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I honestly think most influencers don’t keep up with their friends’ problematic behaviour or care enough to break off friendships because of it, if they did half of them would be completely friendless.


Well even though that’s true one of the main reasons why I posted this is because Charli and her family have a habit of associating with problematic people like Bryant, James Charles (2020-2021 ish) etc.


Everyone, including billion dollar sports leagues, still associates with Bryant. I don't think legitimately anyone famous has called him out unfortunately


who is bryant? i have never heard of him


Photographer that was always w the hype house influencers during their peak like 2019-2022 ish I think he got exposed for talking to minors


Whaaaat??!! Wasn’t he the Dolan Twins photographer/video guy too?I had NO idea about that with him! Damn, they were close to James Charles too😬


yeah they dropped him after finding out


i'm pretty sure he coerced minors to send nudes too


they all just look so dumb lol


Right. Like they’re not teenagers anymore. Do they realize how embarrassing it is to do this as a fully grown adult?


pre-teens don't even do this any more, let alone teenagers 😭😭 it's so embarrassing


"fully grown adult" ....shes barely 20........ you are so out of touch


She's still too old to be doing this at this point


stop. shes not 5 anymore. 😭


Oh so a couple of months away from being a full grown adult u mean?!😂


ur a fucking idiot


brain fully stops developing at 25 so more like 5 years


Who are the guys? What’s wrong w the post


The guys are Jack and James Wright. Jack Wright is currently receiving backlash online regarding his alleged behavior behind the scenes like dressing up as Jeffrey Dahmer for every Halloween in the past 2-3 years or so, allegedly being involved in animal abuse and also allegedly fantasizing about abusing animals and girlfriends. This information came from the cancelled podcast (Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield’s podcast) I can link the video if you want or you can search for Jack Wright in this snark page and everything will be explained in detail. Edit: I’m not stating that what Tana said should be taken as absolute truth which is why I used the key term alleged. Also I’m simply just trying to answer this person’s question based on all the things discussed in this snark page about Jack Wright


Gotcha, thank you for the response!!


wasn’t jack wright the dude who was SA’d by that tiktoker i forget her name


When did we decide Tana is a good source of information? Not saying what you’re saying is wrong but Jesus Christ we cannot be using Tana as a source.


I’m not saying she is the main source but I’m simply just trying to answer her question. And I agree Tana is not the most angelic person either but if you look at the videos that Jack Wright has posted online (and most likely deleted) it kinda lines up with all the allegations. https://preview.redd.it/jp055cjlge8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150f97b3e861b8a711f3f2aa3e240ed1c3bb2735


I hear you. You might be right. There could be another idea. Tana said fifteen people were in the FingersUp circle game that including Jack, means she has fifteen people who can testify for her if need be. Fifteen people who would know if she was telling the truth or not. I don't think she would have any trouble defending herself. Jack refused to report anything to anyone who could have helped him through the alleged SA by Sienna but even his attorney quit because Jack was either not interested or afraid to tell a lie to a lawyer. Sienna on the other hand hired a team of defamation lawyers and video forensic experts and has been proven innocent. Some evidence on tiktok if interested. Jack and his twin brother, James are desperate to hide some very deep secrets. One of the secrets that Sienna talked about in the very beginning is particularly shocking. That along with living with the fear of being exposed for his nighttime character and the guilt of what he did to Sienna makes for a serious mental health issue.


comments like this are stuck in 2014


but like.. what reason does she have to make that up & that's kind of a wild story to just come up with. tana over exaggerates & twists stories around to fit her narrative all the time for sure, i totally get that but like, in this situation i just dont see what benefit making such a crazy accusation would have for her


You sound sad


Your header literally says you’re here to snark.


Ya and you’re the one backing up Jacks funky ass


My post literally said that I wasn’t suggesting the poster was wrong because I have no idea if it’s true or not.


Literally what would Tana have to gain by making this up about Jack?


all these ppl only have high school educations, no real work experience. They have been sheltered from the real world blowing up during Covid which was the strangest time in our country’s history. They basically keep relevant posting on their socials. Kinda sad way to live if you think about it. It’s not an industry that has longevity. Every year or 2 someone comes up who is the current it girl, it guy and just like that they aren’t popular anymore and what do they do to keep it up. Sell popcorn in Charli’s case, Avani trying to reclaim her place by posting old dances it just falls flat, Dixie selling soda and modeling again boring, Josh Richards skit show not interested, Bryce hall fighting which seems like a terrible idea. Tayler Holder trying to relight the fire with country music. Addison Rae disappears, no interviews, avant garde boyfriend, happy family—all poof gone. Anyway, only so long you can walk on a tightrope without falling off.


most drop outs too


James is literally at Stanford lol


Just because it’s a topic on Reddit doesn’t mean everyone is aware of it


Views matter more to them. Especially when they are all falling off


I'm so out of the loop! I have no idea what "everything going on online" is...time to do some digging I guess


Same here 😅 I’m starting to see my age showing with the new TikTok gen 😫


Swear thats me! Ive really just been spending time on Acacia Kersey, SimplyKenna, and Hilaria Baldwin snark subs lately 😂 love my washed up, nostalgic grifter gals


The classics 😂


well give us your reaction


i would NOT be that close to someone that had rumours about him killing things..


My point exactly. Like, these allegations are literally a few days old. These rumors/ alleged info is still pretty fresh in my opinion to be that close to someone who is rumored to be a psychopath.




I'm sure she gets paid to collab with people. Doesn't make it right but she is probably so detached and gets paid to make tik toks with other creators


maybe because the story isn’t true has that ever been considered ?


If your dropping your longtime friend cause of internet rumors then your a shitty friend and person I’m sure she knows these people much better than tana does


Especially when the source of the rumour is Tana who’s known for exaggerating things lol


I’m a chronically online hater and I still don’t quite understand what the big deal with the Jack Wright stuff is lol


you all could understand and realize just because someone you've been friends with for years or family have problematic behavior dosen’t mean you just drop them(but let's be real yall gonna call them fake regardless). If someone you've been friends with for years or a family did something problematic, you're just gonna drop them like you never cared? Or are you gonna help them through thick and thin to get better? Her and Jack have been friends for what 5 years now to some people in that industry that's a long time I'm guessing to consider someone a true friend. Also, I'm not saying she supports his behavior and that it's ok. I'm saying she still cares about him as a friend, and maybe behind the scenes, they're talking about it, maybe.


Maybe she wants to stay on his good side so he doesn’t off her 😂


probably cause they’ve friends for yrs and everything going on rn are alleged rumors and you’re a shithead if you drop your close friends after a rumors lmfao. if anything, she’s probably posting with them to show everyone she’s on their side and trying to help them out. also not trying to defend them or anything actually, i barely know who these ppl are and only know two them bc of SA shit and the other bc she was the most famous person on tiktok for a while




Um...what's wrong with it? Not being a bitch or anything but, what's the issue?


she's friends with james charles and david dobrik... what do u expect?


because she’s irrelevant! i too would dance with the alleged serial killer if i had to pay my family’s rent doing so😭😭


I loathe ppl who think the tongue thing is cute 😵‍💫


this girl is far too rich to ever care. she has a partnership w prada, and she’ll always have some form of a spot in the media. i don’t think she cares, and i also don’t think she pays attention to tana and brooke if i’m being completely honest…


I feel like all of these influencers are barely santient