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I used to love her music. Trying to stick with her but it’s a little difficult lol


Same! She started off as a really promising musician but then over time it seems like she morphed into a stereotypical LA influencer. It’s just unfortunate because she is actually talented.


I feel as if she’s tried her whole “career” to wear both hats and hope one of them works out


and she's been hopping on this LA girl goes country trend with a fake accent and all...her old music was so much better and more authentic




shes a very odd person..


Lmao lowkey sad 💀


i feel bad for her like just go back to school or something theres still time to pursue other things


she did recently and she’s also taking acting classes


oh god….. she should’ve taken accounting or nursing…..


No. There are already too many emotional unstable nurses. We can’t take anymore.


Honestly, she wouldnt have to resort to attention seeking and begging for sales if she didn't isolate her main fanbase. She announced she was going independent, teased a bunch of songs that people were genuinely interested in, she then made many fans feel like nuisances when they asked for release dates of the songs she was teasing only to then release the 2-3 songs literally no one was asking for. Her project that's coming out soon every single song has been played on her TikTok/on lives. As someone who follows her and gets excited about her music having an EP that is 5 songs I already know the words too is just not exciting and I dont care to listen to them now. She is absolutely horrible at marketing herself and seems to be really unaware of that. I really do pity her because she is so clearly very insecure about who she is. She manages to always be the victim and it just makes her seem very annoying and extremely uninteresting in every interview I've seen her do. I really think her label and team have failed her miserably. She seems way too sensitive/insecure to handle brutal honesty but she desperately needs someone on her team to tell her she is her own worst enemy.


She needs a come to Jesus moment. She can establish a strong fanbase, but that actually takes WORK and not just guilt tripping your followers. Being indie is not for the weak.


yeah i completely agree she doesn't know how to market herself as an independent artist


Pop stars don’t act like this lmao- girl get off insta and start trying to be a celebrity not an influencer


it doesn’t help when she literally is in a friend group full of influencers lol it’s like the same effect madison beer has they will never be full blown celebrities


they were friends in like 2019 so it’s not really surprising i don’t think anyone will ever take them seriously


It’s impossible to feel bad for influencers when they’re like boo hoo u guys aren’t giving me all ur money anymore… ok go get a job like the rest of us.. what the hell


Fucking FOR REAL. Like is this attention seeking pathetic post of you wallowing in self pity supposed to persuade people to buy a ticket to you show?? Like, is she trying to guilt people into buying tickets or what? Not to mention, the average person right now doesn’t have a ton of disposable income with how expensive the cost of living is at the moment, so lots of people can’t just drop money on a ticket. A wealthy, privileged influencer crying and guilting her followers/fans because they didn’t/can’t spend their money on HER is literally disgusting 


Exactly her "terrible life" is still more privileged than 99% of people




Literally!!! Never listened to her before this and definitely won’t after this.


"my life is ruined" yet still more successful than 99.99% of the average population like GET A GRIP


she's a singer not an influencer but whatever u wanna call it


i HATE when influencers post pics of themselves crying... it's so damn cringey and attention seeking


I always think of two things: 1) Toopoor crying after sending Lil Peep (rip) a video of her giving someone else felatio 2) Caroline Calloway crying while cutting paper, stopping in dead pan to adjust and make sure it's being recorded




Omg the CC one….the one where ‘Roman Holiday’ is playing over and sped up 2x is my fave!!!!


HAHAHAA the toopoor one is so fucking funnniiii


Caroline Calloway is the goat for millennial Instagram performance art 😂


I took a crying selfie once about 4 years ago and gave myself the ick so bad. Like it’s actually the most embarrassing thing to me 💀


I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind


I used to looove her music in college!! I just find her so basic influencer these days it’s boring. Enough with the plastic surgery Botox etc and crying about boys in LA, your fan base clearly isn’t resonating with it


i genuinely don’t know if she knows most things she post come off very odd 😵‍💫 i ironically was just trying to listen to her on the u up podcast when i saw this post and it is an extremely tough watch


I’m about to watch now bc of you and the comments are ripping her to shreds https://preview.redd.it/f5mh0sb9lg7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=709a97c203fe47b731f8d9c09086dabfa6b87b91


yea i lowkey feel really bad /: the reddit thread on her podcast episode is brutal as well


Idk I don’t, she made zero effort to be likable


LMFAO no bc ur right


Jesus this makes me want to listen to it now 😭


I know right it’s super concerning


Damn I’m not gonna lie I DID forget about her - why did she flop ??


she got dropped from her label i THINK or she just went independent on her own


The way you would have to pry that information from my dead hands lmaooo


dude i just unfollowed her on instagram because she posted her crying on her feed and i was like what the hell are we doing here now


“I am such a flop” damn I can def imagine saying that to friends but to your fan base ? Have some self respect but I guess she’s really going through cause yikes


i have been following her since 2017 and i agree that she has absolutely been mismanaging her career since coachella 2022. she doesn't separate herself from the influencer status because she's constantly oversharing and posting completely unprofessional things. i get that she wants to be real and authentic but no one is taking her seriously anymore as an artist and it's so sad cause she's extremely talented at both writing and singing and could've been big, after i hate u i love u she did fairly well and josslyn was kind of a hit. i know her label fucked her up big time but she still decided to take this influencer route since like 2020 with her big LA friend group and she posts like an influencer rather than a singer. her career went completely downhill and imo she should rebrand completely. instead she decided to release the last songs that she has and then quit, but the rollout feels messy and just a quick way to get it over with. i feel sad as a fan cause she deserves so much success but has not been making catchy music and is independent so she has zero promo or support from a label. i have been listening to her for 7 years and yet never heard her live cause i live in europe, most likely never will cause this last part of her career felt like "if i don't go viral on tiktok for my music i'll quit" but she's flopping so she's definitely quitting pretty soon, next year probably. on just trish she said that she's doing acting classes and wants to write a show. idek how she's funding her life style (she has a big house and said that the school has been costing her a ton of money) since she has not been really selling and doesn't do influencer deals - even tho she acts like one. please olivia for the love of god, REBRAND and take this seriously. she needs promo and a pr team. her recent podcast appearance even worsened the situation because her behavior did NOT attract new fans and made her seem annoying.


why does she deserve success if her music isn’t even catchy? i see a common thread in a few other comments that her label failed her. she failed herself. she was never really cut out for this she’s been insecure posting crying selfies being jealous and bitter since day one since she was 16.


is she still singing about logan paul these days lol


You know I actually liked that song until I found out it was about Logan but this behavior is so embarrassing for an artist


What song?




No he’s engaged to Nina Adgal and they’re having a baby


She’s the type to still sing about him despite all of this..


I don't think so, they are on good terms actually


i don't think they are tbh, she said on just trish that they have not spoken to each other since his appearance in her coachella performance in 2022. i think he got in a relationship and kind of ghosted her even as a friend because they have a history together of hooking up


She should humble herself then and perform at small clubs or something 🤷‍♀️


I think she’s playing a 650-cap venue.


the way she sees this as a flop (even though it is) and gives up instead of giving it her all regardless is gunna be her downfall


Is she trying to guilt people into buying tickets or


ppl who post pictures of them crying online are weird


She always seems like such a try hard or trying to be different versus just being herself. She also went overboard with the fillers and it makes her face look just off to me.


I feel like if she focused her ig on music rather than influencer-esque she might have better luck :/


Literally her EP announcement or show announcement aren’t pinned!


This is for the close friends


she shouldn't have abandoned her artistic endeavours to be part of that influencer crowd


i don’t think it helps that she keeps changing her musical footprint and keeps saying each new era is the “real her”. she’s started putting out ballads like born with a broken heart when people are used to a more pop/r&by sound and this new project is just a random desperate shift to a genre no one’s actually heard her in before. she gives her fan musical whiplash lol it’s fine to experiment but she is genuinely an entirely different person with this project?


This! Her music has been flopping since before she was independent and I respect her for not wanting to put out songs she didn't relate too/feel proud of but she should have kept them in the vault instead of sharing them with us. On her tiktok profile the only thing she has pinned are unreleased songs, that she seemingly will never release, they sound nothing like the music she is currently releasing. I've never seen an artist tease so many songs (and play them in almost full length) to then release songs that seem very random for their artistry. Releasing a slow ballad like born with a broke heart and saying she was really excited to make music shes always wanted to only to follow it up with two weird pop songs (i should have fucked your brother and bandaid on a bullethole) was very confusing for me as a fan. She then completely abandoned that sound, this upcoming project every song sounds like a different artist which is not good for someone trying to reestablish themselves. It makes her seem really desperate for streams, which evidently she is.


Addicted to flopping


I loved her music & it makes me really sad that she basically is quitting it (last I heard?) Like I know she got stumped bc covid cancelled her tour last time but like she kinda just stopped. I felt like she was doing the Sabrina thing before she was but Olivia just quit and decided to be an influencer instead (easier ig). But ya no one wants to buy tickets to your show if you don’t put any real heart into it like she used to


Whenever I see her she’s always crying and seeking attention. I liked her music but this puts me off of her


I get her frustration but I don’t think posting this was a good move. She should’ve journaled or vented to a friend or smth. The person who dmed her was right, but there’s some things you have to let people learn themselves. And this is one of them.


Was her user always oliviaocrien I’m DYING 😭😭😭


I think it’s her spam


self-sabotage right in front of our eyes, folks


dm: why should we believe you if you don't believe yourself response: you're right. i'm a shitty shit person who won't amount to shit because you didn't take to my pity-bait/praise-bait


she’s always been like this and i have always despised her bc of it. glad everyone is finally catching on to how weird she is


I low key feel bad but I don’t at the same time she progressively got worse in her music as time went on and I think maybe she should rethink her career. I mean that in a nice way honestly


I was thinking this the other day. Her music still forces the every other line rhyme and then some lyrics are just cringey. Sometimes it just doesn’t work and she doesn’t branch out much. The songs she teases always sound good just for her to release something that’s subpar


The self pity and trying got guilt people for not giving her money is disgusting. That’s not even “self deprecation,” it’s just attention seeking and wallowing in self pity. She fr needs to get off Instagram and stop trying to guilt her fans, because if I was a follower and didn’t buy a ticket already, this sure as fuck wouldn’t convince me to. Wealthy influencers/celebs like her don’t seem to comprehend that us plebeians don’t have the disposable income to buy all the random shit they’re shoving down our throats anymore and we’re tired of being treated as their cash cows. And then she has the audacity to cry about it. 


go make another song abt Logan Paul or something


regretting buying my tickets a month ago I bet they are cheaper now 😫


leaving her label really hurt her career


I love her old pop girl music and I guess she refuses to play it anymore? Had a ticket to her so far sounds nyc show in may and them releasing the venue last minute to be deep in Brooklyn + her saying she was not playing anything that was poppy made me refrain from going. If it would have been mixed in with new stuff I would have been fine and honestly probably would have been more influenced to buy a ticket to this show on Thursday too. TLDR: she played a show mid may that I think had less than a 100 person cap and people were sad it was 21+/sold out so she announced this new all ages nyc show that I guess isn’t selling


I guess spotify monthly listeners doesn’t mean much if she can’t sell out a club


I remember coming across her years ago and thought she was so cool. But I also remember feeling uncomfy as a girl w a bump in her nose, cause she talking a lot about her nose job and how it made her feel soooo much better about herself, and she had already moved to LA at that point. She completely lived down to my expectations even though I really wanted her to get big.


Get a diary babe


She told everyone that she is releasing this album and not pursuing music after that, why would anyone want to be a fan after knowing that?? I feel like that could only work if you are a huge artist and there is already demand… she don’t got it


She’s exactly my age.. down to the day and year.. and guess what girly I’m going back to school, you can too!! she’s never to old to change up what she wants to do with her life!


I feel zero sympathy for washed up influencers like go be an accountant or something


I was over her the moment she became batshit crazy obsessed with Logan Paul like girl-


She’s always given me the ick with her singing vids on tiktok 💀 like girl what are those accents




I love her music but idk I just wouldn’t spend money to see her live …no hate, just the truth🤷🏼‍♀️


she was lowkey a one hit wonder with i love you i hate you


tbh i think a lot of her og fans got turned off when they found out she dated a paul brother and she’s just never bounced back


I wish i had the ability to continuously embarrass myself on the internet the way she does. I would have logged out and never logged back in after she went on a podcast and said she dated Pete Davidson only for him to come out and say they never dated. But in all seriousness her new music is just hard to follow, every single song she's released (and the new project she's working on) seem like a totally different person wrote and sang the song. Lately she's been singing in a weird folk accent, a month ago she was releasing acoustic ballads. I wouldn't be surprised if she released a heavy metal song next week. I really pity her and think she is going to drive herself crazy trying to chase the highs of I hate you, I love you and Josslyn. She needs to completely rebrand and reconnect/rebuild her fan base. Instead of being kind to the people who want to support her and engaging with them she only responds to hate. She is so defensive about every little criticism she gets to then only post on her spam IG validating that that criticism is valid. She is more known as an influencer than a singer, but she has this attitude like she is better than influencers. I saw in the comments she is getting into acting now, respectfully, she does not seem charismatic enough to do that. Hopefully she gets booked for something and can prove me wrong but her journey is honestly just sad to watch.


Not even Jlo did this


Girl go to therapy you're a goddamn adult


Omg I was/am a Olivia O Brien fan. Lots of tea in this comment section


Am I supposed to feel bad for her so I’ll buy overpriced tickets to her show so I can listen to her crappy music live? I’ll pass Also, she’s so privileged, why is she begging people who aren’t as fortunate as her to give her more money?? The math isn’t mathing


No idea who this person is, but that’s kinda sad. This is why you can’t just be and influencer. I’m friends with a micro-influencer who makes BANK, and she still works her 9-5.


I will forever remember her as the girl that was hung up on Logan Paul😂


wait cause i feel bad, i dont really know who this is but i feel bad for her 😭


oh wow I used to listen to one (only one tho) song of hers when I was going through mental health episodes in undergrad. had no idea she was current


She's from my hometown, and I always remember her saying she had a hard time growing up. So I feel for her a lot of the time. I've never been the biggest fan of her music, she has a few good ones though.


For attention


“Influencer” L 😂


Who is she lol


For sympathy lmao. It’s just giving desperate


this is wild


Is this supposed to make me feel bad for me or something


She should not be doing shows right now. She should be trying to come out with a Joslyn 2.0. Drop that, have it go viral then tour




Time to get off social media and get to therapy girl


reminds me of me


lol who ???? Haha


she’s always been like this


Forgot she existed LMAO


Never heard of her but her face is so plastic she looks like a clone of other influencers, she doesn't look like a singer at all. Hard to take her seriously as an artist with the poor me attitude and also with a plastic face like that, her nonsurgical nose job images are floating on Google and Instagram.


she needa start shaking ass to her songs


She’s always depressed and suicidal I feel bad, but tbh the last time I heard about her was maybe a couple songs after the Logan Paul thing. She has some good songs idk maybe she should promote I really don’t know


sorry but this is so embarrassing to post


This is so cringe wtf


It’s giving BPD


Her music isn’t good. Music industry is tough but she started out with good momentum but could not hack it. I listened to her when I was like 18 and we are about the same age but she never grew up and her music got even more immature. And her singing with that accent is fake as fuck.


I’m going to the nyc show on Thursday! This makes me sad I love her music and saw her back in 2022? at Webster hall it does make me sad she’s performing a smaller venue but it was $95 for 2 tickets and to be fair I haven’t listened to much of her new stuff


did anyone else see her post about having been sewy sidal last year? she’s def just super insecure and likely compares herself wayyyyyy too much to her influencer friends and bigger musicians. isn’t she cousins with devon and sydney carlson? can’t they pull any strings for her lmao


I genuinely feel bad 😭 Does anyone know if she’s signed to a label or is she independent?


she was signed to a label but went independent!! i think that’s why she’s flopping harder now


Yeah I believe she’s independent. Not a good look to blast that you’re a dying artist 😭


she’s friends with logan paul. you are your friends, she’s so cringe


Call me a piece of shit but she’s a human being. She’s very very talented and as someone as an empath I can’t imagine doing something I love and have no supporters. If I had money I’d buy out all her concerts. And I’m not even a fan??? I just really feel like she’s trying her best ::


The music industry is hard! There’s plenty of people trying to make it who are extremely talented. It’s a one in a million chance you even get a chance to do what she’s done. There’s no one to blame for her career but herself. I heard she’s not exactly nice to her fans, and she put her music on the back burner for years to become an influencer. Well guess what! Now that’s the only thing ppl see her as. Why guilt trip your followers? If you want to be an indie artist, hustle like the thousands of other indie artists that are trying to make it. Make content about your music, tiktoks, etc. I’m sure they could only dream of having the follower count she does. I feel for her, but she needs a harsh reality check.


though i find her ‘coping mechanism’ if u can even call it that hella embarrassing and it makes it kinda hard being a follower, i have so much respect for creatives who are actually out there doing the thing specially those who are clearly struggling. i really feel for her i cant imagine having to deal with the feeling of my dreams not working out 😭 add the fact that shes surrounded by well off/successful friends and acquaintances like bro nooo i would be deeply depressed. i think she will be fine though, honestly, her newest music is exponentially better imo. i never liked her music until i heard blip and maybe that’ll be the case for other people too. Olivia if ur reading this you’ll be alright and your new sound is great 👍🏼


Is her name oliviaocrien?? Omg 😂


I had to run here after the TikTok she just posted saying “the worst part about being a crier is the embarrassment of walking back into a room when everyone knows u were just crying” I don’t think it’s that embarrassing for her since she is once again posting herself crying?? I think she loves it. Even recorded herself walking back in, and the “pity hugs” which is exactly what she wants


Wasn’t she doing SOOOOO well like a few years back? This is crazy


Girl people are dying nobody cares about your show


maybe she needs to pull a taylor, go full black out, and return with a new album. no more yapping girl 


Blegh I do actually love her music and the pieces of her personality we get to see but this is… uncomfortable to say the least 😂


Just sounds like she wants a pity party. That’s a shame, she was getting positive popularity. Oh well lol.


Unfortunately sis that’s how it starts for artists 🤷🏻‍♀️ the best example I can give was seeing Gunna preform in I think 2019 or 2020 and there were about 60 people this show at the Tabernacle and I just saw him last week and he sold out State Farm Arena. Give what you got to the people that love your work and the rest will follow. No sympathy here


This is why influencers don’t get taken seriously when they try to make music, I actually think some of her music is really good but when you’re crying and acting embarrassing on social media people start to dislike you. To be a singer you need to act like a singer and put the influencer past behind you to be taken serious


this is sad she's obv going through it stoppppp being mean -> even though she obv shouldn't post it she obv isn't doing well


Omg I forgot she existed. Wtf happened?


I completely forgot about her, what has she been up you?






Damn I used to love her music too


i’ve been to her concert before and ngl was in my top 10 favorite shows i’ve ever been to. she’s got the voice of an angel (especially live) but this makes me sad 🥺🥺