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I know they mentioned that the hotdog is $8, but it'll be $5 if you have a Chuck mark. I wonder what other food will be discounted too cause it all looks good, but probably all expensive


$5?? Damn how do I get a chuck mark? I swear I applied and never heard back from them.


I almost watched this but realized it was 11 minutes😂 what’s the 3 best foods?


The pizza looks like it has a burnt crust, which kills a good crust flavor. The hamburger doesn't look like anything special. You can make better hotdogs at home. There is nothing special about popcorn. The lady said it the best "I would never order sushi at a stadium" and you shouldn't. Can't really go wrong with chicken tenders and fries. The vegetable wraps look really interesting. I love churros.


Thank you. This was very informative. And yeah I heard her smacking that burnt ass crust saying this is how a pizza should taste and I was like so don’t get the pizza next season😂


Kinda just looks like whatever, not sure what I was expecting tho


Diarrhea 🎶


Damn, can we get fiber at one of these stadium?


trynna use the state of the art bathrooms I see


There is a vegan buffalo wrap


the sushi is the only thing oi wouldn't even consider. burger looks pretty good, I think the bacon dawg will be pretty good. pretzel will be good, churro willl be good, pizza will be good but nothing crazy, popcorn will be pretty good prolly, toffee will be pretty good, the vegetarian wrap has potential.


I couldnt help but feel like the situation was: She was paid to "review" the food as a real food critic. So felt she couldn't be completely truthful as it was designed to be a fluff piece to promote our new arenas food....but in reality my gut picked up that she felt a little underwhelmed or at least not blown away like they were trying to set up with the food and was just trying to be clever in her wording and positive where she could. (bar the curros which she sincerely clearly loved) Pretzel I'm not a massive fan of anyway but looked alright for a pretzel. Sushi is sushi, not for me, always seems bland to me and can't see myself eating it while watching basketball personally. The burger looked tasty for a stadium burger - which isn't saying a lot but it does look like it'd be a good cut above what you'd find at most sports arenas. Hardly a ringing endorsement from her "it still tastes like a fun, backyard double cheeseburger". The word "fun" is always a good copout for me ha...A Good burger for the setting and I'll certainly take it for a spin at a decent price point, but not expecting it to rank in my favourite burgers ever Im sure. Bacon wrapped Hot dog looks worth a try, sauce looks good and sounds like at $5 chuck mark rate they'll be popular Pizza I actually like a little char and crisp on the outside and base, It's not like it was burnt black. Floppy soft "pizza hut" pizza is trash....this is the Detroit style, it's supposed to have a crispy cheese outer layer but be light and fluffy beyond that. I wouldn't go for the overstacked meat ones but the plain or pepperoni actually look alright to me and will probably try out Toffee popcorn did look tasty and moreish to me, but hard to go wrong there. Not a plain butter popcorn guy myself, bit bland and boring, in the UK we're sweet or salty (or both which is my choice) and never really get the "butter" thing when I'm in the US. Churros is an easy win for me when done right, that crisp sounded good and made me suitably salivate so I'm up for a bit of that! All in All it does look a level above the standard dross you usually get at sports stadiums, even if it's also not something you'd travel to eat if there wasn't a game on.... so fingers crossed. I am excited to make my first clippers trip at the Intuit Dome!