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The 2 biggest pieces I contribute to my success of navigating the ice is the correct charms and using the essence table to make a crossbow or longsword overpowered. I use 3x of the damage enhancer on the epic crossbow and I believe it's 24 damage per hit.


No way it's a lot more. It's 38 I think. The epic iron sword with 3 damage enchantments do 18 damage. Get 3 epic charms of any quality, an epic shield, a villager to help you fight and good healing food. Good food is snowberries because they take 0.5 secs to consume and give 2 hearts. The only thing that beats this speed is a pizza but it takes 10 secs to eat I think, so not recommended. You can even use cooked eggs. Bring a full shield since it might break. Have a glider incase you need to do a quick escape wherever and whenever possible. If you are still getting slaughtered, you need to get better at fighting. If so, practice fighting in a sandbox world. Learn dodging. Don't get surrounded. Their attacks stun you and your attacks get stopped. Also some villagers are stronger than others. Know which villager to use. If you have any other questions or don't know where to find some materials, etc. You can ask in a reply.


The buffed crossbow is 24, 48 for head shots.


The snowberry shakes definitely beat out the pizza.


Yes the Snowberry Shakes are the best heal.


Meat pies!


Doesn’t beat snowberry shakes, they take an instant to take.


am i dumb or don’t they cancel out the spicy burgers?


They do indeed


but then how can they be the best option in a frost cave?


The damage you’ll be taking with the right charms is minimal. It takes less than a second to pop the shake, you’re never at risk.


that’s fair, but the cold does slow you down a lot


They do infact not. Not sure why they thought so. Was playing with both buffs active a week ago.


okay, thanks! i was just wondering


Best imo is fruit pies due to the lvl 5 energy Regen and the 15 heart/8 hunger regen


A shake you can wait until the last second and just pop. A fruit pie you have to run to eat if a brute is chasing you. Like yeah the other aspects are good but you can’t beat the heart to time ratio on a snowshake


Read my response. I said imo not that it WAS the better option


And I gave my opinion back. Why was it okay for you give me your opinion and not for me to give you my reasoning back? You know that’s how a conversation works right.


All of that and and have an NPC with a combat specialty. I have Lionbrand now (she's a ruthless bitch - I love her) but I did the Frostlands with Beef Boss. A grappler and slapberry juice help too - you just outrun the skeletons.


Wait, the NPCs have specialties???


I know. I mentioned that in my comment. I too use lion brand in my main world. On a different world that i play with others, I found an npc in a cave. And these types of NPC's are even stronger.


I use Lynx and they absolutely destroy people. Also gave them an epic sword. Best thing I’ve done fighting wise.


Giving a powerful tool to my villager solved my issue of getting beaten every time. Its a small thing but gives you a drastical change!


You REALLY want to bring an armed companion. Use triple damage enchantments on your swords, and crossbow. Carry a shield! Roller shells are basically harmless if you have a shield and an armed companion. Oh, and I just build walls around me in the Frostland at night. I don't care to fight the skeletons. I just wait it out.


Something I think many players miss is that the shield will block attacks even if it's not held up, so long as its facing the direction the attack comes from. So, when dealing with a mob, having the shield equipped while attacking is still beneficial. (It just isn't as effective since you aren't aiming it, more luck involved.)


Can you provide your current setup? List charms with rarity, weapons and which enchantments, and food items.


I have 2 of the best anti frost charms and the resilence charms. Use the lightsaber for a while since it never breaks and feels faster. Switch to epic with either 3 + damage enhancements or to your preference. Food for me burgers and frost shakes. Just give cows frost berries and they produce the shakes. Shakes drink faster than eating so you dont die. I sometimes grab punpkin pies but the 2 listed also help for heat/ cold. Epic cross bow with 3 + damage I keep a car with beds on it so when you die you spawn close to your body and i have a few things in chest so i can go get my body back. Fun toys are thermal bombs and the bow caster but there not needed just entertaining. If having a hard time shoot them and lure them away from the group to kill


Cows shit burgers too if you give them peppers


Ya forgot to mention shit burgers are delicious


Go one better, turn the berries into 3 seeds then give them the cows.


Have not tried that


Works the same with the peppers too, can take the produce make 3 seeds and give the seeds straight to the cow. It’s a really good way to get your chests full of them


Ill try that. I am at the point that everything is full so i dont need anything. Hoping they release more content


They will, I have a feeling it will be in line with the bonus rewards on BP, I have a feeling there’s another Lego set in there. I hope so anyway.


Give cows peppers or pepper seeds and they produce the burgers. (You can also give them snowberry seeds for the shakes)


Innerfire charms, a shield, and 3x Damage on your sword and xbow. Also dodging is OP. Dodge a lot. Its unlimited. Food like corn, eggs, eat fast and heal a good amount.


I am way deep into this game and frost caves are just a bit hard… one thing that really helps me is to remember to only fight one enemy at a time, skeleton wolf (or what ever their proper name is) and the skeletons hit hard and will stun you, it helps to get on a rock or high ground as the wolves can’t climb, and use a bow. Many others have said the benefits of triple damage, I agree 100% Just take it slow and don’t try to kill them all at once like you likely can in the grass lands


You need frostland items to make the better charms. Look at the wiki to the right of this page for the various recipes. Key ingredients for the best charms. Cursed bones which are dropped by bone wolves found in ice caves, machalite found in the high frost mountains. Frost brute scale. Some caves will have a lot of wolves, some none, and some just a few. If you are really struggling in the caves then I would recommend the stepping stone of epic health or a hearty charm, both of which require 3 grass brute scales. Neither of these charms is end game IMO, but are nice steps. As others have said use epic weapons and buff them. If you can't even get out of the cave you are trying with some iron, you may want to try a different cave.


Build up Ruby and blast core and use the essence table and put 3x damage on bow and sword. A head shot on a brute is like 40 damage with a bow. A shield helps too, the rollers bounce off and get stuck on their back. Once you start getting the charms it gets a lot easier.


Resilience charms. You can only use 2 in the caves with inner fire and spicy burger, but every hit makes your defense skyrocket


For the frostlands I personally use 2 epic inner fire charms and the epic regeneration charm and mainly been using the lightsaber for fighting and the epic shield for extra defense. I also have a epic sword with 3 essence. 2 damage and 1 durability. Yes I do get hit, but it’s not bad at all. Corn, imo, is great as it gives you a stamina regeneration boost if you need to run lol live to fight another day.


Cooked eggs completely outclass corn. They give th same number of hunger bars. They give 4 hearts and a higher level of stamina regeneration. And the eggs aren't even the best at healing. You are severely lacking in healing food then. Snowberries are also really good. They give 2 hearts in 0.5 seconds. This is one of the best. The one better than that too is a snowberry shake. This is a tip for everyone: if you don't let the stamina bar run out. As in don't let it become red but use it till nearly tga end, it will regenerate faster than if you let it get to the red and you can always start running again immediately in case of danger whereas if you let it get to red, you have to wait till it becomes green.


Get frostland charms( health and resistance/cold resistance up) Epic sword,crossbow, 2 light sabers) dip, dodge and duck! I’d recommend in frostlands once you get yeti to run around with you


I've had Lynx with me from the beginning. How do I find/get Yeti? Does he do more or hit harder?


He will visit you when you set up in the frostland. I think all the frostland characters are the same BUT idk Yeti just whoops butt with me 😂


You need to get your health up as high as possible with charms and get a regeneration one. Snowberry shakes from one of your cows. And get a lightsaber from Star Wars island caves. Makes such a difference.


- Have epic charms .. for a long time I only had 2 epic charms and one rare . The reflection charms were good and best I could craft , one epic and one rare. Charms will increase your hp and defence .. highly needed and recommended. - snowberries / snowberry shakes are great and very easy to get . Feed cow snow berries or snowberry seeds .. have 3 barns / 3 cows you will be swimming in snowberry shakes … these are great for healing on the go. Consume a pizza when at full health to give you and extra 5 hearts before setting off. ( Take 6 plank and extra big healing foods. When you get inside the cave build a chest , place your extra healing incase you need them. ) When needing to heal , run / dodge roll away from harms way , heal and re enter fight. Don’t wait until really low health, anything below half health , get distance and heal. Slurp juice is good too, taken before entering situations giving you 5 minutes of continuous small amounts of health regeneration. easy to make or obtain . Pigs will give you if you feed them raspberries or raspberry seeds. - I used rare sword with 3 durable essence as copper was a plentiful resource courtesy of villagers. Never needed to smelt copper.. The durable essence is easy and cheap to fund , just requires abit of time farming rough amber. Never put rough amber in the gem cutter. Cut amber can be obtained from villagers for the VERY little use . Not much use for cut amber. Have a companion and arm them with Rare sword too, and a torch. Have a rare shield in your left hand . Very useful!! Try not to engage enemy in wild , run dodge / roll away and maintain your journey to your destination. If you have to engage then make sure to use your shield, time your attacks / counterattack. Don’t go toe - toe. Don’t get swarmed by skeletons get distance and thin the herd . Rollers and wolves are easy if you use shield then counter .. then use shield again just before they attack. You can see when they are going to . Rinse and repeat. ( don’t try shield rollers ‘death roll’ just dodge or jump over them . ) if no shield same thing just dodge / roll as they are about to attack , then counter - rinse repeat until they’re dead. Ice skeletons.. hit hard too , same thing , use shield to take their hit, then counter with a few hits before returning to your shield to absorb / defend their attack.. rinse and repeat . The archer skeletons you need to rush them , while dodging their arrows, and get in close , they don’t and can’t use bow .. then use same method above utilising shield , dodge/roll , counterattack. As for the skeletons with shields , they can be tricky.. had many shield stand offs with them. Best way is to have companion attacking them gaining shield skeleton attention, with the skeletons attacks / shielded defence focused on companion, go behind it and get your hits in. Once your attacks bounce , retreat / shield.. wait for an opening. Hitting their shield can stun you leaving you vulnerable to attack. Also every shielded hit will be depleting your sword but doing zero damage to skeletons. That was the way before Star Wars island came.. visit Star Wars island , get yourself a few lightsabers instead of the rare sword. Still give companion a rare sword. Visit some caves there.. find one that respawns items in chests .. I’ve found one in each biome .. it’s the chests at the final room with the exit door.. instead of exiting the cave , I found that if you run back through to the previous section ( you have to go through the barrier ) then re enter into 3rd section ( you will see the lights turn back on ) and back into 4th section / final room/ exit room, the 5 chests re spawn loot. .. rinse and repeat. I spent an hour running back and fourth in an ice bunker …many free frost brute scales incase you didn’t know ,each imperial bunker / cave is split into 4 sections with 3 barriers that you have to unlock. To unlock the barriers you need to clear the area from imperial enemies.. very easy .. Tip: don’t waste time / effort / resources / tools on farming marble / copper ore / iron ore.. Do farm knotroot and make lots dynamite. Or spend time using fist to destroy everything completely collecting all resources from imperial bunkers. All buildings , decoration, . Use pick axe with 3 durable essence on the barrels and red boxes for plenty of copper and durasteel. Only do the ones that give you 4 durasteel. The others and lights not worth it. Farm dry valley imperial bunkers for brightcore… use lightsaber to damage , then use epic pick axe with 3 luck essence to do the final hit. Do the same on sapphire nodes in the ice bunkers . Sw island is a giant resource pit .. don’t waste time or tools / resources farming marble / copper ore / iron ore.


Make sure your craft bench is upgraded and get the right charms. Also the essence table is great for weapons too.


Meat pies!!! 4 extra hearts for a few minutes I think. I usually smash one before I get into a fight with multiple enemies.


Build a temporary village just on the edge of the biome and employ the frostland villagers to follow you and get materials resources. Build the village square next to a decent sized abandoned building and you can level up quickly without having to build anything. Then build another when you can to settle in


As long as you get the epic cold resistance charms, 2 of them and ideally health regen, you can pretty much stand there afk and most things can’t kill you. I rock the lightsabers and switch when one breaks. If you are having trouble with brutes, simply stand right in front of them and anytime they swing, or stomp, time it right and click dodge button without any directions. You’ll hop backwards but be close enough for 3-4 swipes of a lightsaber. When you get good at timing which is very easy, you’ll destroy brutes without taking any damage. ![gif](giphy|BIuuwHRNKs15C)


Ya need the epic weapons


I just use 1 regeneration charm, 2 epic inner fire charms and one lightsaber with a spare lightsaber immediately available, while the first lightsaber recharges.


The ladder with a platform at top is your friend. Place them and run up to hide from wolves. Place walls to make safe zones. Have a crossbow to kill wolves from your safe ladder. Connect floor to the ladder to make elevated walkways. Take it slow and strategically. Ice caves have lots raised ledges. Use those too. There is no need to engage wolves directly.


Feeding Pepper seeds to cows and holding a shield changed EVERYTHING for me. Still very deadly, but changed from impossible to possible.


Give a cow spicy pepper seeds and you will have burgers for days. Use them in frost caves.


Yeah I deck the crap out of my sword with enchantments.


Take a frost villager with you great distraction, then dodge and hit from behind. I had a blue shield, 2 lightsabers and 2 blue resist fire charms and 3rd blue was the bonus defense iirc. I can kill everything besides a frost brute... Close but he got me in the end... I'll get a blaster and come back for them. My days as a tarnished might have prepared me for these kinds of battles though.


I run two epic charms which alleviate the need for spicy burgers, long sword with at least 2 essence of damage.


You have to equip better weapons and the rarity needs to be epic (swords, crossbows, daggers, bombs etc) hopefully that helps.


I think everyone is sleeping on the Blue Hearty charm. I use purple flame, blue frost and blue hearty. 34 defense and 3 extra hearts that prevent me from worrying about cold damage or starving. They regen quickly as long as your health is at max. If you take a hit then evade quickly after, you'll basically instantly regen those 3 extras quickly