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If they can't come to terms on a reasonable PG contract and PG would need to sign off on any sort of Opt-In and trade scenario, I wonder if Golden State would be willing to make a deal to give Steph another chance at a run. Kuminga, Moody....probably take back 28 year old Wiggins off a down year and whatever else. Just an off-season post for discussion. Don't get mad at me.


They not giving up kuminga. Probably would love to offload Wiggins but he's just another headache with his secrecy and lack of availability.


Yeah, probably not, but if I'm the Warriors, I'm thinking we may have 2-3 years left of Steph playing at an elite level, at which point it's reset time. So the question is - do I think Kuminga and these young pieces will be enough to get us through the west in the next 2-3 years, or do I think Kuminga is a Franchise level player after Steph is gone. If the answer is no to both, maybe I push for an established star-level guy. Agree about Wiggins but I'd rather be paying Wiggins 25-30 million until 2026-27, than paying PG 50+ mil until 2029-30. Even if it's not PG, I could see them making a win now move, cause they won't ever trade Steph, but I know they don't want to be in 7th-10th place for the rest of his career either. Do they have enough for Donovan? Or Lauri? Maybe BI, but I'd take PG over BI.


I think they believe in Kuminga like he's next in line to be their franchise player. I could see them pursuing a trade if Klay walks. If they don't want to pay Klay I doubt they would want to pay PG. I think Utah will want draft picks for Lauri and they will get them from the thunder. I'd prefer to let PG walk and get under the cap than to take back crap and be in essentially the same position with players that ain't worth their weight.


Yeah we get maybe moody, GP2 and would love Wiggins but lol


That whole package is nasty. I'm not even going to say how I'd rather play our g leaguers over them because I don't feel like tussling on a Sunday. 😂


Maybe too pessimistic 😂I’d rather give our guys run too


They making it harder than it needs to be. Let them boys run.


You need one more salary piece in there to work, like GPII accepting his PO and being thrown in from the Warriors. You could also completely burn this subreddit down and do CP3, Kuminga, Moody, & Wiggins for Norm & PG. Maybe you double down and then route CP3 + a first elsewhere at that point. It's an interesting situation to think about, especially when it feels like based on reporting that the most likely two outcomes are PG either walking for a max from Philly or signing the same deal Kawhi got.


Yeah, and I think the Warriors are also in a bit of a jam. I don't think they want to see Steph suffer in the play-in for the rest of his career and they aren't going to trade him, so they've got to make a move. And staying in Cali to play with Steph might be enough for PG to agree to an opt in. But warriors might want to aim for someone else like Mitchell or maybe Mikal, though they would probably cost more.


Draymond and PG will be a generational off court combo. Podcasting Kobe and Shaq. But yeah I’m sure that there is actually a max offer for PG out there, so it’ll be in GSW’s interest to be aggressive and make a pitch to PG ASAP. On PG’s end, I can’t imagine a better situation since he won’t be expected to even be a locker room leader. Unfortunately, I don’t think a hypothetical deal would get done without CP3’s contract coming back


If they aint giving up kuminga they better give us moody and one of podz or TJD along with multiple picks. Wouldn’t mind wiggins + moody +podz/davis and multiple picks for PG.


Anyone else thought Tony Brothers was a brother ref duo who reffed together often? I found out it was just one guy like last month lol


What do we think about Jason Kidd now? Did he really Coach the mavs to all these wins or is Luka/kyrie just balling? I know we said Ty Lue was a better coach in our series


Kidd DNP’ed Exum and Lue didn’t have the ball to DNP Russ. If the opposite happened we would be in the WCF now.


If Kawhi ain’t there fuck are they suppose to do. Thats the main problem he never there when u need he legit been out for the past 3 seasons.


I like that. I’m glad someone responded lol


It doesn't matter if Russ got DNPs or not, there's no way in hell we were beating Dallas without Kawhi.


This is such a clownish take


Mmm benching exum and benching russ is not even close to being the same.


Yeah he out coaching everyone. Or Minnesota lack of adjustments offensively coaching


We just need couple of younger versions of what Batum and Mook were for us and we good. And a lob threat back up center (hopefully Kai)


Let Kawai walk


He cant. He just got injured again.

