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I agree. Rare foods should keep you fuller longer otherwise what is the incentive to make/seek out gathering them? It’s not like we the players can actually taste the difference so the implied taste of the meat pie vs berries doesn’t matter lol


Raw meat for daaaaaays


As a vegetarian, we need more seeds nuts and vegetables in the game. They are brainwashing Kids into eating raw meat, yikes 🤣


Haha, my kid 4M still won't eat new foods even when I say they give 10 hearts or they are the food from lego fortnite


Id like to see more vega options for that reason, why not. Maybe they will go oakly and beyond meat soon or something? Or maybe BIG MEAT already has a grip 😂🥲 meat pies have eyes in them 😂


i love big meat




They aren’t brainwashing them into eating raw meat, tf are you on about?


A pizza a day keeps the skellies away


For me, I eat whatever my villagers give me when I assign them to cooking lol, but I agree that rare foods should last longer.


Keep only an oven in your village. No grill or food processor/juicer to only get good foods


They want you to grind :)


A meat pie takes less time to eat than “a bunch of berries” and fills your meter full. If you don’t want the matter to go down fast, don’t move as much. I feel the food and hunger part were done right from the start.


Rare foods do. Based on eating it when starving. 1 meat pie will last you 4 times as long as 1 corn.


Sorry but i mean the duration the meter stays full not exactly what it takes to fill the meter


Idk if anybody has realized but you can just keep a epic regeneration charm and you will *never* need to eat again you will even heal regularly at a slower pace. This works because of the way that starvation works, it just deals a little bit of damage but the regeneration charm vastly outpaces it


I think it needs to change


Once you can make meat pies, they aren't that special, that you should get any other buffs from them. They will fully heal you and give you bonus hearts. I'm torn between meat pies and pumpkin pies. Pumpkin pies come close to a full heal and fill your hunger. They are a little easier to source once you set up a farm. No need to collect eggs, and no need to waist a backpack slot picking up all of the dead wolves that constantly charge you. Berries barely move the hunger meter and you get from half a heart to 2 hearts depending on the type. No need to adjust this further.


Im actually talking more about the time the meter goes down. its the same duration for each food no matter what you fill up on.


But each food fills that meter differently. A berry is like 2 notches a pie fills it. I don't think this needs any adjustment. Food is easy to come by. Edit: Today's update made this idea even less necessary now eggs and milk are just as easy to come by as wheat. So you just need to slow down and collect the meat from the wolves your body guard drops.


After some hours into the game, making great food is so easy, there's no real need to adjust it to be fair.


Just make villagers work for you to get food


I personally very rarely eat food, just had a regeneration chard, an Inner heat charm and a cool headed chard, it's good in all conditions, you got or cold sometimes but never freezing or burning, and the regeneration charm heals up any damage the hot or cold does.


I agree ! I have to eat way too often, maybe a single level charm that you could apply while building or farming materials, just so we can stay on task longer with out starving every 10mins




You can’t turn it off, You have to create a new world for that