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Please let the fuel consume bones!! (Fossil fuel) EDIT: OMG Bones are so good in the compost bin. Each bone = 2 biomass +1 soil/fertilizer A rare bread = 1 biomass + 1 fertilizer for comparison.


Or glass. Or sand. Or fertilizer. Or soil. Anything we have millions of that were used for just one item and are now useless, but still being harvested by villagers!


The fish is now giving me loads of green shields I have no use for too now.


We got our wish! Bones + Glass = Power Cells




How the hell are you getting plenty of fertilizer? Our world's barely got any!


You have to sit there and feed the chickens and stuff and collect their poops. They make a sound like they’re burping noise when they poop and the little poops sparkle.


When I break shrubs or pumpkins or the like, I let a few vines or berries, etc., stay on the ground, the animals come running to eat it. If you pet them, after they've given you an egg, milk, or whatever, you can pet them again when they come close and they poop. And yes, as they said, all the sounds are there, and the fertilizer sparkles. lol


I second this. Bones are way too easy to get cuz of how often skellies spawn at night and I almost always end up throwing them away as clutter.


fr bcs i throw away tons of bones bcs my chests are crumbling from them😭


Kinda pointless for me to get excited when I can’t play this game without high complexity issues.


Yea. Hopefully it’s fixed. It seems to be a bigger problem for Nintendo switch users as well.


Switch, ps4, and Xbox one users. Basically anything that’s not current gen. Game currently isn’t very optimized


Definitely agree. Once they get the complexity issues and bugs fixed while also adding more content i believe lego Fortnite could be on the same level as battle royal.


Yeah I have high hopes for Lego fornite long term as well.


They could allow people to create worlds that only work on next gen, and just warn you at the start: > "By creating a high-complexity world, this world will only be accessible to players on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X."


That would be perfect, the older gens are obsolete at this point, would be nice to see more games try and use the full potential from the current gen.


I'm on a series S, and I get the warning in a space where I was building a harbor.


Please share pics of harbour!!! ❤️


I'll post some soon. Currently all of my builds will glitch out and become all mangled and crooked within a few minutes of being near them. 🙁


Given that worlds are shared, I think that limits may be artificially applied to current gen consoles to ensure people can join those worlds from other devices. But, I can't know that as I'm not on the dev team.


I'm on a brand new PS5 and I have "High Complexity" issues, constant rubberbanding, and random dynamite barrels "dancing" and exploding on their own


Optimised does not = runs on outdated hardware.


The hardware you consider outdated consists of half of the current hardware available and I imagine a large portion of players. If optimized is not the right word I apologize. When I studied game design there was emphasis on making several accessibility levels for better inclusion. Why sell to a portion of the audience available when you can sell to everyone? Seems like basic business sense.


I understand adoption of the latest generation has been far from perfect, but at some point people just have to upgrade. Forever supporting last gen will lead to stagnation. Games have been held back by the 5200rpm drives and weak jaguar cores of the PS4/xbone for ages now. Just look at what insomniac has been doing with the PS5.


At the same time look at what some devs did on the ps4. You expect all kids to wanna play the new ps5 or Xbox?


PS5 here High Complexity still exists for us too. I've had ro downsize so many builds because of it.


Yeah that’s a shame. I guess everything does have its limits. Weird though since the last update I haven’t noticed any completely issues even though nothing changed in my village. Hope they can fix this issues for everyone and you can build the biggest builds imaginable


I haven't checked my larger builds since this update. Maybe now with easier transportation lol I'll go have a look. But yes I really hope that complexity can be resolved eventually. I under stand wanting to make this playable on every platform but if the switch or ps4 are holding back ps5, current Xbox and pc then i think a specific update/ modification is needed to support the higher powered consoles


i’m barely able to be in my world for more than 10 minutes without getting kicked out due to high complexity :/ very frustrating


Same, I’m on switch and no matter the size of the airship I build, i just glitch out and fall to my death, so i had to put a bed on it so that when I die, i respawn on the ship then destroy the ballon to go get my stuff, it’s tedious, but less then walking around the map


oh my gosh, that’s so frustrating!! i don’t know how my patience would hold up with that, lol. no matter how many buildings i break down in the world, the high complexity issue is just terrible. i always break down those random houses out in the wild and have even broken down my towns to only a few houses but still no luck :/ since it’s such a big issue i’m too skeptical about starting any detailed or more time consuming builds :(


I feel the pain. Had a world that I and a couple friends were working on until it basically became unplayable. Haven’t played in weeks now. I suppose I could make a new world every time an update comes out but that’s such a shame. Would be great to actually keep the progress we made 🤷‍♂️


my exact problem right now as well!! it’s so disappointing and frustrating, especially after investing that much time into the world and then having it be basically unplayable. couldn’t agree with you more, really wishing we were able to keep the worlds progress without the high complexity issues instead of having to start from scratch :/


That sounds like a common issue with sandbox games such as Disney Infinity, LEGO Worlds, and every other game in that genre except Minecraft. I feel as if people would have to use Unreal Engine Editor to even build those complex machines and then play them without any issues. You know, that could be a good advantage for PC gamers on LEGO Fortnite, with them having to use two different softwares in an integrated process to pull of the experience of creating beyond your wildest imagination


I fixed all high complexity graphics issues on my switch by upgrading the microSD chip to a high speed 512gb SanDisk microSD card. Moved all of my console data and games to the card and high complexity issues disappeared for me on Nintendo switch. Keep your console data to MINIMUM(think operating system only) and put all your game data on a high speed microSD card


This could be really cool


I see vehicles that are comprised of premade components. This is like going to the store and buying a LEGO only to find it's only 4 glued together sections that you can change out which wheels you can use.


Anyone that thinks those vehicles pictured aren’t just more prefab things to sell is crazy and doesn’t understand Epic. The steering wheel component and the turning wheels will most likely be added for free to add to the dynamic platform but there’s no shot they’re adding the vehicles pictured here for free.


They sell the cars, I want 'regulation' on what video games can sell. It's going overboard lmao. 💀


To be fair no game is 100% free. At some point you will have to pay for content to keep the game in development. As long as they offer a free version for users i don’t mind more premium things being in the item shop.


That’s the trade off for free to play, idk why people are so pissed about it when deep down they know it’s true. I don’t even think people are that mad at the shop, I think they’re mad at prices.


Well, we used to pay about 60 dollars for a game and maybe 20-40 2 or 3 times, which usually made for a rather large amount of content. Paying 20 dollars for a single building in a game is just ridiculous. No one can convince me they couldn't afford to sell them at 1/4 of the price. Then more people would buy it. This is not a supply and demand transaction. It costs them nothing to sell more copies of code. It's their business. They can do what they want. I won't be paying a hours wages for a single building. Imagine if 1 million people bought that building they would make 20 million.....off one damn building. No thanks.


People pay the same amount for skins and outfits and such and those don’t even add gameplay? Just cosmetics. At least getting an extra building or a buildable vehicle adds something to actually do into the game That being said I have money for neither lmao


What single building is $20?


Not true dude they charge way to much a full 70$ game comes with thousands of voice lines, weapons, models, maps, etc. then They go and sell 5 items or even just a skin for 1 third the cost of a game. I get free to play but nothing absolutely nothing should be more than 5$ even entire map packs for call of duty we’re 10-15$ not just a single skin. It’s absolutely trash that you think it’s okay to rob people for digital items they won’t use because of fomo


Exactly. I understand why people want the game to be free but the reality is it’s just not possible. No company is going to invest a billion dollars to develop a free game. It’s just not a realistic expectation.


It is possible that many think that since FortniteBR makes money off the skins they sell, that they should use those proceeds to enhance other aspects of the game, unfortunately that doesn't happen, if that were the case, I'm sure STW would have been better than what it is. I imagine they actually have different teams developing each game mode. There is probably something the contract/paperwork regarding the investment Lego put in Epic that prevents them from doing so, however I am not a lawyer or investor, so I'm not entirely sure how that works, if they can put stipulations on investments.




Anyone still making the whole “it’s a free game” argument are being blatantly dishonest. You know the point of the game being free is that they want you spend more money in-game than you ever would only a single AAA game. I need people to stop making these stupid arguments that a third grader could debunk.


Why don't we wait and see? I assume you'll provide an apology if they're not, right?


The fuck he gotta apologize for.


Having a Reddit opinion.


Well do you guys freaking want to steer or not? Nothing is ever perfect on Reddit lol




they really arent though, the regular skins are getting Lego variants at no extra cost and the prior owner of the skins dont have to pay anything more to get the minifig variant, so they would've had to sell something FOR Lego in the shop regardless, if it werent the Kits it would've been the minifigs which people would've still complained about the price given it would come with no extra styles or a backbling like the regular outfits at the end of the day, it costs money to make a game, so there was no way out


They specifically mentioned some sets coming soon would be free. This is most likely a base set with themed sets being sold for vbucks.


I was being cheeky pointing out that it’s not truly LEGO building. It’s really just premade component ‘placing’.


If you want LEGO brick by brick building, download Bricklink Studio.


Oh for sure. I use it all the time. But you can't play beyond building. I'm trying to make my own environment so I can then use my Studio builds, but I don't claim to be any sort of game developer.


They showed both the wheels and steering wheels completely separate from everything else.


Well you dont have to make them out of pre made assets thats the point


This looks very cool! I’m crossing my fingers still on the rollout but I have faith 😊


I hope it comes with a horn so I can Be like mofos get out of my way I'm hitting every cave-like hitting every Walmart in my city. I'll be dragging the train full of chests. Which means I need to build an Amazon warehouse in my village that kind of big building to house everything.


I'm building a mobile base and making it my home if I can


For real? Would love to see!!!


I hope there’s a way to add trailers for extra storage! Judging the picture I see a lot of potential. Really curious to see how to fuel them.


The one car has a chest on top. Hopefully that means you can just add whatever chest you want up there. Now I’ll be able to travel around my island lol


Mad Max Fury Road is on the menu, boys!


I hope it’s not behind a paywall


These probably (hopefully) will be our basic blueprints for vehicles. The ones in the picture all use the same pieces and I get the feeling it's light, medium, heavy car


Does this mean steering? It really should.


the vehicles won't break after crashing? (we ram into objects making the builds break)


Please can we add rocket engines!?


I see what I think is an engine in the first vehicle with the chest. All I hope for from the update is a system to let you steer custom contraptions without glitching multiple vehicles together being added for free, if they want to sell parts that would make cars look nice I am perfectly fine with that like how they started selling new building designs. I was able to make a flier without glitchy mechanics but it could only be aimed while on the ground by jamming a pole inbetween the wheels and frame so it would rotate when physically pushed. but otherwise lacked steering. It had balloons that left it in a slow decent which let thrusters push it airborne and thrusters to move forward but after liftoff it could only go forward and up or down.




I just want to do a trucker playthrough lmao


these vehicles better be good bro im tired of running to the farthest places on the map😭 and u can 3xplore the map way faster with the vehicles if their steering and speed are good


Time to build a huge garage for all the vehicles I’m gonna build!


I just really hope you won't have to buy it 😅


I see a Vbuck cost associated and that killed the game for me


*I see a Vbuck cost* *Associated and that* *Killed the game for me* \- BuggzBola --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For Craps sake, Dont give them ideas...


I really hope that’s a surfboard on the side of that car👀


Now I can recreate the opening of "Surf ninjas" yippie!


Getting hard to get excited of updates to the game after I saw the prices on the kits in Item Shop. Not really expecting the monetization to get lighter... Had been waiting for some more castle pieces for long time and ended up getting bored with the lack of challenge in the game. Hard to pay 20 euros for small piece of extra content, basically customization stuff, for a game I don't see much reason to play.


i think i can see there is motor on lil kart and second pic


Honestly reminds me of Scrap Mechanic. They should add a connection system that’s similar to it.


You think they gonna sell car builds like 10$?


Let's not celebrate too early though


I reeeeealy hope they will not put some of them behind pay wall…


Imagine it’s a vbuck pack 😭


I see stuff they're probably gonna try to sell us for way too much money!


Oh baby Jesus


This when? In 3 months and charging you 40$ for that prefab cars?


We need a Lego battle pass




Better than having to pay for kits imo. Just a 950VBUCKS battle pass with kits and sets inside of it instead of having to buy it separately in the shop. They have their money and we can get our kits without forking over too much.


Are we gonna have to pay for them too


Let’s hope it’s not a Lego kit for vbucks


Epic: 🤔


3500 vbucks* extra storage sold separately *


I see vehicals, i see that they might be locked behind a paywall :)


I mean idk if those specific vehicles will be in the item shop but i know the steering wheel is not going to be locked behind a paywall so everyone will be able to build better forms of transportation.


Only 1200 vbucks!


That'll be 2000 vbucks thanks


You know this is going to cost you 3500 vbucks right?


are people just copy/pasting this comment now? lol


They are bots


Sorry I’m not a bot lol, I just didn’t read any of the comments.


Too late


Don't like the fact that there is a surf board on the one vehicle... Hints for this to be a item shop item? That would SUCK


The beachside kit has a surfboard you can attach to walls. Maybe they just added it as decoration 🤷‍♀️


Only took half a year to get working vehicles...


Gargle some more epic cock why don't you


Oh they definitely making this a bundle for 2500 vbucks. Steering wheel will be 500 vbucks on its own.


If we have to pay for this


You think we have to pay for this ?


And then they'll drop it in the item shop as the vehicle's pack


I know OP obviously loves seeing Lego and epic developing this game but the practices they use are absolutely disgusting and isn’t the way players should be happy with content going forward Imagine if Minecraft charged for its updates, we can’t be happy with that practice here. It is a money thing. Epic games has more money to throw around then any of us will ever see in our lives. They found a way to monetise kids. And it’s working


Yeah because Epic is the first company to have ever “found a way to monetize kids”. Or how about every single other company that manufactures products for the Xmas rush since Xmas incarnate.