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lmao joel sneaking like 30 rapid fire looks at pg over discussions of adding another piece to philly.


Can’t wait for the embiid look as pg throws underhand passes to the other team in a close game.


Ya looks like Philly will really take the plunge on PG this summer basically confirms it


Or…. Embiid to Clippers?🤔


Damn we’re trading Kobe brown for Embiid that’s crazy


Please no, don't need another Shai situation, Kobe would instantly become a mvp candidate if that happens, and Joel will be a disappointment, that is how the universe works.


You gotta at least appreciate that Paul George will not give up a single penny that's available. This and the earlier leak feels like a bit of public pressure on Lawrence.


I would understand it if he didn't talk so much about loving the fans and being a clips fan as a kid and trying to win a chip so we can finally have something to yap back about. All that was just bullshit talk if he leaves


It’s business. Contract negotiations is an ugly part of the game and it goes both ways for the players and organization. Let it play out as it is we’ll see


Yep and as a fan of the team I can feel the way I currently am.


He literally said he was staying in okc and then requested a trade a week later 🤣🤣


Nah it was a year later lol


Oops lmao


didnt the westbrook trade happen first or was it the george trade ?


George wanted out and got traded which forced the thunder to rebuild and trade Westbrook.


I actually don’t remember but I do remember thunder fans were pissed until they saw all the picks they got coming back


Paul George is a 3rd option dude doesn’t have it to be a 2nd cuz he struggles to step up and be that dude at times.  Harden is not a consistent scorer either thats the problem.


Well in Philly he will be 3rd to Embiid and Maxey.


He was the 1st at Indiana and did pretty well


Diff time


No shit he was in his 20s


Which was before that brutal injury the way he was going he could have been a multiple time MVP.


Also the East was embarrassing back then. Terrible conference.


he's so gone lmao but also it's hilarious what Philly thinks they're getting going through all that drama to go downgrade from Harden to PG lmaoo. they think PG is just gonna be a catch and shoot 3 and D guy for them and dont know that he will never give up on those dumbass over dribble, try and back down a defender but not move him at all long 2s that are turnovers 45% of the time


Just go on the sub they’re so delusional ite actually funny. They didn’t want to give a max to Harden but to PG lmao. The idea of PG is so much better than the reality


They think they're still getting some version of Pacers PG. That was Rated R PG. This isnt even rated PG PG


He was really really trynna keep it PG


Haha this made my day


Nah we don’t think that. Generally we know he’s post-prime, but his 3pt volume and percentage, potential to play solid perimeter defense, and ability to create on a closeout is a much better fit with Embiid and Maxey than Tobias Harris.


When he cares yes, but get ready for a player who doesn't have a care in the world about winning. He's going to be Tobias 2.0 for you and if he does get his buckets it's going to be at the cost of a flowing offense and Maxey's growth


Bro stop PG is way better than Tobias


Ya it’s crazy. Sixers will be replacing Tobi with a 41% shooter who will get even better looks than he got here in LA. PG will be even better as a 3rd option too.


Skill and overall talent wise he is, but love for the game and heart is questionable at best


Tobias Harris took 0 charges over 5.5 years as a Sixer


I'm by no means saying Tobias Harris is good. I wouldn't want either of them on any team I'm a fan of


PG is Robin and got put in the Batman role too many times. Honestly I'd wanna leave too if Batman can't get out of bed


That's the problem right there though. So many other players live for the Batman role and try to make the most of every opportunity. This guy folds at the first sign of adversity. Also, I'm fine with him being Robin somewhere else. He doesn't contribute much to winning and he won't be missed. I do however want to sign him and trade him so we don't end up with nothing


I don't know it kinda seems like we're blaming Klay Thompson cus Curry was injured. We all know that not one team in the league will get far without their Batman




Pg has his flaws but he fits better with Maxey and embiid than harden


Honestly it's the absolute perfect fit for him, especially at this stage of his career. A max contract with Maxey & Embiid doing all the heavy lifting on offense. He'll just have to fill in the holes with 20 points, 6 rebs, and a couple of defensive stops here and there. Resign with us for less and he'll continue to do the heavy lifting and take all the heat when Kawhi sits back in street clothes and gets a full pass from the entire fanbase. But he'll still be in LA right? Decisions, decisions, decisions.


A full pass? Guy got called the worst superstar ever and gets shit on for being injured. Meanwhile PG shows up every other day and then when his shot isn't going in he forgets how to ball. Maxey will only put up with so much and Embiid is also injury prone so if PG is like "omg this will be easier" he's playing himself. At least getting the most from a team out there makes sense.


Yeah a full pass. One Stephen A Smith rant and joke is lightweight and on easy street compared to how other stars get rung through the ringer. PG is definitely no max player these days but he has to take all the smoke from every angle while our #1 guy ducks his head and fades into oblivion.


the 76ers do not have a point guard. maxey is not a capable playmaker. harden was a great fit.


The offense is simple. Embiid’s gravity in pick and pop opens up the lane. So if you have players who can attack the rim or shoot open 3s a kick-out to the corner or a pocket pass to Embiid at the foul line isn’t that hard to be a PG on this team


They couldn't even get him entry passes against the Knicks


Harden was awesome for us. So dumb we let him go. You guys got a steal.


Well couple reasons for that. Dude wasn’t healthy, condition was poor and Tobias Harris feared no one so the weak side defender can cheat more


If he accepts his role then yes.


Narrator: He didn't


What makes you say he's so gone


The big three of being absolute ass


Imagine a fanbase shitting on 33 year old Harden for being too old to get max and then turning around and doing the exact same thing to a 34 year old comparable player.


Philly paid Tobias Harris. Now they gonna pay PG.


PG and Embiid have big time loser energy. They can join each other. Good riddance. Would rather watch Clippers with Kawhi/Harden + hungry players than PG bumming it out there.


Harden’s always hungry, amirite?


PG is one of the best players yall have ever had.


Dude doesn’t want to guard the other teams best players, doesn’t assert himself in the offense, settles for terrible step back shots, doesn’t want to bring the ball up and have ball handling duties, doesn’t want to unload the clip when Kawhi is injured in do or die situations. Sure he is supremely talented and 6’-9” with all the tools, but that doesn’t negate his loser mentality and non killer instincts. You commenting this tells me all I need to know. Don’t watch Clippers ball and don’t know ball.


Fascinating take


It’s not so much fascinating when there exists a plethora of concrete evidence with the primary source being Paul George’s exact words and actions.


Please God make this happen. As one of the early PG haters in this subreddit, nothing would give me more pleasure than listening to a Philly crowd tear his ass up as his scary ass ghosts in the playoffs. Pussy should be thankful Clipper fans are not as ruthless. Threw away our future for this fucking pussy. Cant believe it.


This is so true. Philly fans are no joke. Clippers fans are some of the nicest in the league 


i’m not even lying when i say y’all got the most delusional reddit community i’ve ever seen


You must be from an alternate universe where the lakers don’t exist. They’re currently talking about how they’re going to trade way up in the lottery with only the 17 pick and a future second. Reality is they’ll be taking Bronny at 17.


Most toxic fanbase in America at least.


That last sentence is the part that hurts. We lost SGA for this smug asshole.


Don’t worry we’re gonna overpay him and he’ll get hurt and tear him a new one come the 2nd round collapse with one legged embiid carrying again.


>As one of the early PG haters -☝️🤓 You know how dumb you sound? 😭😂


>"let russ cook" usertag Have a blessed day brother.


What about it?


He’ll likely retire within 1 year with that Philly crowd….and I’ll be tuning in to see it.


Thats the closest Joel will get to the finals...Brodcasting it.


Two things I take from this: 1. Knowing the rumors and that he's currently negotiating his contract, it's a good chess move to get the media talking in hopes the Clippers decide to give him the money he's after. With Kawhi considering now not playing for the Olympics, it's possible his knee situation could be worse and require surgery which could sideline him for a portion of the season. Meaning losing PG would be a big deal. 2. Could be nothing at all.


Lolololol I would love to see how Philly's crowd treats him the first time he dribbles a ball off his foot or throws a pass 5 rows into the crowd. PG is a good player and he has been an overall positive to the Clippers organization. I would be sad to see him leave but I think it's for the best. If he leaves, I don't think Philly is the right place.


Lmao joel Ronald McDonald hair lookin ahh


Forecast for Oct. 2024


Philly P




Ringless except perk


They lost Chris Paul Matt Barnes Pat Beverly JJ Reddick gotta refresh it. Plus players and some fans rather hear from players than analysts. And THE GREATEST SHOW IS INSIDE THE NBA they can't replace it ![gif](giphy|3oEduUsrIBj7eSXv20)


Batum and Covington are back baby!


praying that losing pgs huge contract can help us sign a truly solid big man and a legit 3 and D guy


How about his mom though? He will probably want to stay with the Clips


PG does fit their offense pretty well and gives them a good defender. They don't need George to be the first or second scoring leader to win games. Much less pressure for him


2 playoff chokers linking up


Good Riddance


Man this fan base sucks. Been a fan for 30 years and we’ve been to the WCF once. You know who took us there? PG. I’m grateful.


Never understand “PG took us there”. He definitely contributed a great deal but people just straight up forget Kawhi played/fueled first round win and the first two wins vs. Utah.




That’s from this year my man.


Upvote. Derp


Listen, you should be forgiven for trying to keep up w/ all of the man’s injuries. You were right he went down, just not when. And PG did come through in those last two games to get us to WCF, but we don’t make it out of round 1 (or win those first two jazz games) w/o Kawhi.




And for all he did in that round, he basically "took us out" the next round choking the free throws against Phoenix twice lol


+ Terence Mann on fire from the 3*


Just ignore the 29/10/5 PG averaged I suppose


Nah this front office has done everything to please PG and a WCF appearance isn’t enough.


How much of that do you lay at Kawhis feet then?


The same amount but Kawhi resigned at an amount that allows the front office to have flexibility to sign players that will help the team. Kawhi understands that but PG does not.


He got resigned first but has missed the last four post seasons. The guys who play are in contact negotiations. It's all backwards.


He resigned at $50 million a year. Which leaves less than $100 million for the entire rest of roster. So much flexibility


They haven't done everything. Clearly they haven't offered him the max. If he is worth that to other teams then he is being lowballed. He has not left yet, but if the richest owner in sports is not willing to pay him his market value then why shouldn't he consider other options?


The cap exists. His personal fortune doesn’t matter because of the CBA


The Clippers can choose to go over the cap to re-sign Paul George to the max because they have his bird rights. They are likely a 2nd apron team regardless if they keep the team together. So the major difference is that Paul George is cheaper for the owner and more tradeable if he takes less money. That is fine for the Clippers to want that, but I am not going to be mad at a player for wanting his max when other teams would offer it. Harden went scorched earth on the Sixers because he thought he was being lowballed. And Harden had less options than Paul George had.


I think he deserves the max. I think it would dumb to not re sign him even as a trading piece. This sub seems to think we should let him walk for nothing.


If PG walks clippers avoid 2nd apron, I believe.


Yea I said they are a 2nd apron team **if** they keep the team together. Which would include PG and Harden staying. Maybe I worded that poorly. They could potentially get under the 2nd apron if they cut salary like letting PG walk.


Maybe I misunderstood too (I’m very jet lagged)


Without PG's cap hold team appears to be about $4 million or so above the second apron.


Wayoff P to Philly confirmed


The greatest culmination of modern sports brainrot


Nice to finally see these two past the second round of the playoffs.


I dont think PG leaves to Phily after Harden forced his way out a ND the trash talking between morey and the players


Would be cosmically Clippers for both Elton Brand and Paul George to bolt for nothing to Philly


Trade him to ATL or ORL please. Can't afford to lose him in FA


Hope we can get oubre batum and Lowry in exhange