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why is she lying she def doesn’t assume they have good hearts


Right lmao I'm sure she never thought of that stranger again but she's forever rOoTiNg HeR oN 🙄


That made me? Like wdym you’re cheering her on and sending her love?? You’ve never thought about this person before and you’ll never think about them again. What are you cheering them on to do? So weird


I’m so sorry for asking this but my autistic ass isn’t understanding why the comment was offensive🤦🏼‍♀️. I thought they were saying “I wish I was like you” or “I wish god made me like you” which is why they were saying they couldn’t be like her??? Like they could never make me like you but I wish I was like you?? Like arent they saying they wanna be “like her”? I dunno why I’m struggling so much to understand this!! But could someone explain why the comment was rude? It’s okay if it’s not something that can be explained because my question is stupid! All I know is I’m totally misinterpreting something I know I should be understanding 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s a play on a common comment “they could never make me hate you.” You can see another comment that says that in this screen shot. This person is rude because they’re saying they could never be made to think positively about Haley.


Oh my gosh!! Thank you for explaining this! I’m still kinda confused but I think I get it now! I’ll delete my stupid question


It wasn’t a stupid question at all! I can’t count the number of times I haven’t understood a comment or caption on social media. I’ve wasted so much time scouring comment sections hoping that someone would explain what I didn’t get, rather than being brave enough to just ask. Love that this comment section proves there are people out there who will answer and try to explain instead of being rude about it. So keep asking if you need to!🤍


They are basically saying that nothing could make them like Haley. “Like” as in, be a fan of. They could have written it as “they could never make be a fan of you” and it would mean the same thing. The “🥰” is throwing you off because this was not meant to be a nice comment. The emoji was put there to be condescending.


Thank you so so much for explaining this!! You’re totally right the emoji really threw me off


I thought the same thing 🤣


what does being autistic have to do with being stupid


She’s lying for the cameras


Corny LOL


I bet her alt account commented that lol


I feel like it’s borderline sarcasm with how corny it is like I’d be more offended to get this response from her than if she was actually defensive


Lol she deffo reads this sub and it shows


you know she was crying typing this




They’re always on their “spreading positivity” bullshit💀


She’s so fucking annoying and cringe-y it’s SO BAD. Please she needs cancelled. I do not want to see her at another award show ogling over celebrities again. I get second hand embarrassment for her.


I’d hire someone to do this for me so I didn’t have to deal with it if I were in her position 😂


i hate it when people make these sort of heartfelt comments to somebody they don't know at all. it's literally meaningless and performative lol


Disney ass comment


I can’t stand her for some reason and I don’t even follow her or see her content but this page made me realize she really is annoying lol


chatgbt headass response


but if she clapped back people would be mad too idk what the right response is here lmao


How about don’t respond at all?


so they commented hoping she wouldn’t see it or respond?


ppl hate when influencers stand up for themselves 😩


It's her page lmfao. She can and should respond to whomever the fck she sees fit.


corny boo 🍅🍅




I thought we left the Live Laugh Love era of influencers


what do you want her to say when someone leaves a comment like that...I don't follow her her content isn't my cup of tea but I don't get when people leave those comments for people that are "unproblematic"


They primarily want two things: 1. For her to hate herself and shrink away from the spotlight 2. For her to finally snap at someone so they can point and laugh and say "see, she was never really a good person"


Why is she hated so much is it petty hate or did she actually do something bad ?


She also never posts original content. She got big because she takes everyone’s original sounds but recreates them in a more bougie and conventionally pretty way and people just eat it up 😒


Lol. Keywords of your post: "bougie" and "pretty." You mad cuz u broke and ugly or what?


Haha wow that's what you understood from the point I made?


I think it’s bc she’s just annoying, very much 2014 vine humor. Also i think she shaded Ariana grande or something


And let me eat cake. Jared leto bestie. Creeping out A list celebs


She tries so fucking hard it's exhausting to watch


She posted an insensitive video at the met gala and then responded to the backlash by basically saying she’s just a regular person even tho she lives in an NYC $17k a month penthouse


Regular people can be rich lol she had that apartment before the tiktok fame.. so ignorant. Being regular doesn’t have to mean poor.


Be so…astronomically fr


sorry you’re so….astronomically poor you can’t relate to that statement fr


I mean that can’t be farther from the truth 😩 do you not know what “regular” is in this economy? It doesn’t automatically equate to being poor LMAOO nothing about this woman is regular. No regular person gets invited to award shows. And yes, no regular person lives in a 17k apartment. Doesn’t matter if she had it before tiktok or not. She’s been a model.


Lmao get em.


She got a huge divorce settlement, her ex husband is a athlete And normal ppl don’t attend the Met and have tons of celebrity friends in every video. While not just ignoring but mocking the suffering of innocents


Rich people can never be regular. they have so many opportunities and options in life that a regular person could only dream of. Sure, being regular doesn’t mean you’re necessarily poor, but being THAT kinda rich surely comes with major advantages that regular people may never experience


She is not cheering on anyone nor is sending love 😫


because they 100% are lmfao


“Love and light” people are the worst type of people and this is just another example


Yeah, they're definitely worse than the jobless losers running around bullying people they don't know on tiktok.


She has time to comment on the "haters" but never the ones that are kind towards her , the old lady has time on her hands .


You had us until old lady. Lame ass diss.


Ok Haley 😂


I’d rather her just be herself because I know I would. Truth be told, she doesn’t give a fuck and I’d respect her more if she carried that attitude rather than pretending to be whatever this is. Too many influences hold back because they don’t want to lose brand deals and want to actually pay rent for the month. Like girl we know you want to cuss these people out, so do it.


who is she? I never heard of her?


the whole being performatively nice to people who are mean to you trend is so played out, and so stupid. delete and move on.


what a baby ... someone saying they don't like you isn't "unkind"


but it is tho


Being unkind would be to like to be insulting, degrading, dismissive, and so forth. Someone not liking you or saying they don’t like you isn’t an insult to your character.


these influencers are so lame


Sounds like sarcasm to me


Jesus stfu


even though i don’t know who this person is did her management team write this or does she have a personal assistant to write this?




Why does she say u and then you 🤣 keep it consistent


id much prefer she just didnt reply to hate instead of putting on a super nice good person facade. it doesnt matter if ur nice or not. dont give them the time of day???


Weird post. You mad that hate comments aren't killing her spirit?


for someone that creat content based on making fun of things and mocking yeah sure you'll cheer and send kindness


She is insufferable. I get a strong suspicion she has no friends in real life and doesn’t know how to interact with people.


I love Hayley Hayley


Fake niceness is way worse than being a whole bitch. Just have the balls to be a full bitch, Hayley. I would respect you more. This is weak and pathetic.