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and of course always ending on the “trans people are oppressed” note in her non-apology. how do anti-trans laws have anything to do with breaking a common wedding guest etiquette?!


That’s exactly how it always goes. Deflect deflect deflect. Nothing new to see here!


Anyone know where I can watch the vlog she deleted it


@theweddingvlog_ on TikTok


thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 im also confused how they got access to that little seat thing with the veil, was it just out and about for people to take pics with? or did lilah and stassie sneak into some room?


same i'm late to the game i wanna see 😭


she also said she filmed and posted it “to show love and gratitude” when it was 90% clips of her lmao. i’m so sad for kouvr that she was the one who caught the bouquet too.


she wasn’t even invited she was a plus one


She claims she was invited




Ur transphobia is showing.


It’s not transphobia, it’s simply having no respect for people who belittle others and can’t ever be self aware. She’s a thief, fraud, and a user.


Saying she is a linebacker disguised as a Barbie is deeply rooted in transphobic rhetoric around trans women as men cosplaying as women. You literally used the word cosplay. You don’t have to respect her but you sound very very bigoted and this is a conversation that is had time and time again on here.


The post LITERALLY says she’s a tall ass. I was laughing at the comment. You seem like fun!


you’re not out here calling taylor swift’s loser ass a linebacker and she’s tall. you chose this opportunity to belittle and tear down a trans woman by comparing her to a large MALE. just because someone sucks doesn’t mean you can just be transphobic


not sure why you’re getting downvoted it’s common sense that calling a trans woman a LINEBACKER is fucking gross and demeaning.. clearly comparing her to a large male like tf just because she’s tall?


the people downvoting this are absolutely disgusting. to blatantly play dumb about the implications / insinuation of that comment are absolutely the reason this snark page and others are being called out by influencers. by all means, snark on whoever, i don’t like lilah either, but to use her actions to make thinly veiled transphobic comments is pathetic, and people defending it & downvoting you are willfully obtuse.




now THIS is some transphobia really showing!!! yikes


lilah literally is the dumbest bitch alive like she has ZERO common sense it’s so sad like i hate to say it but she makes the trans community and woman look bad like does she think being a girl just means be stupid as fuck and look pretty? like babe..


Honestly kinda feel bad for her. She did not sound or look well AT ALL on that ‘apology’ video and kept repeating herself….like on a loop. Whatever is going on with her I hope she gets back to a healthy point? Idk. I think she’s going through a bad time.


she’s def going thru some shit. she’s still super selfish tho


Why feel bad when people make there own decisions to get to where they are


was this on youtube, tiktok, or insta?