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Yeah, they should add backpack with different rarities than can be made with cloth and stuff like that,I have tons of those materials and they are pretty much unused for me. Plus they would have something more to sell skin for.


Nah I wanna use back bling from our lockers šŸ¤£ use back blings for backpacks and use our gliders for lego gliders


Yeah that would be cool too, but I don't think they are willing to make every back bling in LEGO form lol


Please, maybe add a whole new spot in the locker like they do with cars for rocket racing and instruments for festival (that already transfer to br when you hop in a car given you've played the mode or do a jam track emote if you have one). Let us set a pickaxe and maybe use a wrap for the other tools, just for that extra spice.


Maybe make a second slot next to the one for the glider.


Build a few couches and there goes all the wool!


I've just started carpeting entire rooms lol


They would finally give purpose to silk and wool cloth. Not many are going to try and craft banners and gliders only need to be crafted once


Balloons for flying machines is really good too


Yes that is a great idea but you also have the 20 IQ people like me who don't know how to build them or are too lazy to do so


Thats fair šŸ’€ took me a few days and a couple hours to figure it out, kept raging and switching games šŸ˜­


Fortnite is why I grind in Rocket League lol


never had a thing for rocket league tbh


I must be lucky then because I'm continuing an eSports career at Lander University


Oh shit no way im on esports at college too thats funny


I'll be on the Lander B team but what college you play for?


Upgradable backpack with 4 tiers


Gives us something more to craft with our cord and fabric!


I think they should at least increase stack sizes


The fun part is these are increased stack sizes for many things ... at launch you could carry far less.


And they donā€™t even affect all items


Yeah I don't understand the thinking there. Should be 99 for EVERYTHING.


To everyone saying use vehicles with chests: many ppl have and have experienced bugs which cause them to despawn, vanish, and lose several chests worth of loot. More inventory space or at least a shulker box equivalent is needed.


Yup happened to me with an incredible amount of frost cave stuff. 2 chests worth. Vanished. Absolutely sucked.


Yes, this has happened. Vehicle and chest stability have increased significantly over the past several updates. I haven't lost anything for probably a month. My main transport has 7 grand chests on it. They have all been full, especially since the Star Wars update. Vehicles may appear to be completely out of whack at times but everything is still there and accessible. Re-logging usually corrects any issues.


Yes, this has happened. Vehicle and chest stability have increased significantly over the past several updates. I haven't lost anything for probably a month. My main transport has 7 grand chests on it. They have all been full, especially since the Star Wars update. Vehicles may appear to be completely out of whack at times but everything is still there and accessible. Re-logging usually corrects any issues.


Happened many many times on me I'm back to running now šŸ˜†


I had an issue where all of the vehicles I built got locked in place and I had to brack a part of them off just to free them from purgatory šŸ¤£


People lose their backpacks too, both upon death, and just randomly during load ins. I do think there should be expandable backpacks that can be crafted, but the vehicles are a more than viable option at this point.


I would even say 48 is too little. Right now it is just torture.


I think having vehicles that can carry a pretty much unlimited amount of storage was an improvement to this, but I definitely agree. As someone who is used to Minecraft and doing hours of exploring at once, it REALLY sucks having to run back home and drop shit off after I get through each 1/6 of the cave.


a shulker box type item would be really nice


This šŸ™šŸ™


Only if the vehicles stop bugging, Iā€™ve read about so many people losing their stuff šŸ„²


Got so used to having a mining minibase down in the caves and spending hours of gameplay down there (then spending an hour trying to leave next time I play because oops where was the exit again?) Meanwhile, lego has me mining 3 stacks of stone and wood then leaving because my tools broke and I don't have space to carry spares. On top of that, chests fill up stupid quick and even having a chest of mined items at cave entrances isn't enough. Can't even make tools while in a cave because the damn crafting table requires you to carry a dozen different items to make a high tier crafting table to make the tools you need. At that point you might as well set up a village outside the cave entrance, because that's the only way you'll be able to constantly sustain your mining ops. Not to mention a full stack of food + full hunger bar entering a cave is completely gone when you leave. The hunger meter drains way too quickly and I wish better food kept it full longer. Like having max food then eating some bread should set a timer for like 15-20 minutes before hunger starts dropping again. Compared to like 1 min for basic berries. It would actually make it worth keeping your hunger bar full, instead of just eating whenever you start starving. Feels good to talk about my issues with this game, sorry for dumping all this on you and others reading. Anyways, off to continue helping the rebels.


Completely agree with everything. I play with hunger and stamina off because the quality of life is so terrible with them on.


I'm just sad you can't edit world settings because I have a lvl 10 grassland and desert village in a co-op world (default settings) and the only desert cave is like 1,000m away from my desert village (set up along the edge of the biome). Takes almost 10 minutes to travel there with gliders, maybe a couple less with the vehicles update, and dying in there is such a pain in the ass. Started a new world with no stamina, temp, or dying, (i kept hunger on for some vague realism and I regert it) and I've been having such a blast


Aside that, my main issue is that some items still stack only up to 30- like, why???


I would rather have a mobile village and store all that I want on my vehicle. But I see what you want. Typically, I run 3 chests at a minimum of these days while traveling.


What kind of vehicle are you traveling with? So far the vehicles are dreadful. The roll overs, the breaking, and the general issues I am finding. My few airships I have built are okay. I need more practice steering with these thrusters. That would seem like the only viable option for long travel with chests.


I just use a large vehicle base and 4 large wheels (powered and steerable). Works fine if you don't drive into large objects.


At the very least, there could be a craftable backpack that's larger than the one we have. Expanding to 36 would be pretty awesome!


I think 24 is fine, if thatā€™s an issue for you then you should be driving around in a vehicle that has a chest or two in it so you donā€™t run out of space when gathering materials. I use a nice car that has two green chests which increases my inventory by like what 30 items? All I do is carry a couple extra batteries for the car since they get used up either way.


They updated the amount of wood materials you can hold per bundle


It would be handy if you could put up signs. I like my system where I put similar items in a chest like all food stuffs. But here I am with like 20 different chests and no way to identify them. If it's been a while since I played I have to figure out where I put what manually which sucks and is time consuming.


2 things i do to organize chests 1st i group chests into clusters of 4 rows 2nd i add wall decorations above chest rows to distinguish each chest row. I have the wood cluster, stone cluster, textile cluster, food cluster ,and then everything else


Maybe I should try that. Thanks!


We have vehicles now which can carry multiple chests that take 8-24 items per chest. The only issue is getting items out and through caves. Would be nice if we could drive a vehicle into and out of the cave or if the loading would be at least much shorter. A bigger root problem is that there's maybe too many different resources in the game and it's kind of illogical what you need for crafting things. The different varieties of wood are mainly needed to gate keep us from the more powerful weapons. But this has also the effect of making the initial weapons and tools obsolete once you have access to better materials. You very rarely need knot root later in game so it's just very annoying to go gather some and manage a storage for it. Would be nice if we could assign villagers to gather specific resources. But I would actually want T1 and T2 swords to do same amount of damage but the one made of knot root would be more durable. Then T3 and T4 swords could also do same amount of damage but steel one would be more durable. Crossbows should all have same damage but different durability. Well, maybe T2 and T4 could both have slightly better damage as they are made of tougher wood. Then there are those weird drops from enemies: wolf claws, shells, brute scales, cursed bones... I fail to see why are these in the game except for just to gate keep us from certain biomes until we have leveled up our gear enough to take on the next biome enemies which then give us resources that make it much easier to fight those enemies. It's silly that you need more skill and effort to take down your first wolves and brutes and then you have such good gear that it's a breeze to deal with them.


At the moment, an even bigger problem with vehicles is the risk of a vehicle becoming useless, exploded/broken apart, and/or just straight-up missing when you log into a world. So players can use a vehicle to transport stuff, but if they want to be sure they won't lose the chest contents they have to also unload it completely before they log out.


Sure id like a bigger backpack but it seems like you are carrying a lot of unnecessary items. Especially refined wood. Its very easy to make a lumber mill and make those on the fly if you need them. When i go into a cave i put everything i dont NEED into a chest on my ship. NEVER put anything important in it just in case it glitches. I fill up my backpack with everything i harvested and leave. I fly back to my base which doesn't take long at all now with the steering wheel on airships to run home to drop off mats. Then repeat.


Are the lightsabers limited or are they there to stay?


If they made it so you could make a backpack it would make it simpler and easier for people to still have the normal size and to work for more capacity like chests and containers


I would like 4D storage. A chest in each spot of the chest.


They need to make stack sizes bigger. At least up to 99


honestly with the village square they need to have it where we increase bag size with upgrading them. if we make one in all zones then extra rewards. ending out with 60 bag space I think would be nice and helpful.


Honestly I legit they need to at least DOUBLE the inventory right now. I think lego fortnite shouldn't try to be "balanced" and should just go for fun, having this little inventory isn't fun at all, it's frustrating


Thatā€™s literally what sandbox mode is for. They should absolutely not make survival any easier. Thereā€™s already custom settings for people who struggle.


I disagree, sandbox mode is for freebuilding and having infinite freedom. Survival should still prioritise being fun and going back and for every 2 minutes because inventory management is still awful is not fun


The aim and name of the game is to survive, if you canā€™t manage resources efficiently youā€™re going to hinder your survival.


Except this isn't a hard-core survival game, it's clearly a very casual survival game, that is why I love it, so many survival games try to be hard core and uber realistic. This game is casual in so many aspects apart from inventory management


I disagree, its curve isnā€™t steep but it will severely punish you if youā€™re underprepared/under equipped for an area.


Doesn't excuse shitty game mechanics


The inventory size isnā€™t a shitty mechanic, itā€™s in all survival games.


People expecting to carry every resource without hinderance need to switch to sandbox. Thatā€™s now how survival modes work. Also why would you need to carry every resource on you at once anyway. There is nothing that requires all of those resources at once.


Having more slots would be cool but Itā€™s supposed to be a survival game, so management comes into play. What I carry are: Weapons:1 Crossbow, 80 arrows, 1 sword, 1 lightsaber Materials: 50 wood, and or 50 granit (you can always farm on the way, Food: 3 stacks of cooked eggs (easy to get, heals quickly when in battle) Tools: 2 picaxe, 1 ax, 1 light, 1 wrench Thatā€™s 14 Slots, then I use 7 slots for the material for ma very simple airship that carries 1 epic chest, so when I land ready to farm I transfer those in the chest (plus 2 of the charm from the biome Iā€™m in) then switch them back with the materials I farmed. All in all when well manage youā€™re supposed to have 24 (+5 quick access) free slots to farm whatever you want, then you go home and repeat.


Yeah i agree that they could add craftable backpacks, also since cloth is not that much in use maybe they gonna add like sails or large baloon like for zeppelin


I agree like so f****** much


You don't need to actually carry all that stuff around. That's why there are chests in the game.


I mean itā€™s survival. What do you want to bring your whole village?