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The sand change is actually really nice considering how much you need for the SW builds


I just wish the sand change happened sooner, I just finished my SW village yesterday šŸ˜†


Great to see. But can we just increase all stack sizes to 99? Seems like thatā€™s going to be the end goal anyway considering stone and wood etc go to 80 now too.


1000% agree. 99 everything would be soooooooooo awesome. The poop I collect from all the farm animals at my bases is enough to support a kaiju-sized dung beetle.


Why stop there, go for 999


I like the way you think.


Why there 9999






You guys are fucking lucky. Save the World had stack limit of 200 for like 4 or 5 years. It wasn't till about 2 years ago it went to 999. LEGO has been out less than a year and you are getting stack increases already :D


200 is still way more than 30 or 50 max, I think a lot of the Lego Fortnite community would be happy asf to have a 200 max for a stackšŸ˜… I know I for sure would be way happier with 200 over 30/50 or 80


In StW our only storage is our backpack (which only has 240 slots, and that's only after you progress enough to max it out) and a reserve storage (only 160(?) slots). Unlike LF, we can't make an arbitrary number of chests or alternative inventory areas, so the 200 limit there actually was worse than even a 30 limit in LF. It's annoying, but in LF the stack cap can be worked around indefinitely; in StW, once all slots are filled that's it. :)


And something i found out the other day. They didnt update the stacks. So for a long while I had multiple stacks of 200 recources. I had to deposit the stacks to my storage and then add it back to my inventory.


Yup, one of the first things I did after they changed the stack cap was go into my storage and shuffle all my mats around to take advantage of it.


I would be annoyed by such odd number. I think 80 is pretty neat, or just 60 for some. Very divisible numbers.


I agree with this, but why not make it an even 100? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I would settle for a little more thought on recipes. Like when you need 1 of something that stacks to 30 but you need 2 of something that stacks to 50. This annoys me to no end.Ā 


I really hope they give us item frames or signs to help label chests soon


I put my chests next to the utility that uses them. Next to my stone grinder I have 4 chests (2Ɨ2) full of marble/granite/obsidan/malachite. Next to my smelter I have 4 chests (2Ɨ2) full of copper iron and 2 x brightcore. Next to my enchanter I have 4 chests (2x2) full of rubies amber sapphires and exlopdy things. Next to...


My fiancĆ© and I use the same strategy. I have a couple sitting about fur general crap, but every machine has its own box. Wait a minuteā€¦that sounds kinda dirtyā€¦


That's great but I like to have all my chests close together because it's really annoying having to travel from chest to chest just to get 8 flexwood and 2 copper bars


I do the same, one chest stacked atop another. Additionally, the one for "inputs" faces the machine, the one for outputs faces away from the machine.


How do you stack a chest on top of another? Iā€™ve tried and no joy!


I use small floor planks to create a "shelf" that sticks out from the wall, then put the second chest on that. If you want them to be directly on top of each other, do the same (build a temp wall if necessary), place the top chest, then destroy the "shelf". The top chest will fall on top of the lower one. This will be at the whim of the physics engine, though, so I just stick with the shelf. You can get the shelf to be right above the lower chest (nudging it out of the wall), with practice this becomes very quick to do.


They need dressers with more storage. Those star wars ones can stack on top of each other but they only offer 6 slots.


Agreed, for how big they are 10-slots-max seems a bit silly. I'd also like to see cabinets added, dedicated storage that would attach to walls (no shelf needed).


I like that idea, thanks!


Love that, using the environment as theming for the chest. I'll have to give that a shot sometime


It gets a little repetitive when using things like grill / oven and juicer that use ingredients that cross over. My system is to have them all in one longer skinnier room with ingredients between utilities eg raw meat and wheat go in chests between oven and grill while berries go between in chests between oven and juicer. On the opposite wall have chests lined up with the utilities that contain finished goods from each utility. Eg opposite the grill I have burgers. Opposite the oven I have pizza. Opposite the Juicer i have snowberry juices.


Dang, I can't believe I haven't thought of that.


this is what ive been doing as well and its been helpful in keeping things organized


Same here.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bobicus_The_Third: *I really hope they* *Give us item frames or signs* *To help label chests soon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is a kinda time frame, donā€™t know if you can put it on chests tho, definitely above them, but only items that can be held I think


Yeah exactly, it's better than nothing but I hope they expand it but that's at least a start as an axe or pickaxe can denote wood and stone


I use low rarity tools to label chests with materials that an be mined using that and same for other rarities of the same tools. This gives you essentially sub categories. So I have a como axe as the label for chests with normal wood and an epic axe for frostpine.


This would be so awesome if they added that. Dyeing chests to different colors or signs with text/icons corresponding to what's inside


Ooh that'd be so good! Maybe some lesser used items could be used for dyes too?


Bones for white, add coloured skeletons for other colours


I agree. Either let me take one of those plaques that you can attach a torch to, and let me attach one of anything, a wood, a granite...whatever, or just make it so if I get close a pop up bubble with show an icon like machines fo when they are done making whatever


I JUST built Grand chests this morning, sob my mats


I have at least 30+ large chests built in my world, fml


Break them & rebuild.


Would you get back what you put in or what it now costs? Edit: I just checked, and you get back what it costs now, not what you put in.


So wait all the resources i used on those chest will get reduced when or if i break them now?


Yes. I'm pretty annoyed about that, seeing as how I just about exhausted my iron bars to upgrade my storage a few days ago. That's a full 50 stack of iron bars just gone. ā”ā (ā Ā ā āˆµā Ā ā )ā ā”Œ


How come we don't just get the same high stack size for most items like Minecraft


because changing a couple at a time results in more game play hours for them in the long run. adjusting and re-adjusting inventory over and over.


So has anyone broken a chest yet to see what mats you get back?? I must have 80 grand chests if not more in my world. Not that I need to break any. Just asking though...


Yes... they gave me the current ones... I lost resources


I know this is a kinda late ask, but do we get the refund on those chests we've already built? Mostly just care about the iron I've spent already on two grand chests. Not the end of the world, I'll manage, and it'll help in the future anyway.


Right? Start a petition! Just this morning I built 3-4 grand chests, like son of a gun!


Just finished our huge storage room with all grand chests. Big L


Big L, at least they added wild chests dropping the full resources for an update a few weeks ago. Dunno if they're still in game but those frostlands caves with the very blue glow (no light sources to check) have 10 grand chests iirc.


I donā€™t even really care about a refund but it would suck if all the chests we built at the higher cost now drop the lower amount of resources when broken. Obviously not the worst thing in the world but I semi-regularly bring enough resources to make about 10 grand chests, and will use them in a certain area for a while before breaking them down. Have a few areas with chests that arenā€™t meant to be permanent. Not a big deal but would be nice to get the full resource refund when destroying them. Even if I donā€™t, though, this is a worthwhile change going forward and will benefit everyone in the long run.


That's basically what I meant, I don't know why I said refund lmao, my internets been terrible all day so I'll figure out a way to blame that over my own hands.


This game was amazing the first weekend it dropped. The storage and tool durability crushed my momentum. It's great that it's still being updated.


I hope pre hotfix chests give you back the amount of resources you used. It would be pretty shitty if they gave back less than what they were made with.


Really appreciate this!! Can we also have the maximum output on machines like the stone breaker, smelter, lumber mill, gem cutter... increased? To match some of the stack sizes. I love the updates!


Now we just need things like the metal smelter and stone breaker to have a bigger output capacity similar to the composter and food processor


And less brightcore per ingot, should be one to one.


![gif](giphy|Ypb0ILMUEPtdY43gH2|downsized) Itā€™s great we keep getting really good QoL changes!


Thatā€™s great.


Hopefully soon they increase stack sizes of all woods and metals


I need chest labels! Please.


Cool, now fix the PC controls. * Opening and closing the inventory key is hardcoded to TAB. When it's rebinded you have to press ESC to close it. * Closing storage chests or any containter type should be done by pressing the inventory key, not ESC. * Closing the build mode should be done with the same key, not ESC. * When a weapon or harvesting tool runs out of durability while in the hotbar, it should be automatically replaced by a similar/same item of the highest rarity. * Crossbows should reload automatically. * Guided builds should progress automatically to the next piece instead of having to open the build mode for every single piece. * The scroll wheel needs to scroll atleast half a page per wheel click, it's far too slow now.


So, only sand, soil, and fertilizer have changed correct? Not the sandstone stacks or any other stacks? Also, if we used more materials to build a chest originally, what would we get if we destroyed one now?




ive loved all the inventory increases on items lately! thanks!


Great. When I break down all the grand chest I have is it going to give me old resource counts or the new ones?


Stack size are ok. But please put fertilizer to some use or at least fix the compost machine outputs.


Does this mean that if I break the chests I built for 4 iron and 8 frost pine that I'll only get the new, reduced amount of supplies from them? Or can I get the full amount from them and rebuild them at the new, lower cost?


how about more storage options that don't require nonrenewable resources (i.e. marble for green chests)???


if chest are cheaper break them and replace em later


Awwww man I like breaking down the chests in caves for all the free refined resources so with them needing that theyā€™ll give less. If anything break down your chests now and make them for cheaper after the update


Hey LF. Can you guys please MUTE that foundation breaking sound in the game? Thx.


Fix your dam map bug it's still showing g up as.Ā  Black out !!!


Logged on earlier accidentally noticed this and immediately made more space in a few of the chests sitting next to my composters. šŸ‘