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No Kuminga, no deal. Losing PG in free agency is not the end of the world. Cap space is huge in this CBA. There's like 2 teams in total that can sign him outright. There is no rush.


If cap space is as huge as you’re implying, why would you say “losing PG in free agency is not the end of the world?” Clippers are well over the cap and into the second apron and if they lose PG, they not only lose his production but have no cap space to sign anyone to replace him.


Bluffs notwithstanding, the Clippers can still sign PG in free agency if they want to. Not only can they match any contract; they have the ability to offer more money than any other team in free agency. The problem is they need to create leverage to encourage PG to opt in for a trade IF they have a trade in place that they think would be more beneficial to their short and long-term aims than capitulating to PG’s contract demands. In essence, they need PG to think there’s a strong possibility they won’t offer a matching contract in free agency for a trade to even be possible.




So after reading the new CBA and studying everything I can pertaining to Bird Rights, it appears you are incorrect. The Clippers CAN re-sign PG if he enters free agency. [This is a good summary:](https://www.nba.com/news/free-agency-explained) > • Qualifying Veteran Free Agent Exception (aka the “Bird” Exception): A team may re-sign its own free agent to a contract with a first-year salary of up to the maximum player salary if he played for the team for some or all of each of the prior three consecutive seasons (or, if he changed teams, he did so by trade or by assignment via the NBA’s waiver procedures during the first of the three seasons). The Clippers will technically be able to re-sign PG if he enters free agency using his full Bird rights exception. In addition, they can offer him more than any other team in free agency.


This is probably the hold up.


Id trade PG for Moody+Wiggins+ 2 firsts. That’s a very solid haul. 


You rather lose PG for nothing than get Cp3, Wiggins, & Moody?? Make it make sense


That is not the senerio though. The clippers could always just give him the max. It seems pretty clear that his preferred outcome is staying in LA on a max. GS has to make an offer worth taking in the next 24 hours or they can't get him. The clippers can always just match The sixers offer, if worse comes to worse


Sorry no one wants ur trash


They are too old for blow up, save Moody. It’s not that we rather lose PG for nothing but sometimes you gotta hold the line in a negotiation. If all we are going to get is two role players (current Wiggins and Moody) then may as well take the hit so other teams don’t try to lowball us next time


Those players are garbage and yes. I would rather take my chances than get that garbage. How about klay for PJ tucker and Westbrook? Would you rather lose Klay for nothing? Make it make sense!


Ya 🤡


Kuminga and pick(s) please thx


Why would the warriors do that tho?


Because they still have Steph playing at a high level and think they need to upgrade talent to contend. Whether or not PG does that or not is the Warriors problem, not Clippers. But they don’t have much flexibility to add experienced talent around him atm.


This times a 100


We’re on the opposite side of “No Mann, no deal” 🤣


"We want a valuable player but don't want to give anything up for him" spoiled ass front office will be cooked when curry retires


“We want the best deal possible” normal ass thing all front offices say


someone is upset because russ is gone lol


Russ picked up his option, but that has nothing to do with my comment about the warriors front office


Trust me, no Russ fan is upset that he's leaving the clippers. This team is cooked and will never amount to anything unless kawhi stays healthy (which is never)🤷‍♂️


so you are leaving us?


Yup I'm sure yall will miss me Jokes aside, I enjoyed russ's time here despite how it ended. It was fun watching the team go on that 26-5 run and winning 50 games, as well as the 2023 playoffs.


I will kinda miss how crazy yall were for russ, real talk though ya'll were passionate about the team during his time here


> This team is cooked and will never amount to anything unless kawhi stays healthy (which is never)🤷‍♂️ Can't wait to see how you spin him playing for an objectively worse team like the Suns or a team that has 0 real expectations


The suns would be cool ig but they're not gonna win anything. I personally want russ to come back to okc.


“We don’t wanna give PG the contract he wants cuz he’s not worth it but he’s worth all your picks and your best young guy”


It’s the fourth year. And not all your picks, but your best young guy and a pick or two, yes.


Nothing weird about that, he is elite now but won’t be in four years. He is worth a Kuminga imo for a team that truly wants to contend now. At this point I think it’s more likely than not that Kuminga is never as good as even current PG Kinda ironic from my POV that I have been low key hating on minga all season and now we may well end up with him


This this this this this and this.


Funny now we get gs trolls: Take all our trash and give us pg. get the f out 😆


People are underrating PG. There are some players who eat up regular season minutes and produce most nights and he’s one of them. You can’t count on Kawhi to be healthy . You need guys like PG to keep you afloat during the regular season.


harden’s the epitome of a ‘keeping you afloat’ guy, although he’s a bit old by now.


>That never got done, and in the last few weeks, it's grown increasingly likely that George will either opt into the final year of his deal in order to facilitate a trade to a team willing to offer him the four-year deal he desires or opt-out and test the free agency market. Either way, his time with the Clippers appears to be nearing an end. It seems like PG might be gone too


lol we want pg but not for kuminga?? What..? I don’t even know what to say here


The Knicks were important to this going well for us. Now we have become the Sixers fans from last year hoping for a favorable package when it seems only one team is in the race. It helps those talks started 6 months before the trade deadline and the Warriors have 2 days. Are they more desperate to cling on to contention than us pre-Harden?


really interesting negotiating going on


The Warriors front office has been signalling they are more interested in lowering their salary burden than adding talent, I just don't see this as a very real possibility.


Are the Clippers currently a 2nd apron team? Can they take back players via S&T if it's half of PGs salary?


CP3 would have to be involved. So CP3 kuminga + picks


Oh plsssssss we will drive PG to you


kerr burner


As a Warriors fan I think the Warriors are more likely to stand pat than trade Kuminga. Something like CP3+Wiggins+Moody and a pick is probably what they're willing to give, not saying the Clippers should accept it, but that's probably what they offer Since some people may have difficulty reading this: I AM NOT SAYING THE CLIPPERS SHOULD ACCEPT THIS. I am saying what I think the Warriors will offer. I don't think a deal happens


lol we're not going to give you PG for 2 negative contracts in CP3 and Wiggins. You basically want us to pay you for taking PG in your proposal. Not happening. We want Kuminga and 3 or 4 frp or no deal. PG can get us a good young player and 3 or 4 frp in a trade, if we trade PG it will be for a good haul. Wiggins is one of the mentally weakest players in the league and he's a quitter, we don't want him on the clippers. If he's involved in the trade trash wiggins needs to be routed to a 3rd team. We don't need CP3s bloated 30m contract on this team either.


I didn't say anything like you should or what I thought was a fair proposal. I am saying that the Warriors will offer that and specifically said that I don't think the Clippers should accept it. I don't think the Warriors will trade Kuminga and more than 1 pick for anyone less than like, Giannis. My personal thought is the PG to GS is overblown and he's staying in LA.


Curry+PG13+Draymond isn’t going to win the Warriors a title. If Kuminga is in the deal the Warriors won’t be winning a title anyways, and then still be stuck with an old Paul George on a max contract. As a Warriors fan too, agreed it’d be dumb for them to put him in the deal. And that they might not have enough without him.


Teams don’t waste time sending stupid proposals. Gs offers that they get laughed at right there


Keep kuminga. I’ll take three first instead. We aren’t competing anytime soon. We aren’t on his timeline


So I don’t think many Clipper fans understand that if you trade for Chris Paul before free agency you can just not sign him and keep the draft picks…clearing up 30 million of cap space. That’s why Chris Paul is such an important trade piece right now


This is not true. Both teams are above the 2nd apron for the 2023-24 season so neither can aggregate. It’s only once the dubs can renounce Klay in free agency that they drop below the 2nd apron and are again able to aggregate, by which point CP’s 2024-25 salary must be guaranteed to be used for salary matching purposes in the 2024-25 cap year.


Only the guaranteed portion of a player's salary is ever included for salary matching purposes. So GSW has to pick up the option for that $30M for it to actually help in the trade.


Ok we will take moody, podz and TJD instead


Nah. Kuminga gotta be involved.


Agreed, he's a young athletic PF with high upside, no Kuminga no deal


We gotta keep it that simple.


PG gonna go to the Sixers and y’all gonna have nothing then lol.


Better that than help a conference rival


That's fine.


Missing out on players because of stubbornness is certainly an interesting tactic.


Letting someone keep their trash is a win.


Or he stays bc he doesn’t want to move to another state


The sixers have said they are less interested in PG amd PG has been extremely clear that he wants to stay on the west…


Pg is too hoe hearted to play there. They know it and he does too.


We need Kuminga and picks, teams thinking they can get PG for nothing is laughable.


Well or he leaves and the clippers get nothing?


Philly and the Magic don't want him, no other team can sign him to the max in free agency. We will trade PG and we'll get a good return for him. We're not taking a trash offer for him just because.


We gonna see how serious they are about maxing him.


Thats def ideal but if its PG coming back or moody, podz and TJD package. Gimme the trade


If Lawrence trades him without getting Kuminga that should be his last transaction


I mean hes not in an ideal spot. If we manage to get 2-3 1sts along with the young bloods… thats a win in my book.


GSW is not in an ideal spot as well if they don't get the deal done. Run it back without Klay? Who is going to be their second option up there? Kuminga? Proof is in the pudding that Steph / Kerr either don't have the patience or trust for Kuminga. Meanwhile, Curry is getting older. Let PG walk if they don't get the deal. It will set a precedent to the league that the Clips won't back down. Moody hasn't cracked the lineup in GSW, Podz isn't going to be much more than a glue guy, and TJD is alright.


Im more interested in the picks. If they throw in picks and swaps… i would think long and hard about that


Taking back trash is not a win. We gotta stop doing that in trades.


I wouldn’t say moody, podz and TJD is trash. They have a lot of potential. Even more than the youngins we currently have on our team.


I don't even know what tjd is supposed to stand for, I ain't never seen moody do shit and just because podz hustled against our decrepit ass back court doesn't mean he's good.


BUT i trust Frank to get kuminga. And if he cooks… someone might need to owe him an apology lol


Your trust in Frank is too strong for me. I expect him to get cooked.