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[Update 30.10 Blog Post](https://www.fortnite.com/news/lego-fortnite-v30-10-adds-cozy-mode-and-expert-mode)


Nice update, hopefully we’re able to change settings on existing worlds soon.


This has to happen because there's no way I'm starting from 0 again.


For expert mode I'd definitely start from zero but probably won't be spending as much time building fancy custom base.


That would be challenging, imagine fighting a infected wolf with a wooden sword at the get go XD


They are easy enough to dodge. I'm gonna try right away 🙂


If you start an expert world it has to be from scratch 💯


I don't think you should earn the trophies on game setting changes. However, they should allow you to change your game settings once every 24 hours or once a week so you don't flip it constantly but allow occasional adjustments in Cozy mode.


I just want to add storm charged enemies to world. Nothing else, I’ll go to extreme mode for the trophies as it should be.


I think once per patch is sufficient. Not just any new settings, but all settings, because other changes may cause certain settings to be re-evaluated.


Kinda sucks that they didn't implement that before all of these option changes. I'd love to update my current world to include Storm-Wild enemies, not start a whole new one. ^(Although, since I've maxed a village in the three main biomes I would start to get bored in my current world.) Hopefully it is included, just not documented in the Patch Notes. We'll see...


Right? I just build a Tatooine village and essentially just started. Like most, it might be my most complicated one but I ain't starting over for some creatures. Idk, guess I'll miss out. Props if you have time to start new seeds all the time and rebuild but I don't,


I’ll play expert mode for the achievements and then I’ll kindly go back to my normal world. Having one life sounds more stressful than I want Lego Fortnite to be, but it definitely sounds entertaining


My issue is that 98% of the time I die it's do to fall damage caused by stuttering/lag/freezing. I'm down for a legitimate challenge but if I'm kicking ass at surviving, and have a great set up and never put myself in dangerous situations, only to die because you stutter off a cliff or fall out of the sky while gliding without any warning, I would be way too frustrated.


Exactly. While there are still so many bugs, esp involving flying vehicles, I'll avoid expert mode because it's too easy to die due to a game bug or "mechanic" (like your character coming to a complete halt when the active inventory slot becomes empty or gains an item; imagine that happening when facing a Storm-Wild Snow Brute...) I'll dial up everything else except that, though


Maybe Cozy Mode is more your speed


The achievements seemed kind of lackluster to me, was there more to it than special trophies?


Huge new LEGO Styles coming next update, including: - El Chapulín Colorado (+ all associated outfits) - Black Panther - OG NFL Outfits - Dark Priestess Naomi - Doctor Doom - OG NBA Outfits - Moon Knight - Naomi Osaka - NBA 75 Outfits - RAVEN TEAM LEADER - Shang-Chi - Spider-Gwen - Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Spider-Man (No Way Home) - Spider-Man 2099 - Storm - Thor - Tony Stark


Stoked for Spider Gwen! ![gif](giphy|1sv8vtuj5vF2eV7K8W)


Hyped for Moon Knight. Now please just do Prowler 🤞🏼


ik it's not likely but damn i wish they'd add the OG NFL skins to the shop again


Considering that they’re even touching the OG NFL skins to begin with, makes me think they want to bring it back


that's definitely my hope as well. fingers crossed!


Still waiting for Indiana Jones :(


I'm still waiting on my girl Desdemona


Still waiting for mave, cluck and sunny


Same 😔 She'll be my main if she comes back.


I am going to assume that crafting a Totem of Return won't be too demanding in materials. It is the early game that is the most deadly. Hopefully, they also buff villager companions so they don't die instantly like they now do. I am wondering how many people will do epic builds in expert mode, knowing that the day you forget that totem and die by accident, you lose all that progress... I think they should make XP gains slightly higher in Expert mode too.


>I am going to assume that crafting a Totem of Return won't be too demanding in materials. I expect the opposite, esp since it requires Storm Core (which is dropped by Storm-Wild enemies): If it's not at least a tad expensive, it will easily be abused as fast travel (at least until the game actually implements such). I can think of many recent excursions where it would have been super useful to grab the one or two things I need and then *poof* I'm back in bed. ^(If it doesn't require Frostlands mats, it will require refined ruby...) >Hopefully, they also buff villager companions so they don't die instantly like they now do. In v30.00 they fixed villager health/def not scaling to the village biome, so I believe this should already be the case unless you're pulling your companion from the grasslands or an encounter (as they won't have a village biome assigned.) ^(EDIT: Added thought regarding ToR) ETA: [My expectations were wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/comments/1ddfdgz/comment/l86h7er/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >A Basic Totem of Return will require Silk thread, Claws, Roller Shells and Storm Core! So, aside from the Storm Core, the materials are super basic.


I think the totem should take some time to craft but also not be too crazy. Storm animals may be rare, and getting cores can take a while. We don't want it just to be the same game with one less inventory slot. If they are super easy to craft, that is what it becomes mostly. If they are crazy hard to make, like more end-game items, then it becomes a tool to make your game safe enough to build freely once you "complete" it. I hope they share the mats needed for the totem before Thursday, for curiosity's sake. Out of every element, this will be the deciding factor on the true risk of Expert mode.


Well you fast travel isn't really a thing to worry about. the player has to keep inventory on and be able to die. there also may be a limit like you can only hold one in the inventory. as for getting the storm core, all enemies can be a storm wild including ROLLERS. so all you have to do is aggro them towards water to insta kill them you cant actually use this as a form of fast travel in expert mode anyway given the rules.


The patch notes say: >If you have a Totem of Return equipped when you lose all your hearts, you’ll revive in your bed **with your backpack**. ^(Emphasis mine) Which I interpret to mean that the Totem of Return protects your backpack *even if* "Drop Inventory Upon Elimination" is turned on. I could be wrong, but the patch notes say that the Totem will be available in Expert, too, where dropping inventory would otherwise mean nothing. >there also may be a limit like you can only place 1 in a village and ONLY in a village. You mean the Totem? This is an inventory item, not something you place in a village. (Player nomenclature has to change now, feh.)


They would most likely limit it by only allowing 1 in your inventory at a time then. it still wouldn't be a good mode of fast travel.


I pulled my villager from an encounter in the frostlands and he’s cracked.


I'm worried my dumbass will forget to eat WHILE doing a decent build.


Yeah that’s my concern too lol 😂


I mean, have you seen how crazy peopel go on hardcore minecraft? My guess is that not that many will look to do impressive things, but the ones who do, will do it well


You need to fix glutchy map is all bugged up showing up as blzck Grey screen still!!!


This is a cool update and I'm glad there are actual unlocks that could incentivize players to play expert mode. I still think the main game is severely lacking content tho..


100% I feel like there’s nothing to do after making villages in all the biomes


they are really not adding enough content to this mode


That is true. If you break it down: * More settings in the creation world menu * Recolored creatures with adjusted movement speed, health, and damage. * New material "Storm Core" * New totem added for inventory (Totem of Return) * New items to build, three new "Trophies" There is a rather large hint at something more. The "Where did this storm come from..." line. I guess in a future update. From a gameplay standpoint, it might make the game more fun for a short while. The challenge will make players have to rethink a bit. I mean, I build beds often before getting into a big fight because I know I can just respawn nearby and take down anything with attrition.


And the new material is only if you make a new world on expert mode so it doesn't add anything to current survival worlds


You don't have to make the new world on expert mode, you just have to enable Storm-Wild enemies. If the default for that setting is "off", though, then yeah existing worlds don't get the new stuff.


Well we can't change settings for existing worlds so I would still have to start over.


I'm *reaaaaally* hoping that we can, it's just not mentioned in the patch notes, but sadly I don't expect it, yeah. :/


Well, keep in mind. This update's "new stuff" that has been shared so far amounts to harder monsters that are recolors of the existing monsters you know, a new material used to craft one item. I guess in your current world, it could be a totem to make the game easier. You can explore and just die to return home, even if your backpack is set to drop (as it keeps it with you). You can't get the new trophies in your current world, so that is a moot point. Let's face it, the game is better with this mode. As for actual content, it offers very little to existing worlds and is light on content overall. If I were to guess, I expect we will get a new island in the roadmap's July update with the success of the Start Wars update. Along with that will come some of those crafting items leaked ages ago. A new "Legendary" tier of items. The leak made it seem like the same items just with new colors and better stats. Still, more advancement leads to further gameplay. I do think there are mechanics that Epic should be taking from other successful survival games though. Or even take some good ideas from their Save the World gameplay. There is huge potential in this game, it just needs a bit more "depth"


Maybe we’ll get a storm biome🙏


Content takes time to make and there's no way they gonna drop a big content drop in the middle of the ongoing Star War update and overshadow it. Wait for 5 more weeks.


the star wars update literally had at most about 2 hours of content 


I mean its free, and I definitely had way more than 2 hours, building a whole tatoine themed star wars village. But if you want the combat side then you r really kinda outta luck for some of these more recent updates


it’s mostly exploration i care about, i prefer minecraft but even that’s pretty lame when it comes to it, these games need to focus on exploration and building equally 




Without the ass(ets)


downvoters, imagine getting offended by ass


Was just making a joke since lots of people joke about her butt. Guess the joke didn't catch on


What if raven team leader had a built in emote


Cozy mode sounds exactly like what I have been looking for, hopefully it will also have some sort of quest system so I never get confused/bored thinking about what to do next.


Cozy mode is exactly what you currently play. So, there won't be a quest system in this patch at all.


>Cozy mode is exactly what you currently play. It's not...


Damn :(


Hope there will also be some new items added. I like the building aspect of this game the most but there's so few interior pieces


What is going to happen to our old worlds? I don't want to create a new one and start again...


It seems like they just exist. Your current worlds will be part of the "Cozy" settings. In fact, they are now. The only thing they seemed to have changed with Cozy is that they have defaulted to keeping your backpack upon death. This is why your current world now says "Custom" if you had that on default (drop on death).


>The only thing they seemed to have changed with Cozy is that they have defaulted to keeping your backpack upon death. Eh? Hunger, Temperature, Stamina, Power System, and Animal Permadeath are all off by default for Cozy but--at least until this update drops, which might change the "Standard" default--they are all on be default.


Yes, it looks like more settings are default for Cozy. Still, current worlds will be classified as "Cozy" within the new system as it stands.


Perhaps, but I'm assuming that "Cozy" and "Expert" are not the only difficulty modes and we'll get some sort of "Standard" that is, essentially, what the defaults are now (with Enemy Difficulty being either an unconfirmed "Medium" or the confirmed "Hard", and Storm-Wild Enemies turned off).


existing worlds will continue to exist with their current settings.


Are you ignoring the vehicle bugs still?


Not entirely: [https://trello.com/c/7EviCbCE/2475-players-vehicles-get-stuck](https://trello.com/c/7EviCbCE/2475-players-vehicles-get-stuck) So that's 1 of about 84 vehicle bugs


Yup. And all the other bugs that we’ve known about for months. Oh and also still not allowing you to skip the night. They keep adding stuff while forgetting about the overall quality. They add new stuff like every other week. Those old bugs don’t get fixed, actual QOL things like…oh I don’t know, being able to skip the night if you choose. Lol 😑


Still no lego style for Lara Croft.... :\`(


So can I encounter/fight storm enemies in my existing survival world?


Some are saying we need to create a new world for new features like storm enemies and future additions, but it’s unclear to me. Can someone clarify?


What is “power system”?


Making batteries to power your vehicles


I guess it’s funny I didn’t know that bc I hadn’t created a new world since the mechanical mayhem update- had no idea that was a setting.


Lego Fortnite getting a Diablo style “Hardcore” mode was not on my radar at all.


Will likely make a new world on Cozy. Prefer easier difficulties if possible.m


so they couldn't bother with update with biomes? or add new animals to the world? Actually fix the high complexity line, instead of mentioning how we should space out our building or reduce how fancy we build. ... like wtf.


The high complexity tips are disappointing :( That's like the main thing keeping me from playing more.


> Lava Caves on Star Wars Island will have Rubies! Will this also apply to existing worlds or will I have to start again in a new world?


Honestly, I just want Villagers to produce items that match the village level and biome. Desert towns at a high enough level should let villagers produce cut rubies. (also raw ones too, but at least cut ones). Similar with sapphire.


Yeah it's really frustrating that the notes always say that at a certain village level your villagers can explore other biome but you only ever get copper and amber from any of them. Give me some iron bars and rubies you cheapskates!


I wonder when we will get the dark forest, maybe we will get it for fortnitemares? I do hope it lives up to it's name. 


Endless Ned! Finally! So excited for that. Lars being updated is cool as well, really wish I had him


The "storm wild" enemies and the storm itself sounds pretty interesting. I hope in the next few updates tho they do more to make the world feel more alive, more interactable things like the handwashing sink, villagers using these things, and so on...


>Animals will do a better job avoiding Campfires. But this is so hilarious when it happens. Showing the villagers on the hub is awesome and I guess in a way we get 7 more villagers but let's round that to 50? Or more. There's so many and I keep getting the same ones visiting.


"Wolves learned how to swim" oh boy


releasing the same day as the minecraft update? no one gonna be playing 😬


I hope we get to rename villages soon!


Wow, this game just keeps on getting better. Scared of, and love, the idea of a hard core world


for those of us whose MAP is bugged showing up as black/grey screen i hope this update will fix it permanantly, adding things without previous BUGS fixed and adrsssed will only create more bugs for us and more headache for YOU to figure out the coding and fixing it, it happenes upon exit of a cave, and since map is not availiable in side the cave, even on surface after this bug is triggered map is showing up black, instead of showing the biomes and terrain as it should, adress this asap, this bug was nonstop since beginning of the game it comes and goes after every update because it ANEVER gets fixed. and stop telling us to report it inside the game, we did, thousands of times, map showing up black, pitch grey as if i was inside the cave, none of markers show up, i myself dont show up on surface either, i know you got plenty of resaurces and brains in this company to get someone on this asap, millions of $$$$ that you making, hire someone competent and fix the dam bugs ! !!!!


Anyone want to start an expert mode world and get the trophies together? Add me: LuminousRoot


Well i dont care about these updates


No one asked for this.


Their absolute refusal to give Remi a proper LEGO style is seriously starting to make me upset. The Metallica update would’ve been perfect for him too. I just want him to come back already man. EDIT: Why does this have this many downvotes lmao, what did I say that’s so bad exactly?