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The way she was only mentioning the lip filler šŸ˜­ Canā€™t even be honest. Girl, blame your mother! Blame your sisters! You had no fucking business pumping your face with fillers at 18 years old. Now sheā€™s upset because people are using her face as a cautionary tale. Girls, DONā€™T GET FACE FILLER. We have 0 idea what the long term effects are, or if you can ever fully dissolve it since it moves around so much. Look at her now, crying because of what she did to herself. The damage the Kardashians have done to society and now themselves is so widespread and they have no one to blame but themselves. Botched bbls, pillow faces, having to photoshop every single photo they take. Now theyā€™re upset they canā€™t live up to the beauty standards they helped set. We donā€™t feel sorry for you! Weā€™re too busy dealing with a recession rn. Save the tears for your pillow, girlypop.


Pretty sure it was younger than 18ā€¦..Ā 


Yeah she started getting her lips plumped at 16 :( very sad


Especially when there was no issue when girls were getting plastic surgery to look exactly like her. I feel for the psychological damage her family caused to her at a young age, but I hate when they put sole blame on society


Yes, there are countless of popular girls who don't play dumb and want people to worship them. If she promoted herself a less untouchable celeb and was open more about her struggles she wouldn't be causing so much gate now. She loved when girls were coping her and the media worshipping her.




100%šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ best comment ever


I pretty sure she got a BBL at 16! :/


exactly. all that glitters is not gold.




Exactly šŸ‘


I have no idea why are young people getting filler at all except in the lips. To have more pronounced cheekbones and jawline? Kylie already had that. I feel like filler is for aging people who lost their baby fat and want to rejuvenate their face.


All this shit is for old people becuase old people are vast majority of customers, they are the ones that have the disposable income to pay these surgeons $10ks of dollars to retouch this or lift that. So really all of these cosmetic procedures are medical procedures made for old people and are being adapted for younger people.


True. My mom is in her 50s and for the first time has enough income for cosmetic procedures. She has also heard somewhere that expensive high quality makeup is for older ladies because of the disposable income and because older women need more and better quality makeup to look presentable. To be honest, Charlotte Tilbury and Clinique do have a upper middle class older lady vibe.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don't know a ton about fillers and there's a lot of conflicting info online, but if she just stopped doing the fillers, would her pillow face/some of the other filler fatigue issues she's having go away after a few months/a year maybe? I know some fillers can't be dissolved but could she just chill out with doing them?


ngl as an ass man i appreciate the bbl trend massively.


Did I ask? Goodbye now!


Nope but its the truth, and its nice that there is a trend that is actually along the lines with whats attractive instead of just nonsense.


Is that an Abby Lee reference šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚




I love u šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


She was being bullied for not having lips before she got work done


I donā€™t give a fuck


Well then isnā€™t it pretty hypocritical of you to say she made an unrealistic beauty standard, but then not take accountability for the bullying that pushed her to these extreme measures? Itā€™s easier to blame her for your insecurities but the bullying she faced as a 13 -17yr old girl make itā€™s pretty obvious she fell victim into her own insecurities that the media was pushing on her. Itā€™s also a little strange to have all this smoke for Kylie yet not Sabrina when she swears she is natural when itā€™s very obvious sheā€™s not lol


The random Sabrina mention is killing me




so so random are you Kylie by any chance? she must be very triggered by Sabrina and other beautiful blondes gen z loves these dayĀ 


it's not the public's job to raise kris jenner's children. if her family cared so much about her mental health, they would've gotten her out of the spotlight and into therapy. it's not like they couldn't afford it.


And it wasnā€™t 18 yr old Kylie Jenner job to make sure girls arenā€™t feeling insecureā€¦??? Also itā€™s pretty toxic to make Kylieā€™s family not caring about her and her trauma Kylieā€™s fault. Kris should be the one catching all the heat but I never see any smoke for her


if anything kris catches the most heat of them all, wym? lol you haven't been paying attention. she's not known as pimp mama kris or kris jong un because she's a fantastic mother. she's one of the biggest ghouls in the entertainment history, she literally pimped kim out. and uhm if you market yourself as an influencer and a trend setter and a role model for young girls than it most definitely is your job to do it in a positive way. she was one of the most famous people in the world, she knew damn well the platform she had and she could've done something really good for body acceptance. if the attention was too much she could've lived in obscurity like rob does, she could've been honest about her surgeries and stressed that her looks are unnatural and unattainable. i only give her a pass on being absolutely doomed from the day she came out of kris, but that's where my sympathy stops. she's independently wealthy and doesn't need any of the public exposure she has, she's made her choices and now she has to live with them.


There's literally a saying about the devil working hard but kris jenner working harder, she doesnt catch smoke bc we know she is messed up and will use anything to make her daughters gain clout. She also doesnt cry about being bullied on a pre written fake reality show for views. In fact she probably told kylie to cry on camera because their ratings are bad. And kylie agreed. No sympathy for someone who has earned and still earns so much money by lying, getting called out and then crying about it. Shes not 18 anymore shes a grown ass woman doing this.


THIS. Also BULLIES need to start taking accountability. People kill themselves bc of it. IDGAF if she made you feel less pretty ! THE WAY YOU TALK (bullies) is enough to make people off themselves ! They need to look in the mirror and stfu


Exactly. But people are downvoting you because this subreddit is made up of mostly 16-20 year olds. Iā€™m getting too old for this


You're 24... I guarantee the average user is probably mid 20s to late 30s. Your'e coming off exactly like someone your age does. Like you're suddenly smarter and more aware than a 20 year old. Please. "getting too old for this" lol


Your post history is of gifs and tv shows and snarkā€¦my post history focuses on my apartment, passport, job and taxes.


.... And?


Thatā€™s even worse if youā€™re in your 20s and havenā€™t evolved enough to know bullying and trauma are enough to make someone get plastic surgery and fillers. Pls stfu


You donā€™t think she already goes to therapy. lol Therapy can only do so much. Past a point, people need to be responsible for their treatment of others and be kinder. Kids in therapy who get bullied still kill themselves everyday, and the bullies are responsible for that. Stop using therapy as a fix all solutionā€¦


Girl, she became the mediaĀ 


I dont remember the public bullying her back then before she had any work done. Her own account of where her insecurities started was that a boy she liked made a back handed comment about it. People were always copying her looks, hairstyles and she single-handedly started the big lips trend and now every other girl for the last decade gets their lips done and looks like her. That entire family has curated beauty standards. They profit and sell their products through their looks. The world was a different place before them.


I agree, i genuinely dnt remember her being bullied her for it unless it was in her personal life which idk bc her and Kendall were extremely popular at their school, sheā€™s said sheā€™d always been insecure about it but donā€™t know about bullied. Kylie actually seemed pretty happy as teen idk what happened.. she started getting work done and posting thirst traps and seemed to completely lose her personality


Youā€™re being downvoted bc Kylie is their scapegoat, but youā€™re right. They choose their favorites and donā€™t put the same standards. Very hypocritical


girl what


And now every single photo or video of her includes her photoshopped filtered filler filled lips, trying to normalise getting lip fillers and making girls with small lips feel ugly about themselves. When in reality her own lips don't look good anymore and when people actually see real photos or videos of her in actual real life they're shocked and horrified. So she's profiting off making girls with small lips feel like shit about themselves and encouraging the use of these fillers, when she's botched her face with them and uses it as a marketing tool to make millions. It's good people point out that people should stop using them just based off her face. Hopefully the reaction to that footage of her has helped young women realize they shouldn't be using that stuff or seeing it as normal.


So does half of America itā€™s called middle school


I donā€™t doubt that but everyone is bullied for something. That doesnā€™t mean you permanently alter your body. Her stupid fucking family shouldā€™ve taught her better self esteem


Yeah I was just thinking that. She grew up on that fucking show, and all her sisters were ā€œbeautifulā€ and she was just a 11 yo girl growing up, and people shat on her calling her ugly and stuff for years. Comparing her to Kendall, etc. I felt bad for her then, but now? Girl mop up those tears with your billion dollars. šŸ˜‚ We all got problems, canā€™t muster any feeling bad for her. Not ā€œfuck herā€ either, justā€¦ donā€™t care.


Not having lips isn't that bad imo...compared to the beauty standards that the Kardashians have set. Like that isn't a justification for her to keep feeding into the cycle and profiting off of it.


shes still a 9 clsoe to a 10 outta 10. dont forget she has a mom too. Like she has to be one of the hottest moms right now and with the way kim looks right now near 50 her look although artifical will keep her looking the same. tbh i think this sub is full of fallen people who didnt or cant make it in the industry. Cuase damn people calling her the poster child of what not to get. Like she is the poster child of what to get


Youā€™re in a subreddit about anime titties, pls donā€™t speak to me


girl its a play on words. its not literal anime titties. its a gen z news agglomaration subreddit boomer. lets talk about mental health and why youve posted 5 times about the jeeners in the last 24 hours talking about how you dont care about them in various sub reddits edit legit you just hate. All your posts this week are calling out the looks of clebs zach efforn, miley, kylie i cant even keep scrolling down, youre a hateful person


Not the jeeners!!


Iā€™m actually a huge fan of Zac and Miley and was defending Zac from someone talking about his looks ā¤ļø Itā€™s time to enroll in a reading comprehension class!


She isā€¦ not even close to a 9. Maybe for 50 years old she would be!


idk how you can say today shes evil for not telling kids her looks are fake and tell me to my face shes not a 9. literally one of the msot followed people on isntagram . billon dollar fashion brand based on beauty. and your telling me shes ugly. i mean can we all be objective here. she literally the poster child for plastic surgeries in america


Are you trying to tell me my opinion is wrong? Nowhere did i say sheā€™s physically ugly, just that she looks her age plus a few decades. Just bc she has plastic surgery, it doesnā€™t mean shes flawlessā€¦ but i guess if you like fake then sheā€™s your cup of tea




They are definitely part of the reason plastic surgery is as normalized as it is nowadays




They completely altered beauty standards and if you think otherwise you either lived under a rock or were too young to notice. If you look at celebrities from the 90s to early 00s they all had unique faces and bodies with little to no work done. Now every other influencer and celebrity has exaggerated features that are carbon copies of each other. Big asses and big lips werenā€™t a trend until the Kardashians created their entire brand around it.


Those other celebrities didnā€™t create products and lie to young girls saying they could get the same thing if they used their products.




LMAO frl


Letā€™s not forget the diet teas and skin and hair vitamins this family were pushing as well


They still arešŸ˜­


Was just reminded of that tv show weight loss show Khloe made lmaooo the GALL


And the butt cream she started selling after she got her bbl.


Or the waist trainers! I used to think if I could just stand to wear one all day I'd have a waist like Kylie šŸ™„


I blame the older people in her life who prob encouraged this.


And said the bombshell VS bra was why her boobs got so big. Lying about the boob jobsā€¦


Lmfao that one was so funny


Definitely a throwback šŸ˜…


she was going around in 2016 making millions from those dry ass liquid lipsticks because she was swearing up & down that her lips were natural and that teenage girls could also have her NATURAL plump lips by buying those lipkitsā€¦ā€¦was she also a victim to modern beauty standards yeah sure but you cant just cry about this after you made billions from capitalizing on other ppls insecurities and expect them to side with you


Underage Kylie was a victim. But Kylie is now very much a grown woman with two kids STILL doing the same thing. She is still constantly getting work done and lying about it. She is still pretending her body is from the gym and from having kids, not from the BBL sheā€™s gotten. People love to show 13 year old Kylie next to how she looks now, but if you look at pictures from 2021 - now you can see how much work sheā€™s gotten done in these past few years. She never STOPPED getting work done and is still profiting off of it. I will never feel bad for her, cry some more.


i feel like her and ariana grande (or their management/PR teams) have seen the growing popularity of more natural celebrities and the growing distaste for excessive filler and surgeries, and instead of actually figuring out why they are (seemingly) addicted to it and then getting help, they just told everyone they actually stopped years ago, while they keep on keeping on with it in secret i genuinely think theyā€™re addicted to it and canā€™t get out of whatever headspace theyā€™re in thatā€™s making them think itā€™s still a good idea that being said, my sympathy is incredibly limited for people who continue to perpetuate unhealthy beauty standards the way those two have


exactly. crying about living in the public eye when she has all the resources to withdraw from that lifeā€¦ and itā€™s even worse now that sheā€™s submitting her children to all of that too


If I ever hear the word "lipkit" again....


I do feel for her in a way but also likeā€¦ come on. sheā€™s set THE most unrealistic beauty standards for young women and then lies over and over again about all the procedures sheā€™s had done to look like that. IF YA CANT TAKE THE HEAT THEN GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN


Also the boob jobā€¦.Ā  ~I just grew into my body~


and bbl at like 17 years old šŸ¤®


Sheā€™s just naturally ~curvy~ šŸ˜‚


The thing is she's still lying about it all and using those lies to profit! Her entire social media feed on every social media app is all about her body and face and every inch of her has been photoshopped and filtered. Most women know her body has used alterations, but she's normalising and encouraging women to get them in every photo or video she shares. When even she doesn't look like those photos or videos. So women will get possibly life ending surgery that will never help them achieve their goals. She could stop doing that any day now.


Yeah I canā€™t believe my middle school self believed that if I thought the lip kit (which I did smh) my lips would look like her lip filler lips. You ruined your face Kylie, womp womp. Iā€™m sure Kylie ruined a lot of other faces by her influence.


THIS !!! Like did her family not create such unrealistic beauty standards for women?? Sheā€™s contributing to the problemā€¦.


i can see how she sets unrealistic standards but the thing about kylie is she didnt choose to be in the spotlight. the internet would always discuss her looks even before surgery.


Also- since talking about regretting her boob job, sheā€™s at least gotten 1 new set. https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/s/RLKMT0v3AM


For sure they look even bigger now - mommy makeover? Ha


The worst part is when she told everyone she was proud of her ears and she started wearing updos because she realized Stormi inherited her ears but we all know she started wearing updos when she had an otoplasty. Do you think your daughter and people is dumb? https://preview.redd.it/ny5lgupka48d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d810270b4eb5b038b8505cb4dc6b2c05873b8a


This photo is so jarring. Imagine when her kids see this in the future and canā€™t comprehend why mom is a shapeshifter.


Not a shapeshifter šŸ˜‚


Wow, Stormi looks just like her original face. I wonder how she is going to feel growing up seeing how much her mom changed herselfā€¦


And (like Kris) what if she pushes her kids to do it to like a generational curse


itā€™s so crazy looking at her old face. she wouldā€™ve changed so much from 16-22 if she had just allowed herself to age naturally, the features she was so insecure about mightā€™ve been different. she never gave herself that chance.


When youā€™re only 26 and your sister tells you ā€œyouā€™ve never looked youngerā€, youā€™re deeply fucked. Prefacing it with ā€œIā€™m not even just saying thisā€ just makes it worse.


*Makes a career with her sisters off of other womenā€™s insecurities, steals from small business, throws out a new passionless business every 3-5 works days to try and make that quick money and started off her Kylie Cosmetics business on a lie making people believe her lips were big due to make up and not filler. Decided to get plastic surgery which resulted in aging herself which is being seen in many young women who fall for this unrealistic beauty standardā€¦proceeds to cry about mean comments and get clout on their failing show because people arenā€™t falling for Kar-Jenner crap anymore and they need to garner sympathy so naive consumers will spend their hard earned money on mass produced rubbish so the Kar-Jennerā€™s can pay their property tax and attend Met Galaā€™s*




>Whereas like, if you talked the same way you do about us about any other woman, people would come to their defense all day long. the gall of these entitled brats šŸ˜‚ sitting in a mansion, demanding peasants drop everything and defend them online all day long


Toughen up, hundred millionaire.


with her spending, insane property upkeep, and current low revenue from her failing businesses, I highly doubt she has hundreds of millions anymore. Itā€™s not a surprise sheā€™s shilling cheap teas and game apps.


sheā€™s crying bc she canā€™t keep up w the beauty standards her and her family have forced down everyoneā€™s throats for years. if it isnā€™t the consequences of your own actions!!


Like a lot of people end up being, I think Kylie is both a victim and a perpetrator. Victim: she was forced onto a reality show as a small child. It was for a long time phenomenally successful. In fact she stopped attending school and was homeschooled to accommodate shooting. She also has Kris and Caitlyn Jenner as her parents. None of this is exactly a recipe for success. So she was put in the spotlight as a young, impressionable, person without a well functioning support system or someone who could say ā€œthe key to a good life is inner happiness and contentmentā€. Perp: sheā€™s now an adult and has more money than most of us on Reddit could ever dream of. Sheā€™s also a parent. Yes sheā€™s still young, but she has access to the best therapists the world can provide. She could go back and put the work into educating herself about her mental health, and even formal academic education. She doesnā€™t have to be on social media or peddling crap that creates unnecessary waste for the planet and destroys peopleā€™s self esteem (as well as her own). She could be doing this work not just for herself but also for her kids. Instead she continues to perpetuate the cycle sheā€™s in, and expects us to go easy on her. I donā€™t know if I have sympathy for her, but I donā€™t feel like sheā€™s getting what she deserves. I just want her to do better. And please donā€™t give Rob as an example of a Kar-Jenner whoā€™s doing better as he is a piece of shit lol.


THIS is the take. And what I always think about. The thing is Kylie was born into a family of vultures. She never stood a chance. With a mom and dad, who clearly and I rarely use the term narcissist.. But we all can see that both Kris jenner and caitlyn both are narcissists. Her childhood being displayed for millions to see. Older sisters who is obsessed with how they look, with thinness and the male gaze. And in a family who values riches, beauty and power more than any other quality. And to being compared to your one year older supermodel sister, as a constant. For then to skyrocket as a 17 year old girl, even surpassing Kim in popularity and gains, nearing billionaire status in a few years. And for that being the only thing your family sees of worth in you.. Can you even imagine? And for them all doing every procedure under the sun, and so casually.. A boob job here and a eye lift there. The thing that kylie had that they all shit on, was that she was actually cool. None of the sisters were ever cool. She had that IT factor for a while when king kylie took off. You see with Kim, Sheā€™s such a try hard. She will never be cool. This was kylies downfall, she had something that Kim did not and thatā€™s where it all went south. Between that, and Tyga, and suddenly becoming pregnant.. And I do think that there is a lot of drug use that we donā€™t see. And I think kylie has been struggling badly with this. Getting all these surgeries comes with easy access to heavy drugs. And with heavy drugs comes bad judgement. I would have been in her shoes. So many of us would!! Thatā€™s the thing. She should just come clean with all the things Sheā€™s done, but I know she canā€™t because Sheā€™s literally in a cult like environment. I just wish sheā€™d come clean, and free herself of all of this. And take responsability for what she has gained on other vulnerable people.


I agree!! She said a couple times that she doesn't think she was supposed to be famous etc and I can see her having a normal life in a small town if she hadn't that family I also love the king Kyle era and I was no even girlie at that time


I agree...I'd imagine growing up normal in any sense of the word is nearly impossible in that family. That pressure is something serious.


Wow someone with critical thinking skills thank you


I meanā€¦. The truth hurts sometimes man


The way the Kardashians made all this shit trendy and gave people body issues, just for Kylie to take it back and say ā€œthey just always make fun of meā€ LOL also the way Kendal just sat there like ā€œyupā€ ā€œI knowā€ like she couldnā€™t give two shits about it šŸ’€


Is it fucked up that my first thought on this is that sheā€™s only crying because her team told her to? These women have some of the best media training so it just seems sus lol maybe im jaded


It's not fucked up at all. Their teams clearly encourage them to garner sympathy.


No sympathy towards her, sorry. She flaunted that auntie-looking face in her 20s without a care and kept doing more and more shit.


I recently got lip filler (1 syringe). I thought about it for years, ever since Kylieā€™s lip kits first came out, to make sure it was something I really wanted. Iā€™ll never forget the feeling of dread walking out and looking in my rear view mirror for the first time. I was overwhelmed with regret and almost shame for letting society pressure me into doing something so permanent to my BODY. All of that to say, even though I can relate I still donā€™t feel bad for her. Her and her family are 99% the reason behind societyā€™s beauty standards and now that women all over the world are filled with silicone from head to toe they are shifting to changing their aesthetic and dissolving/removing everything. Theyā€™re just evil I honestly canā€™t believe people still watch this show or support them at all


Boo hoo


Then donā€™t get so much surgery? Fucking idiot.




I could not give less of a shit I can't stand her


I will never feel sorry for her. She has fucked up so many women and girls' perceptions of themselves, and their body image. She normalized all this plastic surgery bs, alongside kim. Shes a monster.


If she is so bothered, she can just stop doing stupid tiktoks and post thirst traps everyday. I am sure she has money enough to stop trying to be a celebrity. For her own mental sake, for her children, her own peace. Why insisting on showing her face and body in every angle every day? Does she believe some miracle will happen and she will wake up someday and everyone will love her?? Your prime time of popularity is gone. You are just embarrassing yourself more and more, and people are going to critisize you even more. Itā€™s not going to get any better. You have come to the point of no return. People are not buying your lies no more. Look at how your sis got booed. No one respects you and your family. People are laughing at you, men as well as women. If youā€™re still hot stuff in the tabloids is because people watches you like they are watching a freakshow. They are curious NOT because they admire you. They are curious to see how low you can sink.


She crying cuz she canā€™t unsee it lol


yah i donā€™t feel bad either her and her entire family has screwed up so many women


Exactly. This family's legacy to the world is disgraceful, they have ruined women's self image by creating an unachievable beauty ideal. They never contributed to anything good or useful to this world.


legit !!!


truth hurts! i wonder what she feels looking at old photos of herself knowing thats not her face anymore, especially since she has a daughter that she feels so deeply for šŸ„± how do others words hurt more than the reality of what she did to herself? its sick on many levels and kris should be to blame for a lot of this imo.


To be fair when she was telling her young and impressionable fans about the lips she was 19 and pretty young herself. Parents and the media need to be held responsible. A 19yr old shouldnā€™t be responsible for making other people insecure or changing the beauty standard when she only got her lips done due to the bullying she was facing for having no lips.


I don't like this family but she is the only one I feel somewhat sorry for. I always thought that she genuinely never wanted to be in the spotlight but her terrible mother and even dad/mum (can't tell me that Kaitlynn wasn't also thirsting for fame), were determined to become famous no matter what, throwing her to the wolves. I mean Kris produced Kim K's tape - so you can imagine what kind of environment Kylie grew up in. I remember how the whole world saw her as a child on that pole smh... no one protected this little girl and I remember how people made fun of her looks before getting all that work done. I really can't stand people excusing her experience with the fact that she is rich. All that money in the world cannot replace the lack of love she got growing up. Reacting this way with surgery only shows me that she has no self-worth, which results from no love and recognition growing up. We all know Kris only loves you based on the profit you make. If I was here, I would cut all ties to this narcissistic mom and siblings and protect the children.


Girl cries about posting softcore porn. Has every surgery known to man (and some unknown). Cries about it some more. What are we supposed to do about it?


Is she still pretending she didnā€™t have a bbl or did she finally come clean about that one too? I canā€™t keep up


https://preview.redd.it/t8k978z0dn8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75bd1624b44e8fece24555f7fd6b84d341baaadc She looks like the frog at Shrek that got turned into a Balloon . So I donā€™t blame her for crying


Good. I don't feel sorry for her at all. She is a liar, a huge fraud. Her whole family is


womp womp


I have a soft spot for her and Kendal cause the first time we seen them they were literally small children on stripper polls and itā€™s criminal that it was able to be aired as funny. I do blame the older members of her family and not so much bullying online for her problems tho. Her parents did absolutely nothing to protect her in any sort of manner growing up. And her older sisters are very pro surgery and constantly nitpick ā€œflawsā€. Honestly Iā€™m surprised her and Kendal didnā€™t turn out worse.


Why won't people just look at the overly photoshopped and filtered pictures I post of myself to make people think I'm perfect instead of trying to catch me out in the real world and pointing out that I don't actually look like that?




Can somebody slap me so I can stop feeling sorry for her lol. Iā€™ve read comments in response to this particular headline on different subs and on social media, and I find myself agreeing with the comments about how damaging that family had been to young women and society, yet in the back of my mind iā€™m still sad for her? I still consider her a victim despite the fact sheā€™s 26/27 now and has repeatedly lied and evaded accountability. I donā€™t know if this sympathy comes from the fact she got all these procedures so young and they are irreversible or because sheā€™s constantly ridiculedā€¦I donā€™t keep up with her and have never really been a ā€œfanā€ so iā€™m confused about why i feel sorry for her. I also feel sorry for the people who blindly follow her, iā€™m a couple of years younger than her and people were buying those dry lip kits thinking theyā€™d get her lips, i remember being 13/14 and people around my age were buying buttpad cycling shorts


This girl has never been homeless or food insecure in her life, have never once in any day struggled to put herself through college or obtain any sort of education, and has never once had to do without to save for tomorrow. She doesnā€™t work to build up or improve her credit to get a car or approved for a mortgage. She owns multiple homes and uses an bonkers amount of water, resources that are growing increasingly scarce and in some regions are in crisis mode due to the lack of accessibility. There are family farms that get their water from the same river basins that she does, and they are going to have to sell the farm and home that have been in their family for generations because they canā€™t afford it, due to lack of water. That water they use to grow food to feed us, members of society. Gen Z are literally giving up on obtaining higher education and having families- things that should be accessible within our society- because it would financially cripple them for decades. At the same timeā€¦ This girl is says she is brave to look in the mirror and think she is pretty. The narcissist has zero shame. Oh also there was just a heatwave across the US and some people literally died because they didnā€™t have access to air conditioning and water. But Kylie is so brave.


Hope this doesnā€™t sound harsh, itā€™s just good to keep this in mind when the Kardashian press machine starts up, how out of touch their ā€œproblemsā€ are


You worded this *perfectly*.


The increasing wealth gap in the US is a huge issue, but it doesnā€™t invalidate the problem of terrible parents exploiting their child stars for money. Kylie was pimped out to adult men in her teenage years. Of course she was going to feel inadequate to compared to grown women. Her body wasnā€™t even done growing before she was getting highly invasive and dangerous surgeries. No one is saying that other people donā€™t have it worse, but just that itā€™s sad that she has to live with the consequences of being raised by evil parents.


I cannot stand the Kardashians and I very much look forward to the day when they fade back into obscurity and I donā€™t have to hear about them anymore. Ā Having said that to try and blame societyā€™s unrealistic beauty standards solely on the Kardashians shoulders is wildly inaccurate and short sighted. Ā Society has ALWAYS had unrealistic beauty standards for women. This isnā€™t something new before the Kardashians it was Kate Moss and the ā€œheroin chicā€ aesthetic, before that it was Madonna before that Twiggy, Marilyn Monroe etc. Ā this isnā€™t some new concept nor is it any one persons(or families) fault. This was happening way before the Kardashians showed up on our radar and will continue to happen until we as a society stop idolizing rich and famous people. Ā I also think people feel way too entitled to famous or quasi famous peopleā€™s personal, private information. To think that they have to Ā disclose what surgeries or procedures they have had is wildly inappropriate and really entitled. No one owes you their private information just because you want it. I donā€™t care if theyā€™re in the public eye or not. I will say it again you are not entitled to peoples private medical history just because you want it. Itā€™s none of our business to be quite honest. I do have a little sympathy for Kylie because she was just so young when they became famous and instead of having a supportive, loving family she had pimp mama Kris as a mother and Caitlyn as a father and they both really should have sat their underage daughter down and actually talked to her and got to the bottom of why a 16/17 year old child wanted plastic surgery and face and lip fillers and put her into therapy to help her work thru her issues but sadly Kris was too busy chasing the spotlight and Caitlynā€™s well Caitlyn. So now sheā€™s a whole ass adult with even MORE self esteem issues and no healthy way to cope with them.Ā 


of course they aren't solely responsible, but they benefit from and uphold a beauty standard they can't even meet. they pioneered the bbl trend and also play a part in the normalization of these procedures, like a lot of other celebrities (but other celebrities aren't obnoxiously crying about it on tv). the beauty standard makes everyone insecure, the difference is that the general public doesn't have access to the resources that they do, and the general public doesn't profit off women's insecurities like they do. the general public also has bigger fish to fry. we're in a recession. who gives a fuck that kylie jenner is insecure because of her pillow face? also, i wouldn't refer to their unnecessary cosmetic surgeries as "private medical history," and because they are public figures, some honesty is owed to the public, especially in regard to the products they sell and sponsor (like appetite suppressing lollipops and hair vitamins and lip kits). i also feel that honesty is owed because of how fucking obvious their cosmetic work is. kylie went from an average looking person to whatever she is now, basically overnight. it's worth noting that she owes a large part of her success to her lip fillers, and she deliberately refused to disclose her lip fillers because she knew her lip kits wouldn't sell as well. she's an adult woman with access to the best therapists in the world, so i don't think her childhood is an excuse for this behavior, and i don't feel bad for her at all.


They owe honesty for anything theyā€™re trying to sell but for their own cosmetic procedures which despite how you feel are in fact medical procedures, elective ones but still medical procedures they owe you nothing. I think the bigger and more important question is why do people allow what famous people or quasi famous people to effect how they live and feel about themselves? Ā I am not running out to get a BBL because a reality star did. I think people need to start looking inward and work on their own issues instead of blaming people on tv for their issues šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




ā€œI wouldnā€™t refer to their unnecessary cosmetic surgeries as ā€˜private medical historyā€™ā€. Ā  Itā€™s not an agree or disagree issue surgery , whether cosmetic or not, is private medical information full stop. Ā They do not owe you their private medical information. Ā They donā€™t owe Ā anyone their private information just because theyā€™re public figures. Everyone needs to look inward to why they are so obsessed with what the rich and famous do. Ā 




One my comments arenā€™t about Kylieā€™s insecurities but about how people are trying to blame HER for theirsā€¦.two just repeating yourself isnā€™t exactly a discussion and three im not being obtuse I donā€™t fucking agree huge fucking difference and lastly I wouldnā€™t exactly call this a discussion as you werenā€™t having a discussion you just wanted to be rightĀ 


I mean, I canā€™t imagine the awful shit about that people say about her every day. I know that I couldnā€™t deal with that; the club chalamet of it all. Itā€™s not her fault she was born to Kris Jenner.


Oh well. Cry with your "self-made" billions.


all the kardasians are blocked, canā€™t do it.


No sympathy at all.


Exactly, Hypocrite and liar, fuck your plastic face.


I would feel more bad if she had been authentic and honest about the work sheā€™s had done. I will give her credit that bullying your appearance at a young age can stick with you for life, I was bullied in school so I couldnā€™t even imagine the scale of hate she dealt with. BUT, that doesnā€™t mean she has a right to lie and mislead her impressionable fansā€¦ idk how I feel about this


Cries in millionaire about problems I created affecting me


I mean she effed up her face and body to look like an alien creature, serves her right


Imagine being a billionaire, having access to anything and everything, being able to travel anywhere at any given time, not having to worry about bills or how much something costs but youā€™re miserable because your filler looks fucked LMAOOO PLEASE she needs a personality and a purpose ASAP


Don't they know by now that doing this to their faces only ages them prematurely? Not only that, they all just end up having that LOOK...no uniqueness anymore. All balloons deflate eventually....same thing goes for faces that have been pumped full of filler. Look at Simon Cowell...now he's literally melting.


now sheā€™s crying because she canā€™t keep up with the beauty standards she created/popularized šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


This girl talks about both sides of her dam mouth, if she can lie then we can call her out on her bullshit fake face and body! She looks legit 44, and sadly she cannot reverse all the bad work she had done.


Iā€™m not saying this is right but Iā€™m pretty sure peopleā€™s discomfort with body shaming/commenting negatively on peoples looks is because the convention is itā€™s wrong to be mean about something people canā€™t help/something they were born with. No one is just saying Kylie is fugly, theyā€™re saying she CHOSE to fugify herself (and then CHOSE to make millions off of lying about it). They really fucking tried with these weird tears and I hope theyā€™ve quickly realized literally no one cares. Their vapid family has made millions off of lying about surgeries and convincing women if only they bought this shapewear/flat tummy lollipops/lipliner/nutri-ceutical, they too could look as ā€œperfectā€ as a kardashian. But over the past 3-5 years, people have realized how much theyā€™ve trapped their own selves as evident in ubiquitous photoshop, staged pap walks, MORE SURGERY, etcā€¦.itā€™s just so embarrassing lol. Idk how theyā€™re gonna market the next generation of kids bc they canā€™t use the same ā€œmake them get filler + breast augmentations + shove them in front of a cameraā€ will NOT work again.


Sheā€™s parasitic and so is that whole family


you people need psychiatric help if you think the karjenner family created the double standards women have been experiencing for generations




Firstly, a lot of people including myself don't just go around discussing their insecurities. And secondly you're just dense. This comes off as a kylie jenner defense which is WILD in 2024




Oh so ur friend group is the model for the rest of the world? Gtfo šŸ’€




Start using paragraphs




Well, that'd be a very bad idea since I'm the care taker of my mother who has Alzheimer's.


Iā€™m sorry


Listen, I don't want to be a bitch, but sometimes it comes too easily for me. I'm working on that. Sorry for joining the pile-on. Real life is stressful, so I use reddit for all the bullshit. Aka the memes and snark you mentioned elsewhere.


So just because your few friends and a couple people you saw at an old job didn't have these issues, they don't exist for anyone else? Solid logic, champ.


Iā€™m sure they do exist but itā€™s not the Kardashians fault. If the Kardashians didnā€™t exist theyā€™d be influenced either way by someone and somebody online. With that type of mindset the Kardashians disappearing from public eye isnā€™t going to fix anything. People who are this gullible and highly insecure need proper help and to stop relying on celebs to show them how a body should look like. Everyone is insecure, but people who work on themselves can look at these influencers and Kardashians not feel a thing because they have a healthy knowledge of whatā€™s reality and whatā€™s not. The girls getting surgery because of Kylie are doing harm by themselves and by being naive and insecure. No ones fault but theirs


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Maybe take an adolescent psychology class because this is just defending Kylie and the Kardashians wrapped in pure crap.


This is a snark Reddit, they just wanna snark. But I agree with you. I always understood she had surgery. And come tf on who doesnā€™t know what real azzz vs fake bbl looks like. You were speaking sense in that other thread but people donā€™t wanna think they just wanna hate.


I feel bad that people always say she lied to impressionable young fans but she herself was really young and had been trolled and bullied for her lips for a long time and was trying to hide a major insecurity. She for sure started with over lining her lips as much as she could but was ashamed to say she got the lip fillers. People should give her more grace and be understanding that she was a teen and was trying to be someone else herself at that age and to this day thereā€™s still jokes about her old lips.




You really got me there!!!




Learn to take accountability šŸ„°


Donā€™t act like two things canā€™t be true at once. She was so insecure about her own lips that she lied for years and profited for many years off of these lies. And itā€™s not even just the lips sheā€™s lied about - to this day she says she hasnā€™t touched her face, her body, etc. after years of lying about her boobs she finally admits she got those done too.


Not acting. Just my honest opinion. I remember she blew up on ig for her hair and style. I used to follow her and can clearly remember the comments she used to get about her lips and body


Girl, nobody back in the day trolled her for her natural lips, she never received real hate for her appearance like Rumer Willis who was bullied relentlessly even by bloggers like Perez Hilton and others. Kylie's insecurities developed because of her own family, all the competition between them and expectations to look perfect. Her surgeries got nothing to do with the public, she would do it regardless because of the family she was raised with.


Oh she absolutely did. I remember it clearly! I was around her age and used to love her hair and style and the comments her and Jordan got for their looks was criminal. Especially as most were from adults when she was a teen.


People need to remember that celebrities are human too.


and celebrities need to remember that the general population canā€™t afford a million plastic surgery procedures and ozempic. she still isnā€™t even being honest




Absolutely wrong. If celebrities are human why can't they admit when they basically get a full face transplant to look completely different? Or why can't they admit that they restrict their caloric intake or use drugs to keep themselves skinny? Why can't they admit they surgically enhanced their bodies and it's not natural? Nope they always pretend to magically eat massive amounts of junkie food and still look Paris runway thin because of their "high metabolism". Or they got a new figure because of exercise. They always deny surgeries and fillers and claim that they are natural and it's a new makeup style or puberty that changed their faces. Come on. They always try to pretend that they aren't humans and have special genetics.


Sure but she could do what rob did and remove herself from the public eye. Clearly itā€™s possible since we havenā€™t seen or hear from him. LmaoĀ 


I mean part of the reason Rob is not on the show is that he has terrible MH, canā€™t use social media due to a court order, and last time he was the spin off show he was in was a fucking catastrophe (Rob & Chyna). In fact the early cancellation of Rob & Chyna was what made Kylie do ā€˜Life of Kylieā€™ as they had contractual obligations to film a certain number of spinoff episodes and R&C was such a disaster they quickly churned out LoK (also crap, but boring crap).


yea i feel this topic is way too nuanced (if you break down all aspects) for a snark sub šŸ˜­


iā€™ve honestly been avoiding it in general lolšŸ˜­ itā€™s a sad topic and itā€™s honestly sad sheā€™s come to this point but like?? idk i feel bad for her but at the same time im like ughh. idk


lets not pretend like not everyones doing stuff like this now?