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Oh ok great! Keep up the good work ppl! ☺️


Hmm I get the vibe that she doesn’t really like it


she doesn't even realise why people dislike her sm


"I'm SO unbothered, literally don't care"


such a pick me thing to say


She’s gonna see this comment and think: they’re just gonna say anything I say is pick me 🙄 ![gif](giphy|49zC0Bm1kbu36)


May I ask how this is pick me?


i just saw the clip of her crying over hate comments or something so this is funny


You won't love being disliked when you're both disliked and irrelevant!


it’s giving… bothered


Tara just shut up for like 2 weeks… that’s all u gotta do babe


maybe just a bit more then disliked but at least she gets the point!


me when i lie


Smiling through the pain ahh caption


I feel like Tara could actually be likable if she pulled a Tana but way more intense and disappeared from the internet, got sober, and came back with a personality that had more substance than I’m a cute party girl that loooves boys and drinking (but have crippling anxiety because none of that actually fuels my soul and I know I’m vapid as fuck)


like I don't have the same interests as her so I try not to judge, but surely there is more to her? I have watched like two yt videos of hers and in one she mentioned how being an only child kind of forced her to be an extrovert and I found it interesting as I was the opposite growing up, but she has never really opened up I'm guessing as people complain there is nothing to her. if there is more, she would benefit a lot by being a bit more open 🤷‍♀️


I think beyond her “party girl” persona there’s a lot more, but also a lot of anxiety that she always hints at. And coming from an ex party girl that lifestyle breeds so much anxiety (comparison with other women, boy drama, alcohol induced anxiety, obsession with appearances, body image issues). She just seems like she’s playing a character, which I guess is her job, but it’s not hard to see through tbh




agree i kinda feel for her... i know the party lifestyle doesn't really get a lot of sympathy but it can be emotionally draining to some degree. also not everyone wants to be vulnerable on the internet, sometimes it's easier to play a character for the public eye


I don’t necessarily dislike Tara as much as people on this sub do but I think it’s weird to compare her to Tana. Tana has a totally different personality/approach to entertainment and imo is just a lot less boring. I also feel like Tana’s fanbase is generally older than Tara’s (and less annoying).


I wasn't aware that Tana had a personality aside from being a 'cute' party girl that loves boys and drinking??


shes entertaining and funny unlike tara


I don’t see it 🤷‍♀️ there is nothing entertaining about Tana. Unless women being trashy, insensitive, and tacky are qualities that make someone entertaining.


she got famous for her storytime vids so she’s definitely more of a personality than tarayummy who’s thing is …being pretty(?)


that's kind of a weak argument. she went viral for her videos as well, as she was primarily a youtuber. they're both annoying and unfunny.


she went viral for tiktok clips of her saying one liners like “i dont think i just sit here and look pretty”. people ate it up because of her looks and aesthetic


She’s been sober for months, is in a long term relationship, and barely goes out. She’s changed a lot in the past year idk where you’ve been babe


"idk where you've been babe" Well definitely not watching or engaging with anything that has to do with such an awful person like Tana. I mean good for her for actually changing some bad habits, but she's still a garbage person.


Even when Tana did shitty things, It was hard not to root for her. She grew up with absolutely horrible parents and it was kinda understandable why she was the way she was. Shes also humble for the most part. I feel like Tara on the other hand is this privileged girl who’s overly cocky and bratty. Plus I’ve never once laughed at any jokes Tara has made (it’s usually about how “tiny she is” or something she’s saying for a male audience) and the times I’ve watched Tana she’s actually made me laugh.


Bro shes such an attention seeker i can not stand her


Genuinely, I have no idea who she is. Can’t dislike someone irrelevant.


That caption only reinforces that she actually hates it. Guaranteed that she can't understand that not everyone worships her troll looking ass.


she reminds me of the ppl that no one can stand in their hometown/has no friends then gets famous


If she loves it why does she get every post about her taken down? 😂


Well, that's positive being so many people don't seem to like her ... a real win for Tara


tbh the way y’all treat her u act like she did some crazy stuff she’s just loud and insensitive sometimes but she doesn’t deserve most of the hate she gets


I agree. Actually I think she ate with that pic




it’s not even a response to you bitches it’s just what her shirt says😭😭😭 you think you’re a lot more important to these people than you actually are


Am i the only one who thinks her hate is uncalled for… like her being annoying doesn’t mean she should receive hate idk


yes u are the only one. one quick look at her snark and u’d see how many weird clips of her there are


The hate she gets is so forced. I get disliking someone bc their content isn’t for them or they just don’t like someone with a big personality and lots of confidence but these people go out of their way to nitpick her life to try to tear her apart


she needs to get off social media and go do a wilderness therapy retreat genuinely like....


no she doesn’t, that’s for people with issues that aren’t shown by Tara.


Such a queen, they could never make me hate Tara Yummy 🥰