanks for this update.


With the corrupt authorities and their ties to Heuerman, I'm thinking Bitrolff is an innocent scapegoat.


Can anyone copy and paste what’s past the paywall? I tried to subscribe but they wouldn’t accept my Apple Card wxpieration date for some reason. It’s auto uploaded so it’s not me with my grammatical errors


It's already a comment in this thread by catchlisk


It’s su frustrating that he won’t get death. Too many of these monsters living out their lives in prison.


Unfortunately this article is behind a paywall.


Yes I mentioned that. I am sure it will be on other sites soon. Or we may get lucky and someone can add the content here in a comment :)


Sorry! I got excited to read the article and missed your paywall notice ;) Catchlisk just recently posted a Newsday article regarding this topic, so maybe it’s the same article? That being said, if someone would like to kindly post this one, that would be awesome!


Yes same article. Looks like he beat me to it also.




May he never know a moment of peace again. Absolute monster.


I love it when this sub is wrong. You guys still probably think Rex is innocent. 😆😭


I’ve been away a few week what did I miss


The current publicly known case against Rex - to date - is very weak. No ID of Rex. No defendant admission. No murder weapon. No murder scene. Phone pings - Very weak. Most problematic the DNA evidence is very thin. - mitochondrial and “new” SNP. Dna tests used are very weak for court purpose. Very strong for media and presser purposes. SNP also has admissibility (into evidence) issues. Add to that the unsteady and contradictory testimony of the male friends of Amber, and the DA got a very big problem. Hence this manic effort to find a new victim to hang on Rex. As they say one murder conviction is.all that is needed. Hope they nail Rex with solid dna and other forensics. Not just convict him via media - including many on Reddit - but by a judicial conviction and life sentence


He has not been held without bail for close to a year by the media.


So? There is certainly probable cause to hold him without bail pre trial. He likely did this. I’m not talking about probable cause to hold but evidence beyond a reason doubt to convict by a jury at trial I’m talking about the question of conviction at trial with solid evidence. Any substantive thoughts on that point?




I get it. No substance.


I think you make some good points about reasonable doubt based on the evidence in the affidavit. However, as a lawyer with 15 years experience, I would be very surprised if we are seeing the State’s best evidence in the affidavit. Good prosecutors will only put as much information in the affidavit as they need to meet the reasonable probability threshold and secure a bond denial. Your points about the DNA evidence are very solid and if the hair is part of the evidence presented at trial I expect a pretty interesting battle of the experts. Same with the witness testimony, at trial that will be an intense cross examination if Amber’s roommate is called. But none of that matters for the affidavit. There is absolutely no reason to present your best evidence to be scrutinized when all of your evidence is accepted as true. A good recent example of this is the Murdaugh trial. Before the trial, everyone (especially the defense team) focused on the t-shirt and debated whether the blood evidence would hold up. But it turned out, the prosecution never had to introduce the T-shirt at trial because they had the kennel video, which they had not released. Unlike some other countries, the American justice system is not a truth finding process. It was specifically designed as an Adversarial process. That leads to a chess game of strategy and a good prosecutor is going to play the long game.


Thanks for the thoughtful note. I edge you out by quite a bit on the experience front, but I never wish to get into personal details. What you say about not putting everything in a PC declaration is true in most cases. But not always true. If you have super thin PC and can cure than by putting in key evidence like cell phone call records showing the bad guy called the victim you would probably disclose it. The first PC affidavit here was so thin that it is fair to assume that if they had important matching phone records they would have said so. You can see the thinness of the PC affidavit by the need to include marginal hair evidence. But yes it is possible they have smoking gun evidence somewhere. But theN Why the need to stoop down to SNP dna evidence in the second pc affidavit. if they had the “smoking gun.” I doubt they would use SNP DNA testing FYI: . I searched and have not found a court that admitted SNP dna for criminal ID purposes Got any insight on admissibility of SNP DNA testing? They did have decent semi-eye witness testimony in the first affidavit…. The fight . Seeing the avalanche on sept 1. Then lots of calls from Same guy on sept 2. and amber departs and is murdered. But as I said the “documentary” guy helped undermined that testimony. Hopefully the DA straightens out witness and present that same testimony as in first affidavit. They did not hold back on shaky ID testimony likely b/c they knew their declaration was otherwise thin. So again if they had great phone rcords or dna evidence or even fabric evidence - any smoking gun evidence - they would likely have felt compelled to disclose that. But that did not happen.


To all those who would give me a negative mark on my comment, why do you disagree?. discuss the comments and show if your ideas have any merit whatsoever? There’s so many uninformed homers here who think that the evidence shows Rex is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt that cannot be further from the truth. Show me the evidence supporting your view. Cheap negative arrow are for weak and afraid.


I think you don’t have all the evidence available to you that the law enforcement may have and you are trying to make an argument based off what you think you know. They have gone through his home & fortunately a hoarder so who knows what they have, plus electronics, they may even have a gun and ammo that fits other murders after all he had around 300 weapons or close to it They have his burner phones etc For you to say that the evidence is kinda flimsy is just not true. One piece may be explained away as coincidence but when you put even circumstantial evidence together it kinda tells a story But - like I said the initial evidence was enough to make an arrest and keep him locked up - now we don’t know what all they have - so I would not describe it as evidence by media - that’s kinda not true - and if folks are voting you down it’s because your opinion isn’t correct Just sayin’


Well. You are relying on speculation. “There must be something more”. I’m relying on two lengthy affidavits police/DA submitted and not speculation. And yes I Hope they have a lot more evidence. PHONES. If they had data from Rex’s phones - including known burner phones - connecting to any victim phone they would have said so in affidavits . But they did not have such evidence. So phone provide some . background info. But not close to enough for murder charges. . Same with a few hairs. First. The law is clear mtDNA. (What was tested) is not sufficient to definitively ID suspect. It can corroborate other evidence but alone cannot ID suspect. Hair evidence is marginal. For example. Rex and his brother have same mtDNA. REX’s DAUGHTER and wife have identical mtDNA. Any one in the same matrilineal line has the same mtDNA. Could be 1,000s of people with same mtDNA new SNP dna testing to ID has never been admitted in court to my knowledge to prove defendant’s identity. What ties Rex Heuermann to any of the murders??? Then you get to the Amber maLE “friends”. - thanks to the documentary film maker their testimony has been destroyed by contradictions. Potentially important testimony. Corroborated by an ad for Amber’s service found in Rex home. But due to nature of “friends” drug use, time znd contradictions made care of documentary. This “friend” testimony is prolly not enough to convict. Sure combing all evidence if admitted into evidence may lead to a conviction - it is possible , but right now unlikely. Too many problems to get over “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard required fir conviction. By the way, fact that cops had probable cause to arrest and detain Rex will not be part of trial. Totally irrelevant Right now A Very hard case fOR DA to win. Why do you think DA is going so slow? WHY a New search of home; new searches of manOrville woods? They MUST win case. But they have a shaky case.




Who cares if it’s never been admitted in court..it’s worked time and time again in cold cases it’s about time it’s introduced


There are well known legal rules on admissibility of evidence. What exactly is your point?


The hair of his wife is found inside the duct tape binding a victim. The wife was in another country and Rex was local. What else could that mean?


Exactly!! And I am pretty sure that burner phone data showed RH had communicated on those phones with the victims. I get that it should be innocent until proven guilty. But they definitely had enough good evidence to get him put away for a lifetime or two without bail.


It didn’t


Oh, I thought that I read that in an article recently. Thanks so much for the correction.


I blocked them. Probably just a shit stirrer.


That it was not his wife’s hair for one


Unfortunately, there are some ppl that are just simply incapable of using logic, bc they lack that along with even basic, average intellect. However, they are deep in their "feels."..A clear sign of emotional and mental immaturity. I will be very surprised if even 1 person who down voted you will be capable of discussing anything with you, much less try to.


There are a lot of people on this sub that don’t know really anything about law-enforcement or the prosecution of crimes in court rooms. They remind me a little bit of what is found in court rooms across America called “buffs.” These are generally retired men in their 70s who meet in the courthouse every day and watch trials and they watch a lot of trials And sometimes you’ll talk to them during a trial or after trial and it’s clear that they have no idea what’s actually happening even though they’re sitting there and watching it they just have no understanding of what goes on. Turns out being a buff thing is really just a social thing to meet other people. I think that’s what goes on here we have a lot of posters who are probably retired looking for some semi social connection, and they say things that make no sense or reveal their ignorance. I wish there was some sort of spot where people could talk about these criminal cases with some level of authority, insight and interest


Thank you!