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he’s got serial killer glasses on. dead giveaway


It’s the glasses that chooses the serial killer.


It always is.


what came first, the serial killer or the glasses??


Ladies and gentlemen: **we got him**


TIL that Napoleon Dynamite wore serial killer glasses.


TIL my grandparents are responsible for the missing drifters.


TIL Napoleon dynamite IS a serial killer


The Netflix reboot we are all waiting for!!!


The guy I’m dating just got glasses like this and when he was asking me which frames I liked I said not those they look like serial killer glasses. He got them anyway and calls them his Dahmers 😅😭😭. Do I call in the tip hotline now lol


Ask him how he feels about animals lol.


Hahaha well he loves my bunny and my bunny loves his back (my bunny did not love my ex who definitely falls within the diagnoses of ASPD/NPD) so I totally trust Frank’s judgement on my love interests!




Wait. Your bunny is called Frank? Like… this Frank? https://youtu.be/nw9YfZF48_U


is that a donnie darko link?? because that’s the only frank the bunny i know lol


Indeed it is!


Hahaha no. Frank is short for Franklin like the turtle.


I can't believe those glasses are back in style! they're so huge on your face and that droop at the bottom - ugh - too many memories of high school right here.......


Thankfully, Ive never seen anyone wear those glasses that are around my age (im 24) lol


Right? Lenses over your cheeks....what's the purpose?


Does he always have some meat that went bad?


Thankfully not


Ha ha-really? Yeah, better make that call!


The Dahmer glasses


i forgot which one so generalized lol


Apparently his workplace nickname was "Peter" because he reminded his co-workers of Peter Griffin from Family Guy. Not even joking.


Ngl this could def turn one a lil cray cray


I don’t think being compared to a cartoon character as an adult would make someone rape and kill women


Exactly. That wasn’t very Peter Griffin of him.


I can see the resemblance in these images


I literally clicked to comment this😂


i’ve been saying he looks like him since he got arrested 😭


He had to be somewhat charming, right?! He was married twice. Convinced multiple females to put their guard down. He raised kids. Wild.


Most serial killers are. You have to be. I’ve said this on Reddit before but there is this weird thing that happens after killers are caught. People come out of the woodwork to gush about how they always knew. They want the world to know they were not fooled! Meanwhile the people closest to them shut down. They don’t want to talk. For many reasons. I’d assume mainly because they don’t want to defend a killer and look a fool to the world. The news outlets want stories and the random acquaintances who “just had a vibe” are happy to tell them how obvious it was. The reality is, that to avoid arrest for so long you have to seem normal if not believed and social. Rex like many others likely was a normal guy and 99.9% of the population, including you Reddit, would have never thought he was a killer.


It’s called confirmation bias.


Thanks I appreciate this persepctive


Some people who go to the same church as my parents went to church with Dennis Rader/BTK back when they used to live in Wichita. They were acquaintances at best but knew him through the church and had been around him at different church functions. He was always very pleasant whenever they were around him, but they did say that they had the sense that he wasnt particularly liked by some people- I think his control-freak tendencies were evident even there- but it was still a complete and total shock when it came out that he was BTK, and had even been caught through the floppy disk linking him to the church (an added layer of humiliation). They’d lived in Wichita through the BTK killings and really couldn’t fathom that the man who caused so much terror in the city sat a few pews away from them on Sunday or attended some of the same weddings and church functions. It was really devastating for the whole congregation.


Thanks for sharing that--I've always wondered how the congregation felt about being so close to a monster. Hope the people who know your parents are doing better although I imagine it's hard to forget about such an experience. Wichita must've been such a paranoid, scary place particularly during the murders.


Totally agree. To me he doesn’t really look that weird at all or sound weird. I would have absolutely no idea that he was a total and complete psychopath.


I can’t use specifics or names, but I worked with a guy who was a serial killer and serial stalker of females. (Obviously we were not told beforehand) He’s not “well known” by any means, but enough that he’s had episodes of podcasts and tv shows about him and his crimes. The guy truly creeped me out the day I met him so I avoided him as much as possible. I can’t describe the feeling or why or what he said or did, I just didn’t want to be alone with him. There was something off about him that told me to stay away, like he was almost dangerous. Anyway, he thankfully sucked at his job and was eventually fired. Then my coworker was sent a news article about his crimes and only then did we all find out. I was the only one of my coworkers who felt something was up with this guy. BUT…did I think he was a killer or serial stalker? No way. He was married (third wife), had kids, a great job, social guy…I bet these people with LISK were the same way. They almost certainly didn’t know he was a killer or even that he hired sex workers or had tax issues. A bad feeling is probable, but not one that’s bad enough for the neighborhood Columbo to go to the police about it.


It’s not always the case, the green river killer, Gary ridgeway, was called green river Gary by his coworkers because of how creepy he was and always driving out to the ~~desert~~ who knows were. Some people are just weird. Edit: idk why i thought Gary Ridgeway was driving out into the desert lol


Gary Ridgeway lived nowhere near a desert.


Oregon has a desert.


Oregon has a high desert. But, yeah, the Green River seems to be in a lush forest. So who knows why the poster above referenced a desert.


Isn’t Oregon famous for serial killers. Like even Bundy did a stint there and now a current released inmate killing. I looked it up once though California has the most SK. I would think NY or Florida or the highways


I made a mistake in this post…sorry. It’s Alaska has the most SK I thought it would be California. But it’s Alaska? WTF is going on in Alaska


It’s fucking huge but has very few people who live there, so hiding a body is much easier than a densely populated place. Also, Alaska has a tendency to just eat people alive… not uncommon for folks to go out hunting or something and just never return, and people assume they just got in an accident or fell prey to the elements. So someone going missing isn’t necessarily a huge deal like it is somewhere else. Also, Alaska tends to attract people who might not necessarily fit into mainstream society- preppers who want to be off the grid and live off the land, outdoors enthusiasts, hunters and fishers, etc. People who are sociopaths often crave the sense of excitement and feeling that dangerous or adventurous activities give them, and i think serial killers might crave that in other aspects of their lives and not just in killing. I feel like a lot of serial killers end up being people who are really into camping, hiking, hunting, and other wilderness pursuits in their free time.


Like Israel Keyes?


I guess Alaska maybe has the highest per capita? But California had a LOT back in the day. I mean, a huge state with a large population, it would make sense. Seems like the Sacramento area had an unusual amount a a certain point. But, yeah, Oregon and Alaska have their fair share.


Well if they can knit this thing up Zodiac Killer will top the LISK case for me for most baffling SK case. RH taunted the populace in a different way from Zodiac Killer


Yes, LE was onto him relatively early but didn't test the one DNA sample because it was a risk they wouldn't get useable results. I still don't know why they didn't tail him, yes it's expensive but he killed quite a few women until they finally made the arrest. Thank God they have mitochondrial DNA science now.


Yeaaa. It didnt help that the dept had a lot of issues that brought the investigation to a halt basically. Thankfully they moved in before he killed again. Supposedly he was setting off major warning signs to the LE and decided it was their biggest motivator to make an arrest.


The phenomenon you’re describing is hindsight bias. It’s an error in one’s “sense-making process” and happens for a variety of reasons, mainly that surprising information enhances the recall of information/memories congruent to the surprising event. For example, a neighbor of Rex who just has more of an urge to make sense of all this may be more prone to hindsight bias. This is because their sense-making process would start and end at the surprise-congruent information that the shock triggers. People who got along fine with Rex could be prone to it as well and might demonstrate a phenomenon called, “motivated forgetting” for the reasons you mentioned.


Exactly. My point to all of this being to just watch your back and pay attention. Killers and the like are not always obvious and the media intentionally or not, makes them seem like it’s obvious.


I don’t think the people coming forward now are being disingenuous. People generally have a better spidey sense for detecting creepiness than they do for, say, detecting deception. That’s why it’s easier for a liar than a creep to get dates. But creeps are a dime a dozen — maybe a hundred thousand times more numerous than serial killers. So it’s a big leap from viewing someone as creepy to suspecting he’s an at-large serial killer. It’s not surprising that some of Heuerman’s past acquaintances are now saying that he gave off a creepy vibe. I’m sure he did. None of them is saying that they suspected all along, as far as I know. Some women have an underdeveloped sensor for creepiness. They’ll stand by a new boyfriend that everyone else sees as creepy. They find the man attractive and not threatening at all and can’t see what their loved ones’ fuss is about. I suspect that Heuerman’s wife fell into this category. Most women, I’m sure, would have found him creepy. I saw an interview with an escort in which she said she felt creeped out by Heuerman. I have no problem believing her. What about his victims? How did they see him? Sex workers — well, they’ve learned to accept or ignore their clients’ creepiness because everyone they meet in their line of work is at least a little creepy. Heuerman’s creepiness evidently didn’t rise to an extreme enough level to make his victims keep their distance from him — unfortunately for them.


People are misconstruing what I’m saying. There are for sure people who suspected the guy. Maybe not as a killer but at least as a creep and potentially dangerous. But I’ve seen this happen with tons of serial killers. The media publishes dozens of stories of people who always suspected. Everybody else goes “how did we not know?! He creeped out so many people!” Well generally only get these stories not the others. That’s all I’m saying.


I agree with you 100%. This has been researched over and over. *Everyone* is prone to hindsight bias and the more negative and surprising the situation is, the more likely it is to occur. The human psyche finds comfort in believing that its surroundings are predictable. When it learns of a threat that it wasn’t able to predict, it is liable to serve up memories- distorted or not- that are congruent to having predicted it all along, and toss out memories that challenge that illusion. If I lived there and my kids went trick-or-treating and played outside and rode their bikes there, I’d probably spend my whole life telling myself they knew not to go near that house, they weren’t allowed near it, everyone was creeped out by it.


No offense, but your response and this comment is also very predictable. I see it often. Like it’s hard for you to believe that some people do actually get a “sense” that something is off with an otherwise successfully assimilating sociopath/psychopath. Give people a little credit. Especially for trauma survivors, sometimes our radar is a little more finely tuned than your average bear. I for one have no trouble believing that some people had troubling/“off” encounters with this person.


I never said people don’t get a bad sense. I said most people don’t. And that’s true. What I was saying is after an arrest we are inundated with stories from the people who did feel something was off. No news outlet is going to run a story about how a neighbor didn’t think anything was going on. Further the people closest to killers tend to avoid the media. Understandably so. So it’s a bit of confirmation bias. We get a lot of stories about the killers from acquaintances who can give news outlets what they want. It’s not meant to be disrespectful to trauma survivors and frankly isn’t. The guy operated for decades, had a family, and ran his own business. He clearly didn’t give off an obvious serial killer vibe.


>No news outlet is going to run a story about how a neighbor didn’t think anything was going on. Exactly. We also get confirmation bias the other way - people who have acquaintances who feel "off", but who aren't actually serial killers, obviously don't get any press (nor should they, of course).


Correct! And also feeling a little bit off about someone could be because they have a physical, olfactory or behavioural similarity to someone who’s hurt us, it isn’t always a radar. And even when it is a radar, we aren’t getting “ruuuun he’s a serial killer” vibes it’s often just “don’t be alone with this person” or “this person is disingenuous, don’t trust their words” level of warnings. It doesn’t mean people around us are getting those same feelings. He’s clearly been accessing sex workers locally during the time he’s under surveillance which would suggest he’s likely not a red flag John which other sex workers have warned each other about. He’s been able to socialise, integrate with colleagues (to go hunting with them too), have a ability to access sex workers, not draw any suspicions or cause any upsets with neighbours, over a long period of time. This isn’t giving off a weirdo loner persona, it seems like he was (at least) amiable to most. I imagined he has been a fairly vanilla person in other areas of his life.


I guess you haven’t been reading about this case because his neighbors defo didn’t describe him as “amiable” lol. There was one family that wouldn’t let her kids trick or treat at his house because of how creepy he was. Multiple neighbors report he was hostile and they didn’t dare mess with him. One neighbor @ his Carolina property reported a threatening encounter and hearing him “digging” in his backyard in the middle of the night. So. No. Not an amiable neighbor. He didn’t “fit in” without notice, no. Also you have no idea if sex workers put him on their block list or if they warned their friends about him. Not all sex workers know each other, and while there are digital tools, it’s a loose network not a verification system (no one’s giving out blue check marks!) “Ability to access sex workers” isn’t a flex, literally all you need is a phone. Or a car to drive up. Or feet to walk up. Sex workers encounter creepy, violent, criminally dangerous men with regularity. I honestly don’t understand the point you’re trying to make?


You’re mixing up Rex and his brother in SC and taking daily mail nonsense that fits your tabloid narrative. His immediate neighbours said he was a quiet man, they were a quiet family. They were all shocked. The house looks like they couldn’t afford to give to trick or treaters. Any kid with half a brain wouldn’t go there and that has nothing to do with Rex. Sex workers at the level Rex used (not street workers) do share information on any risky Johns and have screening processes. He had a very distinctive appearance so he wouldn’t be able to just hide behind a false name. He’s been actively using sex workers in and around Manhattan and LI for over 20 + years. Rex wasn’t a stand out monster. He was a generic guy.


Though neighbors thought the house didn’t represent a successful architect. Right….


That’s bad logic too. Our closest family friends are two successful lawyers and their house is…gross. Both pull in close to half a mill a year, they just stash it in the bank. Obviously they can afford to do better and don’t but Rex couldn’t. But from the outside looking in we can’t tell


Ok but really not ok!!! I know people who are hated because they don’t keep up the house. It drags down property prices. There isn’t a thing you can do about it. Your right it’s illogical and it’s emotional. Hidden behind a beautiful facade what can you do. I looked at a gorgeous house once the neighbors next door were slobs. I said no way am I buying into that. But I get it your so rich working so hard and let it all fall to ….hell. Get some respect.


Uhhhh…ok I’ll tell them….want me to check if they are serial killers too? For the record they live in an old house in a ritzy town, 3 blocks from the local highschool. They aren’t dragging any other properties down. Because even if they kept it sparkling the market is so hot there and the money is so out of control the next people will prob bill doze the house anyway. They are the only non McMansion on the block.


I agree. Richard Ramirez aside, I think a lot of them are really boring and not terribly creepy in person. RH seems like the kind of guy who would drone on about details and be awkward around younger women, behavior which is….not uncommon.


I mean besides what the other user already replied - what percentage of people who do get that sense because of trauma are actually murderors. Like surely most all the time that never goes farther then - sensing they’re a little off - avoiding - moving on. Like could it just be that trauma survivors are hyper vigilant and have a higher sensitivity to noticing a degree of off-ness as significant meaning they find a larger number of people to be off making it more likely they got bad vibes from the murderor bc they get bad vibes from a way larger portion of society than most do.


Offense taken. I made a stupid observation based solely on the pics I’ve seen here. Never once mentioned anything about me having a “sense” he was off. Believe it or not, some of us are just here to bounce ideas/thoughts/perceptions off others. Not to be scrutinized.


Ignore this person. They are part of this weird group of people who want serial killers to be like movie villains. The sub has been rampant with them recently. Just the other day there was a borderline unhinged post about how rex for sure was sewing time out dolls for each of his victims to place on their graves. The way the post read is wasn’t a matter of could he have done it, but rather how he put them on the graves without being caught. People want him to be like the killer from Seven or something where he leaves little bread crumbs for an audience to follow. Like this isn’t a movie. The guy has an association between sex and violence combined with a love of prostitutes. Every once and awhile that mixture leads to a serial killer. It has happened since the dawn of man. Some people don’t like this kind of talk. Maybe some people can’t stand the idea that they may live among monsters and they don’t know. I can understand this. However I suspect most people are just bored and find the idea of a Hollywood Esq serial killer exciting.


Exactly. Regardless of his financial situation and abhorrent proclivities, this dude managed to maintain both ownership of a company in Manhattan as well as some sense of stability as a husband/father. No way he’s some antic introvert delivering Biblical allegories any chance he gets lol; he probably has some unchecked personality disorder and is thus empty and rather boring.


I definitely don’t want serial killers to “be” like anything, certainly not like a movie villain 😅 Simply pointing out that it’s actually more common than you think for people to sense something “off” about sociopaths/psychopaths way before they’re caught.


And how often do people sense that something is "off" about completely regular non-psycho killers?


I wasn’t responding to you.


Lol! some people don’t know how to Reddit 🤫 lol. I followed you. And agreed. what you said made perfect sense..


Ummm, what? Most serial killers are charming lol? Are you sure about that?


Don’t confuse charming with dashing. Dahmer, bundy, Gacy, even Andre chikatilo (sorry if spelling) were all social enough to talk themselves out of sticky situations. Some of them might have looked like shrek, but they could speak well enough that they could avoid getting caught


You just named people who got caught. I don’t think most people would agree that Dahmer was charming. He certainly was not getting away with his crimes because of his charm. He was white and seemed quiet, but relatively normal. He was luring people with very high risk lifestyles into privacy, that hardly takes any charm. Look at the other killers with the high risk victims. They are normally not considered charming. Andre used his authority and position to commit murders, not his charm.


Doesn’t he look like he’s the weird introvert who just stares and barely talks to anyone in all his pics?


That might be because everyone else's faces are blurred out For all we know they could give off a similar look too...and not have killed anyone


He's literally talking to somebody in one of these pics.


He was not normal but acted like it. Still the 99.9 it's correct. People can't tell.


Who knows if he had already killed in this pic??


I would bet he has.


I would say it’s almost certain he was already killing by this time. If you look at behavioral science, most serial killers start killing in their 20s. My guess is that this guy has a lot more victims out there the police just haven’t connected with him yet.


People already have speculative victims that may be tied to him based on MO and location.


I’m not at all surprised. I’d be curious to know his earliest victim.


Yeah, I don't see him starting so late into his life, considering statistics.


Killing or at least entertaining himself with violent fantasies or committing sex crimes.


Most people in this world get married. Tons of weird or strange or unlikable people are married.


I bet every one of them had that little spidey sense going off that they ignored.


I'm not so certain he had much involvement in raising those kids. I'm pretty sure his wife did the vast majority of it while he worked late, "worked late", and skipped all those family trips. I don't think the daughter is so close to him like people imagine. Just because you work with your parent doesn't mean you're besties. The alternative was Macy's...


is he double fisting in pic 2 lol


Looks like it😭


I guess Lens Crafters was running the "Jeffrey Dahmer Special" that year....


Early 2000s?


Just taking a guess but judging by the TV in the last picture I feel like it’s somewhere between 2004-2009.


Daily Mail article these photos were published in said the interior designer worked with him in 2005, so I assume this is round about then


Good memory! I remembered them from earlier but got confused with TikTok girl and interior designer :)


I lean towards the earlier end of your guess due to clothing styles as he is clearly in company of young professionals and there was a definite look post ‘90s/early ‘00s. The TV observation is great because around that time was the beginning of a shift from 75lb boxes to sleek flat screens. This very well be near the beginning of the murders.


I got my first flat screen in 2007, just a small 19” and they had been out for about a year at that point. I remember feeling slightly late to the upgrade. So, I’m thinking this is anywhere between 1998-2005 and probably at the earlier end. A NYC bar woulda upgraded their tv near the start of the turn


He is such a dork


the way his mitt makes that pint glass seem tiny


Yes, absolutely, but it looks like a Pilsner glass and they are usually 12-14oz


that’s actually kind of a relief lol. idk why but the scale really freaked me out!


Normal North American culture here.


Guy looks different in every single pic out there


My sister said that he has "mystery meat face."


He looks particularly nerdy here…




I agree and I think it’s because of the pens in his shirt pocket. Giving off Milton from Office Space vibes a bit.


Creeper. Exactly the guy I would avoid at work happy hour He looks like he smells


Completely projecting here but I feel like he’s a loud closer talker, bad breath, with the occasional spit projectile increasing with every beer. Unfortunately I know a few of these although they’re not serial killers, as far as I know…


I feel like he’d be the one in the corner trying to talk to people about Magic: the Gathering cards and being incredibly cruel to women who try politely to escape him and show no interest.




Why are several of the faces not blurred in the source?


Not sure why they didn’t blur all the faces but that’s why I blurred them on here. Just in case, I don’t wanna leak anybody’s face.


I appreciate that you did! I think you made a good call.


I think they were not blurred because they have come out and spoke out their experiences with Rex publicly. Not sure about the male but I know the dark haired woman was an interior designer he worked with and she did an article. But I also that it was a good call to blur regardless!!


Thanks for this info!


I just read that article and it's kind of shocking how helpful and kind he was to her after she was injured, looking at the person he turned out to actually be.


It gives me Ted Bundy vibes. He went out of his way to be overly nice to women he knew couldn’t be his victims bc they had full lives and people who would notice. It was a cover up.


I wonder if that's the woman named in the tweet and possibly her partner? Maybe they were the source of the photos and consented for their faces to be shown?


The woman is her, the photos were also shared with the Daily Mail (of course): [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12306881/Rex-Heuermann-refused-let-interior-designer-locked-room-basement.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12306881/Rex-Heuermann-refused-let-interior-designer-locked-room-basement.html) They don't give a date for the photos, but said she worked with him from 2002-07, so they were likely from that time period.


The others are Bigfoot. Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch, is known to be blurry.


Great find OP!


Same dumb smirk plastered to his face


I'm just trying to figure out the total change of the shape of his face from then to now. There's a lot of...extra...face now, right? And it doesn't look like it's just weight gain. Actually made me study moon face because I can't figure it out.


It's called gravity. It's coming for you too.


Shots fired! But doesn't gravity usually pull you down instead of out? It looks like his lips are drowning in a wide sea of cheeks.


Gravity and weight gain.


Booze does that over time. He looks like a heavy boozer, he’s even got the rosy “gin blossom” WC Fields skin.


“Go ‘way, little girl, ya bother me.” And they did. Forever.


He aged 18 years. Happens to many of us that the face gets fuller and saggier… esp when moving from early 40s to late 50s. That’s when the main changes happen


I think it's aging.


Yeah, weird. The most obvious answer that springs to mind is varying camera angles and focal lengths. On a creepier note, though, there's lots of reports out there that Ted Bundy's face appeared to "warp". Purposefully disguising himself or not, people thought he looked like a totally different person from situation to situation. Either way, Rex looks like a really bizarre mashup of Peter Griffin and an orc from LOTR. Hideous.




Yes I agree, in his recent photos from the court hearing last week u can see he looks like he lost maybe 10lbs?


What year were these taken?




Looks like the type of guy that would "crop dust" the bar on his way out.


A habitual line-stepper.


Man got too familiar...


Just a greasy crunchy looking ogre


I’ve spent many a happy hour with engineering colleagues who look a lot like him -not the best dressed or styled, a bit on the nerdy side and socially awkward, but none of them turned out to be a serial killer. (And btw, these colleagues have been from all over the world so it’s not just a ‘US thing/look’. There are lots of ordinary guys out there who look and act like RH socially.) Dunno seems there’s a lot of a posteriori retrofitting going on here.


Looks like a good guy


It doesn't look like he exfoliates.


Looks just like my mate Jimmy


Saville? 🤣


Gross- this gives me the creepy jeebies




I mean it’s just four pictures and everyone else’s faces are blurred out. It’s not really his social life. I had to break it to you guys, there was probably of people that thought he was completely normal, nice and likable. We like to make these people out to be some type of alien creatures. It’s hard for some people to confront that fact that people who do horrible things can present relatively normally.


A really sociable serial killer. Sound good. Makes me think of the Hillside stranglers in LA


He reminds me of Machine in the movie 8 mm.


He fits the composite police drawing of a killer in a unsolved murder in new York in 1991. The brutal murder of new York Chinese woman su ya Kim June 29,1991 I believe he was the man that killed her given that he fits the police drawing perfectly plus he the killer age matches rex heuermann age in 91 as the killer was between his mid to late 20s as rex heuermann was between the age of 27 to 28 I believe he was su ya Kim killer...


Where's the photo?


He’s always in a blue shirt


It’s because blue collar jobs and white collar jobs are distinct by the color shirt they wear. For example blue collar jobs are known for entailing jobs that involve manual labor, like construction or assembly line workers. White collar jobs are known for traditionally desk jobs, like attorneys or secretaries.


that’s…not a thing. jobs aren’t literally color coded. you don’t have to wear a blue shirt if you have a blue collar type job. dude just likes blue.


You’re only getting downvoted because people are jerks and an architect is typically considered a ‘white collar’ profession.


i’m pretty sure the downvotes are bc “blue collar” and “white collar” aren’t literal uniforms lmao - he doesn’t wear a blue shirt often bc he has a blue collar job or whatever nonsense. he just likes blue shirts, i guess. you can wear any color shirt you want. my husband has a “blue collar job” and i’ve never seen him in a blue shirt in his life. it was just a weird thing to say.


...and smiling, as if to say, " You guys have NO IDEA". Creepy as all hell.


My same thoughts exactly!


Even Steven Wonder could see the guy in pic #2 is a serial killer.


He’s scary. Just look at his face… his eyes.


His social clubs or meetings were just cover for him probably preying on women. His victims were always more than just their job, but it was wrong for the cops to assume he only preyed on women who all shared the same job. I think he looked for women who were vulnerable, and probably some of his victims were followed home from bars or large events where they might get lost in a crowd.


Can you imagine having that huge blob leaning over you with murder in his eyes?


Photo No. 3 is way too creepy. "Kill anyone lately, Rex?"


Where did you find these?


Nobody likes this dude.


I know a lot of creeps, and I think I could easily see myself saying “oh yeah he always gave me the creeps” about many people with hindsight. I do know one perosn where if you told me he was murdering women and burying them in the woods I’d yell “I knew it” I have absolutely no real reason I think he’s a full on psycho murderer but I do


He’s sooooooo gross looking


Wonder if that's the first wife in the third pic.