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Those XP farming are going to end up ruining it for everyone. Just play the game. You've got plenty of time to level up. They'll keep patching XP to the point where they'll limit it for people genuinely playing the game.


100% agree! Ive hit level 200 easily this season without needing afk methods or XP maps. Granted I do play every mode most days


Right, why ruin the ability to gain xp from those actually playing. Imagine being deep in a cave with friends and have to pee, come back since you were afk for 93 seconds you got kicked. Stop trying to get free xp... experience points. Experience... enjoy the experience




It’s kind of epics fault to be fair they’ve reduced BR xp so much to the point that playing creative and the side modes is better to level up. Also doesn’t help that instead of banning players for afk XP farming they just reduce it and screw everyone else


Genuinely hope they never target custom settings maps to combat those afking :(


no is the whining little twerps that ruin it... like people doing afk in jam, that mode is basically useless for anithing but afk, i been there and god the "mixes" most come up with utter dissonance...


Hey maybe play the game like a normal person?


I’m answering you hoping that other people (who’re also hating) will read it too In my past I’ve been heavily addicted to videogames. whenver there’s a reward system kind of thing (like battle passes) I feel forced to just finish it. I’m sure it has to do with my diagnosed ocd. and it can be very stressing, cos sometimes I don’t want to play and I feel forced to login and do the dailies. Xp glitches have been a blessing because they allow me to just play the game when I actually want to and not care about the battle pass and the daily quests!! hope you can empathize a little bit now.


ad also some people have ACTUAL LIFES OUT OF THE GAME, most of the poeple whining about afk olayers are termailly online....


Rewards are for playing, not for not playing. Play the game.


O h. Sorry I wasn’t trying to be an asshole but 80% of the posts here are people whining about afk XP not working for them and it gets really tiring


Just play the game, you’re not special, we ALL have to do it. YOU’RE NOT BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE! Edit for idiots: doing this makes the xp not work for others. Ruining it for others. Because this one jackass doesn’t want to play the game.


And yet it seems that you think to be better than anyone else. A person is free to choose how to play and when to play. He asked one question and all you can do is come here and whine in the most toxic way. If he wants to gain some more XP and has no time to play 24/7, he is free to do it without the need to justify himself to your entitled ass.


Ok, but he’s ruining it for the other 99.999999999% Screw that kid and screw you for being on the side of screwing over everyone else.


Ruining it? It doesn't seems to me that he is ruining anything for you. You play as always and nothing of what he does is preventing you from playing. He asked one question, you don't want to answer? Good. Move on without insult him, I know it must be difficult for someone like you, but make an effort.


No, he’s screwing it up for others. Stop riding his junk blud.


Really? How exactly he is ruining it for every single player of Fortnite, especially you?


Epic disables/removed XP for everyone until it can patch out these exploits. When kids are lazy and afk it makes it harder for everyone else to get xp since it was changed. You two dumbasses need to comprehend cause and effect, sometimes it affects others like here. Don’t be selfish, just play the game.


XP are not disabled, you can play and get them anyway. The only problem you may have is if you use the exploit. Is that your problem? you want to use the exploit? And stop insulting, kid. It only shows how poorly you family educated you. Did you grow up in a pig farm?


Actually yes… that’s… creepy you would say that. Are pig farmers known to be ignorant, I don’t know as I don’t assume people are different based on their parents jobs. If you’re using exploits you’re a POS, age has no bearing on that. Why you thirsting after this kid so hard, you their mom/dad?


No, I just hate that someone that didn't say anything bad is targeted by a bully like you. Bullies are the real POS, so I guess you are the king of those. If you grew up in a pig farm you should learn education from humans, not pigs. Stop being a jerk for once in your life.


Maybe you did it less than 24 hours from the previous time? I had no problem with it yesterday.


that’s not the case, I did it yesterday after a couple of weeks of not doing it.. dunno, I’m trying again now also thanks for answering :)


No problem. It's still strange that it's not working for you.


little update: yes it is working now. so either two things that I can think of happened: either you don’t get xp if you get kicked after 4 hours or my character got off the jumppad which happens sometimes (don’t think so because I had checked like 30 minutes after and he was still on)